Korrika Kulturalaren barruan, Korrikaren argazkien erakusketa izango da Beasaingo Usurbe aretoan, otsailaren 28tik martxoaren 8ra, 19:00etatik 21:00etara.
Startup funding options for Student EntrepreneursJohn Spindler
The document provides an overview of early stage funding options for startups. It discusses bootstrap funding, grants, loans, crowdfunding platforms, accelerators, seed funding, business angels, early stage VC funds, and specialist funds. Key milestones for proving a business model are also presented, such as achieving product/market fit, first customers, and fundraising. Funding amounts range from less than 贈10k needed to start, to 贈100k-500k from business angels and early stage VC funds.
This document provides a quarterly report from missionaries John, Lesley, and Sarah who have relocated from Cape Town, South Africa to Chavuma, Zambia to serve with the Christian Missions in Many Lands (CMML). It summarizes their arrival, initial projects of establishing camp facilities, visits from supporting teams, ministry activities, family updates, needs, and contact information over the past few months.
The United States is considered a civilization due to its stable food supply from agriculture, social structure demonstrated by economic disparities, and system of government headed by a president. It also has diverse religions represented, a highly developed lifestyle with advanced technology, art, and jobs beyond farming, and uses a written English language.
The document summarizes the characters, settings, and events portrayed in images on the cover and pages of a newspaper called the Tameside Advertiser. The main image shows a proud father and son holding a turkey, representing a positive Christmas story. Another image shows the serial killer Shipman, representing a villain. An old photo of a soldier in uniform depicts a patriotic hero. The layout and design principles used in the newspaper are also analyzed.
The document outlines 7 characteristics of a U.S. civilization: 1) a stable food supply through grocery stores; 2) a government led by the first African American president Barack Obama; 3) a middle class as the dominant social structure; 4) influential technologies like the light bulb and iPhone; 5) the Jewish star and Christian cross as prominent religious symbols; 6) highly developed arts and sciences; 7) a written language.
Learning organisations and design thinkingemilia 奪str旦m
The document discusses learning organizations and design thinking. It provides information about Hyper Island, an organization that designs learning experiences to enable companies and individuals to develop skills for tomorrow's technologies. Hyper Island uses learning by doing, problem solving, collaboration, and design thinking. Design thinking involves separating creative and analytical thinking, generating many ideas, listening, building on others' ideas, and defining problems before sketching solutions. The document includes exercises and tips for using techniques like brainstorming, feedback, and concept creation within one hour.
MuMHR: Multi-path, Multi-hop Hierarchical RoutingM H
This document proposes a new routing protocol called MuMHR for wireless sensor networks. MuMHR aims to improve energy efficiency and robustness over LEACH in three ways: 1) By enabling nodes to select cluster heads based on the number of hops away to reduce transmission distances. 2) By using a back-off timer and multiple paths for transmissions to reduce setup overhead and add reliability. 3) By electing backup cluster heads to substitute when primary heads fail. The protocol operates in setup and data transfer phases, with the setup phase selecting cluster heads and forming clusters in an energy-efficient multi-hop manner.
The document summarizes key aspects of civilization including government represented by the presidential seal, challenges with stable food supply, America's social structure consisting of five classes, the importance of advanced technology, signs of a highly developed way of life such as large sports stadiums, prevalent religions in America such as Christianity, and the two forms of writing in English - print and cursive.
TIGA Guide to Investment For London Game Start-upsJohn Spindler
The document discusses strategies for accelerating and financing game sector startups in London, including developing a minimum viable product, obtaining funding from various sources like accelerators, grants, and crowdfunding, and preparing an investable startup by building a smart team, disruptive product, and scalable business model. It provides advice on moving a startup from the idea stage through funding rounds to potential exit.
This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the impact of two gas pipeline projects, Nabucco and South Stream, on Turkey's energy security. The incidence of the impact is based on three dimensions of energy security: supply-demand balance, production source diversity,and transit route diversity. This paper relies on the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) and the adjusted Shannon Weiner Index (SWI) to evaluate and compare the impact of the various project
implementation scenarios. The main findings are that both projects enhance Turkey's energy security and provide valuable and timely energy supply in the medium-term but their contribution is inadequate and marginal in the long-run. More specifically, the implementation of Nabucco significantly reduces the market concentration of producers whereas the South Stream project improves transit diversity by including Bulgaria as a major transit player. Surprisingly, implementation of Nabucco reduces transit diversity security because it includes politically volatile regions like Iraq and Georgia
The document analyzes different elements of a newspaper page using concepts from media studies. It summarizes the characters portrayed in various images on the cover page, including a father and son holding a turkey representing a positive story, and a photo of serial killer Shipman reflecting his malicious character. It describes the working class setting of the father and son in their back garden, and a soldier in a British army parade uniform. Iconic symbols include the turkey representing Christmas, a landmark theatre building, and images of Shipman and the soldier. Narrative techniques used include creating questions through a headline about the police, and showing binary opposition between good and evil. Technical codes like placement of the masthead and headlines are meant to draw the reader in.
Este documento presenta breves biograf鱈as de 13 ilustradores famosos de diferentes nacionalidades como Espa単a, Estados Unidos, Canad叩, Suecia y Francia. Entre ellos se encuentran ngel Dom鱈nguez, Maite Gurrutxaga, Manu Ortega, Anita Kunz, Gustaf Tenggren, Albert Uderzo, Carlos Reviejo, Yoko Furusawa y Maurice Sendak. Cada biograf鱈a incluye informaci坦n sobre su lugar de nacimiento, formaci坦n, estilo y obras m叩s destacadas.
El documento propone crear una red social para la comunidad educativa de un centro con los siguientes objetivos: mejorar la comunicaci坦n, aumentar el sentido de pertenencia, implicar al entorno social y abrir canales de comunicaci坦n. Se detallan las fases del proyecto que incluyen un an叩lisis previo, implantaci坦n experimental, ampliaci坦n y control del proyecto.
3. *
Legutiok 575 metroko altitudea du batez beste
eta Gasteiztik 15km-ra dago. Iparraldean, N-240
errepidea hartuta Bilbo aldera joaten da
(Barazar mendatean barrena).
4. *
Legutioko udalerria bost herriz
osatuta dago:
*Legutio (udalburua)
5. *
*Legutioko kross triatloia 2016ko
irailaren 24an.
*San Antolin jaiak irailaren 2an.
*Herriko jaiak irailaren 29an.
*San Blas, otsailaren 3an.
*Kofradien jaia, iraileko Ama Birjinaren
egunaren hurrengo igandean.
6. *
Santa Engratzia, Legutio eta
Urrunagako urtegien ondoan dago,
Bizkaiako mugaren ondoan. Legutioko
herriaren ekialdean Arlaban
mendilerroa dago, Albertia mendia
gainean duela.
7. *
Villarreal de Alava deitu izan zaio
gaztelaniaz, azken urteotan deitura hori
baztertuta badago ere. Beste aldetik,
Legutiano izena ere erabili izan da
euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz, baina gaur
egun Legutio hartu du udalak izen