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Biblical Hebrew

Getting to Know ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs

                      by Chris Heard
Table of Contents
    Abbreviations .............................. 3
    Getting Ready .............................. 4
    Using ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs...................... 10
    The Basic Patterns .................... 16
    Recognizing ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs ......... 20
    Credits ........................................ 35

   1, 2, 3 indicate grammatical person
   m, f, c indicate grammatical gender
   s, p indicate grammatical number
   R1, R2, R3 indicate root letters
Getting Ready

    Before we start getting to
    know the ‫ ,הָפְעַלבִּנ+י)ן‬let’s
    run a few preflight checks.

Do you remember how a Hebrew
verb changes to form the various
combinations of person, gender,
and number, as well as perfect
and imperfect?
Do you know your Masoretic
vowels well enough to
distinguish between the
three classes (a, i, and u)?

If you answered
“yes,”you’re ready
for the ‫!הָפְעַלבִּנ+י)ן‬

Remember that certain patterns
can create predictable variations.
This slideshow focuses on core
patterns. It does not illustrate every
possible variation.
Furthermore, this slideshow
is intended to supplement,
not replace, classroom
instruction and practice.

Using ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs

    The ‫ הָפְעַל‬is a fairly infrequent
    ‫ ,בִּנ+י)ן‬used fewer than 400 times
    in the 0‫.תַּנ2״‬

You can think of the ‫ הָפְעַל‬as the
passive version of the ‫ .הִפְעִיל‬In
other words, the subject of a ‫הָפְעַל‬
verb receives the verb’s action.

For example, you might say
“‫“ *”,ײהֵכִיןכִּסְאוֹ‬the LORD
established his throne,”
using the ‫ הִפְעִיל‬of ‫.כון‬
  * Slightly modified from Psalm 103:19.
Alternately, you could say
“‫“ *”,הוּכַןכִּסֵּא‬a throne
was established,” using
the ‫ הָפְעַל‬of ‫.כון‬
 * Slightly modified from Isaiah 16:5.
If you know how a ‫ שֹׁ?שׁ‬is
used in the ‫ ,הִפְעִיל‬you can
usually reason to how it is
used in the ‫.הָפְעַל‬

The most reliable
approach, though, is to
learn how each specific
‫ שֹׁ?שׁ‬is used in the ‫.הָפְעַל‬
The Basic Patterns

    Memorize the following basic
    patterns first, and then we’ll
    go through the specifics.

Pattern 1
0ַ‫ שְׁל‬It was thrown (3ms perfect)
 0ַ‫ ישְׁל‬It will be thrown (3ms impf.)
0ַ‫ משְׁל‬Being thrown (ms participle)
Note that the prefix’s vowel is a ‫מֵץ–הָטוּף‬E, not ‫מֵץ‬E.
Thus the first example above is hoshlak, not hashlak.
Pattern 2
0ַ‫ שְׁל‬It was thrown (3ms perfect)
 0ַ‫ ישְׁל‬It will be thrown (3ms impf.)
0ַ‫ משְׁל‬Being thrown (ms participle)

That list of basic patterns
omitted the imperative and
infinitives because they appear
extremely rarely in the 0‫.תַּנ2״‬

Recognizing ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs

    The most distinctive feature
    of the ‫ הָפְעַל‬is the u-class vowel
    (either ‫מֵץ–חָטוּף‬E or ‫בּוּץ‬H)
    associated with its prefix.
No other ‫ בִּנ+י)ן‬features a
prefixed u-class vowel (though
the ‫ פֻּעַל‬does normally give R1
a u-class vowel).

Recognizing the ‫ הָפְעַל‬Perfect

       In the perfect, the ‫הָפְעַל‬
       has a -ָ‫ ה‬or -ֻ‫ ה‬prefix.

                            The prefixed ‫ה‬
The suffix     ‫הֻשְׁלְכ ָה‬
                          with a u-class
             ‫הָשְׁלַכְתִּי‬    vowel indicates
a perfect.
                            a ‫.הָפְעַל‬
Recognizing the ‫ הָפְעַל‬Imperfect

     In the imperfect, the ‫הָפְעַל‬
     has the usual imperfect
     prefix with a ‫מֵץ–חָטוּף‬E or
     ‫בּוּץ‬H as the prefix’s vowel.
                                The u-class
The affixes    ‫טַר‬M‫תּ‬      ָ    vowel
indicate an                     indicates
 imperfect.    ‫יעֳמַד‬ָ
                                a ‫.הָפְעַל‬
              ‫ישְׁלְכוּ‬   ֻ 
Recognizing the ‫ הָפְעַל‬Participle
 The ms ‫ הָפְעַל‬participle looks like
 the 3ms perfect, but with a prefixed
 –ָ‫ מ‬or –ֻ‫ מ‬and a lengthened R2 vowel:
         ַ      3ms perfect
           ָ    ms participle           26
The mp and fp participles take
the familiar plural endings ‫ ים‬
and ‫. –וֹת‬

