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Gary Terrill
Richmond, Virginia area  Cell: 804-337-9704  gterrill77@verizon.net
Results oriented IT Professional withover 25 years successfulexperiencein developing and implementing technicalsolutions,
service/process improvements, strategic planning, vendor negotiation and operations management. Strong technology
background and business acumen to develop solutions, manage relationships, establish service levels and monitor day-to-day
operations. Proven experience working across organizations to develop technology strategy and implement large-scale, multi-
site enterprise systems. Well versed in project management processes with deep technical and functional expertise.
Demonstratedrecordof developinginnovative technologysolutionsand facilitatingcommunicationbetweenstakeholders andto
 IT managementprofessionalwithdemonstratedexperienceleadinghigh-performingteamstodeliver large,complex
 Proven Call Centerdesigner,implementerwithCallRecordingdesignandoftenaskedto designbusinessoperations
 Proven experienceacrossmultipleindustries -HealthCare,Government,Financial Services,carrierprovidersand
 Deeptechnicalmanagementexperiencefor globalvoiceanddatanetwork infrastructure andIT platform governance.
 Knownfor developing andimplementingnewservices,managingbusinessoperations,turningaroundfailed

Core Competencies:
 TechnologyStrategyDevelopment  Cost Analysis & Reduction  Large-scaleProjectManagement
 ServiceDevelopment  Integration Management  QualityAssurance
 Product& Program Development  Service& ContractManagement  Team Management
 BusinessProcessReengineering  Vendor Negotiation&Management  ClientRelationsManagement
 Virtual ProjectLeadership  Virtual Team leadership
Professional Experience
GTELIT CONSULTING, LLC Richmond, VA February2014 Present
Owner/Vice President
Responsibleforallaspectsof companydevelopment.As a startup companyourgoalwas simplelookfor emergingtechnologies
to automatewherepossible.Handledwebsitedesign(Stillindraft but has beenlaunchedtodemonstratethecompanywas
readyto do business)
 CurrentlycontractingforBrillio@ FreddieMac locationNorthernVirginia.OperationleadforNetworkVoicetransitionto
new enterprise cloud solution
 We made the move from sole proprietorship to an LLC Feb 2014, Full companydevelopment started May2014
 Handle all negotiations with Amazon and eBayto created affiliate programs and product advertising.
 Starteda program forhomecomputerownerstohaveacompanytheycantrustto provideinexpensivecomputerservices
 To continue mypersonal career path byoffer consulting services to small and medium size companies.
APEX SYSTEM CAPITAL ONE, Richmond, VA December 2013 April 2014
Level 3Support&BSAfor LossMitigationTeamUSCard Collections
ResponsibleformonitoringtheLMIT IT footprint concentratedfocusonallOut-BoundDialersolutions,Managedocumentation
updatesanddesignnewand improvedbusinesscontingencyplans.Level 3 supportfor multi-siteenterprisecallcenters.
 Focus on designing new and improved business policies for defensive monitoring of all LMIT applications
 Continued design support for Verint Call Recording solution for all enterprise users of out-bound dialers.
 Major effort on the redesign for VACD enterprise manual dial solutions, Time of Dayrouting and Dialing Guard times
 Help all LMIT teams bybeing the TelephonySME when needed
Gary Terrill  Cell: 804-337-9704  gterrill77@verizon.net Page 2
VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS, Richmond, VA September 2006November 2013
IT Operations Leadand ProjectManager -Call CenteratCapital OneforVerizon
Responsible for multi-million dollar complex, large-scale enterprise projects, upgrades and deployments. Managed
documentation,changecontrolandimplementationrisks. Responsibleforleadingoperationsandprojectsformulti-siteenterprise
call center. Manage team of 16 staff for call center with a volume of 150,000 outbound calls per day.
 During the subprime crisis, first Verizon employee ever to receive a customer award.
 During the migration from desktop/VOIP phones to Avaya, was brought in to identify root cause of complex technical
problem that vendor was not able to resolve.
