El documento describe las ventajas y desventajas del internet. Entre las ventajas se encuentra el acceso inmediato a informaci¨®n, la difusi¨®n de contenido, la eliminaci¨®n de barreras de tiempo y espacio, y las ayudas did¨¢cticas. Las desventajas incluyen problemas de privacidad, falta de veracidad de la informaci¨®n, virus e spam, dependencia y sedentarismo. Finalmente, destaca la importancia del internet en los procesos educativos al expandir los recursos del aula y permitir que los estudiantes sean consumidores y product
Membership Has Its Plusses: Growing Slate¡¯s Member ModelMediaPost
In a world of iTunes, Spotify and Netflix, consumers appear ready to pay for digital content again. But what do you do if you aren¡¯t hulu, HBO or Amazon? How are other media brands exploring memberships, micropayments, and aggregation apps for additional consumer-direct revenue? They appear to be learning that you don¡¯t have to be Amazon or Netflix to learn something from their successes.
This document certifies that an individual has been granted the Project Management Professional (PMP) credential by demonstrating experience, knowledge, and performance in defining, overseeing projects and resources to achieve organizational objectives. It provides the individual's PMP number, original grant date of October 16, 2015, and expiration date of October 15, 2018, and is signed by the President and CEO and Board Chair of the certifying institute.
This document describes a thesis on the theoretical study and experimental implementation of a pulse stretcher. It begins with an introduction discussing the motivation for pulse shaping techniques like stretching. Chapter 1 then provides the theoretical background for describing laser pulses and their interaction with optical devices. This includes the Gaussian beam model and Kostenbauder formalism. Chapter 2 discusses simulations of example devices like a beam expander and pulse stretcher design. Chapter 3 describes the experimental setup, including characterization of its components like the grating and laser. It aims to connect the simulation results to experimental data. The document concludes with Chapter 4 to present measurement of the real pulse stretching and compare it to theoretical predictions.
This dissertation studies distribution system reliability and its evaluation methods. It summarizes the basic concepts of distribution system reliability, including reliability indices and their calculation formulas. It analyzes existing distribution system reliability evaluation methods and proposes an optimized minimal path method using Dijkstra's algorithm to simplify reliability calculations for complex grids. The method divides system components into two types - those on the minimum path between loads and power sources, and those off the minimum path. It converts components not on the minimum path into nodes based on their contribution to load point failures. This algorithm is programmed in MATLAB to assess reliability for complex distribution systems like the IEEE RBTS BUS 6 example grid.
Pronostico de ventas informador yinet lugoYinet Lugo
Pronostico de ventas informador. m¨¦todo cuantitativo.
Maximizing Underutilized Customer Data for ProfitEli Schwartz
This document discusses how companies can maximize the use of customer data for profit. It notes that while companies collect a lot of customer data, much of it goes underutilized. The document advocates using online survey tools to collect both explicit and implicit customer data across multiple touchpoints. This can provide insights into customer preferences, experiences, and personas that can then be used to improve products, target marketing more effectively, and enhance the customer experience. Case studies are presented showing how hotels, airlines and other organizations have benefited by applying these practices. The key takeaways are to not neglect customer analysis, ensure positive customer experiences as purchases often stem from experiences, and make the most of every customer interaction by gathering feedback.
The worlds of publishing, marketing and technology are frantically seeking solutions for the multi-billion-dollar revenue hemorrhage called ad-blocking. Bob Garfield explains the convergence of technology, impunity and plain inevitability that got us to where we are today.
Este documento es un ¨¢lbum de fotograf¨ªas de las alumnas del tercer ciclo de la escuela, con una breve descripci¨®n de cada una. La autora incluye comentarios positivos sobre las cualidades de sus compa?eras como ser amables, simp¨¢ticas, estudiosas, comunicativas y alegres.
Here's why your career needs you to move to singaporeEli Schwartz
The document discusses the benefits of moving to Singapore to advance one's career. It notes that Singapore has a highly efficient public transportation system, English is the official language yet there is cultural diversity, and it is very safe. The document recommends Singapore as the best Asian country for Westerners to relocate to due to its lack of import tariffs, world-class healthcare, and fastest internet speeds.
Peter Reeves Resume Nov 2014 PowerpointPeter Reeves
Peter Reeves is a technical writer with over 15 years of experience writing technical documents for mining and manufacturing companies. He has expertise in technical writing, desktop publishing, graphic design, and producing a wide variety of documents including manuals, presentations, and training materials. His most recent role was as a technical writer for Enterprise Connected Solutions Group reviewing and rewriting documents for a large oil and gas project.
McClatchy had been struggling with 29 different newsrooms trying to figure out their own path forward with video. The centralization efforts that began two years ago could have felt like a corporate overreach, but instead, developed into a diverse line of business that reached profitability in roughly 18 months and continues to grow exponentially. We'll walk through how we tackled the issues and what we learned along the way.
This document describes a thesis on the theoretical study and experimental implementation of a pulse stretcher. It begins with an introduction discussing the motivation for pulse shaping techniques like stretching. Chapter 1 then provides the theoretical background for describing laser pulses and their interaction with optical devices. This includes the Gaussian beam model and Kostenbauder formalism. Chapter 2 discusses simulations of example devices like a beam expander and pulse stretcher design. Chapter 3 describes the experimental setup, including characterization of its components like the grating and laser. It aims to connect the simulation results to experimental data. The document concludes with Chapter 4 to present measurement of the real pulse stretching and compare it to theoretical predictions.
