n digital image processing, filtering refers to the process of modifying or enhancing an image by manipulating its pixel values based on certain algorithms or rules. Filters are widely used to emphasize certain features, suppress others, or extract information from images.
1. Spatial filtering techniques include neighbourhood operations, smoothing filters, sharpening filters, and combining filtering techniques. Neighbourhood operations operate on pixels surrounding a central pixel.
2. Simple neighbourhood operations include minimum, maximum, and median filters. Smoothing filters average pixel values in a neighbourhood to reduce noise while preserving edges.
3. Convolution and correlation are similar operations that involve multiplying a filter kernel with pixels in an image neighbourhood. Convolution involves flipping the filter kernel before multiplication.
1. Image filtering involves applying convolution operations to images using filters like box filters and Gaussian filters. This smooths images by averaging pixel neighborhoods.
2. Gaussian filters are commonly used to smooth images as they produce realistic blurring effects. The amount of smoothing depends on the Gaussian's variance parameter.
3. Template matching uses correlation or convolution to find regions in an image that match a template pattern. It is commonly used for tasks like object detection.
This document summarizes spatial filtering techniques for image enhancement, including smoothing and sharpening filters. It discusses neighbourhood operations and different types of spatial filters like averaging filters and median filters that can be used to smooth images. Techniques for sharpening images like the Laplacian filter and highboost filter are also covered. The document provides examples and equations to demonstrate how various spatial filters work to enhance images.
Neighbourhood operations operate on a larger neighbourhood of pixels than point operations. Neighbourhoods are mostly rectangular shapes around a central pixel, and any size or shape of filter and neighbourhood is possible. Simple neighbourhood operations include setting a pixel value to the minimum or maximum in the neighbourhood. Spatial filtering involves applying a filter to each pixel neighbourhood to generate an output pixel value. Smoothing filters like averaging filters are commonly used to reduce noise, while sharpening filters using derivatives highlight edges and fine detail. The Laplacian filter is a common sharpening filter that involves taking the second derivative to highlight edges.
This document discusses various spatial filtering methods used in image processing. Spatial filters are defined by their neighborhood, which is usually a square window, and their operation, which processes pixels in the neighborhood. Linear filters include correlation and convolution, where the output is a linear combination of input pixels. Common filters are smoothing (low-pass) filters like averaging and Gaussian, which reduce noise and detail, and sharpening (high-pass) filters like unsharp masking and derivatives, which enhance details like edges. Derivatives like the gradient and Laplacian are used to detect edges.
This document discusses spatial filtering techniques in image processing. It begins by defining different types of filters based on the frequencies they preserve, such as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-reject. It then explains that spatial filters require defining a neighborhood/mask and an operation. The document focuses on smoothing/low-pass filters which reduce noise and eliminate small details, and sharpening/high-pass filters which highlight fine details. Common smoothing filters discussed include averaging, Gaussian, and median filtering, while common sharpening filters include unsharp masking, high boost filtering, and filters based on image derivatives like gradient and Laplacian. Examples are provided to illustrate the effects of different filters.
Spatial filtering is a technique that operates directly on pixels in an image. It involves sliding a filter mask over the image and applying a filtering operation using the pixels covered by the mask. Common operations include smoothing to reduce noise and sharpening to enhance edges. Smoothing filters average pixel values, while median filters select the median value. Spatial filtering can blur details and reduce noise but must address edge effects where the mask extends past image boundaries.
MedicalSpatial filtering is a process by which we can alter properties of an optical image by selectively removing certain spatial frequencies that make up an object, for example, filtering video data received from satellite and space probes, or removal of raster from a television picture or scanned image. Image processing, digital images slides spatial filters. Filters are divided into two types: linear (also called convolution) and nonlinear. A convolution is an algorithm that consists of recalculating the value of a pixel based on its own pixel value and the pixel values of its neighbors weighted by the coefficients of a convolution kernel. Spatial filtering is commonly used to "clean up" the output of lasers, removing aberrations in the beam due to imperfect, dirty, or damaged optics, or due to variations in the laser gain medium itself.
