Melissa Richards is proposing a research project to study the feasibility of developing a new retreat called Country Haven Retreat. The objectives are to determine price range, features, location, marketing channels, and likelihood of purchase. The methodology includes surveys of 30-65 year olds earning $45,000+ who enjoy the outdoors. Data will be collected over 4 weeks using phone, door-to-door intercepts, and online surveys. The estimated total cost is $10,260.
This document discusses programming for teachers at the Faculty of Education Khonkaen University. It covers topics like if/else statements, do/while loops, and using dialog boxes in Java programs. It includes code examples to create a dialog box using the JOptionPane class. It also has a flowchart showing code to calculate BMI based on a user's input weight and height, then output the BMI category. The document provides material to help teachers learn Java programming.
Presentation on MM in Advisory Practice by Yogin Sabnis - Master Class June 2...Sadique Neelgund
The document discusses using mind maps to enhance client experiences in advisory practices. It describes mind maps as colorful, image-rich summaries that can be used to fill out data questionnaires, create one-page financial plans, take notes, manage projects, summarize blogs and videos, map out books, and support presentations, planning, document management, ideating, and brainstorming. The document is authored by Yogin Sabnis of VSK Financial Consultancy Services.
The presentation discusses the utilities of the Windows operating system. It covers what utilities and utility software are, the different types of operating systems with a focus on Windows. The key topics are the features of the Windows operating system and its additional utilities to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain a computer.
The document summarizes key elements of a local newspaper called the Salford Advertiser. On the front cover is the main image of a Broughton Rugby Team, showing a group of men around an older player who is the focus. The second page includes a photo of a deceased local MP. It also describes a story about a man from Eccles who murdered someone in Cambodia. Iconic images included the rugby team, which has long been part of the community, and Salford City College, the main local education provider. The settings depicted relate to local areas like Broughton and Salford. Narrative events include themes of youth vs age in the rugby photo and the resolution of a problem in an IVF treatment headline
The document discusses mobile libraries and their role in communities. It provides links to websites and summaries of conferences about how mobile libraries can better serve citizens. The key points are that mobile libraries aim to be accessible, periodic in their visits, engage citizens through intimacy and friendship, and see their staff as the most important resource. Partnerships with other organizations and using social media are seen as ways to optimize resources and expand their reach to citizens.
The document analyzes and summarizes the images, characters, settings, and narratives presented in a local newspaper called the Tameside Advertiser. It discusses the main image of a father and son holding a turkey, representing a positive story, and a close-up of serial killer Harold Shipman, representing a villain. It also describes a photo of a deceased soldier in uniform, representing a patriotic hero. The document analyzes the settings, including the small backyard setting of the father and son, the military setting of the soldier photo, and a local theater building setting. It discusses how the images are iconic representations relating to Christmas, British crime/murder, and the British army. The document also analyzes the narrative codes
The document describes the key components and conventions used in the design of a music magazine called Clubmag. It discusses elements like the masthead, cover lines, brand identity, images, colors, typefaces, contents page, and double page spreads. The magazine's design follows conventions of real music magazines, such as having a masthead with the title, cover lines to entice readers, a consistent brand identity, eye-catching colors, varied typefaces, and balanced layouts with images and text. The document suggests the magazine's design is conventional and marketable to a wide music and nightlife audience.
Este documento resume las principales concepciones, fuentes y factores de conexi坦n del derecho internacional privado. Seg炭n la concepci坦n positivista, el 炭nico origen del derecho internacional son los acuerdos de voluntades expresos o t叩citos, mientras que la concepci坦n objetivista distingue entre fuentes creadoras y formales. Las fuentes incluyen tratados, leyes nacionales, costumbres, jurisprudencia y doctrina. Algunas fuentes importantes son el C坦digo Bustamante y las leyes venezolanas de derecho intern
Throughout working on the preliminary task and final product, the author learned about the media industry and improved their skills. The final product front cover looks more professional than the preliminary one - it is brighter, uses white as the dominant color, has easily readable text, and a more interesting photo. Features like the barcode and small price font make the final cover look like a real magazine.
Startup funding options for Student EntrepreneursJohn Spindler
The document provides an overview of early stage funding options for startups. It discusses bootstrap funding, grants, loans, crowdfunding platforms, accelerators, seed funding, business angels, early stage VC funds, and specialist funds. Key milestones for proving a business model are also presented, such as achieving product/market fit, first customers, and fundraising. Funding amounts range from less than 贈10k needed to start, to 贈100k-500k from business angels and early stage VC funds.
Las alumnas Alba, Marta y Valeria de la clase I3 ganaron un concurso de tarjetas navide単as, mientras que Carmen S叩nchez de la clase I4A tambi辿n particip坦 en el concurso.
The document discusses dairy products and healthy cows, with a tagline of "Healthy cow Healthy Milk." It asks how cows scream and provides the onomatopoeic sound of "Maaaaaa" as well as mentioning that healthy cows scream and asking if the reader wants to live healthy.