This dissertation studies distribution system reliability and its evaluation methods. It summarizes the basic concepts of distribution system reliability, including reliability indices and their calculation formulas. It analyzes existing distribution system reliability evaluation methods and proposes an optimized minimal path method using Dijkstra's algorithm to simplify reliability calculations for complex grids. The method divides system components into two types - those on the minimum path between loads and power sources, and those off the minimum path. It converts components not on the minimum path into nodes based on their contribution to load point failures. This algorithm is programmed in MATLAB to assess reliability for complex distribution systems like the IEEE RBTS BUS 6 example grid.
Pronostico de ventas informador yinet lugoYinet Lugo
Pronostico de ventas informador. m¨¦todo cuantitativo.
Maximizing Underutilized Customer Data for ProfitEli Schwartz
This document discusses how companies can maximize the use of customer data for profit. It notes that while companies collect a lot of customer data, much of it goes underutilized. The document advocates using online survey tools to collect both explicit and implicit customer data across multiple touchpoints. This can provide insights into customer preferences, experiences, and personas that can then be used to improve products, target marketing more effectively, and enhance the customer experience. Case studies are presented showing how hotels, airlines and other organizations have benefited by applying these practices. The key takeaways are to not neglect customer analysis, ensure positive customer experiences as purchases often stem from experiences, and make the most of every customer interaction by gathering feedback.
The worlds of publishing, marketing and technology are frantically seeking solutions for the multi-billion-dollar revenue hemorrhage called ad-blocking. Bob Garfield explains the convergence of technology, impunity and plain inevitability that got us to where we are today.
Este documento es un ¨¢lbum de fotograf¨ªas de las alumnas del tercer ciclo de la escuela, con una breve descripci¨®n de cada una. La autora incluye comentarios positivos sobre las cualidades de sus compa?eras como ser amables, simp¨¢ticas, estudiosas, comunicativas y alegres.
Here's why your career needs you to move to singaporeEli Schwartz
The document discusses the benefits of moving to Singapore to advance one's career. It notes that Singapore has a highly efficient public transportation system, English is the official language yet there is cultural diversity, and it is very safe. The document recommends Singapore as the best Asian country for Westerners to relocate to due to its lack of import tariffs, world-class healthcare, and fastest internet speeds.
Peter Reeves Resume Nov 2014 PowerpointPeter Reeves
Peter Reeves is a technical writer with over 15 years of experience writing technical documents for mining and manufacturing companies. He has expertise in technical writing, desktop publishing, graphic design, and producing a wide variety of documents including manuals, presentations, and training materials. His most recent role was as a technical writer for Enterprise Connected Solutions Group reviewing and rewriting documents for a large oil and gas project.
McClatchy had been struggling with 29 different newsrooms trying to figure out their own path forward with video. The centralization efforts that began two years ago could have felt like a corporate overreach, but instead, developed into a diverse line of business that reached profitability in roughly 18 months and continues to grow exponentially. We'll walk through how we tackled the issues and what we learned along the way.
El documento describe las actividades de un grupo de estudiantes para preparar y cuidar su propio huerto escolar. Primero pintaron y acondicionaron los contenedores para las plantas, y luego plantaron verduras y hierbas tanto de semillas como de plantines, incluyendo lechugas, habichuelas, guisantes y cebollas. Cada clase los estudiantes regaban y desherbaron el huerto, y tomaron medidas para protegerlo de p¨¢jaros y caracoles. Al final cosecharon algunos de sus cultivos, como lechugas, ce
2. Com preparem l¡¯hortCom preparem l¡¯hort
? Primer de tot vamPrimer de tot vam
tallar i pintar lestallar i pintar les
tanques, despr¨¦stanques, despr¨¦s
vam posar la terra ivam posar la terra i
finalment vamfinalment vam
remenar tota laremenar tota la
3. De qu¨¨ en tenim curaDe qu¨¨ en tenim cura
Per tenir cura de l¡¯hortPer tenir cura de l¡¯hort
Hem de regar-loHem de regar-lo
4. De qu¨¨ en tenim curaDe qu¨¨ en tenim cura
Posem plats ambPosem plats amb
cervesa per elscervesa per els
5. De qu¨¨ en tenim curaDe qu¨¨ en tenim cura
Vam construir unVam construir un
6. De qu¨¨ en tenim curaDe qu¨¨ en tenim cura
Posem plantesPosem plantes
arom¨¤tiquesarom¨¤tiques perperqu¨¨qu¨¨
no vinguin elsno vinguin els
7. De qu¨¨ en tenim curaDe qu¨¨ en tenim cura
I lliguem les plantesI lliguem les plantes
8. Qu¨¨ hem collit?Qu¨¨ hem collit?
? Vam collir algunsVam collir alguns
? Com per exempleCom per exemple
les cebes i elsles cebes i els
porros tamb¨¦porros tamb¨¦
algunes col-i floralgunes col-i florss
9. La meva reflexi¨®La meva reflexi¨®
? M¡¯ha semblat divertitM¡¯ha semblat divertit
perqu¨¨ he apr¨¨s elperqu¨¨ he apr¨¨s el
creixement de lescreixement de les
10. La meva reflexi¨®La meva reflexi¨®
? M¡¯ha semblat divertitM¡¯ha semblat divertit
perqu¨¨ he apr¨¨s elperqu¨¨ he apr¨¨s el
creixement de lescreixement de les