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Andre J. Vonk MBA
Individual Sales Rep. Scorecard
 FY 14 Q1 Sales Scorecard: Rick Manfield
Measure Target Weight Result Q1
Sales 200K 1.0 70% 7.0 *
Pipeline 500K in 90-days pipeline 0.5 65% 3.3
Velocity 500 / day 0.2 60% 1.2
Activities 2 demos / day 0.2 100% 2.0
Bus. Dev. 25% of pipeline 0.1 50% 0.5
Sales Team Scorecard Summary
Name Performance Effectiviness
Rick 7.0 7.0
Sam 3.0 3.0
Ahmad 4.0 6.0
Hassan 9.0 2.0
Ibrahim 3.0 8.0
Peter 5.0 3.0
Rob 9.0 9.0
Q1- 2014
Sales Team Scorecard Dashboard
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YTD % of Sales Target
Review the scorecard analysis
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YTD % of Sales Target
These are the people who are
not making their Sales
and they are not doing the
Things. Their days are
numbered, staying in this
quadrant for too long is a
signal theyre not in the right
Bottom left
Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YTD % of Sales Target
RobTop Left
These Sales Reps are doing the
right things but not yet producing
sufficient Sales results. They
deserve your attention and are
great candidates for continued
coaching. You should expect to
see steady progress to the right;
in fact, theyre the ones
most likely to get to the upper-
right quadrant over time.
Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YTD % of Sales Target
Bottom Right
These people will bring you
down. They are making their
numbers in spite of an
unwillingness to do the right
things. Other people look
up to them because theyre
making money, but if you dont
address this decisively, they
will undermine your over-all
Sales program. They need to
get out of this quadrant, theyre
either moving up or the minute
they move to the left, theyre
Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YTD % of Sales Target
Top Right
Of course, this is where you
want everyone, making their
Sales numbers and doing all
the right things. These Sales
Reps should be publicly
rewarded and more highly
compensated. These are
probably your top performers.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YTD % of Sales Target
Q1-2014Action Team Scorecard
give them
more time
to develop
Cut your
these ones
will drag
the team
* Each and every Sales business, has his own Sales Driver
* Review the ones that for your business will benefit a steady grow
for the company and Sales reps.
* Dont set more than 4 to 5 Sales Driver Targets. This avoid a
lack of focus.
Andre J. Vonk MBA

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Course 6 - 際際滷s - Marketing Matrix.pdf
Florin Diumea

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Four Tips to improve & analyse your Sales Performance Scorecard Effectively

  • 2. Individual Sales Rep. Scorecard FY 14 Q1 Sales Scorecard: Rick Manfield Measure Target Weight Result Q1 Score Sales 200K 1.0 70% 7.0 * Pipeline 500K in 90-days pipeline 0.5 65% 3.3 Velocity 500 / day 0.2 60% 1.2 Activities 2 demos / day 0.2 100% 2.0 Bus. Dev. 25% of pipeline 0.1 50% 0.5 PERFORMANCE 7.0 * EFFECTIVINESS 7.0 ** **
  • 3. Sales Team Scorecard Summary Name Performance Effectiviness Rick 7.0 7.0 Sam 3.0 3.0 Ahmad 4.0 6.0 Hassan 9.0 2.0 Ibrahim 3.0 8.0 Peter 5.0 3.0 Rob 9.0 9.0 Q1- 2014
  • 4. Sales Team Scorecard Dashboard 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 012345678910 Rick Sam Ahmed YTD%ofSalesDriversTarget YTD % of Sales Target Hassan Ibrahim Peter Rob Q1-2014
  • 5. Review the scorecard analysis Q1-2014
  • 6. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 012345678910 Sam YTD%ofSalesDriversTarget YTD % of Sales Target T These are the people who are not making their Sales numbers and they are not doing the right Things. Their days are numbered, staying in this quadrant for too long is a signal theyre not in the right job. Bottom left Q1-2014 Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
  • 7. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 012345678910 Rick Sam Ahmed YTD%ofSalesDriversTarget YTD % of Sales Target Hassan Ibrahim Peter RobTop Left These Sales Reps are doing the right things but not yet producing sufficient Sales results. They deserve your attention and are great candidates for continued coaching. You should expect to see steady progress to the right; in fact, theyre the ones most likely to get to the upper- right quadrant over time. Q1-2014 Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
  • 8. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 012345678910 Rick Sam Ahmed YTD%ofSalesDriversTarget YTD % of Sales Target Hassan Ibrahim Peter Rob Bottom Right These people will bring you down. They are making their numbers in spite of an unwillingness to do the right things. Other people look up to them because theyre making money, but if you dont address this decisively, they will undermine your over-all Sales program. They need to get out of this quadrant, theyre either moving up or the minute they move to the left, theyre gone. Q1-2014 Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard
  • 9. Sales Team Analysis Scorecard Dashboard 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 012345678910 Rick Sam Ahmed YTD%ofSalesDriversTarget YTD % of Sales Target Hassan Ibrahim Peter Rob Top Right Of course, this is where you want everyone, making their Sales numbers and doing all the right things. These Sales Reps should be publicly rewarded and more highly compensated. These are probably your top performers. Q1-2014
  • 10. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789 Rick Sam Ahmed YTD%ofSalesDriversTarget YTD % of Sales Target Hassan Ibrahim Peter Rob Q1-2014Action Team Scorecard Dashboard Invest; give them more time to develop Terminate; Cut your losses Reward; top performers Warn; these ones will drag the team down
  • 11. Afterword * Each and every Sales business, has his own Sales Driver Targets. * Review the ones that for your business will benefit a steady grow for the company and Sales reps. * Dont set more than 4 to 5 Sales Driver Targets. This avoid a lack of focus. Andre J. Vonk MBA