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Feeling Aware: Investigating
the Use of a Mobile
Variable- Friction Tactile
Display for Awareness
+Mobile HCI 2015
-Jeremy Birnholtz et al.
x 2015 Fall
Feeling Aware: Investigating the Use of a Mobile Variable- Friction
Tactile Display for Awareness Information
- Mobile HCI 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jeremy Birnholtz | Northwestern University Evanston, IL USA
Darren Gergle | Northw estern University Evanston, IL USA
Noah Liebman | Northwestern University Evanston, IL USA
Sarah Sinclair | Cornell University Ithaca, NY USA
  覦 誤磯ゼ 覦    語 讌(available or not)襯
tactile display vs. visual display 襦   information awareness襯  
企 ろ願 讌 覲 朱
Jeremy Birnholtz | assistant professor of Northwestern University
Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness
checking behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press (2012),
Awareness Beyond the Desktop: Exploring Attention and Distraction
with a Projected Peripheral-vision Display. Proceedings of Graphics
Interface 2010, Canadian Information Processing Society (2010),
Everyone Has to Do It: A joint action approach to managing social
inattention. Computers in Human Behavior 29, (2013), 22302238. 
A Framework for Supporting Joint Interpersonal Attention in
Distributed Groups. Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction 
INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 295312. 

Affiliation history
 University Michigan Ann Arbor
 University of Michigan
 University of Toronto
 Cornell University
 Northwestern University
Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years 2003-2015
Publication count 59
Citation Count 352
Available for download 47
Downloads (6 Weeks) 435
Downloads (12 Months) 2,725
Downloads (cumulative) 22,549
Average downloads per article 479.77
Average citations per article5.97
Jeremy Birnholtz | assistant professor of Northwestern University
Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness
checking behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press (2012),
Awareness Beyond the Desktop: Exploring Attention and Distraction
with a Projected Peripheral-vision Display. Proceedings of Graphics
Interface 2010, Canadian Information Processing Society (2010),
Everyone Has to Do It: A joint action approach to managing social
inattention. Computers in Human Behavior 29, (2013), 22302238. 
A Framework for Supporting Joint Interpersonal Attention in
Distributed Groups. Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction 
INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 295312. 

Affiliation history
 University Michigan Ann Arbor
 University of Michigan
 University of Toronto
 Cornell University
 Northwestern University
Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years 2003-2015
Publication count 59
Citation Count 352
Available for download 47
Downloads (6 Weeks) 435
Downloads (12 Months) 2,725
Downloads (cumulative) 22,549
Average downloads per article 479.77
Average citations per article5.97
- joint interaction 
- awareness beyond the device
Awareness displays; availability; interruption; tactile; variable friction; CSCWれ
覦郁化 always-connected world れ 誤磯(誤 ) 覦伎語朱 
Interruption 譴企 information awareness 覦  螻り 
-> 瑚骸 誤磯 , 企 ろ, 企 覦朱 interrupt襯 伎 load襯 譴  讌 覺
覈 1) ろ 譬襯 ろ 襦
2) Visual Display vs. Tactile Display
1),2) 襴暑 磯殊 information awareness螳 企至 殊讌 覺
覦覯 1) ろ  ろ谿瑚 2覈 讌 讌
2) TPad variable-friction display襯  ろ   蟆 蟆 
3) 蟆 譬襯(Sorting game , Shuffleboard game, Catching game), 蟆 襦(Low vs. High), ろ 覦(Tactile vs. Visual) 襴
4) 蟆譬襯3*2*2螳 蟆曙一 襯 襷れ 12覯 ろ  -> ろ 譴 notification 螻
-> 蟆 , interruption, 覦 , 螳 蟆曙一   (10 豌) 企麹 一危 覿
蟆郁骸 1) notification 蟆曙一 螻 蟆 れ企ゼ    ろ企 tactile display
2) notification 語   visual display覲企 tactile display 蟆
 蟯螻 誤磯 螻讌 螻, 朱 覦
  螳讌 誤磯  譟一螻  企 旧 伎狩
磯殊, availability  interruption 
覈覦 覦伎る availability information awareness襯
 覦朱 讌 覈詩螻 
T pad:
朱 一 覿覿襷
tactile feedback
information awareness
1) ろ 炎鴬 磯 2) 覲伎    覦(螳, 豐螳) 襴伎狩
る 覈覦 覦伎る 一 蠍磯 誤壱伎り 襷 覿蟲螻, tactile 轟煙  讌 覈詩螻 
-> T pad
Related Work
Awareness Display | 覦企ゼ 殊狩れ 螻,  覲企ゼ 螻牛  襦  ろ
企至 螳 蟆語  3螳讌 谿 螻れ
1. availability  覓伎 覲企ゼ, 企至  蟆瑚?