This document summarizes the key steps in a digital signal processing project on simulating a basic digital camera model. It discusses face detection using the Viola-Jones algorithm and Haar-like features. It then covers adding noise to images, designing mean and median filters to reduce noise, and optimizing filter performance. The document also discusses histogram equalization for color enhancement and a technique for contrast enhancement that considers color shifting and the human visual system.
Linear filtering involves modifying pixels based on their neighborhood values using a linear combination. It is useful for integrating information over constant regions, scaling images, and detecting changes. Common linear filters include average filters, which replace each pixel with the average of its neighbors, and Gaussian filters, which weight nearby pixels more than distant ones. Filtering can reduce noise by averaging, as the average of random noise at each pixel will be smaller than the noise at any single pixel.
Edge detection is used to identify points in a digital image where the image brightness changes sharply. The key steps are smoothing to reduce noise, enhancing edges through differentiation, thresholding to determine important edges, and localization to find edge positions. Common methods include using the first derivative to find gradients and zero-crossings of the second derivative. Operators like Prewitt and Sobel approximate derivatives with small pixel masks. Edge detection is useful for computer vision tasks by extracting important image features.
The document discusses image processing techniques including image derivatives, integral images, convolution, morphology operations, and image pyramids.
It explains that image derivatives detect edges by capturing changes in pixel intensity, and provides an example calculation. Integral images allow fast computation of box filters by precomputing pixel sums. Convolution is used to calculate probabilities as the sliding overlap of distributions. Morphology operations like erosion and dilation modify images based on pixel neighborhoods. Image pyramids create multiple resolution layers that aid in object detection across scales.
Local neighborhood processing is a common technique in spatial domain image filtering. It involves defining a neighborhood around each pixel and applying an operation to the pixel values within the neighborhood. Common examples are mean and weighted mean filters, which average pixel values to reduce noise. Mean filters replace each pixel value with the average of neighboring pixels. Weighted mean filters assign more importance to central pixels and horizontally/vertically adjacent pixels compared to diagonal neighbors. Neighborhood processing is implemented by defining a filter kernel that specifies the operation and applying it to each pixel location.
This document discusses spatial filtering methods for image processing. It defines spatial filtering as applying an operation within a neighborhood of pixels. Filters are classified as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or band-reject depending on which frequencies they preserve or reject. Common linear spatial filtering methods are correlation and convolution. Smoothing filters like averaging and Gaussian blur reduce noise, while sharpening filters like unsharp masking and derivatives emphasize edges to enhance details.
Analysis of Non Linear Filters with Various Density of Impulse Noise for Diff...IJERA Editor
Corrupted digital images are recovered by using median filters. The most frequently occur noise is salt and pepper type impulse noise. As the noise increases it becomes hard to recover the noisy digital image. Different median filters have been suggested to recover it. Size of the window taken in the filter is also the important factor at different level of noises. The performance of standard median filter (SMF), centered weighted median (CWM) filter and directional weighted median (DWM) filter is tested on gray scale images corrupted with variable percentage of salt & pepper noise impulse noise. It is also tested for different window sizes of filters. Some filter performs better at low noise while some performs better at high noise. At higher level of noise, large window size in the filters works better than small window size. These comparisons are very helpful in deciding the best filter at different level of noise.
Spatial domain filtering involves modifying an image by applying a filter or kernel to pixels within a neighborhood region. There are two main types of spatial filters - smoothing/low-pass filters which blur an image, and sharpening/high-pass filters which enhance edges and details. Smoothing filters replace each pixel value with the average of neighboring pixels, reducing noise. Sharpening filters use derivatives of Gaussian kernels to highlight areas of rapid intensity change, increasing contrast along edges. The effects of filtering depend on the size and shape of the kernel, with larger kernels producing more blurring or sharpening.
1. The document discusses computer vision and image processing. It describes the typical components of a computer vision system, including the scene being analyzed, a sensing device to collect data, and a computational device to analyze the data.
2. The document covers various topics in computer vision including low-level, mid-level, and high-level processing. It also discusses image filtering techniques such as smoothing and sharpening filters.
3. Specific filtering methods covered include averaging, Gaussian, median, unsharp masking, high boost, and derivative filters. The properties and applications of different filters are explained through examples.
1. The document discusses various image filtering techniques, including correlation filtering, convolution, averaging filters, and Gaussian filters.
