Doan sivrikaya individual presentation spaindogansivrikaya
Spain has a population of around 47 million inhabitants. It has diverse climate and terrain. While most of the population is Catholic, church attendance is low. Spanish culture includes flamenco, bullfighting, renowned cuisine and architecture. Football is hugely popular and Spain has had success in tennis, basketball and motorsports. Large companies like Inditex and El Corte Ingl辿s are globally recognized Spanish brands. Culturally, Spain has relatively high power distance and uncertainty avoidance but is more individualistic than collective and feminine.
The document analyzes the characters, iconography, setting, and technical codes used in a Manchester newspaper. On the front cover, a man convicted of animal abuse represents the villain, while citizens who restrained him are heroes. Inside, a fraud convict and two arrested hotel guests also portray villains. Iconic Manchester images like footballers and the Hilton Hotel establish the local setting. Technical codes like bold headlines and mastheads in prominent areas are used to attract readers' attention to key stories.
The document analyzes different elements of a newspaper page using concepts from media studies. It summarizes the characters portrayed in various images on the cover page, including a father and son holding a turkey representing a positive story, and a photo of serial killer Shipman reflecting his malicious character. It describes the working class setting of the father and son in their back garden, and a soldier in a British army parade uniform. Iconic symbols include the turkey representing Christmas, a landmark theatre building, and images of Shipman and the soldier. Narrative techniques used include creating questions through a headline about the police, and showing binary opposition between good and evil. Technical codes like placement of the masthead and headlines are meant to draw the reader in.
The document summarizes key aspects of civilization in the United States of America. It discusses the government and presidency, written communication, religion, technology, food supply, and social structure. Some examples provided include the White House, alphabet, Facebook, light bulb, supermarkets, and different house sizes to illustrate social classes.
The document summarizes various aspects of society such as government, technology, food supply, arts, social structure, religion, and written language. It provides examples like the White House for government, an iPhone and computer for technology, a grocery store and farm for food supply, sidewalk art and ice sculptures for arts, charts depicting social structure and population, a church for Christianity and Jewish symbol for religion, the English alphabet and US Constitution for written language.
Astadia joint webinar final slide deck 072109Sean O'Connell
This document discusses how integrating Salesforce CRM with other enterprise systems can provide benefits. It describes a case study of how AmerisourceBergen integrated their ERP and data warehouse systems with Salesforce CRM using Cast Iron Systems. The integration allowed customer and order data to be accessed in real-time by call center representatives, reducing support costs and increasing customer satisfaction. The presentation recommends scheduling a free integration design workshop with Astadia to evaluate potential integration projects.
Este documento describe un proyecto para promover la lectura entre las familias de estudiantes. El proyecto alienta a las familias a leer juntas en casa y ofrece recursos y orientaci坦n para mejorar los h叩bitos de lectura. El objetivo es involucrar a las familias, el centro educativo y la comunidad para crear un ambiente que valore la lectura.
The document discusses creating a technology magazine targeted towards 16-25 year olds. It would focus on gadgets like iPods, smartphones, and tablets as well as popular brands. The magazine aims to inform readers about the latest technology in an engaging way rather than boring them. It seeks to be self-financed through advertising and sales.
The United States is a constitutional republic and representative democracy composed of 50 states. It has a federal government and a population made up of many diverse ethnic and racial groups. Barack Obama is the current president. The culture of the United States has been influenced by many other cultures but has developed its own unique characteristics over time. English is the most commonly spoken language.
Throughout working on the preliminary task and final product, the author learned about the media industry and improved their skills. The final product front cover looks more professional than the preliminary one - it is brighter, uses white as the dominant color, has easily readable text, and a more interesting photo. Features like the barcode and small price font make the final cover look like a real magazine.