- れ拘危 螳語 襯 available企 busy 煙朱 企 覲危ク 覦
- 覓  覓語 殊襯 覿谿伎, 覓語 企れ讌 讌 磯殊 availability襯 豸
2. 覲企ゼ 朱 狩蟆  蟆瑚?
- 覲企ゼ 盾伎 覲伎譴 蟆語, 覈 覲企ゼ  覲伎譴狩 蟆語 螻ろ伎狩
3. 覲企ゼ 企至 覲伎譴 蟆瑚?
- peripheral visual display襯 伎  豺 覦朱 覲企ゼ 螻牛 蟆 譬
Non-Visual Displays
audible awareness information
- 一ろ  襷 郁規螳 讌 朱, 覈覦 襷ル曙  郁規 覩誤″
- 覈覦殊 豌 所碓, 譟一 伎狩  襷ル曙 譟伎蠍 覓語 audible awareness襯
haptic or tactile
- 覈覦 覦伎れ tactile 牛 覲 蠏殊煙  る 郁規 蟆郁骸
- tactile 覦  襷一  覦 螳  觜襯願 る 郁規 蟆郁骸螳 
Related Work
Variable Friction Display
variable friction display
- vibrotactile 蠍一 蟆曙一 覦伎 豌願 讌 碁 (覲危ク る誤 讌 襴)
- variable friction display 蟆曙一 ろ襴一 遂 螳 覃伎 覿覿襷 襷谿一 譴
- ろ襴一  轟  語   襯 
Related Work
information awareness
ろ襯   蟲 譯殊  磯 覲企ゼ 語 螳 殊
朱朱  interruptions 譯殊襯 蟆  = 覦 螳  る 郁規 蟆郁骸螳 襷
-> variable-friction tactile notification 蟆曙一 語 蟲 螳 覈轟 
れ 覲願 inputる れ 谿襴讌 覈詩る 螻 
- 殊: る慨襯 一  覯 螳 蟆所襯   
- るジ讓: 殊佒 蟆曙 覓朱Μ朱 覯殊 襯企 蟆
ろ 螳
郁規覓語 : 3 dimensions (狩襾殊/覦/蟆渚)
RQ1: 蟆 譬襯, 蟆 襦, ろ 覦 game score & interruption timing 覩語 レ?
RQ2: 蟆 譬襯, 蟆 襦, ろ 覦 reaction time 覩語 レ?