2. Gaussian filters are commonly used for smoothing images as they remove high-frequency components while maintaining edges. The scale parameter σ controls the amount of smoothing.
3. Median filters can reduce noise in images by selecting the median value in a local neighborhood, unlike mean filters which are susceptible to outliers.
The document discusses image restoration techniques to recover degraded images. It describes modeling image degradation using a degradation function and additive noise. Common noise sources and models are explained, including Gaussian, Rayleigh, Erlang, exponential, uniform, and impulse noise. Spatial filtering techniques for noise removal are covered, such as mean, order-statistic (median, max, min), and adaptive filters. Adaptive median filters are discussed that vary the filter window size until the median pixel value is not an impulse value. The goal of image restoration is to apply the inverse of the degradation process to recover the original undamaged image.
This document discusses linear filtering and its properties. It begins with motivations for noise reduction using techniques like averaging multiple images. It then introduces linear filters like box filters and Gaussian filters for smoothing images. Key properties of linear filters are discussed such as linearity, shift-invariance, and separability. Median filtering is presented as an alternative for salt and pepper noise reduction. Sharpening filters are also covered. Examples are provided throughout to illustrate filtering concepts.
This document provides an overview of image filtering techniques in the spatial domain. It discusses smoothing filters using averaging and Gaussian weighting. It introduces first derivative filters like Sobel operators that detect edges, and second derivative filters like the Laplacian that are useful for sharpening. The Laplacian highlights edges by finding the second spatial derivative. Sharpening is done by subtracting the Laplacian from the original image. Variations are discussed.
This document discusses edge detection techniques in computer vision. It begins by defining edges as significant changes in image intensity, typically occurring at boundaries between regions. The goal of edge detection is to localize these edges to extract important image features. Various edge models are described. Common approaches involve calculating the gradient magnitude using filters like Sobel, Prewitt, or Canny's optimal detector. Non-maximum suppression and hysteresis thresholding are used to link true edges while removing noise.
This document discusses the principles and methods of robust design. It defines robustness as a product or process being minimally affected by sources of variation. Taguchi methods are presented for designing products and processes that are robust, including parameter design to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio. An example applies Taguchi methods to the design of a Nerf missile to maximize firing distance while minimizing the impact of noise factors like user skill level. The results of the experiment are analyzed using Minitab to identify the optimal settings for the design parameters to achieve the most robust performance.
This document discusses various image restoration techniques in the presence of noise. It begins by explaining that image denoising aims to remove noise while retaining important signal features, which can be done through linear or non-linear filtering. It then describes several types of spatial filters that are commonly used for image smoothing, sharpening, and noise removal, including mean filters, order statistic filters, and median filters. It provides details on how various mean filters like arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic mean filters operate and their effectiveness on different noise types. Order statistic filters and median filters are highlighted as being well-suited for salt-and-pepper noise removal. The document also includes examples and equations to illustrate key image restoration concepts.
The document discusses image restoration techniques. It introduces common image degradation models and noise models encountered in imaging. Spatial and frequency domain filtering methods are described for restoration when the degradation is additive noise. Adaptive median filtering and frequency domain filtering techniques like bandreject, bandpass and notch filters are explained for periodic noise removal. Optimal filtering methods like Wiener filtering that minimize mean square error are also covered. The document provides an overview of key concepts and methods in image restoration.
This is a tutorial on indexing diffraction patterns, deriving reflection conditions from SAED, derving point groups from CBED and combining both to find the space group. The slides contain exercises, the page to work on is at the end of the presentation and should be printed first to be able to measure on that page.
1. Image filtering can be performed in either the spatial or frequency domain using the Fourier transform. Low-pass filtering in the frequency domain removes high frequency components which can reduce aliasing when downsampling images.
2. Deconvolution aims to reverse the effects of blurring by dividing the Fourier transform of an image by the Fourier transform of the blurring filter, but this amplifies noise. Pseudoinverse filtering handles zeros in the blurring filter to improve results.
3. JPEG compression transforms image blocks to the frequency domain via DCT, quantizes and discards high frequency coefficients, and entropy codes the results to achieve high compression ratios with minimal perceived quality loss.