An Overview and Classification of Approaches to Information Extraction in Wir...M H
Recent advances in wireless communication have made it possible to develop low-cost, and low power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The WSN can be used for several application areas (e.g., habitat monitoring, forest fire detection, and health care). WSN Information Extraction (IE) techniques can be classified into four categories depending on the factors that drive data acquisition: event-driven, time-driven, query-based, and hybrid. This paper presents a survey of the state-of-the-art IE techniques in WSNs. The benefits and shortcomings of different IE approaches are presented as motivation for future work into automatic hybridisation and adaptation of IE mechanisms.
The document summarizes key aspects of civilization in the United States of America. It discusses the government and presidency, written communication, religion, technology, food supply, and social structure. Some examples provided include the White House, alphabet, Facebook, light bulb, supermarkets, and different house sizes to illustrate social classes.
The document summarizes various aspects of society such as government, technology, food supply, arts, social structure, religion, and written language. It provides examples like the White House for government, an iPhone and computer for technology, a grocery store and farm for food supply, sidewalk art and ice sculptures for arts, charts depicting social structure and population, a church for Christianity and Jewish symbol for religion, the English alphabet and US Constitution for written language.
Astadia joint webinar final slide deck 072109Sean O'Connell
This document discusses how integrating Salesforce CRM with other enterprise systems can provide benefits. It describes a case study of how AmerisourceBergen integrated their ERP and data warehouse systems with Salesforce CRM using Cast Iron Systems. The integration allowed customer and order data to be accessed in real-time by call center representatives, reducing support costs and increasing customer satisfaction. The presentation recommends scheduling a free integration design workshop with Astadia to evaluate potential integration projects.
Este documento describe un proyecto para promover la lectura entre las familias de estudiantes. El proyecto alienta a las familias a leer juntas en casa y ofrece recursos y orientaci坦n para mejorar los h叩bitos de lectura. El objetivo es involucrar a las familias, el centro educativo y la comunidad para crear un ambiente que valore la lectura.
The document discusses creating a technology magazine targeted towards 16-25 year olds. It would focus on gadgets like iPods, smartphones, and tablets as well as popular brands. The magazine aims to inform readers about the latest technology in an engaging way rather than boring them. It seeks to be self-financed through advertising and sales.
The United States is a constitutional republic and representative democracy composed of 50 states. It has a federal government and a population made up of many diverse ethnic and racial groups. Barack Obama is the current president. The culture of the United States has been influenced by many other cultures but has developed its own unique characteristics over time. English is the most commonly spoken language.
Throughout working on the preliminary task and final product, the author learned about the media industry and improved their skills. The final product front cover looks more professional than the preliminary one - it is brighter, uses white as the dominant color, has easily readable text, and a more interesting photo. Features like the barcode and small price font make the final cover look like a real magazine.
An Overview and Classification of Approaches to Information Extraction in Wir...M H
Recent advances in wireless communication have made it possible to develop low-cost, and low power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The WSN can be used for several application areas (e.g., habitat monitoring, forest fire detection, and health care). WSN Information Extraction (IE) techniques can be classified into four categories depending on the factors that drive data acquisition: event-driven, time-driven, query-based, and hybrid. This paper presents a survey of the state-of-the-art IE techniques in WSNs. The benefits and shortcomings of different IE approaches are presented as motivation for future work into automatic hybridisation and adaptation of IE mechanisms.
DigCompOrg: Europako markoa arlo digitalean gai diren hezkuntza erakundeentzat Easo Politeknikoa (Donostia)
I単igo Balerdi. IKT sustatzailea (Tolosaldea LHII)
Este documento presenta breves biograf鱈as de 13 ilustradores famosos de diferentes nacionalidades como Espa単a, Estados Unidos, Canad叩, Suecia y Francia. Entre ellos se encuentran ngel Dom鱈nguez, Maite Gurrutxaga, Manu Ortega, Anita Kunz, Gustaf Tenggren, Albert Uderzo, Carlos Reviejo, Yoko Furusawa y Maurice Sendak. Cada biograf鱈a incluye informaci坦n sobre su lugar de nacimiento, formaci坦n, estilo y obras m叩s destacadas.
