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Gender, Civility, and Voting Intent:
Image-Attack Political Advertising and
      Mobilization by Gender
   A Study by Michelle Carpenter, Therese Smith, and Jacky Cao
Lit Review/Setting
? First political attack ads C 1964

? Since then, researchers have been interested in the different
  variables that influence effectiveness of the ads.

? Many studies focused on gender as it pertains to the ad
  sponsor or target.

? We wanted to understand how the gender of the viewer
  could influence the perceptions and effects of the ad.
Rationale & Thesis
H1: Men will be disproportionately affected by a negativity bias after
viewing an uncivil political advertisement, and will therefore report a
voting intention at a higher rate against the target of the uncivil
political ad as compared to women.

H2: Men will report a disproportionately higher voting intention after
viewing a negative political ad as compared to women.
We conducted a short experimental survey using
randomized treatment with a civil or uncivil political

The sample breakdown is as follows:
?    Males: 34/67 (50.7%)
?    Females: 32/67 (47.8%)
?    One participant did not disclose gender.

     Stimulus breakdown by gender:
?    Among Males: 41.2% viewed the civil ad, 58.8% viewed the
     uncivil ad
?    Among Females: 43.8% viewed the civil ad, 56.3% viewed
     the uncivil ad
Ways to Measure
We operationalized constructs for accuracy by asking multi-part
questions and averaging the responses, then generalizing to a

For example, voting intention:
  We presented 4 circumstances which could make the act of voting
  easy or difficult and asked respondents to indicate their voting
  intention (1 is very likely, 5 is very unlikely.) Then we average the
  responses together and rank them as follows:
  Average < 2 (Very Likely)
  2 < Average < 3 (Somewhat Likely)
  3 < Average < 4 (Somewhat Unlikely)
  4 < Average < 5 (Very Unlikely)
General Findings

? 22.4% of respondents identified as independent on the political
  spectrum, which was particularly prevalent among respondents
  ages 18-24 (30% within the group.)
? Overall, women report high voting intention 56% of the time and
  low voting intention 44% of the time.
? This compares to a reported male high voting intention of 70%
  and a low reported overall voting intention of 30%.
Men who viewed the uncivil attack ad:

? 60% report a very high voting intention after treatment with the
  uncivil ad.

? To put this in perspective, 43% of men who received the civil ad
  treatment report a very high voting intention.

Women who viewed the uncivil attack ad:

? 28% report a very high voting intention after treatment with the
  uncivil ad.

? To put this in perspective, 21% of women who received the civil ad
  treatment report a very high voting intention.

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Gender, Political Attack Ads, &amp; Voter Mobilization

  • 1. Gender, Civility, and Voting Intent: Image-Attack Political Advertising and Mobilization by Gender A Study by Michelle Carpenter, Therese Smith, and Jacky Cao
  • 2. Lit Review/Setting ? First political attack ads C 1964 ? Since then, researchers have been interested in the different variables that influence effectiveness of the ads. ? Many studies focused on gender as it pertains to the ad sponsor or target. ? We wanted to understand how the gender of the viewer could influence the perceptions and effects of the ad.
  • 3. Rationale & Thesis H1: Men will be disproportionately affected by a negativity bias after viewing an uncivil political advertisement, and will therefore report a voting intention at a higher rate against the target of the uncivil political ad as compared to women. H2: Men will report a disproportionately higher voting intention after viewing a negative political ad as compared to women.
  • 4. Methods We conducted a short experimental survey using randomized treatment with a civil or uncivil political advertisement. The sample breakdown is as follows: ? Males: 34/67 (50.7%) ? Females: 32/67 (47.8%) ? One participant did not disclose gender. Stimulus breakdown by gender: ? Among Males: 41.2% viewed the civil ad, 58.8% viewed the uncivil ad ? Among Females: 43.8% viewed the civil ad, 56.3% viewed the uncivil ad
  • 5. Ways to Measure We operationalized constructs for accuracy by asking multi-part questions and averaging the responses, then generalizing to a scale. For example, voting intention: We presented 4 circumstances which could make the act of voting easy or difficult and asked respondents to indicate their voting intention (1 is very likely, 5 is very unlikely.) Then we average the responses together and rank them as follows: Average < 2 (Very Likely) 2 < Average < 3 (Somewhat Likely) 3 < Average < 4 (Somewhat Unlikely) 4 < Average < 5 (Very Unlikely)
  • 6. Results General Findings ? 22.4% of respondents identified as independent on the political spectrum, which was particularly prevalent among respondents ages 18-24 (30% within the group.) ? Overall, women report high voting intention 56% of the time and low voting intention 44% of the time. ? This compares to a reported male high voting intention of 70% and a low reported overall voting intention of 30%.
  • 7. Men who viewed the uncivil attack ad: ? 60% report a very high voting intention after treatment with the uncivil ad. ? To put this in perspective, 43% of men who received the civil ad treatment report a very high voting intention. Women who viewed the uncivil attack ad: ? 28% report a very high voting intention after treatment with the uncivil ad. ? To put this in perspective, 21% of women who received the civil ad treatment report a very high voting intention.