RQ3: variable friction tactile display螳 experience 企 レ 覩語海? (10 豌)
- 旧 ろ 蟆曙 讌
- variable friction tactile notification 螻 visual notification 覦 觜蟲
- ろ谿瑚朱Μ 讌 讌 ろ伎  蟆 襦 蟲
- 1) primary task: 蟆  
- 2) secondary task: tactile  visual notification  覦 覲伎 
ろ  TPad variale friction display
- n = 56 (: 26覈, : 30覈, 蠏:23)
- Midwestern US university , 貉るる 覃る 煙 覈讌
- 譬 螻 蟲襦 覈讌 (襴:$15)
ろ 覦覯
- ろ 谿瑚 56覈 2覈 讌 讌 28螳 蠏碁9 襷れ  蟆 
- display type (2), task type (3), task workload(2) 譬襯 磯 2*3*2=12螳讌 蟆曙一  ろ 
- ろ襯 覃伎,  partner ろ谿瑚螳 譯朱 notification 覦伎 
noti (x):smooth / noti (o): friction
noti (x):not glow / noti (o): glow
ろ襴一  shapes 襯 るゴ蟆 伎
workload 譟一
れ る
Task Type
- catching game
- 覦れ 譬磯 讌
- shuffleboard game
-  覦朱  覈
-  朱 蠏誤 
- sorting game
- 殊: 蟆
- るジ讓: 
Primary Task: 蟆  Secondary Task: 誤一 覦
- Tactile: 螳曙 texture螳 蟷伎
: 覦 key襯 覦   
: るジ讓  key 覯殊  
- Visual: ろ襴一 edge glow
: 覦 key襯 覦   
: るジ讓  key 覯殊  
| 覦 tactile  visual襦 notification る 轟 襷 key襯 覦  
| Key襯  企 襯企 豢螳 襯 覦螻, 覈視 企 襯企 螳 蟾
| 襦  企 key襯 譯手 覦朱伎  襯 伎狩 蟆
Task Type
- catching game
- 覦れ 譬磯 讌
- shuffleboard game
-  覦朱  覈
-  朱 蠏誤 
- sorting game
- 殊: 蟆
- るジ讓: 
Primary Task: 蟆  Secondary Task: 誤一 覦
- Tactile: 螳曙 texture螳 蟷伎
: 覦 key襯 覦   
: るジ讓  key 覯殊  
- Visual: ろ襴一 edge glow
: 覦 key襯 覦   
: るジ讓  key 覯殊  
| 覦 tactile  visual襦 notification る 轟 襷 key襯 覦  
| Key襯  企 襯企 豢螳 襯 覦螻, 覈視 企 襯企 螳 蟾
| 襦  企 key襯 譯手 覦朱伎  襯 伎狩 蟆
ろ  豢螳 覲
- tactile texture 螳  るジ 郁規 pilot 蟆郁骸 覦
 variable - friction 螳襯 豈
- 1覿螳 3螳讌 蟆  practice round ろ
- れ ろ  12螳讌 蟆   襯
randomize 螻
豸′ 螳
- 1) game score: 12覯 ろ 企麹 蟆 襯 覯 蠍磯
- 2) interrruption timing: partner availability state 磯殊 讌(good or bad)襯 覯 蠍磯
- 1) reaction time: tactile vs. visual襦 notification 譯殊伎  企 誤磯ゼ 語 key 覯殊 襯 覦 
- 1) workload:
- NASA Task Load Index(TLX)襯  very low(0) 覿 very high(10)蟾讌 襯 襷り鍵蟆 
- NASA-TLX 磯殊 perceived mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance,
effort and frustration 螳 覿
- 2) partner connection:
-   碁 螻殊朱 も
-   碁  螳  企 谿襴  覓語螳 も
- 焔炎骸 螳 伎   7 豌 る
Games Scores
tactile > visual
- tactile襦 notification 譴 蟆曙
覦 螳 
- 蟆  讌譴  伎
螳 蟆 
tactile display (M=1.85, SE=.04)
visual display (M = 1.80, SE = .04),
F(1, 59.35) = 3.06,
p = .09.
Number of Presses
 企 螳蠍一
Visual Display螳 
Tactile  ,
讌  螳 覦蟇磯
螳 企 豺 蟆曙郁 朱
good: available   key覯 襴
bad: not available 朱 key 覯 襴
missed: available  key 覯殊 襯伎 覈詩
Reaction Time
visual  tactile 覦覲企
覦 螳 觜襴 (758 milliseconds)
朱 high workload 
tactile  覦 螳 讌
-> 襦螳   tactile  螳レ
visual display (M = .317 seconds (ln), SE = .029)
tactile display (M = .757 seconds (ln), SE = .029)
F(1, 57.5) = 176.29,
p < .0001.
Experience with the Tactile Display (7 豌)

螳 企 語
譯殊襯 蟲
螳 企 語
 螳 襷 
Visual display螳
覈 覃伎 一
visual > tactile
ろ 炎鴬, ,  覦 覈 螻:
螻殊  visual > tactile
1) variable friction tactile display螳  螻殊 availability  覲企ゼ 螻牛  螳?