El documento propone crear una red social para la comunidad educativa de un centro con los siguientes objetivos: mejorar la comunicaci坦n, aumentar el sentido de pertenencia, implicar al entorno social y abrir canales de comunicaci坦n. Se detallan las fases del proyecto que incluyen un an叩lisis previo, implantaci坦n experimental, ampliaci坦n y control del proyecto.
Garatu ikastaroa
2.HELBURUAK ...........................................................................................................4
3.METODOLOGIA LAN PLANA..............................................................................4
4.ESKUHARTZE PLANA ETA DENBORALIZAZIOA................................................5
Ikastaro honetan egin beharreko azken lana, IKT plana, lanean ari naizen eskolako
errealitatea kontuan izanik burutuko dut. Ikastaroaren lehenengo mailan eginiko IKT
planarekin loturik egongo da baina oraingoa garatuagoa izango da. Ikasturte hasieran
eginiko diagnosiari erantzuna emateko eginiko hobekuntza plana da hau.
IKTen mundua berria ez den arren, maiz ikastetxe batzuetan aurrerapen gutxi
egon da azken urte hauetan. Gure ikastetxea horren adibide argia izanik, IKTetan
heldutasun maila eskasa erakusten du eta hori hobetzea izango da helburu
Hobekuntza plan honek irakas-, administrazio-, informazio- eta komunikazio-
prozesuetan eragiten du alderdi bakoitzean hobetzeko jarduerak planteatuz. Dugun
errealitatea kontuan izanik, helburua ikastetxearen heldutasun maila lehenengo mailara
iristea izango da.
Gure ikastetxean IKTen erabilera nahiko eskasa edo murritza da eta horren
adibide gisa hiru prozesuetan antzematen diren hutsuneak. Honen erakusgarri honako
eskema hau eta gure ikastetxearen diagnosi gisa balio diguna gainera:
IKTen hobekuntza plan honen helburu nagusienak honako hauek dira:
IKTen erabilera gehitu eta erraztea irakasleei ordenagailuekiko eta IKTekiko
beldurra gainditzen saiatuz.
Ikaskuntza eremuan, era motibagarri batean teknologia berriak txertatu ikasleen
trebetasunak garatzeko.
Irakasle eta hezkuntza komunitatearen gaitasun digitalak garatu eta hobetzea.
IKTko heldutasun teknologikoko oinarrizko maila lortzea.
Ikasturte hasieran ikastetxearen IKT diagnosia egin zen. Diagnosia egiterakoan,
irakasle guztien parte hartzea beharrezkoa izan da galdetegi bat pasa zitzaielako
erantzuteko eta bertan erantzundakoarekin osatu da hobekuntza plan hau. Hobekuntza
plana aurrera eramaten hasi aurretik klaustroaren aurrean azaltzen da oniritzia emateko
eta behin hori izanik, hobekuntza plana martxan jartzen da ikas komunitateko partaide
guztiak inplikatuz.
IKTko arduradunak egin du hobekuntza plana eta bera izango da IKT
batzordearekin batera arduraduna. Horretarako, zikloka informatuko zaie irakasleei,
formakuntza eta aholkularitza eskainiko zaie, guraso eta ikas komunitatera zabalduko da
Jarduerak Arduraduna Denboralizazioa Baliabideak Ebaluazioa Burutze maila Balorazioa
Ikasleekin erabiltzen
diren Unitate
Ziklo 2. hiruhilabetea Otsailak 14
Didaktikoak Eskolako
eguneratu eta osatu, ordenagailuak.
formatu digitalean
eskuragarri izanik.
Teknologia berriekin
egiten diren Ziklo
jarduerak formatu 2. hiruhilabetea Eskolako Otsailak 27
digital editagarrian ordenagailuak.
