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Where Food is an Art!
Food has always been an important symbolic value
in Italian culture and tradition
The word CONVIVIAL comes from the Latin " CUM
VIVERE " meaning live together
Eating together is
therefore a form of
culture that
nourishment to the
celebration of life.
Italian Love for Food and Art
 It was narrated in literature
 Painted in figurative art
 Sung in opera
 Shown in movies
Trimalciones banquet
Petronio Arbitro (I sec. d.C.)
In the Decameron (1349) Boccaccio depicts a
strong bond between table and food.
From one story to the
next, you can almost see
Boccaccio preparing food in the kitchen...
Il Timballo di
Il Gattopardo
Giuseppe Tomasi from
Lampedusa (1958)
St. Francis lunch with Count Celano
S. Francesco Church, Montefalco
The Seasons
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
La Vucciria
Renato Guttuso (1974)
The toasting scene
La Traviata
Giuseppe Verdi (1853)
Spaghetti dish made by
Mario Ruoppolo
Il postino
with Massimo Troisi (1994)
Mario Ruoppolospaghetti 
 500 gr of spaghetti
 6 artichokes dressed as
600 gr of fresh ripe tomatoes
red juicy hearts
2 cloves of garlic precious ivory
 3 tablespoons of extra virgin
olive oil
Salt, pepper, and basil
Clean the artichokes by removing
the tough outer leaves and white
hairs inside
Then slice them thinly and cook on
low heat in 3 tablespoons oil until
they unravel.
At this point add the tomatoes,
peeled and diced, and crush them
with a fork on the bottom of the
Stir, add the garlic and basil.
Cook the pasta for a few minutes
until it becomes al dente (so it is
still "firm to bite" but not soft).
Drain the pasta and then season
with salt pepper and tomato sauce.
Staying at
the table
exemplifies a
friendship that
often is meant
to last for life.
Una famiglia perfetta
One of the many films set in Todi
An aphorism written by the famous gastronome Brillat Savarin says :
Umbria, the green heart of Italy
..where a love for nature and the surrounding beauty
is married to and found in every traditional recipe
that you can enjoy in ones home, cozy trattoria
and restaurants.
The town of Todi is famous for its:
tasty and healthy cuisine
non-touristy restaurants
slow and more relaxed pace of life
Where you can eat
The art of cooking Tuderte
Umbricelli al
All meats are cooked on the spit or grilled with pesto garlic,
sage , bay leaf, salt and pepper
Easter Pizza
Pan nociato Todi
Frittelle di riso
Biccicuta Ciaramicola
La Lingua La Vita also organises for its students cookery
classes in the home of signora Rita who is an excellent cook
Signora Rita here is
showing some
students how to
cook some very
special local dishes
Cooking classes also in a restaurant in the center
of Todi!!
..here the chef will
delight his
specialities and will
teach you how to
make them yourself
at home!
Lets start dreaming ..
Strangozzi 400 gr
Grated Pecorino Romano Cheese160 gr
Ground pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Bring to boil the water in a big saucepan.
Once it starts boiling add salt and then
the pasta. Mix the grated cheese in a
bowl with pepper. When the pasta is
ready, drain it and then add the mix of
cheese and pepper. Grate some fresh
truffles to garnish.
Strangozzi cacio e
pepe al tartufo
La lingua la vita
Todi achieved recognition as
the most livable city in the world
20 years ago, and it still retains the characteristics of slow life
behind the concept of slow food
La lingua la vita
Todi prides itself
as a
The values of slow food include:
 Educating through taste and culinary sciences
 Safeguarding biodiversity and traditional food production , while
rediscovering the pleasure of food and an optimum quality of life
 Promoting a healthier new model of life
The products promoted by
Black truffles
Trasimeno bean
called Fagiolina
Black celery of
Pecorino from
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The legendary olive tree and the oil extracted from
its fruits that have always been central in the
history of mankind.
Eight thousand years ago, the olive tree had already been
cultivated in the Middle East and was likely first harvested in Syria
and Crete. The Phoenicians, eventually disseminated this crop to
all the coasts of the Mediterranean, South Africa and the Balkans.
For the Greeks, olive crops became more and more numerous, but
it was the Romans who created an important agricultural
production of extra virgin olive oil especially in the land between the
Tiber Black river prongs, south of Umbria.
it was during the Renaissance that Umbrian olive oil became widely
Extra virgin olive oil from
Umbria is one of the most
respected in the world.
