Community StatistikHans LeijströmVi lever i en exponentiell tid. I år skapas lika mycket information som under de senaste 5 000 åren. Community Youku hade 25 miljoner besökare den 4 april 2009. Facebook ökade med 100 miljoner medlemmar på 8 månader.
Inter expProbodh MallickThis document provides an interim report from the Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth in India. It summarizes the group's approach and work conducted so far. The group was tasked with developing strategies for India's Twelfth Five Year Plan to pursue low carbon inclusive growth. Initial work focused on identifying options to reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity across key sectors of the Indian economy, including power, transport, industry, buildings and forestry. Preliminary analysis suggests emission intensity could be reduced 23-25% by 2022 through determined efforts and 33-35% through more aggressive efforts. Further analysis of costs and macroeconomic impacts is still needed.
Shenaniganscity of dania beachThe document is a summary of a city commission meeting regarding a request for a variance and special exception for a property located at 1302 South Federal Highway. The variance requested was to allow the sale of alcohol within 730 feet of a school, which is less than the required 1000 foot separation. A special exception was also requested to allow live entertainment three times a year until 1am. City planning staff recommended approval of both requests with the condition that all entertainment be held inside the buildings.
Ucapan Aluan Pengerusi Part Fourzafeen zafeen1) The document outlines the goals and challenges for SMK Landas in 2010, including turning underperforming students into high achievers and meeting targets.
2) It emphasizes that effective school leadership requires qualities like self-awareness, commitment, openness to change, going above and beyond, and bringing people together to advance the school's vision.
3) SMK Landas aims to take its next steps forward in November 2009 and November 2010, with the challenges of uniting individuals and developing great teachers to encourage students.
Reduxco INNOVA - Fuel CatalystLeszek BorkowskiReduxco is a fuel catalyst that improves combustion efficiency and reduces emissions. It is added to hydrocarbon fuels in small amounts. When used in diesel and heavy oil engines, it can:
Reduce fuel consumption by 4-12% depending on the engine load.
Significantly reduce emissions of particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and soot.
Improve the combustion process by reducing the surface tension of coal and promoting the complete combustion of fuels.
Partial Water Studycity of dania beachThe document outlines a water supply report for the City of Dania Beach. It describes existing water supply and treatment systems and recent issues around increased demand and reduced well capacity. It then lists alternatives for increasing raw and finished water sources and provides options for securing additional water supply from Broward County, new wells, or neighboring cities. The recommendations are to pursue additional raw water supply from Broward County if possible, and if not, to enter agreements to receive finished water from Broward County or the City of Hollywood on an interim basis.
Proposta De ReestruturaçãO Entre Tim Celular E Tim ParticipaçõEs EnTIM RIThe document summarizes a proposed merger transaction between TIM Celular and TIM Participações to create a single publicly traded wireless company in Brazil. Key details include consolidating ownership at the TIM Participações level, issuing new shares to maintain ownership ratios, providing withdrawal rights for dissenting shareholders, and selecting an exchange ratio based on independent valuations. The merger aims to simplify structures, maximize benefits, and create one of Brazil's largest wireless companies by market capitalization and nationwide coverage.
Conference Call 4Q11TIM RIThe document summarizes key achievements and operational performance for TIM in 2011. Some highlights include:
- TIM became the #2 player in Brazil in terms of value and volume, with a market share of 26.5% and customer base growth of 25.6% YoY.
- EBITDA grew 10.4% YoY to R$4.6 billion in 2011, with an EBITDA margin of 27.1%. Voice revenues and data revenues grew significantly.
- Network investments increased 2G capacity by 43% and expanded 3G coverage to 67% of the urban population, while reducing commercial capex.