Numerical Linear Algebra in digital image processingIndra Hermawan
HW 1 out C due in two weeks
Follow submission format (wrong format = 0)
The homeworks are not fill-in-the-blank. This is harder to do but mirrors life
If it¨s ambiguous: make a decision, document what you think and why in your homework, and move on
Highly encouraged to work together. See piazza
Please check syllabus for what¨s allowed. I guarantee checking the syllabus thoroughly will help boost your grade.
Sistem Pengomposan Cerdas Berbasis IoT untuk Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Berke...Indra Hermawan
Bagaimana mengembangkan system yang mampu mengklasifikasikan objek sampah dan mampu mereduksi sampah organik menjadi kompos
Bagaimana mengembangkan model yang mampu mendeteksi dan mengklasifikasi objek sampah
Bagaimana mengembangkan sistem yang dapat mengubah sampah organik menjadi kompos
Bagaimana mengintegrasikan sistem pengomposan sampah dengan sistem internet of things agar dapat melakukan monitoring senyata waktu nyata
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This document summarizes the key steps in a digital signal processing project on simulating a basic digital camera model. It discusses face detection using the Viola-Jones algorithm and Haar-like features. It then covers adding noise to images, designing mean and median filters to reduce noise, and optimizing filter performance. The document also discusses histogram equalization for color enhancement and a technique for contrast enhancement that considers color shifting and the human visual system.
Linear filtering involves modifying pixels based on their neighborhood values using a linear combination. It is useful for integrating information over constant regions, scaling images, and detecting changes. Common linear filters include average filters, which replace each pixel with the average of its neighbors, and Gaussian filters, which weight nearby pixels more than distant ones. Filtering can reduce noise by averaging, as the average of random noise at each pixel will be smaller than the noise at any single pixel.
Edge detection is used to identify points in a digital image where the image brightness changes sharply. The key steps are smoothing to reduce noise, enhancing edges through differentiation, thresholding to determine important edges, and localization to find edge positions. Common methods include using the first derivative to find gradients and zero-crossings of the second derivative. Operators like Prewitt and Sobel approximate derivatives with small pixel masks. Edge detection is useful for computer vision tasks by extracting important image features.
The document discusses image processing techniques including image derivatives, integral images, convolution, morphology operations, and image pyramids.
It explains that image derivatives detect edges by capturing changes in pixel intensity, and provides an example calculation. Integral images allow fast computation of box filters by precomputing pixel sums. Convolution is used to calculate probabilities as the sliding overlap of distributions. Morphology operations like erosion and dilation modify images based on pixel neighborhoods. Image pyramids create multiple resolution layers that aid in object detection across scales.
Local neighborhood processing is a common technique in spatial domain image filtering. It involves defining a neighborhood around each pixel and applying an operation to the pixel values within the neighborhood. Common examples are mean and weighted mean filters, which average pixel values to reduce noise. Mean filters replace each pixel value with the average of neighboring pixels. Weighted mean filters assign more importance to central pixels and horizontally/vertically adjacent pixels compared to diagonal neighbors. Neighborhood processing is implemented by defining a filter kernel that specifies the operation and applying it to each pixel location.
This document discusses spatial filtering methods for image processing. It defines spatial filtering as applying an operation within a neighborhood of pixels. Filters are classified as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or band-reject depending on which frequencies they preserve or reject. Common linear spatial filtering methods are correlation and convolution. Smoothing filters like averaging and Gaussian blur reduce noise, while sharpening filters like unsharp masking and derivatives emphasize edges to enhance details.
Analysis of Non Linear Filters with Various Density of Impulse Noise for Diff...IJERA Editor
Corrupted digital images are recovered by using median filters. The most frequently occur noise is salt and pepper type impulse noise. As the noise increases it becomes hard to recover the noisy digital image. Different median filters have been suggested to recover it. Size of the window taken in the filter is also the important factor at different level of noises. The performance of standard median filter (SMF), centered weighted median (CWM) filter and directional weighted median (DWM) filter is tested on gray scale images corrupted with variable percentage of salt & pepper noise impulse noise. It is also tested for different window sizes of filters. Some filter performs better at low noise while some performs better at high noise. At higher level of noise, large window size in the filters works better than small window size. These comparisons are very helpful in deciding the best filter at different level of noise.