IKT baliabideekin
egiten diren
ekintzak, hizkuntza
eta matematikako Zikloko Eskolako
2. eta 3. hiruhilabetea
unitate didaktikoetan tutoreak. ordenagailuak. Maiatzak 29
txertatu irakasle .
guztiek ikusi ahal
Jarduerak Arduraduna Denboralizazioa Baliabideak Ebaluazioa Balorazioa
5. eta 6. mailan IKT
baliabideekin egiten
diren ekintzak ( web
ingurunekoa) 3. zikloko
2. hiruhilabetea Otsailak 14
hizkuntza eta tutoreak
gizarteko unitate
3. zikloko gizarte eta 3. Zikloko
hizkuntzan, IKTko tutoreak 2. eta 3. hiruhilabetea Otsailak 27
bailabide guztiak
formatu digitalen
Sortutako karpeta IKTko
guztiei behar diren arduradun 3. hiruhilabetea Ekainak 5
baimenak eman. a
Jarduerak Arduraduna Denboralizazioa Baliabideak Ebaluazioa Balorazioa
Eskolako O :
orokorra diskoan
agertzen diren Zuzendaritza
taldea. 2. hiruhilabetea Ekainak 5
izaerako karpetak
O orokorra diskoan
agertzen diren
zikloko eta 1. hiruhilabetea Otsailak 14
karpetak antolatu.
izaerako artxiboei
edo kudeaketa-
dagokienez, zenbait
gairi buruz hartutako IKTko
3. hiruhilabetea Ekainak 5
erabakiak azaltzen arduraduna
dira, adibidez: zer
informazio gorde
behar den, non eta
nork eskuratu ahal
izango duen.
Eskolako karpeteei 3. hiruhilabetea Otsailak 27
behar diren
baimenak eman.
Informazio eta komunikazio-prozesuak:
Jarduerak Arduraduna Denboralizazioa Baliabideak Ebaluazioa Balorazioa
Ikastetxeko irakasle
guztien helbide 2. hiruhilabetea Otsailak 14
IKTko Eskolako
elektronikoak jaso
arduraduna ordenagailuak.
eta eskolako
korreoan sartu.
Irakasle guztiei
informazioa korreo
elektronikoaren Zuzendaritza 2. eta 3. hiruhilabetea Eskolako Otsailak 27
bidez jakinarazi taldea ordenagailuak.
(bileren aktak,
klaustro deialdiak)
Familien korreo
elektronikoak jaso Irakasle Eskolako
eta oharrak email tutoreak eta 2. eta 3. hiruhilabetea
ordenagailuak. Maiatzak 29
bidez bidali. zuzendaritza
Google Calendar
martxan jarri
informatika gela eta Irakasle Eskolako
aretoko guztiak eta ordenagailuak.
3. hiruhilabetea Ekainak 12
antolamendurako IKT
eta eskolako arduraduna
ekintzak ikusgarri
Mailaka blog-a Mailako Eskolako
sortu. 3. hiruhilabetea Ekainak 12
irakasleak ordenagailuak.
Eskolako webgunea 2. eta 3. hiruhilabetea Eskolako
berriztu eta itxura Irakasle bat Otsailak 27
Hau guztia aurrera eraman ahal izateko formakuntza saioetan irakasleei blogger-en funtzionamendua eta Google Calendar erakutsiko
zaizkie. Formakuntza 2. hiruhilabetean izango da eta IKTko arduradunak emango die irakasle guztiei informatika gelan.
Jakin badakigu IKTen mundua oso zabala dela eta ausardiaz eta gogotsu aritu behar
dela gauza berriak ikasi eta gure eguneroko lanean txertatzeko. Horretarako irakasle
batzuei guztia eskura jarri behar zaie ikasleei baliabide eta bide berri hauek irakasteko
eta hori da hain zuzen ere IKTetako dinamizatzaileon lana, irakasleak motibatu, gustura
sentiarazi eta ezjakintasunetik ateratzea.