This document discusses whether a do-it-yourself approach can work for leasing office space. While websites now make it possible for individuals to draft leases and file taxes without professionals, leasing office space has many complex factors to consider like comparable rents, operating expenses, lease terms, landlord reputation, and understanding legal documents. While online tools provide some resources, negotiating an office lease still requires expertise in commercial real estate. Hiring a broker avoids potential pitfalls and is paid for by the landlord, not the tenant.
The document provides 8 tips for managing an office lease:
1. Have a broker, lawyer, or accountant summarize key lease terms like commencement date, rent amounts, and option dates upon signing.
2. Note important lease dates like rent increases in a calendar and review the lease summary annually.
3. Provide a copy of the lease to a lawyer and accountant to help monitor dates and address issues.
4. Check lease terms when receiving bills for expenses or taxes to ensure proper billing according to the lease.
5. Verify rent increase amounts and timing by checking the lease terms.
6. Confirm receipt of full tenant improvement allowances specified in the lease.
The document discusses different options for workplace strategies and locations that CEOs can consider, such as traditional offices, home offices, shared workspaces, and collaborative workspaces. It outlines factors for CEOs to consider in developing a workplace strategy, such as corporate culture, workplace functions, industry norms, employee input, and flexibility. The document advocates having an open and flexible approach to workplace strategy.
La actividad solicita crear una p叩gina en un blog sobre hojas de c叩lculo de Excel. Se debe incluir una imagen sobre hojas de c叩lculo de Excel y un texto que explica que una hoja de c叩lculo permite manipular datos num辿ricos y alfanum辿ricos en tablas de filas y columnas, y que programas como Excel permiten realizar c叩lculos complejos, almacenar n炭meros, y crear gr叩ficas.
The document discusses no code solutions for Office 365. It provides an overview of no code solutions, describing them as quick, useful, and inexpensive ways to solve common business needs using SharePoint composites without writing custom code. The presenter then demonstrates a leave request system built with no code as an example, showing how lists and templates can be used to allow employees to submit requests, managers to approve or reject them, and notify HR.
O documento descreve v叩rias f坦rmulas 炭teis do Excel, incluindo f坦rmulas de soma, subtra巽達o, multiplica巽達o, divis達o, porcentagem, m叩ximo, m鱈nimo, m辿dia, data e condi巽探es. Exemplos detalhados s達o fornecidos para cada tipo de f坦rmula.
Este documento define una c叩mara de video como un dispositivo port叩til que permite registrar im叩genes y sonidos convirti辿ndolos en se単ales el辿ctricas que pueden ser reproducidas. Explica que la luz que entra en la c叩mara es descompuesta en los componentes rojo, verde y azul, y las se単ales resultantes pueden ser grabadas o visualizadas. Tambi辿n incluye una l鱈nea de tiempo y una secci坦n de usos y aplicaciones de las c叩maras de video.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo usar varias funciones b叩sicas de Excel. Explica c坦mo crear un nuevo libro, insertar texto y n炭meros, usar f坦rmulas, formato de celdas, gr叩ficos, funciones y m叩s. Incluye capturas de pantalla paso a paso para guiar al usuario a trav辿s de las funciones comunes de Excel.
1. Designing touchpad user-interfaces for vehicles: which tasks are most suitable?
2. Can User-Paced, Menu-free Spoken Language Interfaces Improve Dual Task Handling While Driving?
La actividad solicita crear una p叩gina en un blog sobre hojas de c叩lculo de Excel. Se debe incluir una imagen sobre hojas de c叩lculo de Excel y un texto que explica que una hoja de c叩lculo permite manipular datos num辿ricos y alfanum辿ricos en tablas de filas y columnas, y que programas como Excel permiten realizar c叩lculos complejos, almacenar n炭meros, y crear gr叩ficas.
The document discusses no code solutions for Office 365. It provides an overview of no code solutions, describing them as quick, useful, and inexpensive ways to solve common business needs using SharePoint composites without writing custom code. The presenter then demonstrates a leave request system built with no code as an example, showing how lists and templates can be used to allow employees to submit requests, managers to approve or reject them, and notify HR.
