How to use surveys to create viral contentEli Schwartz
This document discusses how to use survey data to create viral content. It provides examples of viral triggers that evoke emotions like anger, joy or a sense of togetherness. Attributes of audiences like gender, age or location can be leveraged to target content. Unique data from surveys can be turned into charts, articles or infographics. Case studies show how specific survey questions on topics like toilet satisfaction were able to generate viral content. Best practices for writing survey questions emphasize keeping them simple, direct, balanced and accessible to respondents. The document encourages testing content on various platforms like tweets, Facebook or blogs and using tactics like prominent images or influencers to help content spread.
Kailee Gilchrist is an experienced events producer specializing in fashion and luxury brands. She has excelled in bringing her knowledge of customer service and events production together over the last few years, taking on new responsibilities like solely setting up and training event teams at Spring Studios NYC. Her resume details work experience as both an events producer and suites producer at Spring Studios, where she was responsible for production, client relationships, budgets, and new business. She holds a BA in Drama and English Literature from the University of Winchester as well as a diploma in professional acting.
The document discusses blogs and their use in education. It describes how blogs allow easy and quick publication of ideas online. It outlines the growth of blogs as educational and communication tools. It also details the various components of blogs, such as articles, comments, archives and categories. Finally, it proposes several ways blogs can be used in the classroom, such as for group projects, multimedia publishing and as navigation guides.
T.J. Yan is a senior application developer with over 15 years of experience designing, developing, testing, and implementing full-stack web applications. He has extensive skills in technologies like C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, SQL, and content management systems like Oracle WebCenter and Stellent. Yan holds an MS in Computer Information Systems and has worked on projects for companies in industries such as healthcare, nonprofit, and media & entertainment.
The document discusses how to create viral content and campaigns. It provides examples of viral triggers like controversy, anger, joy, and practical usefulness that create an emotional connection. The speaker recommends using surveys to ask bold questions and generate unique data that can be turned into charts, articles, infographics and more. A case study is presented where a survey about toilet habits in Singapore went viral as an infographic. The presentation emphasizes digging deep into behaviors, putting numbers in headlines, using images above website folds, making content easy to scan and shareable, and building in emotion.
The secret to creating viral content out of thin airEli Schwartz
Viral content can't be made, it needs to be created. By gathering unique data on your own, you can dig into this data to create content that connects with people. Understand what the key drivers are for virality and what kind of data has the best change at being popular.
Este documento presenta un trabajo sobre temas de informática aplicada como hoja de vida, carta de presentación, y caracterÃsticas de Windows Vista. Incluye secciones sobre introducción al trabajo, menú principal con las presentaciones, conclusión sobre los beneficios de practicar con presentaciones, y recomendaciones para crear presentaciones claras y coherentes con enlaces bibliográficos.
Kailee Gilchrist is an experienced events producer specializing in fashion and luxury brands. She has excelled in bringing her knowledge of customer service and events production together over the last few years, taking on new responsibilities like solely setting up and training event teams at Spring Studios NYC. Her resume details work experience as both an events producer and suites producer at Spring Studios, where she was responsible for production, client relationships, budgets, and new business. She holds a BA in Drama and English Literature from the University of Winchester as well as a diploma in professional acting.
The document discusses blogs and their use in education. It describes how blogs allow easy and quick publication of ideas online. It outlines the growth of blogs as educational and communication tools. It also details the various components of blogs, such as articles, comments, archives and categories. Finally, it proposes several ways blogs can be used in the classroom, such as for group projects, multimedia publishing and as navigation guides.
T.J. Yan is a senior application developer with over 15 years of experience designing, developing, testing, and implementing full-stack web applications. He has extensive skills in technologies like C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, SQL, and content management systems like Oracle WebCenter and Stellent. Yan holds an MS in Computer Information Systems and has worked on projects for companies in industries such as healthcare, nonprofit, and media & entertainment.
The document discusses how to create viral content and campaigns. It provides examples of viral triggers like controversy, anger, joy, and practical usefulness that create an emotional connection. The speaker recommends using surveys to ask bold questions and generate unique data that can be turned into charts, articles, infographics and more. A case study is presented where a survey about toilet habits in Singapore went viral as an infographic. The presentation emphasizes digging deep into behaviors, putting numbers in headlines, using images above website folds, making content easy to scan and shareable, and building in emotion.
The secret to creating viral content out of thin airEli Schwartz
Viral content can't be made, it needs to be created. By gathering unique data on your own, you can dig into this data to create content that connects with people. Understand what the key drivers are for virality and what kind of data has the best change at being popular.
Este documento presenta un trabajo sobre temas de informática aplicada como hoja de vida, carta de presentación, y caracterÃsticas de Windows Vista. Incluye secciones sobre introducción al trabajo, menú principal con las presentaciones, conclusión sobre los beneficios de practicar con presentaciones, y recomendaciones para crear presentaciones claras y coherentes con enlaces bibliográficos.
Aquest curs a la terrassa que hi ha al costat de la classe de sisè hem iniciat un hort urbà , hem sembrat julivert, enciams, pastanagues, hem plantat patates, això de moment.....
El documento describe las actividades de un grupo de estudiantes para preparar y cuidar su propio huerto escolar. Primero pintaron y acondicionaron los contenedores para las plantas, y luego plantaron verduras y hierbas tanto de semillas como de plantines, incluyendo lechugas, habichuelas, guisantes y cebollas. Cada clase los estudiantes regaban y desherbaron el huerto, y tomaron medidas para protegerlo de pájaros y caracoles. Al final cosecharon algunos de sus cultivos, como lechugas, ce
3. Què hem plantatQuè hem plantat??
• Hem plantat ambHem plantat amb
llavor lesllavor les
mongeteres, ambmongeteres, amb
planter hemplanter hem
col-i-flor, cebes,col-i-flor, cebes,
4. En tenim curaEn tenim cura
• Per tenir cura de lesPer tenir cura de les
plantes i del hortplantes i del hort
hem de regar toteshem de regar totes
les plantes. Posemles plantes. Posem
plantes aromà tiquesplantes aromà tiques
per fer bona olor a l’per fer bona olor a l’
hort. Cada semanahort. Cada semana
traiem i fiquemtraiem i fiquem
5. Què hem collitQuè hem collit
• Hem collit: col-i-flors,Hem collit: col-i-flors,
• Vam posar uns platsVam posar uns plats
de plà stic ambde plà stic amb
cervesa perquè hicervesa perquè hi
havia uns llimacshavia uns llimacs
que es menjaven lesque es menjaven les
plantes, i aixà elsplantes, i aixà els
matà vem.matà vem.
6. La meva reflexióLa meva reflexió
M’agraden les plantesM’agraden les plantes
perquè he estudiatperquè he estudiat
molt sobre elles.molt sobre elles.
7. La meva reflexióLa meva reflexió
M’agraden les plantesM’agraden les plantes
perquè he estudiatperquè he estudiat
molt sobre elles.molt sobre elles.