The olive harvest takes place between October and November until
the first weeks of December, a very special time to visit our city and to
taste the new oil, freshly pressed.
It assists with digestion while
protecting many of our
bodily organs
It has important antioxidant and
anti-radical properties
It has healing powers and
protective effects on the
arteries, stomach and liver
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a basic element of the mediterranen
When properly processed, it
preserves the vitamins, flavor and
aroma of the olives.
This beautiful natural product is
especially suited for salad dressing,
cooked and or grilled meat, poultry,
fish and vegetables.
Bruschette and olive pat辿
Serving size 4 people:
4 slices of bread;
5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 or 2 cloves of garlic, peeled;
Salt to taste.
Cut 4 slices of bread and place them on a cast iron grill.
Let them toast until they are crispy with charred strips.
Clean the top of the clove of garlic, drizzle with plenty of
oil and a pinch of salt, and then spread over the olive
pate and serve. In Umbria the pieces of bread are well
drenched, and garlic often is put on both sides of the
The newly pressed olive oil can
be tasted all year round
..and throughout in Umbria!!
Special LLLVPrograms
Olive Oil - The gold of Umbria
Italian Language courses and activities connected to extra
Virgin Olive Oil
Programma di 1 settimana
Cultural Programs
Welcome to Todi! Meet with
your host family or owner of
the apartments
Guided tour of the centre
of Todi and enjoy a drink
with your teacher
Tasting Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Half day excursion to
Torgiano with tour of the
Museo dellOlivo e dellOlio di Oliva
Excursion to Trevi, thecitt dellolio
Visit to the springs of Clitunno
Cooking course with
in a family
Visit to the olive oil mills (only in
November and Dicember)
Arrivederci! And see you
again in Todi!
See you in Todi!!
Nel 2013 abbiamo
festeggiato il
nostro 25属
And now.
enjoy the olive tasting!!!!!!

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Eng cibo e arte 2014

  • 1. LA LINGUA LA VITA presents Italy Where Food is an Art!
  • 2. Food has always been an important symbolic value in Italian culture and tradition
  • 3. The word CONVIVIAL comes from the Latin " CUM VIVERE " meaning live together Eating together is therefore a form of culture that connects nourishment to the celebration of life.
  • 4. Italian Love for Food and Art It was narrated in literature Painted in figurative art Sung in opera Shown in movies
  • 6. In the Decameron (1349) Boccaccio depicts a strong bond between table and food. From one story to the next, you can almost see Boccaccio preparing food in the kitchen...
  • 7. Il Timballo di Maccheroni Il Gattopardo Giuseppe Tomasi from Lampedusa (1958)
  • 8. St. Francis lunch with Count Celano S. Francesco Church, Montefalco
  • 11. The toasting scene La Traviata Giuseppe Verdi (1853)
  • 12. Spaghetti dish made by Mario Ruoppolo Il postino with Massimo Troisi (1994) Todi
  • 13. Mario Ruoppolospaghetti 500 gr of spaghetti 6 artichokes dressed as warriors 600 gr of fresh ripe tomatoes red juicy hearts 2 cloves of garlic precious ivory 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil Salt, pepper, and basil
  • 14. Clean the artichokes by removing the tough outer leaves and white hairs inside Then slice them thinly and cook on low heat in 3 tablespoons oil until they unravel. At this point add the tomatoes, peeled and diced, and crush them with a fork on the bottom of the pan. Stir, add the garlic and basil. Cook the pasta for a few minutes until it becomes al dente (so it is still "firm to bite" but not soft). Drain the pasta and then season with salt pepper and tomato sauce.
  • 15. Staying at the table together = exemplifies a friendship that often is meant to last for life.
  • 16. Una famiglia perfetta One of the many films set in Todi
  • 17. An aphorism written by the famous gastronome Brillat Savarin says : To油invite油someone油to油dinner油means油taking油 care油of油that油person's油happiness油for油the油entire油 time油they油spend油under油your油roof
  • 18. Umbria, the green heart of Italy
  • 19. ..where a love for nature and the surrounding beauty is married to and found in every traditional recipe that you can enjoy in ones home, cozy trattoria and restaurants.