Spatial domain filtering involves modifying an image by applying a filter or kernel to pixels within a neighborhood region. There are two main types of spatial filters - smoothing/low-pass filters which blur an image, and sharpening/high-pass filters which enhance edges and details. Smoothing filters replace each pixel value with the average of neighboring pixels, reducing noise. Sharpening filters use derivatives of Gaussian kernels to highlight areas of rapid intensity change, increasing contrast along edges. The effects of filtering depend on the size and shape of the kernel, with larger kernels producing more blurring or sharpening.
1. The document discusses computer vision and image processing. It describes the typical components of a computer vision system, including the scene being analyzed, a sensing device to collect data, and a computational device to analyze the data.
2. The document covers various topics in computer vision including low-level, mid-level, and high-level processing. It also discusses image filtering techniques such as smoothing and sharpening filters.
3. Specific filtering methods covered include averaging, Gaussian, median, unsharp masking, high boost, and derivative filters. The properties and applications of different filters are explained through examples.
1. The document discusses various image filtering techniques, including correlation filtering, convolution, averaging filters, and Gaussian filters.
2. Gaussian filters are commonly used for smoothing images as they remove high-frequency components while maintaining edges. The scale parameter σ controls the amount of smoothing.
3. Median filters can reduce noise in images by selecting the median value in a local neighborhood, unlike mean filters which are susceptible to outliers.
The document discusses image restoration techniques to recover degraded images. It describes modeling image degradation using a degradation function and additive noise. Common noise sources and models are explained, including Gaussian, Rayleigh, Erlang, exponential, uniform, and impulse noise. Spatial filtering techniques for noise removal are covered, such as mean, order-statistic (median, max, min), and adaptive filters. Adaptive median filters are discussed that vary the filter window size until the median pixel value is not an impulse value. The goal of image restoration is to apply the inverse of the degradation process to recover the original undamaged image.
This document discusses linear filtering and its properties. It begins with motivations for noise reduction using techniques like averaging multiple images. It then introduces linear filters like box filters and Gaussian filters for smoothing images. Key properties of linear filters are discussed such as linearity, shift-invariance, and separability. Median filtering is presented as an alternative for salt and pepper noise reduction. Sharpening filters are also covered. Examples are provided throughout to illustrate filtering concepts.
This document provides an overview of image filtering techniques in the spatial domain. It discusses smoothing filters using averaging and Gaussian weighting. It introduces first derivative filters like Sobel operators that detect edges, and second derivative filters like the Laplacian that are useful for sharpening. The Laplacian highlights edges by finding the second spatial derivative. Sharpening is done by subtracting the Laplacian from the original image. Variations are discussed.
This document discusses edge detection techniques in computer vision. It begins by defining edges as significant changes in image intensity, typically occurring at boundaries between regions. The goal of edge detection is to localize these edges to extract important image features. Various edge models are described. Common approaches involve calculating the gradient magnitude using filters like Sobel, Prewitt, or Canny's optimal detector. Non-maximum suppression and hysteresis thresholding are used to link true edges while removing noise.
This document discusses the principles and methods of robust design. It defines robustness as a product or process being minimally affected by sources of variation. Taguchi methods are presented for designing products and processes that are robust, including parameter design to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio. An example applies Taguchi methods to the design of a Nerf missile to maximize firing distance while minimizing the impact of noise factors like user skill level. The results of the experiment are analyzed using Minitab to identify the optimal settings for the design parameters to achieve the most robust performance.
This document discusses various image restoration techniques in the presence of noise. It begins by explaining that image denoising aims to remove noise while retaining important signal features, which can be done through linear or non-linear filtering. It then describes several types of spatial filters that are commonly used for image smoothing, sharpening, and noise removal, including mean filters, order statistic filters, and median filters. It provides details on how various mean filters like arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic mean filters operate and their effectiveness on different noise types. Order statistic filters and median filters are highlighted as being well-suited for salt-and-pepper noise removal. The document also includes examples and equations to illustrate key image restoration concepts.