O documento descreve v叩rias f坦rmulas 炭teis do Excel, incluindo f坦rmulas de soma, subtra巽達o, multiplica巽達o, divis達o, porcentagem, m叩ximo, m鱈nimo, m辿dia, data e condi巽探es. Exemplos detalhados s達o fornecidos para cada tipo de f坦rmula.
Este documento define una c叩mara de video como un dispositivo port叩til que permite registrar im叩genes y sonidos convirti辿ndolos en se単ales el辿ctricas que pueden ser reproducidas. Explica que la luz que entra en la c叩mara es descompuesta en los componentes rojo, verde y azul, y las se単ales resultantes pueden ser grabadas o visualizadas. Tambi辿n incluye una l鱈nea de tiempo y una secci坦n de usos y aplicaciones de las c叩maras de video.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo usar varias funciones b叩sicas de Excel. Explica c坦mo crear un nuevo libro, insertar texto y n炭meros, usar f坦rmulas, formato de celdas, gr叩ficos, funciones y m叩s. Incluye capturas de pantalla paso a paso para guiar al usuario a trav辿s de las funciones comunes de Excel.
1. Designing touchpad user-interfaces for vehicles: which tasks are most suitable?
2. Can User-Paced, Menu-free Spoken Language Interfaces Improve Dual Task Handling While Driving?
1. Feeling Aware: Investigating
the Use of a Mobile
Variable- Friction Tactile
Display for Awareness
+Mobile HCI 2015
-Jeremy Birnholtz et al.
x 2015 Fall
2. Feeling Aware: Investigating the Use of a Mobile Variable- Friction
Tactile Display for Awareness Information
- Mobile HCI 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jeremy Birnholtz | Northwestern University Evanston, IL USA
Darren Gergle | Northw estern University Evanston, IL USA
Noah Liebman | Northwestern University Evanston, IL USA
Sarah Sinclair | Cornell University Ithaca, NY USA
覦 誤磯ゼ 覦 語 讌(available or not)襯
tactile display vs. visual display 襦 information awareness襯
企 ろ願 讌 覲 朱
3. Author
Jeremy Birnholtz | assistant professor of Northwestern University
Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness
checking behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press (2012),
Awareness Beyond the Desktop: Exploring Attention and Distraction
with a Projected Peripheral-vision Display. Proceedings of Graphics
Interface 2010, Canadian Information Processing Society (2010),
Everyone Has to Do It: A joint action approach to managing social
inattention. Computers in Human Behavior 29, (2013), 22302238.
A Framework for Supporting Joint Interpersonal Attention in
Distributed Groups. Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction
INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 295312.
Affiliation history
University Michigan Ann Arbor
University of Michigan
University of Toronto
Cornell University
Northwestern University
Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years 2003-2015
Publication count 59
Citation Count 352
Available for download 47
Downloads (6 Weeks) 435
Downloads (12 Months) 2,725
Downloads (cumulative) 22,549
Average downloads per article 479.77
Average citations per article5.97
4. Author
Jeremy Birnholtz | assistant professor of Northwestern University
Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness
checking behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press (2012),
Awareness Beyond the Desktop: Exploring Attention and Distraction
with a Projected Peripheral-vision Display. Proceedings of Graphics
Interface 2010, Canadian Information Processing Society (2010),
Everyone Has to Do It: A joint action approach to managing social
inattention. Computers in Human Behavior 29, (2013), 22302238.
A Framework for Supporting Joint Interpersonal Attention in
Distributed Groups. Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction
INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 295312.
Affiliation history
University Michigan Ann Arbor
University of Michigan
University of Toronto
Cornell University
Northwestern University
Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years 2003-2015
Publication count 59
Citation Count 352
Available for download 47
Downloads (6 Weeks) 435
Downloads (12 Months) 2,725
Downloads (cumulative) 22,549
Average downloads per article 479.77
Average citations per article5.97
- joint interaction
- awareness beyond the device