This document summarizes a presentation about OSGeo.JP activities in Hokkaido, Japan. It discusses Hokkaido prefecture and a mapping company's transition to using open source GIS. It also describes the first FOSS4G Hokkaido event organized by OSGeo.JP to introduce FOSS4G to people in Hokkaido and allow networking among GIS users in the region. The event included keynote presentations, hands-on training in QGIS and GRASS, and was well-received by its 66 participants.
This document summarizes a presentation about OSGeo.JP activities in Hokkaido, Japan. It discusses Hokkaido prefecture and a mapping company's transition to using open source GIS. It also describes the first FOSS4G Hokkaido event organized by OSGeo.JP to introduce FOSS4G to people in Hokkaido and allow networking among GIS users in the region. The event included keynote presentations, hands-on training in QGIS and GRASS, and was well-received by its 66 participants.