Vezi prezentarea SilkWeb de la Internet & Mobile World 2012.
Studiu de caz asupra implicatii social media in e-commerce , mai exact rezultate concrete obtinute Facebook.
Sfaturi utilie.
Facebook in e commerce - Prezentare Imworld 2012Gomag
Vezi prezentarea SilkWeb de la Internet & Mobile World 2012.
Studiu de caz asupra implicatii social media in e-commerce , mai exact rezultate concrete obtinute Facebook.
Sfaturi utilie.
Mintmetrics - Afla Ce-si Doresc Clientii Tai - GPeC 2013Gomag
Prezentarea MintMetrica de la Conferintele Nationale de eCommerce - GPeC 2013 - afla ce-ti soresc clientii tai, prezentare date plus functionalitati aplicatie.
Cu MintMetrics poti monitoriza si analiza principalele surse de trafic din site, poti urmarii pozitia cuvintelor cheie in Google si monitoriza impactul social media asupra sitului tau.
Pentru mai multe detalii cere un cont demo gratuit.
Cum iti trasformi pasiunea intr-o Afacere ProfitabilaGomag
Cum iti trasformi pasiunea intr-o Afacere Profitabila
Ai o idee de business? Vrei sa vinzi online si sa fii si pasionat de ceea ce vinzi?
Vezi totul despre cum poti sa vinzi online fara prea multe cunostinte tehnice
Cere un audit seo / social media gratuit aici si vezi cum stai cu optimizarea pagini tale web si cu prezenta acesteia pe retelele sociale Twitter si Facebook.
Volatility and uncertainty characterize today's economic environment as equity markets swing daily with changing outlooks, nearly half of executives believe the global economy will worsen, and economists are similarly uncertain. This uncertainty occurs against the backdrop of the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history and mounting worldwide debt loads that contribute to long-term uncertainty. The U.S. debt is at its highest level since WWII and GDP growth has recently slowed.
Radiografia Comertului Electronic, studiu realizat de Daedalus Milward Brown si prezentat de Daniel Enescu la Conferintele Nationale de E-Commerce mai 2012
Servicii web design si internet marketing prezentare de firma SilkWeb. Dezvoltare aplicatii ecommerce, servicii seo / sem , social media, email marketing.
Mai multe informatii pe
PRSA Portland Metro New Professionals Group Overviewversatilecreative
Formed in February 2003, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Portland Metro chapter New Pros group provides opportunities for communications and PR practitioners with up to five years of experience to get connected, get skills and get jobs. Go to Groups at to learn more and join us!
The document lists 10 common problems faced by online magazines: 1) lack of substance behind flashy forms, 2) lack of a clear plan, 3) issues with online payments, 4) supply chain challenges, 5) meeting rising customer expectations, 6) small market/niche size, 7) intense price competition, 8) lack of automated processes, 9) few exit options, and 10) contacts for getting involved in entrepreneurship programs, conferences, and the Romanian Online Stores Association.
Importanta Diferentierii Intre Magazinele OnlineSilkWeb
Marius Buiculescu de la ATIP Design a vorbit despre importanta diferentierii intre magazinele online, prezentand un instrument la indemana comerciantilor care sa ii ajute in pozitionare si, in acelasi timp, sa ajute clientul in vizualizarea cat mai apropiata de realitate a produselor dorite: foto-animatia, cu alte cuvinte imagini de produs rotite la 360 de grade
Dana Iorga, directorul IT&S si al a vorbit despre pozitionarea Koyos in segmentul de IT&C din comertul online, prezentandu-l ca studiu de caz (de la lansare si identitate pana la campaniile de marketing si branding derulate)
AARP Volunteer & Member Engagement Initiative Case Study (2008)versatilecreative
This document summarizes an integrated marketing communications case study from 2008 for AARP Oregon's Volunteer & Member Engagement Initiative. The initiative aimed to engage members and volunteers through congressional district-based outreach by establishing community action teams, recruiting volunteers, and engaging members. Research including focus groups and surveys found opportunities to better engage aging volunteers and address messaging disconnects. Tactics included targeted mailings, events, and partnerships to recruit new volunteers and engage existing members. The initiative had a budget of approximately $174,000 and aimed to meet objectives around volunteer recruitment and engagement. Outcomes were evaluated through community team activities, events, and AARP dashboard metrics. Lessons focused on strengthening goals and objectives and incorporating research earlier in the planning process
Calin Fusu (Zumzi) o prezentare aplicata despre cum pot profita magazinele online de site-urile de reduceri colective, oferind studii de caz cu oferte de e-commerce de pe
The document profiles Yvon Chouinard, an environmentalist and founder of Patagonia, who had a varied career as a climber, blacksmith, surfer, and businessman. It describes how Patagonia grew to $270 million in sales with 1,000 employees and became one of Fortune's 100 best companies to work for. It also discusses Patagonia's commitment to environmentalism through its 1% for the planet giving program. The document emphasizes the values that still guide Patagonia around people, nature, integrity, authenticity, simplicity, transparency, and community.