 Project manager for various parts of Cisco CCM deployment of over 8,600 Cisco phones. Led agile team of 7.
 Lead engineer for over 1,000 analog port conversion to Cisco VG224. Led team of 4.
 Lead engineer for centralized voice mail study(Cisco Unityvs. Nortel UM-2000).
 Responsible for site preparation for enterprise Cisco Call Manager deployment to over 14,000 devices.
 Developed high-level engineering for VPIM protocols between various Nortel to Cisco interoperability.
 Negotiated and managed vendor relations.
 Verizon Enterprise NFO ExcellenceAward foroutstandingperformanceintheCapitalOneCustomerSupportTeam,
Verizon, April 2010. Thiswasa greatachievementasthis was awardedthefirst callcenterawardgiven to a Verizon
employee. In 2008,received Colleagueofthe Month.
TelecommunicationEngineer forSunPass,OfficeofTolls,SignatureConsultants
Telecomengineerandsolutiondesignerfor SunPassenterprisesystem. Responsibleforengineering,supportingandmaintaining
allSunPass CallCentersincluding theBocaRaton location (callcenteranddatacenterwith170Agents), two Orlandocallcenter
locations (205 agents scalable up to 350), the SunWatch Call Center (8 Agents), the Sawgrass/Deerfield facilityincluding all 16
lanes of Sawgrass expressway, the TampaRegional office, and the North Broward Office Of Tolls. Networked the Orlandoand
Boca Call Centers to act as a single, integrated call center based on longest idle agent. Introduced SIP IP Trunking to State
government. Deployed Symposium Call Center 5.0 in 3 call centers and introducedenhanced reporting capabilities. Managed
operational budget of over $1.5M.
 Received the J.D. PowersBest in Classawardfor a callcenterinthe transportationindustry. Thiswasthe first
awardever given to a state agencyin customerservice.
 Designedanddeployedthe State SunWatchCallCenter. Receivedspecialrecognition becausetherewasno vendor
involvement and the solution was deliveredon timeandunderbudget.
 Deployednew phonesystem to Tampaoffice(NortelBCM-50). Receivedspecialrecognitionforcompletingtheentire
project(design,procurement,anddeployment)underbudgedand within3weeks.
 Team memberofprojectthat deployedenterprise-widecommunicationsnetworkutilizingVOIP, TDM,andmicrowave
that linkedall corelocationstogether.
 Introduceddigitalrecordingequipmentforall 3 callcenters thatrecordsallcallsallthe time.
 Stabilized anagingIVR system that resultedin completelyeliminatingweeklysystem problems.
VISTAHEALTH PLAN / HEALTHNET, Sunrise, FL April 1997  June2004
Sr. TelecommunicationsEngineer
SeniorTelecomSpecialistforHealthNetandVISTAHealthPlan. Responsibleforleadingoperationsforallconversionandupgrade
projectsandmanagedoperational team. Responsibleforentire East coastoperations for a total of 12sites. Converted 3 health
plans into one for the new corporation including all voice networks. Converted existing call centers from Meridian Max to
Symposium andnew IVR platform for 250+seat callcentermanagingcustomerservice,claimsandmedical. Developedbudget
forecast to include vendor maintenance and carrier contract costs, and developed reporting for management. Developed and
implementeddisasterrecoveryplans for 7 locationsinthe FloridaandNortheast areas. Responsibleforopeningandmanaging
Gary Terrill  Cell: 804-337-9704  gterrill77@verizon.net Page 3
7 Floridalocationsforadds,movesandchangesforNortel MeridianSwitches(options11c-81c). ProjectmanagerforY2K testing
and remediation for 11 call center locations.
 Converted 3 health plans into one new corporation including all voice networks.
 Participated on project team that converted the Hollywood office from AVAYAto Nortel Opt 61c.
 Converted existing call centers from Meridian Max to Symposium.
 Built the first suicide hotline and created one of the first Ask a Nurse programs in the country.