The fs participle is a little bit
different from the others. Its
R2 has a ‫ סְגוֹל‬and it takes the
suffix ‫ ת‬as follows:
        ָ      ms participle
    ‫מֻשׁ  ֶת‬
      ‫ְלכ‬ ֶ     fs participle
Notable Variations in the ‫הָפְעַל‬

 This slideshow focuses on core
 patterns. It does not try to illustrate
 every possible variation. However,
 some variations are so common
 they deserve special attention here.
Two important changes
 occur in verbs where:
        • R1 is ‫י‬
        • R2 is ‫ ו‬or ‫*י‬
        • R2 = R3**
* Called biconsonantal or “hollow” verbs.
 ** Called geminate (from Gemini) verbs.
First, the prefix’s vowel,usually
ָ– ֻ–,
 or  changes to ‫ וּ‬instead. Note
 that this is still a u-class vowel.

Second, R2 undergoes
aphaeresis (disappears).

‫שֹׁ)שׁĬ   ‫הָפְעַל‬
‫ישׁב‬    ‫הוּשׁב‬
         ַ        3ms perfect
 ‫קום‬   ‫יוּקם‬  ַ    3ms imperfect
‫סבב‬    ‫מוּסב‬ָ      ms participle


   ַ      3ms perfect   Look for a u-
                         class vowel in
     ַ    3ms imperfect
                         the prefixes
0‫מֻשְׁל‬     ms participle
                         of all forms.
   Dead Sea photo by Wikimedia Commons contributor
   Xta11. Used under a CC-SA license.

   All other content by Dr. Chris Heard, Associate
   Professor of Religion, Pepperdine University.
   Released under a CC-BY license.

   Grammatical terminology used in this presentation
   follows J. Cook and R. Holmstedt, Beginning Biblical
   Hebrew (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2013).

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Getting to Know הָפְעַל Verbs