The document discusses image restoration techniques. It introduces common image degradation models and noise models encountered in imaging. Spatial and frequency domain filtering methods are described for restoration when the degradation is additive noise. Adaptive median filtering and frequency domain filtering techniques like bandreject, bandpass and notch filters are explained for periodic noise removal. Optimal filtering methods like Wiener filtering that minimize mean square error are also covered. The document provides an overview of key concepts and methods in image restoration.
This is a tutorial on indexing diffraction patterns, deriving reflection conditions from SAED, derving point groups from CBED and combining both to find the space group. The slides contain exercises, the page to work on is at the end of the presentation and should be printed first to be able to measure on that page.
1. Image filtering can be performed in either the spatial or frequency domain using the Fourier transform. Low-pass filtering in the frequency domain removes high frequency components which can reduce aliasing when downsampling images.
2. Deconvolution aims to reverse the effects of blurring by dividing the Fourier transform of an image by the Fourier transform of the blurring filter, but this amplifies noise. Pseudoinverse filtering handles zeros in the blurring filter to improve results.
3. JPEG compression transforms image blocks to the frequency domain via DCT, quantizes and discards high frequency coefficients, and entropy codes the results to achieve high compression ratios with minimal perceived quality loss.
Numerical Linear Algebra in digital image processingIndra Hermawan
HW 1 out C due in two weeks
Follow submission format (wrong format = 0)
The homeworks are not fill-in-the-blank. This is harder to do but mirrors life
If it¨s ambiguous: make a decision, document what you think and why in your homework, and move on
Highly encouraged to work together. See piazza
Please check syllabus for what¨s allowed. I guarantee checking the syllabus thoroughly will help boost your grade.
Sistem Pengomposan Cerdas Berbasis IoT untuk Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Berke...Indra Hermawan
Bagaimana mengembangkan system yang mampu mengklasifikasikan objek sampah dan mampu mereduksi sampah organik menjadi kompos
Bagaimana mengembangkan model yang mampu mendeteksi dan mengklasifikasi objek sampah
Bagaimana mengembangkan sistem yang dapat mengubah sampah organik menjadi kompos
Bagaimana mengintegrasikan sistem pengomposan sampah dengan sistem internet of things agar dapat melakukan monitoring senyata waktu nyata
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Matlab tutorial and Linear Algebra Review.pptIndra Hermawan
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Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan klasifikasi Naive Bayes, yaitu metode klasifikasi berbasis probabilitas yang mengasumsikan independensi antar fitur. Metode ini memprediksi kelas baru berdasarkan peluang kelas tersebut di masa lalu dengan memanfaatkan teorema Bayes. Contoh penerapannya adalah filtering spam dan klasifikasi dokumen.
This document provides an overview of text classification and the Naive Bayes algorithm for text classification. It begins by defining text classification and giving examples like spam filtering and document classification. It then explains supervised classification and the goal of learning a classifier from labeled training data. The document spends several slides explaining the Naive Bayes algorithm for text classification, including the Naive Bayes assumption of conditional independence between features. It discusses parameter estimation and smoothing techniques to avoid overfitting. Finally, it compares the multivariate Bernoulli and multinomial Naive Bayes models for text classification.
This document provides an overview of MATLAB and introduces its basic functions and commands. It covers topics such as the MATLAB desktop, entering commands, scalar and array arithmetic, variables, functions, plotting, and programming with scripts. Examples are provided to demonstrate key concepts like precedence rules, complex numbers, polynomials, and solving systems of linear equations. The document also discusses getting help, the problem-solving process, and includes homework problems.
How to include y-dependent potential without doing the whole problem over?
Assume potential V(y) varies slowly along channel, so the x-dependent and y-dependent electrostats are independent (GRADUAL CHANNEL APPROXIMATION)
When you reach VDsat = VG C VT, inversion is disabled at the drain end (pinch-off), but the source end is still inverted
芙坪茶氏Y創_Data-Centric AI in The Age of Large Language Models鰻粥京晦粥皆幄塀氏芙
This paper explains that the success of LLMs depends heavily on the quality and diversity of data. Instead of focusing solely on model improvements, it proposes a data-centric approach to AI development, introducing concrete methods for building more efficient and transparent LLMs. It also discusses data optimization, utilization strategies, and the importance of responsible AI development, offering a fresh perspective on enhancing LLM performance.