The right-fit-how-top-employers-find-the-perfect-candidateshibrah76This document discusses strategies that top employers use to find qualified candidates. It finds that top employers most frequently use employee referrals, internal postings, and networking. They also commonly use online tools like job boards, advertisements, and social media. Unique strategies mentioned include direct mail, digital content creation, mobile recruiting, unconventional advertising placements, and contests. The document also notes that top employers tap into overlooked talent pools like unemployed individuals, disabled workers, women, youth, and unskilled but able candidates. It stresses that recruiting messages should address what job seekers want, what employers want and can offer, and provide an understanding of the organization's culture.
Cognitive Enterprise ServicesHamid MotahariLast week, I visited University of New South Wales, in Australia, and gave a talk providing an overview on research work over the past couple of years to establish a framework for Cognitive Enterprise services, specifically on how the lifecycle of enterprise services from sales to delivery and operation is transformed in the cognitive era. I provided an overview of the research assets we have produced, some of which is in industry or the company in various ways.
2012 vujade shift-happensճàéThank you for downloading our Shift Happens presentation: our biased selection of events that will take place in 2012.
We hope you’ll enjoy the content and will be able to make use of it.
Happy sharing and looking fwd to hearing from you next year!
Tim 4 q09 webcast eng_atualizadoTIM RIThe document provides a presentation of TIM Participações S.A.'s 4Q09 results. Some key points:
1) TIM Brasil has undergone a repositioning track over the past 15 months to reverse client losses and return to growth, focusing on offer innovation, quality recovery, and efficiency savings of over R$1 billion.
2) 4Q09 results show signs of turnaround with growing subscriber base, traffic, ARPU and revenues increasing quarter-over-quarter. EBITDA margin expanded to 28.2% in 4Q09.
3) For the full year 2009, EBITDA increased 5.6% and net profit grew 29% compared to 2008,
Transforming kyotoProbodh MallickThe Kyoto Protocol has both strengths and weaknesses when considering future agreements to tackle climate change. Its main strength is its emissions trading mechanism, which allows countries to meet emissions targets at lowest cost. However, the Kyoto Protocol alone cannot effectively deal with the uncertainties around abatement costs and climate change impacts. Future agreements could build on Kyoto's structure but address its shortcomings by adding options like price caps, indexed targets, and non-binding targets for developing countries to make commitments more ambitious and incentives for participation greater.
Local Mitigation Strategycity of dania beachThis document is Broward County's Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) from December 2009. The LMS provides a risk assessment of hazards in Broward County and outlines initiatives to mitigate those risks. It examines Broward County's geography, demographics, economy, planning process, assets, hazards, and current mitigation efforts. The key hazards identified for Broward include hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and human-caused threats like hazardous materials incidents. The LMS was developed through collaboration between Broward County Emergency Management and municipalities to reduce risks and prevent loss from future disasters.
10 010 waste pro (part 2)city of dania beachThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
Small Cocoa Apps with MacRubyPatrick HueslerThe document discusses MacRuby, an implementation of the Ruby language that can be used to build applications for macOS. It mentions using MacRuby with Cocoa and provides some example applications and links. It also briefly discusses distributing applications, demos, raffles, and concludes that MacRuby is a powerful tool for building macOS applications.
Non-Profit Energy Alliance VArts and Humanities Council of Montgomery CountyThe Nonprofit Energy Alliance is not a formal or contractual group, but an alliance of like-minded nonprofits who have joined together to use their collective purchasing power to not only secure competitive electricity supply at lower cost, but to protect the environment and build a greener economy. The Nonprofit Energy Alliance is a collaboration between the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, Nonprofit Montgomery and Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington. More information is available at
Employers and Social Media: You Love to Love It & Love to Hate ItJanine Anthony Bowen, Esq. 1) Social media use by employees can pose risks to employers such as damage to reputation, disclosure of confidential information, and legal liability. 2) A survey found that some employers have terminated employees for social media policy violations such as using email or social networks inappropriately. 3) Employers should establish clear social media policies to educate employees on appropriate use and potential consequences of misuse. The policies should cover expectations for use on company time and personal time as well as examples of proper and improper online behavior.
