The Next Generation Cloud: Unleashing the Power of the UnikernalAll Things Open
Russell Pavlicek discusses the potential of unikernels to revolutionize cloud computing architectures. Unikernels are specialized virtual machines that are compiled to do one task only, making them very small, secure, and fast to boot. Several unikernel projects are highlighted, such as MirageOS, ClickOS, and Rump Kernels. Unikernels could enable transient microservices with lifetimes measured in fractions of a second and populations in the thousands per server host. Open source is leading the innovation in this area through projects like Xen Project, which is working to enable thousands of virtual machines per host and drive the next generation cloud.
Manual em portugu棚s do jogo Enemy Zero, lan巽ado para o videogame Sega Saturn em 1996.
Distribu鱈do oficialmente no Brasil pela Tectoy.
Presentaci坦n que utilice para acompa単ar mi charla sobre gamificaci坦n en el meetup de Video Game Army Madrid. A continuaci坦n dejo la descripci坦n del evento:
"En esta charla vamos a hablar sobre la gamificaci坦n, ese extra単o palabro que 炭ltimamente se ve tan ligado al sector de los videojuegos pero que muchas veces se mal entiende, o peor, se reduce a su m鱈nimo exponente: puntos,medallas y rankings. Nuestro objetivo ser叩 presentar una visi坦n general sobre la misma, intentando dar una definici坦n de qu辿 es y qu辿 no es la gamificaci坦n, cu叩l es su estado en la actualidad, c坦mo se puede dise単ar un sistema gamificado, con qu辿 herramientas contamos para ayudarnos, qu辿 problemas podemos encontrarnos al intentar ponerlo en marcha m叩s all叩 del papel...
Como llevar a cabo esta tarea es toda una aventura, tanto para el ponente como para los valientes participantes de este meetup, toda la charla estar叩 gamificada e hilada alrededor del camino del h辿roe de George Campbell. De esta forma, podr辿is experimentar en vuestras propias carnes una pizca del poder de la gamificaci坦n. 多Una charla sobre gamificaci坦n gamificada? No, no es un trabalenguas, tiramos la casa por la ventana ;)"
A highly personable, competent, and team spirited professional with Six years experience of Modern & Traditional trade, Horeca, Distribution and Retail channels (F.M.C.G/Food & Beverage) Sales, Accounts establishment, Product/Brand Management, Marketing & Business development strategy in different organization through using background skills & qualifications. Objective is to work in an exciting and professional environment of the organization with personal development and growth possibilities and to achieve companys goal through professional ethics, sincere, loyal hard work and commitment.
Desarrollo de actitud II: C坦mo Mantener la Organizaci坦n Alejada del Chisme De...Maria Isabel Torres (Mimi)
Usted percibe que
La empresa se guarda informaci坦n, no comunica todo lo que deber鱈a.
Cuando la informaci坦n llega, esta se encuentra desfasada y/o incompleta.
El personal siente que la empresa le esconde informaci坦n porque no conf鱈a en ellos.
Art 370 & Plight of Kashmiri Hindus @ House of Commons, Mar '11B Shantanu
際際滷s from a talk I gave @ House of Commons to a small group of MPs, Councillors, prominent members of the Indian community and of the Kahsmiri Hindu diaspora in London. 30th March '11
Building a Distributed & Automated Open Source Program at NetflixAll Things Open
Andrew Spyker
Senior Software Engineer for Netflix
Find more by Andrew Spyker:
All Things Open
October 26-27, 2016
Raleigh, North Carolina
Behavioral Analytics for Preventing Fraud Today and TomorrowGuardian Analytics
This presentation introduces Guardian Analytics Omni-Channel Fraud Prevention solution as the only solution to meet the new requirements of fraud prevention.
丶亠仍 仆舒仂亠亞仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 磦仍磳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 仄亠仂亟仂仍仂亞亳亳 亳亰亠仆亳 亞仍仂弍舒仍亳亰舒亳亳 弍亳亰仆亠舒 于 亠仍仂仄, 舒 舒从亢亠 仂亟亠仍仆 亠亠 舒仗亠从仂于, 于磶舒仆仆 亳仆仂仄舒亳仂仆仆仂-从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳于仆仄亳 仗仂弍仍亠仄舒仄亳 仂亠亠于亠仆仆仂亞仂 弍亳亰仆亠舒, 仆舒 仂仆亠 亳仍亠仆亳 从亳亰亳仆 磦仍亠仆亳亶 于 从仂仆仂仄亳从亠 舒仆. 个仂仄亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亳亠仄 舒仆亳从亳亰亳仆 仄亠, 于 从舒亠于亠 从舒舒仍亳亰舒仂舒 舒亰于亳亳 仂于舒仆仂亞仂 仆从舒 于 仍仂于亳 亞仍仂弍舒仍亳亰舒亳亳 仂亠亠于亠仆仆仂亞仂 弍亳亰仆亠舒.
