CloudNative Days Tokyo 2020での、lazypullに関する発表資料です。
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CloudNative Days Tokyo 2020での、lazypullに関する発表資料です。
Stargz Snapshotterのリポジトリ:
deoplete: The dark powered auto completion plugin for neovimShougo
Unfortunately neovim does not support neocomplete but I need an auto completion plugin. So, I have developed deoplete. Deoplete is an auto completion framework for neovim. I will describe the features and its future works.
This document summarizes a presentation about Neovim given in Japanese. It introduces Neovim as a fork of Vim developed on GitHub with the goal of being a "Modern Vim". Key points are that Neovim refactors the source code, uses asynchronous communication, allows plugins in multiple languages while keeping Vimscript compatibility, and aims to eventually implement GUI features. The presenter expresses support for Neovim due to user excitement around solving Vim problems and competing in a landscape where other editors and IDEs are becoming more full-featured.
Exploring the Performance Impact of Virtualization on an HPC CloudRyousei Takano
The document evaluates the performance impact of virtualization on high-performance computing (HPC) clouds. Experiments were conducted on the AIST Super Green Cloud, a 155-node HPC cluster. Benchmark results show that while PCI passthrough mitigates I/O overhead, virtualization still incurs performance penalties for MPI collectives as node counts increase. Application benchmarks demonstrate overhead is limited to around 5%. The study concludes HPC clouds are promising due to utilization improvements from virtualization, but further optimization of virtual machine placement and pass-through technologies could help reduce overhead.
This document discusses auto-closing parentheses in Vim. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and the need for auto-closing parentheses. It then discusses the pure Vim way of implementing it with mappings and its limitations. Several plugins are mentioned, including delimitMate, vim-smartinput, and lexima.vim, but they are unable to support dot repeating of insertions. lexima.vim is said to support customizable rules, dot repeating, and be inspired by vim-smartinput while still being unstable. The document ends with a demonstration of lexima.vim's mechanism and rule definitions.
Git, Subversion y CVS son sistemas de control de versiones que permiten a los desarrolladores administrar cambios en archivos de código y trabajar en equipo de manera colaborativa. Los archivos comprimidos ZIP permiten empaquetar varios archivos y directorios en un solo archivo para facilitar el almacenamiento y transferencia.