The document summarizes key elements of a local newspaper called the Salford Advertiser. On the front cover is the main image of a Broughton Rugby Team, showing a group of men around an older player who is the focus. The second page includes a photo of a deceased local MP. It also describes a story about a man from Eccles who murdered someone in Cambodia. Iconic images included the rugby team, which has long been part of the community, and Salford City College, the main local education provider. The settings depicted relate to local areas like Broughton and Salford. Narrative events include themes of youth vs age in the rugby photo and the resolution of a problem in an IVF treatment headline
The document discusses mobile libraries and their role in communities. It provides links to websites and summaries of conferences about how mobile libraries can better serve citizens. The key points are that mobile libraries aim to be accessible, periodic in their visits, engage citizens through intimacy and friendship, and see their staff as the most important resource. Partnerships with other organizations and using social media are seen as ways to optimize resources and expand their reach to citizens.
The document analyzes and summarizes the images, characters, settings, and narratives presented in a local newspaper called the Tameside Advertiser. It discusses the main image of a father and son holding a turkey, representing a positive story, and a close-up of serial killer Harold Shipman, representing a villain. It also describes a photo of a deceased soldier in uniform, representing a patriotic hero. The document analyzes the settings, including the small backyard setting of the father and son, the military setting of the soldier photo, and a local theater building setting. It discusses how the images are iconic representations relating to Christmas, British crime/murder, and the British army. The document also analyzes the narrative codes
The document describes the key components and conventions used in the design of a music magazine called Clubmag. It discusses elements like the masthead, cover lines, brand identity, images, colors, typefaces, contents page, and double page spreads. The magazine's design follows conventions of real music magazines, such as having a masthead with the title, cover lines to entice readers, a consistent brand identity, eye-catching colors, varied typefaces, and balanced layouts with images and text. The document suggests the magazine's design is conventional and marketable to a wide music and nightlife audience.
Este documento resume las principales concepciones, fuentes y factores de conexi坦n del derecho internacional privado. Seg炭n la concepci坦n positivista, el 炭nico origen del derecho internacional son los acuerdos de voluntades expresos o t叩citos, mientras que la concepci坦n objetivista distingue entre fuentes creadoras y formales. Las fuentes incluyen tratados, leyes nacionales, costumbres, jurisprudencia y doctrina. Algunas fuentes importantes son el C坦digo Bustamante y las leyes venezolanas de derecho intern
Throughout working on the preliminary task and final product, the author learned about the media industry and improved their skills. The final product front cover looks more professional than the preliminary one - it is brighter, uses white as the dominant color, has easily readable text, and a more interesting photo. Features like the barcode and small price font make the final cover look like a real magazine.
Startup funding options for Student EntrepreneursJohn Spindler
The document provides an overview of early stage funding options for startups. It discusses bootstrap funding, grants, loans, crowdfunding platforms, accelerators, seed funding, business angels, early stage VC funds, and specialist funds. Key milestones for proving a business model are also presented, such as achieving product/market fit, first customers, and fundraising. Funding amounts range from less than 贈10k needed to start, to 贈100k-500k from business angels and early stage VC funds.
Las alumnas Alba, Marta y Valeria de la clase I3 ganaron un concurso de tarjetas navide単as, mientras que Carmen S叩nchez de la clase I4A tambi辿n particip坦 en el concurso.
The document discusses dairy products and healthy cows, with a tagline of "Healthy cow Healthy Milk." It asks how cows scream and provides the onomatopoeic sound of "Maaaaaa" as well as mentioning that healthy cows scream and asking if the reader wants to live healthy.
4. Country
Background Investigation
Secondary Research Primary Research
Living and working 2 Focus groups
longer Photography
Accommodations safari
industry Children's camps
expanding One stop
Will pay for
5. Country
Retreat Agenda
Research Objectives
1) To determine the acceptable price range for the
2) To discover the preferred features and benefits.
3) To discover the ideal location for our customer in
order to do business.
4) To determine the most effective and efficient media
to market this business.
5) To measure the likelihood of purchase for Country
Haven Retreat.
6) To uncover the target market in which to focus
marketing efforts.
6. Country
Retreat Methodology
Data Gathering Sampling Plan
Primary data 30 65
collection $45,000 or more
Survey Enjoy the outdoors
Quantifiable Probability sample
Systematic sampling
7. Country
Retreat Methodology
Questionnaire Data Collection
No more than ten Data collection table
minutes Front end loaded
Questions based on Proper screening of
objectives completed surveys
8. Country
Retreat Summary
Time and cost estimates
Preliminary estimate
Factors beyond MM Research
Corporation control
10. Country Data Collection Table
Type Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Total
March 18-24 March 25-31 April 1-7 April 8-14
Telephone 15 15 10 40
Door to Door 15 15 10 40
Electronic 10 10 20
Totals 30 30 30 10 100
11. Country Estimates
Researcher: Melissa Richards
Activity Expected Completion Date Hours Cost Total
$ Cost $
Project idea submitted* September, 2011 7 150 1,050
Project idea approved September 30 2 150 300
Research objectives October 5 2 150 300
Sampling plan November 3 5 150 750
Draft questionnaire February 24, 2012 15 150 2,250
Questionnaire coding March 2 2 150 300
Questionnaire pre-test March 16 2 150 300
Questionnaire revised/printed March 17 3 150 450
Data gathering completed** April 14 42 60 2,520
Analysis program prepared April 15 2 150 300
Data entry completed April 15 4 60 240
Preliminary tabulations April 20 2 150 300
Preliminary analysis April 21 5 150 750
Final analysis & report May 12 3 150 450