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Welcome to Curriculum Night 
Chinese Studies Grade 6 MSL 
Annie Yip 
G1,2,5,6 Chinese Teacher, Rm1427 
Email: annieyip@cdnis.edu.hk 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
? What do students learn in MSL6 this year? 
? How do we inform what students have learned? 
? How are students assessed? 
? How do you support? 
** Please write down your individual questions, concerns on the suggestion cards. 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Written Curriculum 
WWA ˭ 
WWPT ʲôʱ 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Assessed Curriculum 
? Formative Assessments: Performance Based 
? Summative Assessments: Skill Based 
? Student Portfolio (SP) 
? 3-Way Learning Review (3WLR) 
? Student Led Learning Review (SLLRs) 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Assessed Curriculum 
G6 MSL goalGrade 7 MSL 
Phase 2 class 
Phase 2 
Criteria A M E 
Criteria A 
3-4 5-6 7-8 
Comprehension spoken and visual text Criteria B 
3-4 5-6 7-8 
Comprehension written and visual text Criteria C 
Communicating in response to spoken, written 
and visual text 
3-4 5-6 7-8 
Criteria D 
3-4 5-6 7-8 
Using language in spoken and written form Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Taught Curriculum 
? Curriculum Structure: Inquiry Based Learning 
? Language Acquisition Methodology: TPRS (Teach 
Proficiency through Reading & Storytelling) 
? Teacher Tailor-Made Learning Materials 
? Student Centre Teaching & Learning Style 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Parent Support 
? MSL Reading Program: Mandarin Matrix 
? G6 MSL Homework Policy 
? Blog Resources: Posts & Updates 
? Chinese Learning Environment 
? Immersion Programmes 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
MSL Reading Program 
? Reading program aims at building up students reading habit 
and interests 
? The reading folder will be sent home in September. Please 
remind your child to read and let you sign on the reading log 
? Students need to return the book every Thursday to switch 
for a new one 
? Online practice information will be sent home later. 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Average time G6 MSL class homework: about 20-25 min 
Try your best: bring your problems back to school 
Homework sent home Mon to Thu 
Check Diary for homework & Verify your email subscription 
Use Quizlet link for weekly assessment practice 
Supervise Writing Chinese Characters (stroke order website) 
Check Weekly Updates on the blog for more information 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
MSL Reading Program Online 
Online Learning Resources 
Quizlet class 
Homework & Weekly Updates 
Useful website links 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Tips For Supporting 
Check Ye laoshis blog regularly 
Check your childs red bag: weekly assessment & reading folder 
parent signature 
Read Chinese books with your child (Online books) 
Chinese resources: friend, books, apps, posters, etc 
Expose to Chinese Environment & Encouragement 
If you find your child struggle with Chinese, please contact me 
as soon as possible. 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
CDNIS PYP/MYP Beijing Summer 
Immersion Programme 
For more information, please visit Chinese Studies Website 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
Thank You! 
Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣

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G6 MSL curriculum night presentation

  • 1. Welcome to Curriculum Night Chinese Studies Grade 6 MSL Annie Yip G1,2,5,6 Chinese Teacher, Rm1427 Email: annieyip@cdnis.edu.hk http://sites.cdnis.edu.hk/teachers/annieyip/ Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 2. Agenda ? What do students learn in MSL6 this year? ? How do we inform what students have learned? ? How are students assessed? ? How do you support? ** Please write down your individual questions, concerns on the suggestion cards. Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 3. Written Curriculum WWA ˭ STP WWPT ʲôʱ HWOO ֯Լ Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 4. Assessed Curriculum ? Formative Assessments: Performance Based ? Summative Assessments: Skill Based ? Student Portfolio (SP) ? 3-Way Learning Review (3WLR) ? Student Led Learning Review (SLLRs) Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 5. Assessed Curriculum G6 MSL goalGrade 7 MSL Phase 2 class Phase 2 Criteria A M E Criteria A 3-4 5-6 7-8 Comprehension spoken and visual text Criteria B 3-4 5-6 7-8 Comprehension written and visual text Criteria C Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text 3-4 5-6 7-8 Criteria D 3-4 5-6 7-8 Using language in spoken and written form Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 6. Taught Curriculum ? Curriculum Structure: Inquiry Based Learning ? Language Acquisition Methodology: TPRS (Teach Proficiency through Reading & Storytelling) ? Teacher Tailor-Made Learning Materials ? Student Centre Teaching & Learning Style Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 7. Parent Support ? MSL Reading Program: Mandarin Matrix ? G6 MSL Homework Policy ? Blog Resources: Posts & Updates ? Chinese Learning Environment ? Immersion Programmes Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 8. MSL Reading Program ? Reading program aims at building up students reading habit and interests ? The reading folder will be sent home in September. Please remind your child to read and let you sign on the reading log ? Students need to return the book every Thursday to switch for a new one ? Online practice information will be sent home later. Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 9. Homework Average time G6 MSL class homework: about 20-25 min Try your best: bring your problems back to school Homework sent home Mon to Thu Check Diary for homework & Verify your email subscription Use Quizlet link for weekly assessment practice Supervise Writing Chinese Characters (stroke order website) Check Weekly Updates on the blog for more information Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 10. Blog MSL Reading Program Online Online Learning Resources Quizlet class Homework & Weekly Updates Useful website links Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 11. Tips For Supporting Check Ye laoshis blog regularly Check your childs red bag: weekly assessment & reading folder parent signature Read Chinese books with your child (Online books) Chinese resources: friend, books, apps, posters, etc Expose to Chinese Environment & Encouragement If you find your child struggle with Chinese, please contact me as soon as possible. Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 12. CDNIS PYP/MYP Beijing Summer Immersion Programme Ӫ For more information, please visit Chinese Studies Website Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣
  • 13. Thank You! Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders through Academic Excellence. ԃ|Г؟ε繫δI䡣