Rahul Ghosh introduces himself and his accomplishments including being an inter-IIT weightlifting gold medalist, CFA charter holder, and Bengali dramatics champion. He mentions his successful career trading futures where he attained 7 consecutive profitable quarters. Currently he is mentoring students in finance, economics, and quantitative methods at IIM Bangalore. He jokes that while others were studying, he was busy elsewhere. He invites people to a New Year's party and challenges people to fights, asking what they will do now. He refers to himself as searching for manliness and the wolf of IIM Bangalore.
1) The student learned important skills for creating a successful magazine, such as professional layout, composition of photographs, and photo editing.
2) Their final product showed improvement in taking higher quality photographs using proper lighting and rules of composition. They also learned to use photo editing tools like Photoshop.
3) Through the process, the student gained a better understanding of design principles like the Gutenberg diagram and how to address a target audience through an effective magazine layout and content.
Rahul Ghosh introduces himself and his accomplishments including being an inter-IIT weightlifting gold medalist, CFA charter holder, and Bengali dramatics champion. He mentions his successful career trading futures where he attained 7 consecutive profitable quarters. Currently he is mentoring students in finance, economics, and quantitative methods at IIM Bangalore. He jokes that while others were studying, he was busy elsewhere. He invites people to a New Year's party and challenges people to fights, asking what they will do now. He refers to himself as searching for manliness and the wolf of IIM Bangalore.
1) The student learned important skills for creating a successful magazine, such as professional layout, composition of photographs, and photo editing.
2) Their final product showed improvement in taking higher quality photographs using proper lighting and rules of composition. They also learned to use photo editing tools like Photoshop.
3) Through the process, the student gained a better understanding of design principles like the Gutenberg diagram and how to address a target audience through an effective magazine layout and content.
The media product uses some unconventional forms that challenge conventions of typical rock music videos. Specifically, the animation style draws from Gotye and breaks up the live action, which is unusual for rock videos. The setting of a park and themes of childhood are also non-traditional for the moody rock genre. However, some elements like the costumes, dark color palette, and editing style are inspired by and follow conventions set by Nickelback videos to ensure the rock genre is still communicated. The animation, dreamlike dissolves, and narrative ambiguity create a conceptual style that explores both light-hearted and darker themes.
The document summarizes the results of market research conducted to analyze the target audience for a new music magazine. Several surveys were used to collect quantitative data on topics such as gender, age, music genres and formats preferred, how music is acquired, how much would be paid for the magazine, and current magazine reading habits. Charts are presented showing responses to each question. The majority of the target audience identified as male, aged 17-21, preferring the rock genre and downloading music from the internet. Most would pay £1.99-£2.99 for the magazine and read interviews with bands/artists. This market research will influence the content, style, price and frequency of the new magazine launch.
The document summarizes various post-production techniques used to edit a video project, including color balancing footage to create a moody look, cutting animated images to fit the music using speed and duration alterations, and adding effects like fades, dissolves, and grain to reinforce the dreamlike pace of the song and create smooth transitions between sequences.
This document outlines the progress and plans over several months for a student creating a music video as part of an advanced media studies portfolio. It includes choosing a song, analyzing lyrics, storyboarding, test filming, editing, adding audience feedback, and revisions for exams. The student films over multiple weekends, imports footage, draft edits, obtains evaluation, and makes adjustments based on feedback to meet coursework deadlines. Contingency plans include re-planning shots if crew members are ill and continuing work over holidays and weekends.
The document summarizes the results of a market research survey conducted to inform the creation of a new music magazine. The survey found that the target audience is majority male, aged 17-21, who prefer rock music and listen to music on their mobile phones and computers. They download most of their music from the internet and are familiar with magazines like Q and Kerrang. Based on the results, the new magazine will have a rock style focused on interviews with bands, released weekly for £1.99 to satisfy the identified target demographic.
The document discusses market research conducted to help determine the target audience and key elements for a music video. The research found that the target audience is males and females ages 14-24 who prefer rock music. Social media is the primary way this age group learns about new music, so the video will be uploaded to YouTube and Facebook. Elements like low-key lighting, black-and-white filters, and a couple experiencing conflict will be included to appeal to viewer preferences and expectations for music videos about depression.
The document analyzes and summarizes the imagery, symbols, and themes portrayed on the front and back covers of Rihanna's album "Loud". On the front cover, Rihanna is looking down and away from the camera, possibly representing a lost love or feeling ashamed. The back cover depicts Rihanna in a provocative position that could be seen as resembling a lap dancer. Symbols like the American flag, tattoos, gold, and the color red are used to represent American culture, Rihanna's R&B musical style, wealth, love, and lust. Both the lighting and color saturation are used stylistically on the covers to create moods.