The document discusses functions and function rules. It provides examples of functions where the input is mapped to a single output. A function is defined as a relationship where each input has exactly one output. The function rule represents the operations or equation that maps the input to the output. Examples show determining the function rule from patterns in tables and using the rule to find outputs given inputs.
The document discusses functions and function rules. It provides examples of functions where the input is plugged into a rule to produce the unique output. Functions are relationships where each input maps to exactly one output. The document contains examples of determining the function rule from patterns in tables and using the rule to find specific function outputs.
Prezentare susinut de Dorin Boerescu, CEO 2Performant, 樽n cadrul webinar-ului INTRODUCERE N MARKETINGUL AFILIAT DE TOP, 23 iulie 2019
2Performant este prima reea de afiliere din Rom但nia, lansat 樽n urm cu 10 ani, prin care brandurile online colaboreaz simplu i transparent cu talentele digitale (afiliai, instagrammeri, vloggeri, bloggeri etc.).
2Performant a intermediat pli de peste 10 milioane de euro de la clienii si ctre profesioniti independeni 樽n marketing (afiliai), pentru cele peste 4 milioane de tranzacii generate de acetia 樽n 10 ani pentru magazine online, 樽n special din Rom但nia. n prezent compania are peste 700 de clieni activi.
Cere un audit seo / social media gratuit aici si vezi cum stai cu optimizarea pagini tale web si cu prezenta acesteia pe retelele sociale Twitter si Facebook.
Volatility and uncertainty characterize today's economic environment as equity markets swing daily with changing outlooks, nearly half of executives believe the global economy will worsen, and economists are similarly uncertain. This uncertainty occurs against the backdrop of the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history and mounting worldwide debt loads that contribute to long-term uncertainty. The U.S. debt is at its highest level since WWII and GDP growth has recently slowed.
Radiografia Comertului Electronic, studiu realizat de Daedalus Milward Brown si prezentat de Daniel Enescu la Conferintele Nationale de E-Commerce mai 2012
Servicii web design si internet marketing prezentare de firma SilkWeb. Dezvoltare aplicatii ecommerce, servicii seo / sem , social media, email marketing.
Mai multe informatii pe
PRSA Portland Metro New Professionals Group Overviewversatilecreative
Formed in February 2003, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Portland Metro chapter New Pros group provides opportunities for communications and PR practitioners with up to five years of experience to get connected, get skills and get jobs. Go to Groups at to learn more and join us!
The document lists 10 common problems faced by online magazines: 1) lack of substance behind flashy forms, 2) lack of a clear plan, 3) issues with online payments, 4) supply chain challenges, 5) meeting rising customer expectations, 6) small market/niche size, 7) intense price competition, 8) lack of automated processes, 9) few exit options, and 10) contacts for getting involved in entrepreneurship programs, conferences, and the Romanian Online Stores Association.
