Género narrativo. Segundo Ciclo.Milva Bustamante MolinaElementos del género narrativo. espacio narrativo, personajes, acciones, momentos de la narración.
Radiograph ArtifactsMedia GenieArtifact is defined as any opacity on the radiograph which does not correspond to an actual anatomic structure. Any misinterpretation of an actual anatomic structure. Anything decreasing radiographic quality.
Nursing lec 1Magdy AlyThis document discusses new concepts of curriculum that focus on developing thinking skills. It argues that today's world requires life-long learning and problem solving abilities rather than just content knowledge. It presents five key aspects of a "thought-full" curriculum: 1) directly teaching thinking skills, 2) using content to engage and activate the mind, 3) stimulating dialogue to build shared understanding, 4) reflecting on one's own thought processes, and 5) cultivating a more thoughtful world through education. The overall message is that education needs to go beyond just teaching content to developing strong thinking abilities in students.
Tema 2. 1ºeso.2014/ 2015. El relieve terrestre. Chema R.Sobre el relieve terrestre.
presentacion de la tecnologiaBambolina JessEste documento discute los pros y los contras de los avances tecnológicos. A favor, señala que la tecnología ha mejorado la medicina y permitido tratar enfermedades mortales, así como facilitar la reproducción y los trasplantes de órganos. También ha mejorado la comunicación a través de Internet y los teléfonos móviles. En contra, plantea preocupaciones sobre el sufrimiento animal causado por la investigación médica, los riesgos de la clonación humana, y que la tecnología puede aislarnos
Futility by Wilfred Owen katyevans25Wilfred Owen's poem "Futility" describes a dead soldier lying in the snow who can no longer be woken by the morning sun as he would have been at home. The persona reflects on the stillness of the scene and asks rhetorical questions about the purpose of nature awakening if all people do is die. Context notes indicate the poem was published in 1918 and explores the pointlessness of life on the Western Front, where over 1.7 million soldiers were killed or wounded in the area around Ypres.
Research and Planningkatyevans25The document outlines a research and planning process to develop a film that will attract women ages 15-24. It includes additional research on the TV show "Made in Chelsea" and its use of glamour. It also plans to use secondary research on previous films' audience demographics and primary research through surveys. Textual and cinematography analysis of successful romantic comedies will provide insight into appealing conventions.
Radiograph ArtifactsMedia GenieArtifact is defined as any opacity on the radiograph which does not correspond to an actual anatomic structure. Any misinterpretation of an actual anatomic structure. Anything decreasing radiographic quality.
Nursing lec 1Magdy AlyThis document discusses new concepts of curriculum that focus on developing thinking skills. It argues that today's world requires life-long learning and problem solving abilities rather than just content knowledge. It presents five key aspects of a "thought-full" curriculum: 1) directly teaching thinking skills, 2) using content to engage and activate the mind, 3) stimulating dialogue to build shared understanding, 4) reflecting on one's own thought processes, and 5) cultivating a more thoughtful world through education. The overall message is that education needs to go beyond just teaching content to developing strong thinking abilities in students.
Tema 2. 1ºeso.2014/ 2015. El relieve terrestre. Chema R.Sobre el relieve terrestre.
presentacion de la tecnologiaBambolina JessEste documento discute los pros y los contras de los avances tecnológicos. A favor, señala que la tecnología ha mejorado la medicina y permitido tratar enfermedades mortales, así como facilitar la reproducción y los trasplantes de órganos. También ha mejorado la comunicación a través de Internet y los teléfonos móviles. En contra, plantea preocupaciones sobre el sufrimiento animal causado por la investigación médica, los riesgos de la clonación humana, y que la tecnología puede aislarnos
Futility by Wilfred Owen katyevans25Wilfred Owen's poem "Futility" describes a dead soldier lying in the snow who can no longer be woken by the morning sun as he would have been at home. The persona reflects on the stillness of the scene and asks rhetorical questions about the purpose of nature awakening if all people do is die. Context notes indicate the poem was published in 1918 and explores the pointlessness of life on the Western Front, where over 1.7 million soldiers were killed or wounded in the area around Ypres.
Research and Planningkatyevans25The document outlines a research and planning process to develop a film that will attract women ages 15-24. It includes additional research on the TV show "Made in Chelsea" and its use of glamour. It also plans to use secondary research on previous films' audience demographics and primary research through surveys. Textual and cinematography analysis of successful romantic comedies will provide insight into appealing conventions.
Evaluation Question 6katyevans25The document discusses the hardware used to film a movie sequence. It describes learning how to use a camera, its buttons, and applying camera techniques to get precise shots. It also discusses using a tripod to get steady shots, transferring footage to a Mac using Final Cut Express, and learning about storage cards and Mac software like Safari and Final Cut.
Jean-Charles Marchiani : "Europe et immigration"Jean-Charles MarchianiIntervention sur l'Europe et l'immigration par l'eurodéputé Jean-Charles Marchiani (groupe UEN) devant le parlement européen.
Transport in humansDillon D'cruzThe circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is made up of the heart and blood vessels. It is responsible for transporting blood, nutrients, oxygen, water, and waste products throughout the entire body in mammals. The heart pumps around 1.5 gallons of blood per minute through a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries, ensuring all cells receive nutrients and oxygen and remove waste. Blockages in the coronary arteries, which supply the heart, can lead to coronary heart disease over many years as plaque builds up in the arteries.
Create and publish reports using Polaris Simply Reports - pug 2014Nadia MuslehThis document provides an overview of how to create and publish reports using Simply Reports. It discusses selecting columns and filters, saving reports, scheduling automatic delivery, and publishing reports for access on the Polaris toolbar. The objectives are to help participants understand Simply Reports, know how to save and schedule a report, and find saved reports. An afternoon session will cover modifying existing reports using Report Builder to add parameters.
Concurrent processYogendra RwlConcurrent processes can compete for resources within a system. This can lead to mutual exclusion issues where processes are waiting for resources held by other processes, potentially resulting in deadlock. Operating systems address this through techniques such as semaphores, monitors, and deadlock prevention, avoidance, and detection strategies. Processes also need interprocess communication mechanisms like signals, pipes, message passing, and shared memory to coordinate with each other.
Aprenda o que é intertextualidadeRogério SouzaAprenda o que é Intertextualidade e as maneiras como isso pode aparecer nos exames como o vestibular ou o Enem. Atualmente um dos recursos mais usados nas provas de vestibular é a intertextualidade. com ela pode ser avaliado todo o escopo de conhecimento que o aluno adquiriu ao longo da vida e coloca-se a Língua Portuguesa como objeto integrado ao cotidiano
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