  • 1. Biblical Hebrew Getting to Know ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs by Chris Heard
  • 2. Table of Contents Abbreviations .............................. 3 Getting Ready .............................. 4 Using ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs...................... 10 The Basic Patterns .................... 16 Recognizing ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs ......... 20 Credits ........................................ 35
  • 3. Abbreviations 1, 2, 3 indicate grammatical person m, f, c indicate grammatical gender s, p indicate grammatical number R1, R2, R3 indicate root letters 3
  • 4. Getting Ready Before we start getting to know the ‫ ,הָפְעַלבִּנ+י)ן‬let’s run a few preflight checks. 4
  • 5. Do you remember how a Hebrew verb changes to form the various combinations of person, gender, and number, as well as perfect and imperfect? 5
  • 6. Do you know your Masoretic vowels well enough to distinguish between the three classes (a, i, and u)? 6
  • 7. If you answered “yes,”you’re ready for the ‫!הָפְעַלבִּנ+י)ן‬ 7
  • 8. Remember that certain patterns can create predictable variations. This slideshow focuses on core patterns. It does not illustrate every possible variation. 8
  • 9. Furthermore, this slideshow is intended to supplement, not replace, classroom instruction and practice. 9
  • 10. Using ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs The ‫ הָפְעַל‬is a fairly infrequent ‫ ,בִּנ+י)ן‬used fewer than 400 times in the 0‫.תַּנ2״‬ 10
  • 11. You can think of the ‫ הָפְעַל‬as the passive version of the ‫ .הִפְעִיל‬In other words, the subject of a ‫הָפְעַל‬ verb receives the verb’s action. 11
  • 12. For example, you might say “‫“ *”,ײהֵכִיןכִּסְאוֹ‬the LORD established his throne,” using the ‫ הִפְעִיל‬of ‫.כון‬ * Slightly modified from Psalm 103:19. 12
  • 13. Alternately, you could say “‫“ *”,הוּכַןכִּסֵּא‬a throne was established,” using the ‫ הָפְעַל‬of ‫.כון‬ * Slightly modified from Isaiah 16:5. 13
  • 14. If you know how a ‫ שֹׁ?שׁ‬is used in the ‫ ,הִפְעִיל‬you can usually reason to how it is used in the ‫.הָפְעַל‬ 14
  • 15. The most reliable approach, though, is to learn how each specific ‫ שֹׁ?שׁ‬is used in the ‫.הָפְעַל‬ 15
  • 16. The Basic Patterns Memorize the following basic patterns first, and then we’ll go through the specifics. 16
  • 17. Pattern 1 0ַ‫ שְׁל‬It was thrown (3ms perfect) ָ‫ה‬ 0ַ‫ ישְׁל‬It will be thrown (3ms impf.) ָ 0ַ‫ משְׁל‬Being thrown (ms participle) ָ Note that the prefix’s vowel is a ‫מֵץ–הָטוּף‬E, not ‫מֵץ‬E. Thus the first example above is hoshlak, not hashlak. 17
  • 18. Pattern 2 0ַ‫ שְׁל‬It was thrown (3ms perfect) ֻ‫ה‬ 0ַ‫ ישְׁל‬It will be thrown (3ms impf.) ֻ 0ַ‫ משְׁל‬Being thrown (ms participle) ֻ 18
  • 19. That list of basic patterns omitted the imperative and infinitives because they appear extremely rarely in the 0‫.תַּנ2״‬ 19
  • 20. Recognizing ‫ הָפְעַל‬Verbs The most distinctive feature of the ‫ הָפְעַל‬is the u-class vowel (either ‫מֵץ–חָטוּף‬E or ‫בּוּץ‬H) associated with its prefix. 20
  • 21. No other ‫ בִּנ+י)ן‬features a prefixed u-class vowel (though the ‫ פֻּעַל‬does normally give R1 a u-class vowel). 21
  • 22. Recognizing the ‫ הָפְעַל‬Perfect In the perfect, the ‫הָפְעַל‬ has a -ָ‫ ה‬or -ֻ‫ ה‬prefix. 22
  • 23. ‫דĬKְ‫הָפĬ The prefixed ‫ה‬ The suffix ‫הֻשְׁלְכ ָה‬ with a u-class indicates ‫הָשְׁלַכְתִּי‬ vowel indicates a perfect. a ‫.הָפְעַל‬ ‫הָטְבְּעוּ‬ 23
  • 24. Recognizing the ‫ הָפְעַל‬Imperfect In the imperfect, the ‫הָפְעַל‬ has the usual imperfect prefix with a ‫מֵץ–חָטוּף‬E or ‫בּוּץ‬H as the prefix’s vowel. 24
  • 25. ‫ם‬Oֳ‫יח‬ ָ The u-class The affixes ‫טַר‬M‫תּ‬ ָ vowel indicate an indicates imperfect. ‫יעֳמַד‬ָ a ‫.הָפְעַל‬ ‫ישְׁלְכוּ‬ ֻ 25
  • 26. Recognizing the ‫ הָפְעַל‬Participle The ms ‫ הָפְעַל‬participle looks like the 3ms perfect, but with a prefixed –ָ‫ מ‬or –ֻ‫ מ‬and a lengthened R2 vowel: 0‫הֻשְׁל‬ ַ 3ms perfect 0‫מֻשְׁל‬ ָ ms participle 26
  • 27. The mp and fp participles take the familiar plural endings ‫ ים‬ ִ– and ‫. –וֹת‬ 27
  • 28. The fs participle is a little bit different from the others. Its R2 has a ‫ סְגוֹל‬and it takes the suffix ‫ ת‬as follows: ֶ– 0‫מֻשְׁל‬ ָ ms participle ‫מֻשׁ ֶת‬ ‫ְלכ‬ ֶ fs participle 28
  • 29. Notable Variations in the ‫הָפְעַל‬ This slideshow focuses on core patterns. It does not try to illustrate every possible variation. However, some variations are so common they deserve special attention here. 29
  • 30. Two important changes occur in verbs where: • R1 is ‫י‬ • R2 is ‫ ו‬or ‫*י‬ • R2 = R3** * Called biconsonantal or “hollow” verbs. ** Called geminate (from Gemini) verbs. 30
  • 31. First, the prefix’s vowel,usually ָ– ֻ–, or changes to ‫ וּ‬instead. Note that this is still a u-class vowel. 31
  • 33. ‫שֹׁ)שׁĬ ‫הָפְעַל‬ ‫ישׁב‬ ‫הוּשׁב‬ ַ 3ms perfect ‫קום‬ ‫יוּקם‬ ַ 3ms imperfect ‫סבב‬ ‫מוּסב‬ָ ms participle 33
  • 34. Summary 0‫הֻשְׁל‬ ַ 3ms perfect Look for a u- class vowel in 0‫שְׁל‬V‫י‬ ַ 3ms imperfect the prefixes ָ 0‫מֻשְׁל‬ ms participle of all forms. 34
  • 35. Credits Dead Sea photo by Wikimedia Commons contributor Xta11. Used under a CC-SA license. All other content by Dr. Chris Heard, Associate Professor of Religion, Pepperdine University. Released under a CC-BY license. Grammatical terminology used in this presentation follows J. Cook and R. Holmstedt, Beginning Biblical Hebrew (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2013).