Meeting with investors of march 2013TIM RIThis document summarizes a meeting between TIM Brasil and investors in September 2012. It provides an overview of TIM Brasil as the 2nd largest mobile operator in Brazil with over 70 million customers. It highlights TIM's network infrastructure and presence across Brazil. Macroeconomic indicators for Brazil are also presented showing growing household income, declining debt levels, and falling unemployment. The strategy section discusses how TIM can leverage its mobile network to grow its voice and data businesses by highlighting the convenience of mobile versus fixed lines.
Constructing A Working Financial Plan For Your CompanyjreedcpaThis document provides an overview of constructing a working financial plan and budget for a company using an Excel sample budget file. It discusses using a budget to evaluate overhead, plan for cash flow and profitability, and support bonding programs. Key factors that determine profitability are gross profit from job backlog, timing of work completion, and overhead. The document then provides instructions and examples for how to use and modify the sample budget file.
Möjligheterna med Facebook- webbinariumGuava SwedenMiyako Soeda, Facebookexpert på Guava visar hur man kan använda Facebook som effektiv marknadsföringskanal.
Facebook långtidsnärvaro-webinar2010.11.23Guava SwedenFacebook-annonsering, Miyako Soeda från Guava visar hur man kan använda Facebook som marknadsföringskanal långsiktigt
Proposta De ReestruturaçãO Entre Tim Celular E Tim ParticipaçõEs EnTIM RIThe document summarizes a proposed merger transaction between TIM Celular and TIM Participações to create a single publicly traded wireless company in Brazil. Key details include consolidating ownership at the TIM Participações level, issuing new shares to maintain ownership ratios, providing withdrawal rights for dissenting shareholders, and selecting an exchange ratio based on independent valuations. The merger aims to simplify structures, maximize benefits, and create one of Brazil's largest wireless companies by market capitalization and nationwide coverage.
Conference Call 4Q11TIM RIThe document summarizes key achievements and operational performance for TIM in 2011. Some highlights include:
- TIM became the #2 player in Brazil in terms of value and volume, with a market share of 26.5% and customer base growth of 25.6% YoY.
- EBITDA grew 10.4% YoY to R$4.6 billion in 2011, with an EBITDA margin of 27.1%. Voice revenues and data revenues grew significantly.
- Network investments increased 2G capacity by 43% and expanded 3G coverage to 67% of the urban population, while reducing commercial capex.
The right-fit-how-top-employers-find-the-perfect-candidateshibrah76This document discusses strategies that top employers use to find qualified candidates. It finds that top employers most frequently use employee referrals, internal postings, and networking. They also commonly use online tools like job boards, advertisements, and social media. Unique strategies mentioned include direct mail, digital content creation, mobile recruiting, unconventional advertising placements, and contests. The document also notes that top employers tap into overlooked talent pools like unemployed individuals, disabled workers, women, youth, and unskilled but able candidates. It stresses that recruiting messages should address what job seekers want, what employers want and can offer, and provide an understanding of the organization's culture.
Cognitive Enterprise ServicesHamid MotahariLast week, I visited University of New South Wales, in Australia, and gave a talk providing an overview on research work over the past couple of years to establish a framework for Cognitive Enterprise services, specifically on how the lifecycle of enterprise services from sales to delivery and operation is transformed in the cognitive era. I provided an overview of the research assets we have produced, some of which is in industry or the company in various ways.
2012 vujade shift-happensճàéThank you for downloading our Shift Happens presentation: our biased selection of events that will take place in 2012.
We hope you’ll enjoy the content and will be able to make use of it.
Happy sharing and looking fwd to hearing from you next year!
Tim 4 q09 webcast eng_atualizadoTIM RIThe document provides a presentation of TIM Participações S.A.'s 4Q09 results. Some key points:
1) TIM Brasil has undergone a repositioning track over the past 15 months to reverse client losses and return to growth, focusing on offer innovation, quality recovery, and efficiency savings of over R$1 billion.
2) 4Q09 results show signs of turnaround with growing subscriber base, traffic, ARPU and revenues increasing quarter-over-quarter. EBITDA margin expanded to 28.2% in 4Q09.
