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Big Scores

       churning           Mega
First, a moment of ²õ¾±±ô±ð²Ô³¦±ð¡­
The Original 5X Everywhere
        ¡°One Card to Rule them All¡±
Then came Bluebird
         5X everywhere + Bill Pay!
Another moment of ²õ¾±±ô±ð²Ô³¦±ð¡­
 Lives On
Vanilla Visa & Merchant Gift cards
Vanilla Visa + Target
Vanilla Visa + Vanilla Reload
Hilton Amex + Vanilla Reload

Forward 5X
5X Options Compared

Option           Cost to load   Fee %   ATM?   Bill Pay?
Vanilla Visa     $4.95          .99     No     No
Vanilla Visa +   $6.45          1.29    Yes    No
Vanilla Visa + $8.90            1.78    Yes    Yes
Vanilla Reload
Hilton Amex + $3.95             .79     Yes    Yes
Vanilla Reload
Forward 5X       $3.95          .79     Yes    No
How big is
Living 1X

Consider these example annual expenses:
? $20K credit card spend
? $25K checks and bank transfers
? $5K ATM withdrawals

Points per year earned from typical credit card:
       $20K spend X 1 = 20,000 points
Category Bonuses
      5X                                     groceries,
  telecom,                                   gas, drug
    cable,                                     stores
office supply

     2X                                           5X
   Travel,                                   restaurants,
(restaurants)                                bookstores,

   Average ~3X
   Points per year earned:
                $20K spend X 3 = 60,000 points
5X : Vanilla Visa & merchant gift cards

Average ~5X
Annual cost depends on gift cards used: ~$120

Points per year earned:
      $20K spend X 5 = 100,000 points
            (or 88,000 for free)
5X: Vanilla Visa + Target

Average 5X across all credit and cash expenses
Annual cost: ~$325

Points per year earned:
      $25K spend X 5 = 125,000 points
            (or 92,500 for free)
5X: Forward

Average 5X across all credit and cash expenses
Annual cost: ~$200

Points per year earned:
      $25K spend X 5 = 125,000 points*
            (or 105,000 for free)
* $1K limit may be a deal breaker
5X: Vanilla Visa + Vanilla Reload

Average 5X across all expenses
Annual cost: $890

Points per year earned:
        $50K spend X 5 = 250,000 points
              (or 161,000 for free)
6X: Hilton Amex + Vanilla Reload

Average 6X across all expenses
Annual cost: $395

Points per year earned:
        $50K spend X 6 = 300,000 points
        (but, points are not as valuable)
Beyond 5X
Beyond 5X Everywhere

? Pay all credit charges with best credit card
  ? $20K X 3 = 60K points
? Pay all bills (including credit card bills) & ATM with Bluebird
  ? $50K X 5 = 250K points

Annual cost: $890
Points per year earned:
                   (or 221,000 for free)
Life Beyond 5X

Once a week:
? [Go to Office Depot, buy two $500 Vanilla Visa cards]
? Go to drug store, buy two Vanilla Reload cards
? Go home, load Vanilla Reload cards to Bluebird
? Use Bluebird to pay bills & transfer money to checking

As needed:
? Use best credit card for purchases
? Use Bluebird for ATM
Comparing Techniques
Technique                    Points    Cost   Cost per   Pain
                            Earned              Point
1X                             20K       $0        $0    None
Category Bonuses ~3X           60K       $0        $0    Low
Vanilla Visa + Gift Cards     100K    ~$120   $0.0012    High
Forward B&N                   125K    ~$200   $0.0016 Medium
Vanilla Visa + Target         125K    ~$320   $0.0026    High
Vanilla Visa + Vanilla        250K     $890   $0.0036    High
Hilton + Vanilla Reload       300K     $395   $0.0013 Medium
Beyond 5X                     310K     $890   $0.0029    High
A moving target


Use Caution
Reload Cards
Paying Federal Taxes
Federal Taxes, Two Good Options
For example, assume $20K in taxes¡­

? Pay with mile earning debit card (e.g. SunTrust Delta
  ? Earn 1 mile per dollar
  ? Cost = $3.49
  ? Miles earned = 20,000
? Pay with gift cards:
  ?   Buy 40 $500 Visa cards at 5X
  ?   Call Official Payments and use cards as debit cards
  ?   Cost = $356
  ?   Miles earned = 100,000 (or 64,400 free)