亠亟仄亠仂仄 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于仗舒ム 仄亠仂亟亳亠从亳亠 亳 仗亳从仍舒亟仆亠 于仂仗仂 亟亳舒亞仆仂亳从亳 仂于舒仆仂亞仂 仆从舒 亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒 亰仆舒亳仄 仄舒从仂从仂仆仂仄亳亠从亳 仗仂从舒亰舒亠仍亠亶 仗仂 仄舒舒弍 于仍亳礌亳 从亳亰亳仆 磦仍亠仆亳亶 仆舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 丕从舒亳仆.
弍亠从仂仄 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 磦仍磳 仗仂亠 仂仆亠仆亳 舒亠亞亳亠从仂亞仂 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳 仄舒从亠亳仆亞仂于仂亶 亟亠亠仍仆仂亳 弍亠从仂于 仂亰磺于仂于舒仆亳 舒弍仂舒ム亳 仆舒 仂亠亠于亠仆仆仂仄 亳 仄亳仂于 仂于舒仆 仆从舒, 亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亠亶 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亞仂 亳从舒 // .. 舒仆仆从仂于 "舒亞仆仂亳从舒 仂于舒仆仂亞仂 亳仆从 丕从舒仆亳:
仄舒从仂亠从仂仆仂仄仆 仗仂从舒亰仆亳从亳 亠仆亟亠仆 仂亰于亳从" // O.V. Dannikov / "Diagnostics product market Ukraine:macroeconomic indicators and trends" /
Abstract. The aim of this study is to develop a methodology for studying the globalization of business as a whole, and its individual aspects related to information and communication problems of the domestic business amid increasing crisis in the economy. Formation of system of anti-crisis measures, as a catalyst for the commodity market development in the context of globalization of the domestic business.
The subject of the research are methodological and applied questions of the commodity market diagnosis and analysis of major macroeconomic indicators of the scale of the impact of the crisis on the Ukrainian economy.
The object of research is the process of clarifying the strategic direction of marketing activity of business entities operating in the domestic and world commodity markets, allowing for the increased risk.
At the beginning of 2016 can already state that is critical braking Ukraine's economic development and worsening of macroeconomic indicators. In mos
Presentaci坦n que utilice para acompa単ar mi charla sobre gamificaci坦n en el meetup de Video Game Army Madrid. A continuaci坦n dejo la descripci坦n del evento:
"En esta charla vamos a hablar sobre la gamificaci坦n, ese extra単o palabro que 炭ltimamente se ve tan ligado al sector de los videojuegos pero que muchas veces se mal entiende, o peor, se reduce a su m鱈nimo exponente: puntos,medallas y rankings. Nuestro objetivo ser叩 presentar una visi坦n general sobre la misma, intentando dar una definici坦n de qu辿 es y qu辿 no es la gamificaci坦n, cu叩l es su estado en la actualidad, c坦mo se puede dise単ar un sistema gamificado, con qu辿 herramientas contamos para ayudarnos, qu辿 problemas podemos encontrarnos al intentar ponerlo en marcha m叩s all叩 del papel...
Como llevar a cabo esta tarea es toda una aventura, tanto para el ponente como para los valientes participantes de este meetup, toda la charla estar叩 gamificada e hilada alrededor del camino del h辿roe de George Campbell. De esta forma, podr辿is experimentar en vuestras propias carnes una pizca del poder de la gamificaci坦n. 多Una charla sobre gamificaci坦n gamificada? No, no es un trabalenguas, tiramos la casa por la ventana ;)"
A highly personable, competent, and team spirited professional with Six years experience of Modern & Traditional trade, Horeca, Distribution and Retail channels (F.M.C.G/Food & Beverage) Sales, Accounts establishment, Product/Brand Management, Marketing & Business development strategy in different organization through using background skills & qualifications. Objective is to work in an exciting and professional environment of the organization with personal development and growth possibilities and to achieve companys goal through professional ethics, sincere, loyal hard work and commitment.
Desarrollo de actitud II: C坦mo Mantener la Organizaci坦n Alejada del Chisme De...Maria Isabel Torres (Mimi)
Usted percibe que
La empresa se guarda informaci坦n, no comunica todo lo que deber鱈a.
Cuando la informaci坦n llega, esta se encuentra desfasada y/o incompleta.
El personal siente que la empresa le esconde informaci坦n porque no conf鱈a en ellos.
Art 370 & Plight of Kashmiri Hindus @ House of Commons, Mar '11B Shantanu
際際滷s from a talk I gave @ House of Commons to a small group of MPs, Councillors, prominent members of the Indian community and of the Kahsmiri Hindu diaspora in London. 30th March '11
Building a Distributed & Automated Open Source Program at NetflixAll Things Open
Andrew Spyker
Senior Software Engineer for Netflix
Find more by Andrew Spyker:
All Things Open
October 26-27, 2016
Raleigh, North Carolina
Behavioral Analytics for Preventing Fraud Today and TomorrowGuardian Analytics
This presentation introduces Guardian Analytics Omni-Channel Fraud Prevention solution as the only solution to meet the new requirements of fraud prevention.