 Duringthe first year, realized 1 milliondollarcostsavingsin Florida byrenegotiating bettercontracts.
 Created$350ksavings plan inthe Northeast (Pennsylvania and New Jersey).
U-COMPCOMPUTERCENTER,AltamonteSprings,FL June1991  December1999
Sr. Vice President,Operationsand Purchasing (PartOwner)
With family, purchased afailingcomputerstoreandreintroducedtothe marketa strong competitorwith manynewproductlines.
Recognizedasoneof KAYPROs largestcomputerdealersinthe CentralFloridamarketplace.
Sr. Vice President,Operationsand Purchasing
Responsible forleadingtechnicalsales,managing alargestaff, andmarkingcampaign promotingproductworld-wide.
 IncreasedSalesfrom $250,000to wellover a million inthefirst year.
 Successfullynegotiatedthepurchaseofa majorcomputermanufacture,ColumbiaDataProductsand assistedwiththe
creationof a newproductline.
 Receivedrecognitionbybeingfeatured with the companyownerinVenture Magazine,July 1986
Formal Education
Villanova University -MastersCertificate inOrganizational Leadership,MastersCertificate inISIT ProjectManagementfor
InformationScience/InformationTechnologyandMasterCertificatein ISIT Security
Additional Certifications and Training
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Oct. 20072010, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA Voice), Oct. 2007Sept.
2013, Nortel Network Support Expert  (NNCSE and NNCSS), Oct. 2008present, ITIL Version 3 Foundation Exam (ITIL v3), Oct.
 These certifications were based on Nortel know consider Avaya (Blue) the CS1000 family of Call Servers or formally known as
2011present, Avaya Support Specialist (ACSS) June 2012June 2014, Verint Training Impact 360 v10, 2010, Cisco ICM, 2010
Professional credit units currently underway at Verizon. (See Additional Document for course specific)
Professional Training Voice and Data, (See Additional Document for course specifics)

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Gary Terrill resume 2015

  • 1. Gary Terrill Richmond, Virginia area Cell: 804-337-9704 gterrill77@verizon.net Results oriented IT Professional withover 25 years successfulexperiencein developing and implementing technicalsolutions, service/process improvements, strategic planning, vendor negotiation and operations management. Strong technology background and business acumen to develop solutions, manage relationships, establish service levels and monitor day-to-day operations. Proven experience working across organizations to develop technology strategy and implement large-scale, multi- site enterprise systems. Well versed in project management processes with deep technical and functional expertise. Demonstratedrecordof developinginnovative technologysolutionsand facilitatingcommunicationbetweenstakeholders andto companyexecutives. IT managementprofessionalwithdemonstratedexperienceleadinghigh-performingteamstodeliver large,complex integrationprojects. Proven Call Centerdesigner,implementerwithCallRecordingdesignandoftenaskedto designbusinessoperations model. Proven experienceacrossmultipleindustries -HealthCare,Government,Financial Services,carrierprovidersand multipleFortune500companies. Deeptechnicalmanagementexperiencefor globalvoiceanddatanetwork infrastructure andIT platform governance. Knownfor developing andimplementingnewservices,managingbusinessoperations,turningaroundfailed projectsandachievingsuccessinfast-paced,complexpoliticalandtechnicalenvironments. Core Competencies: TechnologyStrategyDevelopment Cost Analysis & Reduction Large-scaleProjectManagement ServiceDevelopment Integration Management QualityAssurance Product& Program Development Service& ContractManagement Team Management BusinessProcessReengineering Vendor Negotiation&Management ClientRelationsManagement Virtual ProjectLeadership Virtual Team leadership Professional Experience GTELIT CONSULTING, LLC Richmond, VA February2014 Present Owner/Vice President Responsibleforallaspectsof companydevelopment.As a startup companyourgoalwas simplelookfor emergingtechnologies to