-> 覦伎語 譴, Primary task  讌譴覃伎 availability襯 secondary task襦 語  
-> High Workload 朱 variable friction tactile display  覦 螳 
-> 磯殊, availability 覲 螻旧  豸°伎 螳讌螻 
Conclusion& Discussion
覲 郁規 譯朱 Two Major Questions
2) availability 覲企ゼ  , tactile friction display vs. visual display 譴 覓伎  螳?
-> 郁規 蟆郁骸: availability 覲企ゼ   tactile friction display <<<<< visual display
-> 蟆郁骸  覲覈1 : ろ 蟇磯襦 visual螻 tactile 語 覦  gap 譴企
: 讀, 豢覿 旧  蟆曙 tactile friction display螳  讌蟯 蟆企 譯殊
->蟆郁骸  覲覈2 : visual 觜 觜豺   覲伎伎 螻, 螳 noti螳 覦伎語朱   
: tactile display螳 promising
 襦 譯殊 <る語豺 襴殊  螳螳  郁規(螳/豌螳/豐螳)> 螻   襷
 覃讌 伎, 襴  覦 蟆曙一 襯 螻燕 れ 覦 豸′  
 ろ 蟲蟆 り -> れ ろ 讌  谿瑚企骸   蟆
 襴 覲螻 譬 覲  蟯螻襯 覈蟆 覈
 覲 蟯螻襯 る   豸′ 螳 覿 覦覯 谿瑚企骸   蟆
 朱  , 糾襯 企至   讌 谿瑚   蟆
 れ 一危 讌 覩誤 (れ  螳   貉ろ 螻 覩誤)
  一危一襷 豐, 覯 譯 -> 誤磯薫 煙 牛 讌 一危 覿譟燕
   availity 語 variable friction tactile   蟆 螻殊 讌?
: variable friction tactile  螳 襯 願鍵 覲企る 豺襯 企  り 螳
: drawing企 螳レ語 一ろ襴  煙    蟆
thank you!

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Feeling aware

  • 1. Feeling Aware: Investigating the Use of a Mobile Variable- Friction Tactile Display for Awareness Information +Mobile HCI 2015 -Jeremy Birnholtz et al. /讌 x 2015 Fall
  • 2. Feeling Aware: Investigating the Use of a Mobile Variable- Friction Tactile Display for Awareness Information - Mobile HCI 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark Jeremy Birnholtz | Northwestern University Evanston, IL USA Darren Gergle | Northw estern University Evanston, IL USA Noah Liebman | Northwestern University Evanston, IL USA Sarah Sinclair | Cornell University Ithaca, NY USA 覦 誤磯ゼ 覦 語 讌(available or not)襯 tactile display vs. visual display 襦 information awareness襯 企 ろ願 讌 覲 朱
  • 3. Author Jeremy Birnholtz | assistant professor of Northwestern University Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness checking behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press (2012), 17651774. Awareness Beyond the Desktop: Exploring Attention and Distraction with a Projected Peripheral-vision Display. Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010, Canadian Information Processing Society (2010), 5562. Everyone Has to Do It: A joint action approach to managing social inattention. Computers in Human Behavior 29, (2013), 22302238. A Framework for Supporting Joint Interpersonal Attention in Distributed Groups. Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 295312. Affiliation history University Michigan Ann Arbor University of Michigan University of Toronto Cornell University Northwestern University Bibliometrics: publication history Publication years 2003-2015 Publication count 59 Citation Count 352 Available for download 47 Downloads (6 Weeks) 435 Downloads (12 Months) 2,725 Downloads (cumulative) 22,549 Average downloads per article 479.77 Average citations per article5.97 Publications