The document describes the iconography, setting, and technical elements used on the cover art of a rock album's digipak packaging. The back cover features the band in a dark, abandoned church lit only from behind, giving them an intimidating silhouette. Their stance and the setting create a sense of mystery and unease. Details like the worn font style and use of dark colors establish the artwork as representing the rock genre. The low-key lighting and realistic lighting techniques from behind further convey a dark ambience and menacing impression of the band in line with the genre.
This document provides biographical information about Rahul Ghosh and his accomplishments. It notes that Ghosh was a weightlifting gold medalist and CFA charter holder. It also mentions that he was the top trader at his previous company, attaining seven consecutive profitable quarters. Currently, Ghosh is mentoring students in finance at IIM Bangalore. The document humorously refers to Ghosh as "The Wolf of IIM Bangalore".
This document provides information about fostering and adopting children. It discusses how foster children are often too young to understand drugs and alcohol and are looking for belonging. It emphasizes that with the love and generosity of strangers, children can experience a second chance at life. It encourages people to become foster parents, stating that the path is easy and agencies provide training, and that all children deserve stability and love.
The music video analyzes Ed Sheeran's song for the film The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It contains fragmented clips of the film intercut with footage of Sheeran recording and performing the song in a studio. The black and white performance pieces fit the soft rock genre. The video shows the writing, recording, and editing process over multiple days to give viewers insight into Sheeran's work. Iconography includes his tattoos, guitar playing, and the recording studio equipment, symbolizing his professional career.
This document analyzes and summarizes several band promotional images. It discusses how elements like composition, lighting, mise en scene, balance and symmetry are used to convey different feels and genres. These elements include a country singer with a wood cabin, an indie rock band giving a nervous look, a Latin pop artist with an upbeat feel, a rock band with a rugged look, and an image of Amy Winehouse standing out with high key lighting.
A brief presentation on e-mail marketing, the science behind how individuals look through marketing, and which technical devices and platforms are being used.
Lessons from CES 2016 and beyond: we take a look at the post-revolution evolution of technological advances this year from the most recent technology conferences, trying to understand and appreciate the vast consolidation, integration, and evolution of newer technologies.
Energia gure inguruan gertatzen diran aldaketa guztien erantzunlea
da. Mota jakin bateko energia beste mota batzuetako energia
bihurtu daiteke: halan, energia electricoa argi energia bihurtzen da.
Energia motak
Energia modu askotan agiri da.
– Energia mekanikoa mogitzen dagoan objetuek daukien
energia da.
– Argi energia hainbat gorputzek argi moduan igorten dabena
da. Naturalak (adibidez Eguzkia) edo artifizialak (adibidez
bonbillea) izan daitekez.
– Bero energia gorputzek bero moduan igorten dabena da,
Eguzkiak edo suak igorten dabena.
– Energia kimikoa hainbat sustantziatan batzen dan energia da;
petrolioan, elikagaietan edo zen dana. Pilek eta bakteriek ere
energia kimikoa gordeten dabe, eta energia hori energia
electricoa bihurtzen dabe.
– Energia nuklearra hainbat sustantziatatik lortzen da, adibidez,
uraniotik, erradiotik eta poloniotik.
– Energia elektrikoa etxeetan gehien erabilten dan energia da.
Errez lortzen da ur jauzien, Eguzkiaren argiaren nahiz airearen
higidurearen bidez.
2. Energia aldatu egiten da
Energia ez da sortzen, ezta suntsitzen ere; aldatu egiten da. Hau
da, hainbat motatako energiak beste mota batzuetako energia
bihurtzen dira.
Energia iturriak
Energia iturriak energia emoten deuskuen materialak edo
fenomenoak dira. Material batzuk, adibidez, ikatza eta petrolioa, eta
fenomeno batzuk, adibidez, haizea edo olatuak, energia iturriak
dira. Mota bi bereizten dira: energia iturri barriztagarriak, eta ezbarriztagarriak.
Enargia iturri barriztagarriak
Energia iturri barriztagarrietatik enargia garbia lortzen da, hau da,
ingurumena kutsatzen ez dauana. Iturri barriztagarri nagusiak
Eguzkia, haizea, ura eta biomasea dira.
- Eguzki panelen bidez eguzki energia aprobetxatu eta bero
enargia edo energia mekanikoa energia elektriko bihurtzen
- Aerosorgailuen bideez haize energia edo energia eolikoa
ustiatzen dogu, eta energia mekanikoa energia electriko
bihurtzen da.
– Presak eta urtegiak eraikiz, ura batzen da; eta gero,
garaiera jakin batetik isurten da, uraren mogimendua
aprobetxatzenko. Energia hidraulikoa zentral hidraulikoetan
ustiatzen da, ur jauzien energia mekanikoa energia
electrikoa bihurtzeko.