3) For the full year 2009, EBITDA increased 5.6% and net profit grew 29% compared to 2008,
Transforming kyotoProbodh MallickThe Kyoto Protocol has both strengths and weaknesses when considering future agreements to tackle climate change. Its main strength is its emissions trading mechanism, which allows countries to meet emissions targets at lowest cost. However, the Kyoto Protocol alone cannot effectively deal with the uncertainties around abatement costs and climate change impacts. Future agreements could build on Kyoto's structure but address its shortcomings by adding options like price caps, indexed targets, and non-binding targets for developing countries to make commitments more ambitious and incentives for participation greater.
Local Mitigation Strategycity of dania beachThis document is Broward County's Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) from December 2009. The LMS provides a risk assessment of hazards in Broward County and outlines initiatives to mitigate those risks. It examines Broward County's geography, demographics, economy, planning process, assets, hazards, and current mitigation efforts. The key hazards identified for Broward include hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and human-caused threats like hazardous materials incidents. The LMS was developed through collaboration between Broward County Emergency Management and municipalities to reduce risks and prevent loss from future disasters.
10 010 waste pro (part 2)city of dania beachThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
Small Cocoa Apps with MacRubyPatrick HueslerThe document discusses MacRuby, an implementation of the Ruby language that can be used to build applications for macOS. It mentions using MacRuby with Cocoa and provides some example applications and links. It also briefly discusses distributing applications, demos, raffles, and concludes that MacRuby is a powerful tool for building macOS applications.
Non-Profit Energy Alliance VArts and Humanities Council of Montgomery CountyThe Nonprofit Energy Alliance is not a formal or contractual group, but an alliance of like-minded nonprofits who have joined together to use their collective purchasing power to not only secure competitive electricity supply at lower cost, but to protect the environment and build a greener economy. The Nonprofit Energy Alliance is a collaboration between the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, Nonprofit Montgomery and Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington. More information is available at
Employers and Social Media: You Love to Love It & Love to Hate ItJanine Anthony Bowen, Esq. 1) Social media use by employees can pose risks to employers such as damage to reputation, disclosure of confidential information, and legal liability. 2) A survey found that some employers have terminated employees for social media policy violations such as using email or social networks inappropriately. 3) Employers should establish clear social media policies to educate employees on appropriate use and potential consequences of misuse. The policies should cover expectations for use on company time and personal time as well as examples of proper and improper online behavior.
Meeting with investors of march 2013TIM RIThis document summarizes a meeting between TIM Brasil and investors in September 2012. It provides an overview of TIM Brasil as the 2nd largest mobile operator in Brazil with over 70 million customers. It highlights TIM's network infrastructure and presence across Brazil. Macroeconomic indicators for Brazil are also presented showing growing household income, declining debt levels, and falling unemployment. The strategy section discusses how TIM can leverage its mobile network to grow its voice and data businesses by highlighting the convenience of mobile versus fixed lines.
Constructing A Working Financial Plan For Your CompanyjreedcpaThis document provides an overview of constructing a working financial plan and budget for a company using an Excel sample budget file. It discusses using a budget to evaluate overhead, plan for cash flow and profitability, and support bonding programs. Key factors that determine profitability are gross profit from job backlog, timing of work completion, and overhead. The document then provides instructions and examples for how to use and modify the sample budget file.
Möjligheterna med Facebook- webbinariumGuava SwedenMiyako Soeda, Facebookexpert på Guava visar hur man kan använda Facebook som effektiv marknadsföringskanal.
Facebook långtidsnärvaro-webinar2010.11.23Guava SwedenFacebook-annonsering, Miyako Soeda från Guava visar hur man kan använda Facebook som marknadsföringskanal långsiktigt
Introduction to Facebook and Facebook adsSynlighetMiyako Soeda med erfaring fra Facebooks Dublin Team (Nå ansatt i Scandinavian Advertising) gir en intro til Facebook og annonseplattformen de tilbyr.