  • 20. Todi
  • 21. Todi
  • 22. The town of Todi is famous for its: tasty and healthy cuisine non-touristy restaurants slow and more relaxed pace of life
  • 23. Where you can eat Trattorie 油油油油油油油油油油油油油Restaurants
  • 24. The art of cooking Tuderte
  • 26. Meats All meats are cooked on the spit or grilled with pesto garlic, sage , bay leaf, salt and pepper
  • 29. La Lingua La Vita also organises for its students cookery classes in the home of signora Rita who is an excellent cook Signora Rita here is showing some students how to cook some very special local dishes
  • 30. Cooking classes also in a restaurant in the center of Todi!! ..here the chef will delight his specialities and will teach you how to make them yourself at home!
  • 31. Lets start dreaming .. Strangozzi 400 gr Grated Pecorino Romano Cheese160 gr Ground pepper to taste Salt to taste Bring to boil the water in a big saucepan. Once it starts boiling add salt and then the pasta. Mix the grated cheese in a bowl with pepper. When the pasta is ready, drain it and then add the mix of cheese and pepper. Grate some fresh truffles to garnish. Strangozzi cacio e pepe al tartufo
  • 32. La lingua la vita Todi achieved recognition as the most livable city in the world 20 years ago, and it still retains the characteristics of slow life behind the concept of slow food
  • 33. La lingua la vita Todi prides itself as a Citt SLOW FOOD The values of slow food include: Educating through taste and culinary sciences Safeguarding biodiversity and traditional food production , while rediscovering the pleasure of food and an optimum quality of life Promoting a healthier new model of life
  • 34. The products promoted by SLOW FOOD UMBRIA are: Black truffles Spelt
  • 35. Trasimeno bean called Fagiolina Black celery of Trevi Pecorino from Norcia
  • 37. The legendary olive tree and the oil extracted from its fruits that have always been central in the history of mankind.
  • 38. Eight thousand years ago, the olive tree had already been cultivated in the Middle East and was likely first harvested in Syria and Crete. The Phoenicians, eventually disseminated this crop to all the coasts of the Mediterranean, South Africa and the Balkans. For the Greeks, olive crops became more and more numerous, but it was the Romans who created an important agricultural production of extra virgin olive oil especially in the land between the Tiber Black river prongs, south of Umbria.
  • 39. it was during the Renaissance that Umbrian olive oil became widely appreciated.
  • 40. Extra virgin olive oil from Umbria is one of the most respected in the world.
  • 41. The olive harvest takes place between October and November until the first weeks of December, a very special time to visit our city and to taste the new oil, freshly pressed.
  • 42. It assists with digestion while protecting many of our bodily organs EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL = BETTER HEALTH It has important antioxidant and anti-radical properties It has healing powers and protective effects on the arteries, stomach and liver
  • 43. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a basic element of the mediterranen diet When properly processed, it preserves the vitamins, flavor and aroma of the olives. This beautiful natural product is especially suited for salad dressing, cooked and or grilled meat, poultry, fish and vegetables.
  • 44. Bruschette and olive pat辿 Serving size 4 people: 4 slices of bread; 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, peeled; Salt to taste. Directions Cut 4 slices of bread and place them on a cast iron grill. Let them toast until they are crispy with charred strips. Clean the top of the clove of garlic, drizzle with plenty of oil and a pinch of salt, and then spread over the olive pate and serve. In Umbria the pieces of bread are well drenched, and garlic often is put on both sides of the bread.
  • 45. The newly pressed olive oil can be tasted all year round ..and throughout in Umbria!!
  • 46. Special LLLVPrograms Olive Oil - The gold of Umbria Italian Language courses and activities connected to extra Virgin Olive Oil Programma di 1 settimana
  • 47. Cultural Programs Sunday Welcome to Todi! Meet with your host family or owner of the apartments Monday Guided tour of the centre of Todi and enjoy a drink with your teacher
  • 48. Tuesday Tasting Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Wednesday Half day excursion to Torgiano with tour of the Museo dellOlivo e dellOlio di Oliva
  • 49. Thursday Excursion to Trevi, thecitt dellolio Visit to the springs of Clitunno Friday Cooking course with in a family
  • 50. Saturday Visit to the olive oil mills (only in November and Dicember) Sunday Arrivederci! And see you again in Todi!
  • 51. See you in Todi!!
  • 52. Nel 2013 abbiamo festeggiato il nostro 25属 anniversario! 1988-2013
  • 53. And now. enjoy the olive tasting!!!!!!