automatewherepossible.Handledwebsitedesign(Stillindraft but has beenlaunchedtodemonstratethecompanywas readyto do business) CurrentlycontractingforBrillio@ FreddieMac locationNorthernVirginia.OperationleadforNetworkVoicetransitionto new enterprise cloud solution We made the move from sole proprietorship to an LLC Feb 2014, Full companydevelopment started May2014 Handle all negotiations with Amazon and eBayto created affiliate programs and product advertising. Starteda program forhomecomputerownerstohaveacompanytheycantrustto provideinexpensivecomputerservices To continue mypersonal career path byoffer consulting services to small and medium size companies. APEX SYSTEM CAPITAL ONE, Richmond, VA December 2013 April 2014 Level 3Support&BSAfor LossMitigationTeamUSCard Collections ResponsibleformonitoringtheLMIT IT footprint concentratedfocusonallOut-BoundDialersolutions,Managedocumentation updatesanddesignnewand improvedbusinesscontingencyplans.Level 3 supportfor multi-siteenterprisecallcenters. Focus on designing new and improved business policies for defensive monitoring of all LMIT applications Continued design support for Verint Call Recording solution for all enterprise users of out-bound dialers. Major effort on the redesign for VACD enterprise manual dial solutions, Time of Dayrouting and Dialing Guard times Help all LMIT teams bybeing the TelephonySME when needed
  • 2. Gary Terrill Cell: 804-337-9704 gterrill77@verizon.net Page 2 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS, Richmond, VA September 2006November 2013 IT Operations Leadand ProjectManager -Call CenteratCapital OneforVerizon Responsible for multi-million dollar complex, large-scale enterprise projects, upgrades and deployments. Managed documentation,changecontrolandimplementationrisks. Responsibleforleadingoperationsandprojectsformulti-siteenterprise call center. Manage team of 16 staff for call center with a volume of 150,000 outbound calls per day. During the subprime crisis, first Verizon employee ever to receive a customer award. During the migration from desktop/VOIP phones to Avaya, was brought in to identify root cause of complex technical problem that vendor was not able to resolve. Project manager for various parts of Cisco CCM deployment of over 8,600 Cisco phones. Led agile team of 7. Lead engineer for over 1,000 analog port conversion to Cisco VG224. Led team of 4. Lead engineer for centralized voice mail study(Cisco Unityvs. Nortel UM-2000). Responsible for site preparation for enterprise Cisco Call Manager deployment to over 14,000 devices. Developed high-level engineering for VPIM protocols between various Nortel to Cisco interoperability. Negotiated and managed vendor relations. Verizon Enterprise NFO ExcellenceAward foroutstandingperformanceintheCapitalOneCustomerSupportTeam, Verizon, April 2010. Thiswasa greatachievementasthis was awardedthefirst callcenterawardgiven to a Verizon employee. In 2008,received Colleagueofthe Month. FLORIDADEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION,BocaRaton,FL June 2004 September2006 TelecommunicationEngineer forSunPass,OfficeofTolls,SignatureConsultants Telecomengineerandsolutiondesignerfor SunPassenterprisesystem. Responsibleforengineering,supportingandmaintaining allSunPass CallCentersincluding theBocaRaton location (callcenteranddatacenterwith170Agents), two Orlandocallcenter locations (205 agents scalable up to 350), the SunWatch Call Center (8 Agents), the Sawgrass/Deerfield facilityincluding all 16 lanes of Sawgrass expressway, the TampaRegional office, and the North Broward Office Of Tolls. Networked the Orlandoand Boca Call Centers to act as a single, integrated call center based on longest idle agent. Introduced SIP IP Trunking to State government. Deployed Symposium Call Center 5.0 in 3 call centers and introducedenhanced reporting capabilities. Managed operational budget of over $1.5M. Received the J.D. PowersBest in Classawardfor a callcenterinthe transportationindustry. Thiswasthe first awardever