Trendgalan - Om FacebookJudith WolstMiyako Soeda & Judith Wolst pratade om Facebook som fenomen och hur företag kan använda Facebook som kanal för att kommunicera.
Frukostseminarium Hallvarsson & Halvarsson - FacebookHallvarsson HalvarssonHallvarsson & Halvarsson har under våren 2010 en föreläsningsserie som kretsar kring Webbplatsen, Söket och Sociala Medier.
Digitala medier B2i Intellecta corporateSpelplanen och spelreglerna för affärsutveckling och kommunikation är helt nya - Varför och Hur?
B2B + B2C = B2i
Några enkla tips på förhållningssätt
Fredrik Pallin föreläser på Berghs presentation 20majSpringtimePRFöreläsning om PR i ett digitalt medielandskap på Berghs School och Communictation.
20 maj 2010
Av: Fredrik Pallin, konsult på Springtime
Bättre business i sociala medierGrafiska AkademinTiden då från att bara ha en närvaro på sociala medier är förbi. Nu gäller det att bli strategisk. Hur tänker Du som en vinnare för att nå och få det du vill ha? Hur tänker du taktiskt för att skapa affärer? Vilka verktyg finns det som bidrar till en positiv affärsutveckling? Sociala medier blir alltmer integrerad i vår vardag och nya möjligheter i form av webbtjänster och appar utökas hela tiden.
Kursen passar dig som ansvarar för ditt företags närvaro i digitala kanaler och vill ta din strategi till nästa nivå. Kursen kombinerar föreläsningar med diskussioner och praktiska övningar.
Social Media Club Skåne oktober 2013Leif KajrupFilip Schöön's presentation om Facebook som marknadsföringsverktyg från Social Media Club Skåne den 25:e oktober 2013 på FooCafé i Malmö.
Föreläsning på Berghs 14 december SpringtimePRFöreläsning om PR i ett digitalt medielandskap för IK-studneterna på Berghs 14 december. Fredrik Pallin, Springtime
Google analytics webbinarieGuava SwedenMät, analysera och optimera din hemsida med Google Analytics.
Mattias Hallberg, Analyticsexpert, från Guava ger er tips och råd för hur ni använder verktyget.
Skapa en sökmotorvänlig webbplats!Guava SwedenOptimera din webbplats och skapa på så sätt rätt förutsättningar för din hemsida att synas bra på sökmotorerna.
2. Miyako Soeda 33 år
Bor: På landet
Jobbar: Produktchef för Facebook på
Guava/Netbooster. Var en av de 15
första anställda på Facebooks EMEA
huvudkontor. Var delaktig i
uppstarten av Facebooks etablering
som marknadsföringskanal i Sverige,
Norge, Danmark, Finland och
Äter: Gärna Japanskt
Sport: Surfing, Snowboarding,
Nås på:
3. Agenda
› En kort uppdatering av användarsiffror i Europa
› Skiftet i marknadskommunikation..
› Hur kommer det sig att 300 miljoner människor loggar in varje dag?
› Långtidsnärvaro på Facebook – Hur kan ert företag nyttja detta?
› Hur förbereder man sig?
› Pages
› Applikationer
› Facebook Places/Deals
4. Fler aktiva användare i Europa
Norden sticker ut!
2.4 m
Holland Russia
3m Sweden 2.3 m
UK Finland
28 m
Ireland Germany 1.8 m
1.7 m 12 m
19 m Denmark
Poland 2.5 m
3.3 m Italy Turkey
Spain 23 m
11 m 17 m
2.8 m
Swiss 2m Greece 143 m
2.2 m 2.9 m
5. Demografi i Sverige
47% 23%
13-17 18-24 25-34 35+
6. Användar engagemang i Sverige
140 minuter 26.1 besök 75%
Genomsnittligt antal Genomsnitt besök per
Aktiva användare som
minuter per användare användare
loggar in(dagligen)
(varje månad) (varje månad)
15. Grundläggande behov:
- Att bli sedd
- Att få uppmärksamhet
- Att bli accepterad
- Att bli uppskattad
- Att få självförtroende
- Att vara delaktig
- Att kunna dela med sig
24. Pages : att skapa en långtids
närvaro på Facebook
25. Facebook page – frågor man bör söka svar på
› Vad skall sidan användas till?
