The students had many misconceptions about leopards. They investigated leopards further by bringing in information from their families and researching online. They learned that:
1) Leopards live in the savannas of Africa and forests of Asia, often living near zebras, lions, monkeys and ostriches in Africa.
2) Leopards hunt many animals like monkeys, ostrich chicks, zebras, gazelles, deer and crocodiles. They sneak up on prey and wait in tall grass to attack.
3) Leopards sleep in trees, hanging upside down with their paws dangling.
4) The mother leopard gives birth and cares for the cubs
Los estudiantes de la clase P5B est叩n realizando un proyecto sobre los leopardos. Han aprendido que los leopardos son carn鱈voros y solo comen carne. Tambi辿n han aprendido a medir su tama単o y a camuflarse como los leopardos gracias a un gusano con manchas. Adem叩s, simularon ser leopardos comiendo solo carne para entender mejor su dieta.
This document provides information about the life cycle and characteristics of snow leopards by comparing them to frogs and horses. It begins with an introduction to snow leopards and then covers topics like their habitat in the Himalayan mountains, their diet of local mammals, their physical traits including grayish-brown fur and distinctive spot patterns. Sections also describe the snow leopard's life cycle from birth to maturity and leaving its mother, how this compares to frogs undergoing metamorphosis and horses being foaled and trained. Key differences identified are snow leopards' lack of tails or eggs and longer time with their mothers.
This document provides information about the life cycle and characteristics of snow leopards by comparing them to frogs and horses. It begins with an introduction to snow leopards and then covers topics like their habitat in the Himalayan mountains, their diet of local mammals, their physical traits including grayish-brown fur and distinctive spot patterns. Sections also describe the snow leopard's life cycle from birth to maturity and leaving its mother, how this compares to frogs undergoing metamorphosis and horses being foaled and trained. Key differences identified are snow leopards' lack of tails or eggs and longer time with their mothers.
Este documento resume las actividades realizadas por una clase escolar durante el curso 2013-2014, incluyendo talleres de cer叩mica, conciertos, excursiones, competiciones, obras de teatro y proyectos de solidaridad. Destaca la participaci坦n exitosa de una alumna en varios concursos de lectura en voz alta a nivel regional y nacional. El maestro expresa haber disfrutado trabajando con los estudiantes durante el a単o.
HBITAT: Selva.
VIDA SOCIAL: Solitria.
ALIMENTACI: Carn鱈vora.
DESPLAAMENT: Caminen amb quatre potes.
LONGEVITAT: M辿s de 20 anys.
PES: Entre 30 i 80 kg.
MIDA: Entre 95 i 167 cm.
T辿 les dents punxegudes, les cames llargues, 辿s de
color negre i marr坦 clar , t辿 els ulls molt
La seva presa preferida 辿s el mico. Tamb辿 mengen
algunes esp竪cies dant鱈lops petits, zebres i bous
mitjans. Tot aix嘆 ho acostumen a fer per la nit, 辿s
un animal nocturn.
L'embars dur uns tres mesos. La femella pot
tenir entre dos i sis cadells. La mare 辿s la que
cuida la cria. Els petits lleopards salimenten de la
llet de la seva mare.
Estan en perill dextinci坦 perqu竪 els humans els cacen
per la pell.
Solen guardar part de la seva ca巽a als arbres per poder
menjar durant uns quants dies.