  • 4. Author Jeremy Birnholtz | assistant professor of Northwestern University Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness checking behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press (2012), 17651774. Awareness Beyond the Desktop: Exploring Attention and Distraction with a Projected Peripheral-vision Display. Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010, Canadian Information Processing Society (2010), 5562. Everyone Has to Do It: A joint action approach to managing social inattention. Computers in Human Behavior 29, (2013), 22302238. A Framework for Supporting Joint Interpersonal Attention in Distributed Groups. Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, 295312. Affiliation history University Michigan Ann Arbor University of Michigan University of Toronto Cornell University Northwestern University Bibliometrics: publication history Publication years 2003-2015 Publication count 59 Citation Count 352 Available for download 47 Downloads (6 Weeks) 435 Downloads (12 Months) 2,725 Downloads (cumulative) 22,549 Average downloads per article 479.77 Average citations per article5.97 Publications - joint interaction - awareness beyond the device
  • 5. Abstract Awareness displays; availability; interruption; tactile; variable friction; CSCWれ 覦郁化 always-connected world れ 誤磯(誤 ) 覦伎語朱 Interruption 譴企 information awareness 覦 螻り -> 瑚骸 誤磯 , 企 ろ, 企 覦朱 interrupt襯 伎 load襯 譴 讌 覺 覈 1) ろ 譬襯 ろ 襦 2) Visual Display vs. Tactile Display 1),2) 襴暑 磯殊 information awareness螳 企至 殊讌 覺 覦覯 1) ろ ろ谿瑚 2覈 讌 讌 2) TPad variable-friction display襯 ろ 蟆 蟆 3) 蟆 譬襯(Sorting game , Shuffleboard game, Catching game), 蟆 襦(Low vs. High), ろ 覦(Tactile vs. Visual) 襴 4) 蟆譬襯3*2*2螳 蟆曙一 襯 襷れ 12覯 ろ -> ろ 譴 notification 螻 -> 蟆 , interruption, 覦 , 螳 蟆曙一 (10 豌) 企麹 一危 覿 蟆郁骸 1) notification 蟆曙一 螻 蟆 れ企ゼ ろ企 tactile display 2) notification 語 visual display覲企 tactile display 蟆
  • 6. Introduction availiability 蟯螻 誤磯 螻讌 螻, 朱 覦 螳讌 誤磯 譟一螻 企 旧 伎狩 磯殊, availability interruption 覈覦 覦伎る availability information awareness襯 覦朱 讌 覈詩螻 T pad: 朱 一 覿覿襷 tactile feedback information awareness 1) ろ 炎鴬 磯 2) 覲伎 覦(螳, 豐螳) 襴伎狩 る 覈覦 覦伎る 一 蠍磯 誤壱伎り 襷 覿蟲螻, tactile 轟煙 讌 覈詩螻 -> T pad
  • 7. Related Work Awareness Display | 覦企ゼ 殊狩れ 螻, 覲企ゼ 螻牛 襦 ろ 企至 螳 蟆語 3螳讌 谿 螻れ 1. availability 覓伎 覲企ゼ, 企至 蟆瑚? - れ拘危 螳語 襯 available企 busy 煙朱 企 覲危ク 覦 - 覓 覓語 殊襯 覿谿伎, 覓語 企れ讌 讌 磯殊 availability襯 豸 2. 覲企ゼ 朱 狩蟆 蟆瑚? - 覲企ゼ 盾伎 覲伎譴 蟆語, 覈 覲企ゼ 覲伎譴狩 蟆語 螻ろ伎狩 3. 覲企ゼ 企至 覲伎譴 蟆瑚? - peripheral visual display襯 伎 豺 覦朱 覲企ゼ 螻牛 蟆 譬
  • 8. Non-Visual Displays audible awareness information - 一ろ 襷 郁規螳 讌 朱, 覈覦 襷ル曙 郁規 覩誤″ - 覈覦殊 豌 所碓, 譟一 伎狩 襷ル曙 譟伎蠍 覓語 audible awareness襯 螻螳 haptic or tactile - 覈覦 覦伎れ tactile 牛 覲 蠏殊煙 る 郁規 蟆郁骸 - tactile 覦 襷一 覦 螳 觜襯願 る 郁規 蟆郁骸螳 Related Work