› Vem vill vi nå?
› Hur skall vi nå dessa?
› Hur engagerar vi dem?
› Hur får vi dem att stanna?
› Hur blir vi intressanta för alla eller specifika?
› Hur sprider vi våra budskap lättast?
› Hur leder allt detta till försäljning i slutändan?
40. Facebook Deals
Facebook Deals ger verksamheter en möjlighet att belöna
sina kunder med rabatt och specialerbjudanden när de
checkar in med Facebook Places.
Det är ett enkelt sätt att:
•Skapa kundlojalitet
•Sprida era erbjudanden viralt på sveriges största sociala
•Få nya kunder
41. Facebook Deals
Step 1:
En Facebook användare loggar in på Facebook med
hjälp av en mobiltelefon som iPhone, Android, eller en
Windows mobiltelefon.
Dom kommer kunna checka in på en plats när de
Om ni vill köra erbjudanden så behöver ni skapa er
plats på Facebook och ansluta den till er Facebook
42. Facebook Deals
Step 2:
När Facebookanvändaren vill "checka in" till en viss
plats kommer FB appen visa alla platser i närheten.
Om någon i det området har ett erbjudande eller rabatt
kommer en ”guld” biljett visas bredvid företagets namn.
43. Facebook Deals
Step 3:
När Facebookanvändaren har checkat in har de
möjlighet att ta emot erat erbjudande direkt i sin
I detta exempel erbjuder affären att ge 20% rabatt på
alla inköp som sker i kaffebutiken / cafét.
Facebookanvändaren tackar ja till erbjudandet och
visar koden i kassan och ni drar av 20%
på det totala köpet.
Efter att Facebookanvändaren utnyttjat erbjudandet
skapas en ”story” som sprids till alla deras vänner.
*Vänligen notera att om du ni kör ett erbjudande är det viktigt att ni informerar alla
era anställda / butiker om detta.
44. Facebook Deals
Individuella erbjudanden
Om du vill erbjuda ett engångserbjudande i din affär går det
att skapa ett så kallt ”individuellt erbjudande”.
Detta kan användas till:
Nya och befintliga kunder
När du lanserar en ny produkt
Erbjuda en gåva med köp
Bli av med utgående produkter
Driva fler kunder till er fysiska verksamhet
45. Facebook Deals
För att belöna era mest lojala kunder, kan ni skapa ett
Dessa ebjudanden kan utnyttjas av kunder efter ett
visst antal incheckningar har skett. Beroende på din
verksamhet, kan antalet incheckningar variera.
Du har möjlighet att skapa ett erbjudande som kan
utnyttjas efter att minst två och högst 20
incheckningar har skett.
46. Facebook Deals
Människor köper, shoppar, eller äter inte alltid
För att erbjuda en grupp något speciellt skapar man
ett så kallat ”vänskaps erbjudande”
Med ”vänskaps rbjudanden” kan ni erbjuda
rabatter till grupper på upp till 8 personer, när dom
checkar in tillsammans.
Dessa erbjudanden kan skapa ytterligare exponering
för er verksamhet eftersom kravet för att ta del av
erbjudandet är att man introducerar erbjudandet för
sina vänner och bekanta på Facebook.
47. Facebook Deals
Visa människor att ni bryr er om välgörenhet och samhället.
Skapa ett välgörenhetserbjudande genom att göra en
donation på valfri summa till välgörenhet som ni väljer varje
gång någon utnyttjar erbjudandet i er affär.
Detta är ett effektivt sätt för er verksamhet att ge tillbaka till
samhället. Observera att ni själva måste hantera