3. Let¨s Fix Things
際際滷 Credit: D. Lowe
? We have noise in our image
? Let¨s replace each pixel with a weighted
average of its neighborhood
? Weights are filter kernel
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
4. 1D Case
1/3 1/3 1/3
Front Row
10 12 9 11 10 11 12
Output 10.33 10.66 10 10.66 11
10. Painful Details C Edge Cases
full same valid
Convolution doesn¨t keep the whole image.
Suppose f is the image and g the filter.
f/g Diagram Credit: D. Lowe
Full C any part of g touches f. Same C same size as f;
Valid C only when filter doesn¨t fall off edge.
11. Painful Details C Edge Cases
What to about the ^? ̄ region?
Symm: fold sides over
pad/fill: add value, often 0
? ? ? ?
Circular/Wrap: wrap around
f/g Diagram Credit: D. Lowe
12. Painful Details C Does it Matter?
Box Filtered
Box Filtered
(I¨ve applied the filter per-color channel)
Which padding did I use and why?
Note C this is a zoom of the filtered, not a filter of the zoomed
13. Painful Details C Does it Matter?
Box Filtered
Symm Pad
Box Filtered
Zero Pad
(I¨ve applied the filter per-color channel)
Note C this is a zoom of the filtered, not a filter of the zoomed
19. Practice with Linear Filters
際際滷 Credit: D. Lowe
0 1 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 pixel
20. Practice with Linear Filters
際際滷 Credit: D. Lowe
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
21. Practice with Linear Filters
際際滷 Credit: D. Lowe
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
(Box Filter)
22. Practice with Linear Filters
際際滷 Credit: D. Lowe
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
0 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 0
23. Practice with Linear Filters
際際滷 Credit: D. Lowe
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
0 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 0
difference from
local average)
25. Properties C Linear
Assume: I image f1, f2 filters
Linear: apply(I,f1+f2) = apply(I,f1) + apply(I,f2)
I is a white box on black, and f1, f2 are rectangles
Note: I am showing filters un-normalized and blown up. They¨re a
smaller box filter (i.e., each entry is 1/(size^2))
= +
=A( , )
A( , ) =
A( , , )
26. Properties C Shift-Invariant
Assume: I image, f filter
Shift-invariant: shift(apply(I,f)) = apply(shift(I,f))
Intuitively: only depends on filter neighborhood
A( , ) =
A( , ) =
27. Painful Details C Signal Processing
Often called ^convolution ̄. Actually cross-
(Original Orientation)
(Flipped in x and y)
28. Properties of Convolution
? Any shift-invariant, linear operation is a convolution ( )
? Commutative: f g = g f
? ?
? Associative: (f g) h = f (g h)
? ? ? ?
? Distributes over +: f (g + h) = f g + f h
? ? ?
? Scalars factor out: kf g = f kg = k (f g)
? ? ?
? Identity (a single one with all zeros):
Property List: K. Grauman
41. Picking a Filter Size
σ = 8, size = 21 σ = 8, size = 43
Too small filter ★ bad approximation
Want size 「 6σ (99.7% of energy)
Left far too small; right slightly too small!
46. Runtime Complexity
for ImageY in range(N):
for ImageX in range(N):
for FilterY in
for ImageY in range(N):
for ImageX in range(N):
for FilterX in
I11 I12 I13
I21 I22 I23
I31 I32 I33
I14 I15 I16
I24 I25 I26
I34 I35 I36
I41 I42 I43 I44 I45 I46
I51 I52 I53 I54 I55 I56
I61 I62 I63 I64 I65 I66
Image size = NxN = 6x6
Filter size = Mx1 = 3x1
What are my compute
savings for a 13x13 filter?
47. Why Gaussian?
Gaussian filtering removes parts of the signal
above a certain frequency. Often noise is high
frequency and signal is low frequency.
50. Why Does This Fail?
0.1 0.8 0.1
Signal 10 12 9 8 1000 11 10 12
Output 11.5 9.2 107.3 801.9 109.8 10.3
Means can be arbitrarily distorted by outliers
What else is an ^average ̄ other than a mean?