ZynqMPのブートとパワーマネージメント : (ZynqMP Boot and Power Management)Mr. Vengineer
2016年2月20日(金)のZynq Ultrasclae+ MPSoC 勉強会で使った資料です。
追記) 2016.05.08
公式ARM Trusted Firmwareのサイトに、Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCの実装が追加されていていることを明記した
This is the material I used at Zynq Ultrasclae + MPSoC SIG on 20th February (Friday).
Addendum) 2016.05.08
We stated that the implementation of Zynq UltraScale + MPSoC was added to the official ARM Trusted Firmware site.
ZynqMPのブートとパワーマネージメント : (ZynqMP Boot and Power Management)Mr. Vengineer
2016年2月20日(金)のZynq Ultrasclae+ MPSoC 勉強会で使った資料です。
追記) 2016.05.08
公式ARM Trusted Firmwareのサイトに、Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCの実装が追加されていていることを明記した
This is the material I used at Zynq Ultrasclae + MPSoC SIG on 20th February (Friday).
Addendum) 2016.05.08
We stated that the implementation of Zynq UltraScale + MPSoC was added to the official ARM Trusted Firmware site.
My presentation may be the last. So I need to speak the development history.
I have been developed Vim plugins over 10 years. I talk about my plugins development history and current development thoughts.
deoplete: The dark powered auto completion plugin for neovimShougo
Unfortunately neovim does not support neocomplete but I need an auto completion plugin. So, I have developed deoplete. Deoplete is an auto completion framework for neovim. I will describe the features and its future works.
This document summarizes a presentation about Neovim given in Japanese. It introduces Neovim as a fork of Vim developed on GitHub with the goal of being a "Modern Vim". Key points are that Neovim refactors the source code, uses asynchronous communication, allows plugins in multiple languages while keeping Vimscript compatibility, and aims to eventually implement GUI features. The presenter expresses support for Neovim due to user excitement around solving Vim problems and competing in a landscape where other editors and IDEs are becoming more full-featured.