Introduction to Vim plugins developed by non-Japanese Vimmer (Japanese version)deris0126
This is vimconf 2015 slide. that title is "Introduction to Vim plugins developed by non-Japanese Vimmer" (Japanese version)
English version is here(
Introduction to Vim plugins developed by non-Japanese Vimmer (Japanese version)deris0126
This is vimconf 2015 slide. that title is "Introduction to Vim plugins developed by non-Japanese Vimmer" (Japanese version)
English version is here(
Infinite Debian - Platform for mass-producing system every secondTaisuke Yamada
Starting from standard install and various "Debian internal" for mass-installation system, the talk goes on to describe generic "instant system generation" which shortens turnaround time from 10s of minutes to seconds. All based on Debian.
Prepared for kickstart meetup of FukuokaDebian.