  • 9. Variable Friction Display variable friction display - vibrotactile 蠍一 蟆曙一 覦伎 豌願 讌 碁 (覲危ク る誤 讌 襴) - variable friction display 蟆曙一 ろ襴一 遂 螳 覃伎 覿覿襷 襷谿一 譴 - ろ襴一 轟 語 襯 Related Work information awareness ろ襯 蟲 譯殊 磯 覲企ゼ 語 螳 殊 朱朱 interruptions 譯殊襯 蟆 = 覦 螳 る 郁規 蟆郁骸螳 襷 -> variable-friction tactile notification 蟆曙一 語 蟲 螳 覈轟 れ 覲願 inputる れ 谿襴讌 覈詩る 螻 - 殊: る慨襯 一 覯 螳 蟆所襯 - るジ讓: 殊佒 蟆曙 覓朱Μ朱 覯殊 襯企 蟆
  • 10. ろ 螳 Study 郁規覓語 : 3 dimensions (狩襾殊/覦/蟆渚) RQ1: 蟆 譬襯, 蟆 襦, ろ 覦 game score & interruption timing 覩語 レ? RQ2: 蟆 譬襯, 蟆 襦, ろ 覦 reaction time 覩語 レ? RQ3: variable friction tactile display螳 experience 企 レ 覩語海? (10 豌) 螳 - 旧 ろ 蟆曙 讌 - variable friction tactile notification 螻 visual notification 覦 觜蟲 - ろ谿瑚朱Μ 讌 讌 ろ伎 蟆 襦 蟲 - 1) primary task: 蟆 - 2) secondary task: tactile visual notification 覦 覲伎 ろ TPad variale friction display ろ谿瑚 - n = 56 (: 26覈, : 30覈, 蠏:23) - Midwestern US university , 貉るる 覃る 煙 覈讌 - 譬 螻 蟲襦 覈讌 (襴:$15)
  • 11. ろ 覦覯 Study - ろ 谿瑚 56覈 2覈 讌 讌 28螳 蠏碁9 襷れ 蟆 - display type (2), task type (3), task workload(2) 譬襯 磯 2*3*2=12螳讌 蟆曙一 ろ - ろ襯 覃伎, partner ろ谿瑚螳 譯朱 notification 覦伎 noti (x):smooth / noti (o): friction noti (x):not glow / noti (o): glow ろ襴一 shapes 襯 るゴ蟆 伎 workload 譟一 れ る
  • 12. Task Type Study 1) 2) 3) - catching game - 覦れ 譬磯 讌 - shuffleboard game - 覦朱 覈 - 朱 蠏誤 - sorting game - 殊: 蟆 - るジ讓: Primary Task: 蟆 Secondary Task: 誤一 覦 - Tactile: 螳曙 texture螳 蟷伎 : 覦 key襯 覦 : るジ讓 key 覯殊 - Visual: ろ襴一 edge glow : 覦 key襯 覦 : るジ讓 key 覯殊 | 覦 tactile visual襦 notification る 轟 襷 key襯 覦 | Key襯 企 襯企 豢螳 襯 覦螻, 覈視 企 襯企 螳 蟾 | 襦 企 key襯 譯手 覦朱伎 襯 伎狩 蟆 3.5mins
  • 13. Task Type Study 1) 2) 3) - catching game - 覦れ 譬磯 讌 - shuffleboard game - 覦朱 覈 - 朱 蠏誤 - sorting game - 殊: 蟆 - るジ讓: Primary Task: 蟆 Secondary Task: 誤一 覦 - Tactile: 螳曙 texture螳 蟷伎 : 覦 key襯 覦 : るジ讓 key 覯殊 - Visual: ろ襴一 edge glow : 覦 key襯 覦 : るジ讓 key 覯殊 | 覦 tactile visual襦 notification る 轟 襷 key襯 覦 | Key襯 企 襯企 豢螳 襯 覦螻, 覈視 企 襯企 螳 蟾 | 襦 企 key襯 譯手 覦朱伎 襯 伎狩 蟆 ろ 豢螳 覲 - tactile texture 螳 るジ 郁規 pilot 蟆郁骸 覦 variable - friction 螳襯 豈 - 1覿螳 3螳讌 蟆 practice round ろ - れ ろ 12螳讌 蟆 襯 randomize 螻
  • 14. 豸′ 螳 Measures 狩襾殊 - 1) game score: 12覯 ろ 企麹 蟆 襯 覯 蠍磯 - 2) interrruption timing: partner availability state 磯殊 讌(good or bad)襯 覯 蠍磯 語覦 - 1) reaction time: tactile vs. visual襦 notification 譯殊伎 企 誤磯ゼ 語 key 覯殊 襯 覦 蟆渚 - 1) workload: - NASA Task Load Index(TLX)襯 very low(0) 覿 very high(10)蟾讌 襯 襷り鍵蟆 - NASA-TLX 磯殊 perceived mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance, effort and frustration 螳 覿 - 2) partner connection: - 碁 螻殊朱 も - 碁 螳 企 谿襴 覓語螳 も - 焔炎骸 螳 伎 7 豌 る
  • 15. Games Scores Result tactile > visual - tactile襦 notification 譴 蟆曙 覦 螳 - 蟆 讌譴 伎 螳 蟆 tactile display (M=1.85, SE=.04) visual display (M = 1.80, SE = .04), F(1, 59.35) = 3.06, p = .09.
