We provide childcare services for families with children ages 2 to 12. Our playgroup operates out of a building near a park in Alicante, Spain, containing 4 rooms divided by age. We offer workshops in painting, theatre, music, and cinema, as well as free play time. Our 8 teachers, with childcare and food handling certifications, are divided between the rooms to look after the children.
The document outlines the process taken to design an instructor's dashboard for the Caseworx web platform. It describes conducting brand analysis and competitor analysis. Personas were created for two instructors. A design studio was held where sketches of the dashboard were created. User testing of paper and digital prototypes led to iterations of the design. The final prototype included features like creating and customizing classes, uploading class materials, taking attendance, and viewing student reports and progress.
Conditional tenses are used to talk about hypothetical or unlikely situations. There are three conditional types:
1. Type I uses present tense in the if-clause and future in the main clause to talk about probable future events. Examples are given of exercises to complete sentences in this form.
2. Type II uses past tense in the if-clause and present conditional (would/could/might) in the main clause to talk about unlikely or imaginary present situations. More exercises are provided to complete sentences in this form.
3. Type III uses past perfect in the if-clause and past conditional (could have/would have/might have) in the main clause to talk about unlikely past situations and their results
Este documento apresenta o programa da 叩rea vocacional de Com辿rcio para o ano letivo de 2014/2015 para um grupo de alunos do 3o ciclo do ensino b叩sico. O programa inclui quatro m坦dulos focados em compet棚ncias como gest達o de stocks, atendimento ao cliente, servi巽o p坦s-venda e procedimentos administrativos, com o objetivo de preparar os alunos para o mercado de trabalho.
The document discusses employment trends and opportunities in Italy. It notes unemployment varies regionally from high levels in the south to low levels in the north. Overall unemployment has averaged between 20-25% recently. The majority of Italians work in services, industry, and agriculture. In coming years, demand may increase for skilled workers in engineering, tourism, sales, and healthcare. The Po Delta region in particular provides seasonal jobs for youth such as catering, fishing, and tourism guides.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.