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5X Everywhere

  • 2. Big Scores Credit card churning Mega shopping deals Category bonuses
  • 3. First, a moment of ²õ¾±±ô±ð²Ô³¦±ð¡­
  • 4. The Original 5X Everywhere ¡°One Card to Rule them All¡±
  • 5. Then came Bluebird 5X everywhere + Bill Pay!
  • 6. Another moment of ²õ¾±±ô±ð²Ô³¦±ð¡­
  • 8. Vanilla Visa & Merchant Gift cards
  • 9. Vanilla Visa + Target
  • 10. Vanilla Visa + Vanilla Reload
  • 11. Hilton Amex + Vanilla Reload 6X
  • 13. 5X Options Compared Option Cost to load Fee % ATM? Bill Pay? $500 Vanilla Visa $4.95 .99 No No Vanilla Visa + $6.45 1.29 Yes No Target Vanilla Visa + $8.90 1.78 Yes Yes Vanilla Reload Hilton Amex + $3.95 .79 Yes Yes Vanilla Reload Forward 5X $3.95 .79 Yes No
  • 14. How big is this?
  • 15. Living 1X Consider these example annual expenses: ? $20K credit card spend ? $25K checks and bank transfers ? $5K ATM withdrawals Points per year earned from typical credit card: $20K spend X 1 = 20,000 points
  • 16. Category Bonuses 6X 5X groceries, telecom, gas, drug cable, stores internet, office supply 2X 5X Travel, restaurants, (restaurants) bookstores, movies Average ~3X Points per year earned: $20K spend X 3 = 60,000 points
  • 17. 5X : Vanilla Visa & merchant gift cards Average ~5X Annual cost depends on gift cards used: ~$120 Points per year earned: $20K spend X 5 = 100,000 points (or 88,000 for free)
  • 18. 5X: Vanilla Visa + Target Average 5X across all credit and cash expenses Annual cost: ~$325 Points per year earned: $25K spend X 5 = 125,000 points (or 92,500 for free)
  • 19. 5X: Forward Average 5X across all credit and cash expenses Annual cost: ~$200 Points per year earned: $25K spend X 5 = 125,000 points* (or 105,000 for free) * $1K limit may be a deal breaker
  • 20. 5X: Vanilla Visa + Vanilla Reload Average 5X across all expenses Annual cost: $890 Points per year earned: $50K spend X 5 = 250,000 points (or 161,000 for free)
  • 21. 6X: Hilton Amex + Vanilla Reload Average 6X across all expenses Annual cost: $395 Points per year earned: $50K spend X 6 = 300,000 points (but, points are not as valuable)
  • 23. Beyond 5X Everywhere ? Pay all credit charges with best credit card ? $20K X 3 = 60K points ? Pay all bills (including credit card bills) & ATM with Bluebird ? $50K X 5 = 250K points Annual cost: $890 Points per year earned: 310,000 (or 221,000 for free)
  • 24. Life Beyond 5X Once a week: ? [Go to Office Depot, buy two $500 Vanilla Visa cards] ? Go to drug store, buy two Vanilla Reload cards ? Go home, load Vanilla Reload cards to Bluebird ? Use Bluebird to pay bills & transfer money to checking As needed: ? Use best credit card for purchases ? Use Bluebird for ATM
  • 25. Comparing Techniques Technique Points Cost Cost per Pain Earned Point 1X 20K $0 $0 None Category Bonuses ~3X 60K $0 $0 Low Vanilla Visa + Gift Cards 100K ~$120 $0.0012 High Forward B&N 125K ~$200 $0.0016 Medium Vanilla Visa + Target 125K ~$320 $0.0026 High Vanilla Visa + Vanilla 250K $890 $0.0036 High Reload Hilton + Vanilla Reload 300K $395 $0.0013 Medium Beyond 5X 310K $890 $0.0029 High
  • 26. A moving target CVS Office Depot Wal- greens
  • 31. Federal Taxes, Two Good Options For example, assume $20K in taxes¡­ ? Pay with mile earning debit card (e.g. SunTrust Delta card): ? Earn 1 mile per dollar ? Cost = $3.49 ? Miles earned = 20,000 ? Pay with gift cards: ? Buy 40 $500 Visa cards at 5X ? Call Official Payments and use cards as debit cards ? Cost = $356 ? Miles earned = 100,000 (or 64,400 free)

Editor's Notes

  • #18: Assume 25 $500 Visas @ $4.95 = $123.50
  • #19: 50 $500 Visas at $4.95 = $247.5025 Target loads at $3 = $75Total: $322.50
  • #20: 50 loads at $3.95 = $197
  • #21: 100 $500 Visa or Amex cards @ $4.95 each = $495100 $500 Vanilla Reload cards @ $3.95 each = $395
  • #22: 100 $500 Vanilla Reload cards @ $3.95 each = $395
  • #24: More than 15 times more than 1X scenario!100 $500 Visa or Amex cards @ $4.95 each = $495100 $500 Vanilla Reload cards @ $3.95 each = $395
  • #32: $4.95 per Visa + $3.95 per debit transaction = $8.90 per payment40 payments = $356