丶亠仍 仆舒仂亠亞仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 磦仍磳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 仄亠仂亟仂仍仂亞亳亳 亳亰亠仆亳 亞仍仂弍舒仍亳亰舒亳亳 弍亳亰仆亠舒 于 亠仍仂仄, 舒 舒从亢亠 仂亟亠仍仆 亠亠 舒仗亠从仂于, 于磶舒仆仆 亳仆仂仄舒亳仂仆仆仂-从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳于仆仄亳 仗仂弍仍亠仄舒仄亳 仂亠亠于亠仆仆仂亞仂 弍亳亰仆亠舒, 仆舒 仂仆亠 亳仍亠仆亳 从亳亰亳仆 磦仍亠仆亳亶 于 从仂仆仂仄亳从亠 舒仆. 个仂仄亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亳亠仄 舒仆亳从亳亰亳仆 仄亠, 于 从舒亠于亠 从舒舒仍亳亰舒仂舒 舒亰于亳亳 仂于舒仆仂亞仂 仆从舒 于 仍仂于亳 亞仍仂弍舒仍亳亰舒亳亳 仂亠亠于亠仆仆仂亞仂 弍亳亰仆亠舒.
亠亟仄亠仂仄 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于仗舒ム 仄亠仂亟亳亠从亳亠 亳 仗亳从仍舒亟仆亠 于仂仗仂 亟亳舒亞仆仂亳从亳 仂于舒仆仂亞仂 仆从舒 亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒 亰仆舒亳仄 仄舒从仂从仂仆仂仄亳亠从亳 仗仂从舒亰舒亠仍亠亶 仗仂 仄舒舒弍 于仍亳礌亳 从亳亰亳仆 磦仍亠仆亳亶 仆舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 丕从舒亳仆.
弍亠从仂仄 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 磦仍磳 仗仂亠 仂仆亠仆亳 舒亠亞亳亠从仂亞仂 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳 仄舒从亠亳仆亞仂于仂亶 亟亠亠仍仆仂亳 弍亠从仂于 仂亰磺于仂于舒仆亳 舒弍仂舒ム亳 仆舒 仂亠亠于亠仆仆仂仄 亳 仄亳仂于 仂于舒仆 仆从舒, 亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亠亶 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亞仂 亳从舒 // .. 舒仆仆从仂于 "舒亞仆仂亳从舒 仂于舒仆仂亞仂 亳仆从 丕从舒仆亳:
仄舒从仂亠从仂仆仂仄仆 仗仂从舒亰仆亳从亳 亠仆亟亠仆 仂亰于亳从" // O.V. Dannikov / "Diagnostics product market Ukraine:macroeconomic indicators and trends" /
Abstract. The aim of this study is to develop a methodology for studying the globalization of business as a whole, and its individual aspects related to information and communication problems of the domestic business amid increasing crisis in the economy. Formation of system of anti-crisis measures, as a catalyst for the commodity market development in the context of globalization of the domestic business.
The subject of the research are methodological and applied questions of the commodity market diagnosis and analysis of major macroeconomic indicators of the scale of the impact of the crisis on the Ukrainian economy.
The object of research is the process of clarifying the strategic direction of marketing activity of business entities operating in the domestic and world commodity markets, allowing for the increased risk.
At the beginning of 2016 can already state that is critical braking Ukraine's economic development and worsening of macroeconomic indicators. In mos
This presentation was delivered at the International Conference "Psychology in Business and Management: Challenges", held at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on 16-17 March, 2018. It explores the relationships between cultural values, economic development, creativity and post-industrial learning: the Canadian-Ukrainian-Georgian study with inter-cultural and socio-historical analysis.
1. The document discusses the concept of "democratized learning" which focuses on learning processes, addresses an educational paradox, and is positioned within discourse on deepening democracy.
2. It examines how digital technology can amplify learning through communication, deliberation, freedom, negotiation, community, collaboration, and trust.
3. The authors analyze data from a Canada-Ukraine pilot project on digital competencies, cultural values, and student feedback to understand democratized digital learning.
The IBM Academic Initiative provides access to industry resources for academic institutions through its online portal. It offers free or reduced-cost access to learning resources, cloud-based hands-on labs, and curated up-to-date content to help reduce skills gaps in education. Academic institutions can create a custom digital resource portal through the initiative to provide single sign-on access for students, faculty, and staff to IBM and other publisher resources.
This document summarizes an English-taught Master's programme in Management of Entrepreneurial Activity offered at Kyiv National Economic University. The programme aims to provide students with knowledge and practical skills in managing entrepreneurial activity. Students will gain expertise in areas like business engineering, innovation development, and business process management. Experienced lecturers and professionals will teach students to generate entrepreneurial ideas and make effective decisions. The programme includes an internship and results in a Master's degree and potential IBM certificate. It is open for applications from Ukrainian and international students between July and August 2016, with classes starting in September 2016.