– Instalazio maremotrizen bidez, itsasgorako eta
itsasbeherako ur masen mogimendua eta itsassoko
olatuena erabili daiteke.
3. – Materia organikoa (adibidez, landara hondakinak edo
zaborrak9 errez edo tratatuz, energia lortzen da, eta energia
hori energia termiko edo electrico bihurtu daiteke.
Enargia iturri ez-barriztagarriak
Energia iturri ez-barriztagarriak oso arin kontsumitzen dira. Iturri ezbarriztagarri nagusiak honango honeek dira: petrolioa, ikatza, gas
naturala, substantzia erradiaktiboak eta Lurraren barruko beroa.
- Petrolioa mundu osoan gahien erabilten dan energia iturria
da. Petroliotik abiatuta, hainbat erregai lortzen dira eta hortik
aparte, plastikoak fabrikatzen dira.
- Ikatza erabiliz, zentral termikoek energia electrikoa lortzen
– Gas naturala etxeetako sukaldeetan eta berokuntzan
erabilten da.
– Zentral nuklearretan, substantzia erradioaktiboetatik
abiatuta, energia nuklearra lortzen da eta, gero, energia
elektriko bihurtzen da.
– Lurraren barrualdeko beroaren bidez, energia geotermikoa
lortzen da, eta, gero, energia elktriko bihurtzeko erabili
4. Energia iturriei lotutako arazoak
Energia oinarrizko elementua da gizarteen garapenean. Gizarte bat
zenbat eta garatuagoa egon, orduan eta makina gehiago erabilten
dauz. Horreek hainbat arazo eragiten dauz.
Gau egungo mundua eta energia iturriak
Herrialde garatuek ega garapen bidean dagozan harrialdeek
energia asko kontsumitzen dabe. Energia hori iturri ezbarriztagarrietatik lortu izaten da, modu nagusian, eta, hori dala-eta,
energia konbentzional deitutako energia iturri horreei, horrexek
diralako gehien erabilten diranak.
Gau egun energia barriztagarrien kontsumoa sustatzeko neurriak
hartzen dabilz. Mota horretako energiei energia alternatibo daitzen
5. Energiak ingurumenean sortzen dauzan ondorioak
- Gasa, petrolioa edo ikatza lortzeko, meatzeak eta hodiak
hondeatzen dira, eta behar horreek paisaia hondatu eta
lurzorua eta landaradia suntsitzen dabez.
- Energia lortzeko instalazinoek arriskuan jarri daikiez inguru
horretako animalia espezieak.
<Atmosferara karbono dioxido kutsagarri asko igorten da,
eta, horren ondorioz, berotegi efectu naturala haunditu
egiten da.
<Karbono dioxidoaz aparte, erregaiak erretean
atmosferako ura kutsatzen daben beste gas batzuk
askatzen dira. Kutsatutako ur horri euri azido daitzen
– Zentral nuklearren karbono dioxido oso gitxi igorten dabe,
baina hondakin nuklear deitutako arrisku handiko beste
hondakin batzuk sortzen dabez.
Energia arduraz erabiltea
Azkenengo hamarkadetan, ingurumeneko eta ekonomiako
ondorioztatu dabe beharrezkoa dala bizimodua aldatzea.
Garapen iraunkorra baliabide naturalen eta, batez ere, energiaren
erabilera arduratzuan oinarrizkoa da, gure beharrizanentzaterako.
6. Ekintza kolektiboak
Energia garbia lortzeko energia alternatiboen erabilera
bultzatzen dabe.
– Energia eraginkortasuna hobetzen ahalegintzen dira:
energia hobeto aprobetxatzeko neurriak hartzen dabez.
– Energia aurreztea sustatzen dabe, informazino kanpainen
Banakako ekintzak
-kontsumo gitxiko bonbillak erabiltea.
-Argiak eta makinak, erabilten ez doguzanean, amatatzea.
-Garbigailua beteta dagoanean bakarrik jartea.
-Bide laburrak egiteko autoa ez erabiltea.
7. Ekintza kolektiboak
Energia garbia lortzeko energia alternatiboen erabilera
bultzatzen dabe.
– Energia eraginkortasuna hobetzen ahalegintzen dira:
energia hobeto aprobetxatzeko neurriak hartzen dabez.
– Energia aurreztea sustatzen dabe, informazino kanpainen
Banakako ekintzak
-kontsumo gitxiko bonbillak erabiltea.
-Argiak eta makinak, erabilten ez doguzanean, amatatzea.
-Garbigailua beteta dagoanean bakarrik jartea.
-Bide laburrak egiteko autoa ez erabiltea.