  • 16. Number of Presses Result 企 螳蠍一 Visual Display螳 Tactile , 讌 螳 覦蟇磯 螳 企 豺 蟆曙郁 朱 襷 good: available key覯 襴 bad: not available 朱 key 覯 襴 missed: available key 覯殊 襯伎 覈詩
  • 17. Reaction Time Result visual tactile 覦覲企 覦 螳 觜襴 (758 milliseconds) 朱 high workload tactile 覦 螳 讌 -> 襦螳 tactile 螳レ visual display (M = .317 seconds (ln), SE = .029) tactile display (M = .757 seconds (ln), SE = .029) F(1, 57.5) = 176.29, p < .0001.
  • 18. Experience with the Tactile Display (7 豌) Result 螻殊 螳 企 語 譯殊襯 蟲 螳 企 語 螳 襷 Visual display螳 覈 覃伎 一 visual > tactile 覩 ろ 炎鴬, , 覦 覈 螻: 螻殊 visual > tactile
  • 19. 1) variable friction tactile display螳 螻殊 availability 覲企ゼ 螻牛 螳? 覃伎 -> 覦伎語 譴, Primary task 讌譴覃伎 availability襯 secondary task襦 語 -> High Workload 朱 variable friction tactile display 覦 螳 -> 磯殊, availability 覲 螻旧 豸°伎 螳讌螻 Conclusion& Discussion 覲 郁規 譯朱 Two Major Questions 2) availability 覲企ゼ , tactile friction display vs. visual display 譴 覓伎 螳? -> 郁規 蟆郁骸: availability 覲企ゼ tactile friction display <<<<< visual display -> 蟆郁骸 覲覈1 : ろ 蟇磯襦 visual螻 tactile 語 覦 gap 譴企 : 讀, 豢覿 旧 蟆曙 tactile friction display螳 讌蟯 蟆企 譯殊 ->蟆郁骸 覲覈2 : visual 觜 觜豺 覲伎伎 螻, 螳 noti螳 覦伎語朱 : tactile display螳 promising
  • 20. ? 襦 譯殊 <る語豺 襴殊 螳螳 郁規(螳/豌螳/豐螳)> 螻 襷 覃讌 伎, 襴 覦 蟆曙一 襯 螻燕 れ 覦 豸′ ろ 蟲蟆 り -> れ ろ 讌 谿瑚企骸 蟆 + 襴 覲螻 譬 覲 蟯螻襯 覈蟆 覈 覲 蟯螻襯 る 豸′ 螳 覿 覦覯 谿瑚企骸 蟆 朱 , 糾襯 企至 讌 谿瑚 蟆 - れ 一危 讌 覩誤 (れ 螳 貉ろ 螻 覩誤) 一危一襷 豐, 覯 譯 -> 誤磯薫 煙 牛 讌 一危 覿譟燕 availity 語 variable friction tactile 蟆 螻殊 讌? : variable friction tactile 螳 襯 願鍵 覲企る 豺襯 企 り 螳 : drawing企 螳レ語 一ろ襴 煙 蟆