given to a state agencyin customerservice. Designedanddeployedthe State SunWatchCallCenter. Receivedspecialrecognition becausetherewasno vendor involvement and the solution was deliveredon timeandunderbudget. Deployednew phonesystem to Tampaoffice(NortelBCM-50). Receivedspecialrecognitionforcompletingtheentire project(design,procurement,anddeployment)underbudgedand within3weeks. Team memberofprojectthat deployedenterprise-widecommunicationsnetworkutilizingVOIP, TDM,andmicrowave that linkedall corelocationstogether. Introduceddigitalrecordingequipmentforall 3 callcenters thatrecordsallcallsallthe time. Stabilized anagingIVR system that resultedin completelyeliminatingweeklysystem problems. VISTAHEALTH PLAN / HEALTHNET, Sunrise, FL April 1997 June2004 Sr. TelecommunicationsEngineer SeniorTelecomSpecialistforHealthNetandVISTAHealthPlan. Responsibleforleadingoperationsforallconversionandupgrade projectsandmanagedoperational team. Responsibleforentire East coastoperations for a total of 12sites. Converted 3 health plans into one for the new corporation including all voice networks. Converted existing call centers from Meridian Max to Symposium andnew IVR platform for 250+seat callcentermanagingcustomerservice,claimsandmedical. Developedbudget forecast to include vendor maintenance and carrier contract costs, and developed reporting for management. Developed and implementeddisasterrecoveryplans for 7 locationsinthe FloridaandNortheast areas. Responsibleforopeningandmanaging
  • 3. Gary Terrill Cell: 804-337-9704 gterrill77@verizon.net Page 3 7 Floridalocationsforadds,movesandchangesforNortel MeridianSwitches(options11c-81c). ProjectmanagerforY2K testing and remediation for 11 call center locations. Converted 3 health plans into one new corporation including all voice networks. Participated on project team that converted the Hollywood office from AVAYAto Nortel Opt 61c. Converted existing call centers from Meridian Max to Symposium. Built the first suicide hotline and created one of the first Ask a Nurse programs in the country. Duringthe first year, realized 1 milliondollarcostsavingsin Florida byrenegotiating bettercontracts. Created$350ksavings plan inthe Northeast (Pennsylvania and New Jersey). U-COMPCOMPUTERCENTER,AltamonteSprings,FL June1991 December1999 Sr. Vice President,Operationsand Purchasing (PartOwner) With family, purchased afailingcomputerstoreandreintroducedtothe marketa strong competitorwith manynewproductlines. Recognizedasoneof KAYPROs largestcomputerdealersinthe CentralFloridamarketplace. GODFATHERSCOMPUTERSYNDICATE,COLUMBIADATAPRODUCTS,ForestCity, FL May 1986 June1991 Sr. Vice President,Operationsand Purchasing Responsible forleadingtechnicalsales,managing alargestaff, andmarkingcampaign promotingproductworld-wide. IncreasedSalesfrom $250,000to wellover a million inthefirst year. Successfullynegotiatedthepurchaseofa majorcomputermanufacture,ColumbiaDataProductsand assistedwiththe creationof a newproductline. Receivedrecognitionbybeingfeatured with the companyownerinVenture Magazine,July 1986 Formal Education Villanova University -MastersCertificate inOrganizational Leadership,MastersCertificate inISIT ProjectManagementfor InformationScience/InformationTechnologyandMasterCertificatein ISIT Security Additional Certifications and Training Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Oct. 20072010, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA Voice), Oct. 2007Sept. 2013, Nortel Network Support Expert (NNCSE and NNCSS), Oct. 2008present, ITIL Version 3 Foundation Exam (ITIL v3), Oct. These certifications were based on Nortel know consider Avaya (Blue) the CS1000 family of Call Servers or formally known as PBXs 2011present, Avaya Support Specialist (ACSS) June 2012June 2014, Verint Training Impact 360 v10, 2010, Cisco ICM, 2010 Professional credit units currently underway at Verizon. (See Additional Document for course specific) Professional Training Voice and Data, (See Additional Document for course specifics)