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Research Proposal

 Research Corporation            TM

Presented by: Melissa Richards
December 8, 2011
Country   Agenda
Country   Country Haven Retreat
           Background Investigation

Secondary Research                    Primary Research
 Living and working                   2 Focus groups
  longer                                 Photography
 Accommodations                          safari
  industry                               Children's camps
  expanding                              One stop
                                         Will pay for
Retreat        Agenda
                   Research Objectives

 1) To determine the acceptable price range for the
 2) To discover the preferred features and benefits.
 3) To discover the ideal location for our customer in
    order to do business.
 4) To determine the most effective and efficient media
    to market this business.
 5) To measure the likelihood of purchase for Country
    Haven Retreat.
 6) To uncover the target market in which to focus
    marketing efforts.
Retreat               Methodology

 Data Gathering   Sampling Plan
  Primary data       30  65
   collection         $45,000 or more
  Survey             Enjoy the outdoors
  Quantifiable       Probability sample
                      Systematic sampling
Retreat                       Methodology

 Questionnaire          Data Collection
  No more than ten      Data collection table
   minutes               Front end loaded
  Questions based on    Proper screening of
   objectives             completed surveys
Retreat                      Summary

    Time and cost estimates
    Preliminary estimate
    Factors beyond MM Research
     Corporation control

Country Haven
Country            Data Collection Table

          Type      Week One      Week Two     Week Three   Week Four    Total
                   March 18-24   March 25-31    April 1-7   April 8-14

     Telephone         15            15           10                      40

    Door to Door       15            15           10                      40

      Electronic                                  10           10         20

          Totals       30            30           30           10        100
Country                          Estimates
 Researcher: Melissa Richards

                      Activity   Expected Completion Date              Hours     Cost   Total
                                                                                  $     Cost $
 Project idea submitted*               September, 2011                    7      150    1,050

 Project idea approved                  September 30                      2      150     300

 Research objectives                      October 5                       2      150     300

 Sampling plan                           November 3                       5      150     750

 Draft questionnaire                  February 24, 2012                   15     150    2,250

 Questionnaire coding                     March 2                         2      150     300

 Questionnaire pre-test                   March 16                        2      150     300

 Questionnaire revised/printed            March 17                        3      150     450

 Data gathering completed**                April 14                       42      60    2,520

 Analysis program prepared                 April 15                       2      150     300

 Data entry completed                      April 15                       4       60     240

 Preliminary tabulations                   April 20                       2      150     300

 Preliminary analysis                      April 21                       5      150     750

 Final analysis & report                   May 12                         3      150     450

                                                          TOTAL COST ESTIMATE:          $10,260.00

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Final Draft Chr

  • 1. Research Proposal for Country Haven Retreat Research Corporation TM Presented by: Melissa Richards December 8, 2011
  • 2. Country Agenda Haven Retreat
  • 3. Country Country Haven Retreat Haven Retreat
  • 4. Country Haven Retreat Background Investigation Secondary Research Primary Research Living and working 2 Focus groups longer Photography Accommodations safari industry Children's camps expanding One stop destination Will pay for quality
  • 5. Country Haven Retreat Agenda Research Objectives 1) To determine the acceptable price range for the product. 2) To discover the preferred features and benefits. 3) To discover the ideal location for our customer in order to do business. 4) To determine the most effective and efficient media to market this business. 5) To measure the likelihood of purchase for Country Haven Retreat. 6) To uncover the target market in which to focus marketing efforts.
  • 6. Country Haven Retreat Methodology Data Gathering Sampling Plan Primary data 30 65 collection $45,000 or more Survey Enjoy the outdoors Quantifiable Probability sample Systematic sampling
  • 7. Country Haven Retreat Methodology Questionnaire Data Collection No more than ten Data collection table minutes Front end loaded Questions based on Proper screening of objectives completed surveys Procedures Pre-Tests
  • 8. Country Haven Retreat Summary Time and cost estimates Preliminary estimate Factors beyond MM Research Corporation control
  • 10. Country Data Collection Table Haven Retreat Type Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Total March 18-24 March 25-31 April 1-7 April 8-14 Telephone 15 15 10 40 Door to Door 15 15 10 40 Intercept Electronic 10 10 20 Totals 30 30 30 10 100
  • 11. Country Estimates Haven Retreat Researcher: Melissa Richards Activity Expected Completion Date Hours Cost Total $ Cost $ Project idea submitted* September, 2011 7 150 1,050 Project idea approved September 30 2 150 300 Research objectives October 5 2 150 300 Sampling plan November 3 5 150 750 Draft questionnaire February 24, 2012 15 150 2,250 Questionnaire coding March 2 2 150 300 Questionnaire pre-test March 16 2 150 300 Questionnaire revised/printed March 17 3 150 450 Data gathering completed** April 14 42 60 2,520 Analysis program prepared April 15 2 150 300 Data entry completed April 15 4 60 240 Preliminary tabulations April 20 2 150 300 Preliminary analysis April 21 5 150 750 Final analysis & report May 12 3 150 450 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE: $10,260.00