Importanta Diferentierii Intre Magazinele OnlineSilkWeb
Marius Buiculescu de la ATIP Design a vorbit despre importanta diferentierii intre magazinele online, prezentand un instrument la indemana comerciantilor care sa ii ajute in pozitionare si, in acelasi timp, sa ajute clientul in vizualizarea cat mai apropiata de realitate a produselor dorite: foto-animatia, cu alte cuvinte imagini de produs rotite la 360 de grade
Dana Iorga, directorul IT&S si al a vorbit despre pozitionarea Koyos in segmentul de IT&C din comertul online, prezentandu-l ca studiu de caz (de la lansare si identitate pana la campaniile de marketing si branding derulate)
AARP Volunteer & Member Engagement Initiative Case Study (2008)versatilecreative
This document summarizes an integrated marketing communications case study from 2008 for AARP Oregon's Volunteer & Member Engagement Initiative. The initiative aimed to engage members and volunteers through congressional district-based outreach by establishing community action teams, recruiting volunteers, and engaging members. Research including focus groups and surveys found opportunities to better engage aging volunteers and address messaging disconnects. Tactics included targeted mailings, events, and partnerships to recruit new volunteers and engage existing members. The initiative had a budget of approximately $174,000 and aimed to meet objectives around volunteer recruitment and engagement. Outcomes were evaluated through community team activities, events, and AARP dashboard metrics. Lessons focused on strengthening goals and objectives and incorporating research earlier in the planning process
Calin Fusu (Zumzi) o prezentare aplicata despre cum pot profita magazinele online de site-urile de reduceri colective, oferind studii de caz cu oferte de e-commerce de pe
The document profiles Yvon Chouinard, an environmentalist and founder of Patagonia, who had a varied career as a climber, blacksmith, surfer, and businessman. It describes how Patagonia grew to $270 million in sales with 1,000 employees and became one of Fortune's 100 best companies to work for. It also discusses Patagonia's commitment to environmentalism through its 1% for the planet giving program. The document emphasizes the values that still guide Patagonia around people, nature, integrity, authenticity, simplicity, transparency, and community.
The document discusses functions and function rules. It provides examples of functions where the input is mapped to a single output. A function is defined as a relationship where each input has exactly one output. The function rule represents the operations or equation that maps the input to the output. Examples show determining the function rule from patterns in tables and using the rule to find outputs given inputs.
The document discusses functions and function rules. It provides examples of functions where the input is plugged into a rule to produce the unique output. Functions are relationships where each input maps to exactly one output. The document contains examples of determining the function rule from patterns in tables and using the rule to find specific function outputs.
Prezentare susinut de Dorin Boerescu, CEO 2Performant, 樽n cadrul webinar-ului INTRODUCERE N MARKETINGUL AFILIAT DE TOP, 23 iulie 2019
2Performant este prima reea de afiliere din Rom但nia, lansat 樽n urm cu 10 ani, prin care brandurile online colaboreaz simplu i transparent cu talentele digitale (afiliai, instagrammeri, vloggeri, bloggeri etc.).
2Performant a intermediat pli de peste 10 milioane de euro de la clienii si ctre profesioniti independeni 樽n marketing (afiliai), pentru cele peste 4 milioane de tranzacii generate de acetia 樽n 10 ani pentru magazine online, 樽n special din Rom但nia. n prezent compania are peste 700 de clieni activi.
10 Lucruri esentiale despre performance marketing pe care nu ti le-a spus ni...Bogdan Aron
1. Performance marketingul capteaza cererea
2. Google AdWords nu mai e atat de simplu
3. Inceteaza sa tot inveti tool-uri
4. Invata programare
5. Marketingul afiliat nu e un canal de promovare
6. Gestionat corect, un program de afiliere iti va aduce intre 5 si 30% vanzari suplimentare
7. Probabil ca anul acesta va fi un afiliat care va obtine peste 100.000 de EUR din afiliere intr-o singura luna.
8. TV-ul e mai ieftin decat Youtube-ul.
9. Model attribution e util. E complicat insa de implementat si e utilizat de multe ori gresit.
10. E dificil sa masori online.
Marketing afiliat pas cu pas PDF - Ghid pentru incepatoriAlina Barsan
In acest articol iti prezint un ghid de marketing afiliat pas cu pas, care sa te ajute sa iti incepi o afacerea online profitabila cu investitie minima.
Cum iti cresti business ul cu internetul & tehnologiaGomag
Prezentare sustinuta in cadrul seminatului "Cum iti cresti business ul cu internetul & tehnologia" , eveniment organizat in Baia Mare impreuna cu partenerul nostru ONE IT.
Impactul campaniilor pe bloguri in strategia de SEOGomag
Vezi cum te ajuta in SEO campaniile pe blog-uri.
Descopera cum sa iti pregatesti magazinul pentru a genera rezultate mai bune in Google.
Vrei sa vinzi online? Pregateste cele mai bune oferte si comunica impreuna cu partenerii tai / proprietarii de blog-uri.
Intre amant i so: cum optimizezi prezena brandului 樽n reelele socialeCiprian Gavriliu
Prezentare despre prezenta brandurilor in Social Media sus釘inut pe 3 Iunie 2011 la Marketing 24/7 Sibiu.
Februarie 2011 樽n cadrul workshop-urilor de la Digital Marketing Forum.
Ce s-a schimbat la modul in care comunicam cu fanii nostri pe Facebook si cum sa le mentinem interesul treaz
Prezentare realizata de Marius Achim
Marius Achim va prezenta un webinar despre afacerile online in aceasta seara. Informatiile pe care le va impartasii sunt foarte valoroase si vor fi prezente sute de persoane la webinar.
Ne asteptam ca Marius Achim sa ne uimeasca cu valoarea informatiilor deoarece a dovedit de fiecare data ca poate venii cu solutii noi care aduc rezultate.
Marius Achim se ocupa de internet marketing de 7 ani si cu siguranta are experienta necesara de a ne arata drumul spre succes.
7. Aici Lumea Se Distreaz
Utilizatorii intr pe Facebook pentru distracie,
poze, comentarii, interaciune.
8. Hai S ncepem
Echipa ta, prietenii, cunostinele au un
rol foarte important pentru dezoltarea
magazinului tau.
Antreneaz-i pe toi !!!
9. Ce Conine Pagina Ta
de Facebook
Cover personalizat
Informaii despre compania ta
Date de localizare i contact
Logo la avatar
Link-uri spre conturi din alte reele de socializare
Nu automatiza cu Twitter
10. Fa-i un Calendar
Interacioneaz zilnic cu fanii ti. Urmeaz un
calendar si verific rezultatele obinute.
Atenie la orele de postare. Dac nu ai un bar de
noapte nu posta la ore t但rzii :).
11. Aici Nu Faci V但nzri Directe
REPET : Facebook este un canal de interaciune cu clienii.
Educ piaa, arat-le ca-i pasa de ei, fa-i s te iubeasc.
Nu face spam de link-uri cu oferte.
Nu posta preul dac vinzi produse scumpe.
12. Cum Comunicm?
Posteaz tot ce apare nou 樽n domeniul tu
Articolele din blog
Poze cu mesaje relevante
Clipuri scurte
F sondaje in r但ndul fanilor, afl ce vor
Folosete cover-ul ca banner pentru oferte
Evit concursurile pentru Like-uri
13. Acum Trecem La Fapte
Utiliz但nd rapoarte din Google Analytics afism:
- rezultatele obinute
- comportamentul utilizatorilor 樽n site
- rate de conversie
- valoarea acestora
- tendine
15. n majoritatea nielor Google genereaz cel mai mare trafic
si clar cel mai mare numr de conversii.
Reine informaiile evideniate i compar cu ce urmeaz.
16. Cei care te cunosc sunt dispusi sa cumpere de le tine. Mai
mult decat atat, sunt dispusi SA CHELTUIASCA MAI
17. 3.53% Rata de Conversie in IT&C
Poi ajunge i aici dac munceti mai mult, analizezi ceea ce faci i ai puin
Rezultatele afiate provin din traficul organic. La aceste analize nu s-a folosit
Facebook Ads.
18. Tips and Tricks
SilkWeb te ajut s monitorizezi interaciunea magazinului tu cu reelele sociale.
Poi analiza aceste date i s iei deciziile corecte pentru stategia ta de promovare in
social media.