Campus NooA ble etablert og fikk offentlig godkjenning som nettskole i 2012.
NooAs m奪l er 奪 bli et internasjonalt senter for nettkurs og en attraktiv partner for mennesker og virksomheter som vil lage, selge og gjennomf淡re fleksible og kostnadseffektive nettkurs med h淡y kvalitet.
NooA har 750 brukere og 50 kurs p奪 norsk, svensk, dansk eller engelsk. Man kan starte n奪r man vil og gjennomf淡re i sitt eget tempo. Kursene gjennomf淡res p奪 den mangespr奪klige l脱ringsplattformen Moodle. Kursene er rene nettkurs basert p奪 teorien om kooperativ frihet og transparens i nettbasert utdanning.
Presentasjonen fokuserer p奪 erfaringene med 奪 bygge opp Campus NooA som en ny, privat, nordisk nettskole basert p奪 l脱ringsplattformen Moodle og teorien om kooperativ frihet og transparens i nettbasert utdanning. Det tar ogs奪 for seg viktigheten av 奪 ha: en l脱ringsfilosofi, en effektiv og smidig organisasjon, en hensiktsmessig l脱ringsplattform, effektiv kursutvikling og n淡dvendig markedsf淡ring.
The passage discusses the importance of summarization in an age of information overload. It notes that with the massive amounts of data available online, being able to quickly understand the key points of lengthy documents, articles, or reports is crucial. The ability to produce clear, concise summaries helps people save time by getting the gist without having to read the full source text.
Campus NooA har til n奪 utviklet ca 30 nettkurs innen f淡lgende kategorier:
Forfatterskole med skrivekurs p奪 norsk og engelsk
NooA Videreg奪ende skole
Kurs for l脱rere og kursutviklere
Kurs for bedrifter og organisasjoner
This document provides an overview and agenda for the 21st Annual Conference of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN).
The conference will be held in Porto, Portugal from June 12-15, 2012. The theme is "Open Learning Generations" to highlight the importance of active aging and intergenerational solidarity. Over 350 delegates from 42 countries are expected to attend.
The conference program includes 149 paper, poster and workshop presentations on e-learning topics. Plenary sessions will feature welcome addresses and talks on e-learning and jobs, bridging generation gaps with e-learning, and learning in late modernity. The conference provides an opportunity for the EDEN network to collaborate and discuss innovative
A 10-minutes presentation at a seminar organized by the International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) and the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR), in cooperation with Norway Opening Universities (NOU).
Oslo, February 27-28, 2012
Cooperative Online Education: Independence with the help of othersMorten Flate Paulsen
A 60-minutes presentation at the workshop:
New technology new possibilities and new challenges?
Developing networks in teacher education and research
01.07.2011, University of Troms淡
- The president reported on the activities of the past year including new board members, reorganized tasks and roles, well-prepared meetings, and strategic aims for the new executive committee.
- Membership development was a key focus, with growth in several countries. Finances were stable despite a negative balance in 2010.
- Conferences in 2010 and 2011 were successful with hundreds of attendees from many countries. Plans were discussed for future conferences.
- Projects, communication, and the 20th anniversary celebration were also discussed in the report.
How to manage 28 self-paced courses, three kids and a job in the North SeaMorten Flate Paulsen
Thor Steinsland presented on how he manages 28 self-paced online courses while working in the North Sea and raising three kids. He focuses on family, work and studies by leaving out leisure activities. He gets a dedicated desk and PC to avoid conflicts and agrees on a weekly schedule with his family. He also gets his employer's support. He plans his coursework regularly towards exam dates, gets ahead of schedule, and never skips exams. He uses NKI's online tools like forums and workbooks to connect with teachers and learning partners.
Campus NooA ble etablert og fikk offentlig godkjenning som nettskole i 2012.
NooAs m奪l er 奪 bli et internasjonalt senter for nettkurs og en attraktiv partner for mennesker og virksomheter som vil lage, selge og gjennomf淡re fleksible og kostnadseffektive nettkurs med h淡y kvalitet.
NooA har 750 brukere og 50 kurs p奪 norsk, svensk, dansk eller engelsk. Man kan starte n奪r man vil og gjennomf淡re i sitt eget tempo. Kursene gjennomf淡res p奪 den mangespr奪klige l脱ringsplattformen Moodle. Kursene er rene nettkurs basert p奪 teorien om kooperativ frihet og transparens i nettbasert utdanning.
Presentasjonen fokuserer p奪 erfaringene med 奪 bygge opp Campus NooA som en ny, privat, nordisk nettskole basert p奪 l脱ringsplattformen Moodle og teorien om kooperativ frihet og transparens i nettbasert utdanning. Det tar ogs奪 for seg viktigheten av 奪 ha: en l脱ringsfilosofi, en effektiv og smidig organisasjon, en hensiktsmessig l脱ringsplattform, effektiv kursutvikling og n淡dvendig markedsf淡ring.
The passage discusses the importance of summarization in an age of information overload. It notes that with the massive amounts of data available online, being able to quickly understand the key points of lengthy documents, articles, or reports is crucial. The ability to produce clear, concise summaries helps people save time by getting the gist without having to read the full source text.
Campus NooA har til n奪 utviklet ca 30 nettkurs innen f淡lgende kategorier:
Forfatterskole med skrivekurs p奪 norsk og engelsk
NooA Videreg奪ende skole
Kurs for l脱rere og kursutviklere
Kurs for bedrifter og organisasjoner
This document provides an overview and agenda for the 21st Annual Conference of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN).
The conference will be held in Porto, Portugal from June 12-15, 2012. The theme is "Open Learning Generations" to highlight the importance of active aging and intergenerational solidarity. Over 350 delegates from 42 countries are expected to attend.
The conference program includes 149 paper, poster and workshop presentations on e-learning topics. Plenary sessions will feature welcome addresses and talks on e-learning and jobs, bridging generation gaps with e-learning, and learning in late modernity. The conference provides an opportunity for the EDEN network to collaborate and discuss innovative
A 10-minutes presentation at a seminar organized by the International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) and the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR), in cooperation with Norway Opening Universities (NOU).
Oslo, February 27-28, 2012
Cooperative Online Education: Independence with the help of othersMorten Flate Paulsen
A 60-minutes presentation at the workshop:
New technology new possibilities and new challenges?
Developing networks in teacher education and research
01.07.2011, University of Troms淡
- The president reported on the activities of the past year including new board members, reorganized tasks and roles, well-prepared meetings, and strategic aims for the new executive committee.
- Membership development was a key focus, with growth in several countries. Finances were stable despite a negative balance in 2010.
- Conferences in 2010 and 2011 were successful with hundreds of attendees from many countries. Plans were discussed for future conferences.
- Projects, communication, and the 20th anniversary celebration were also discussed in the report.
How to manage 28 self-paced courses, three kids and a job in the North SeaMorten Flate Paulsen
Thor Steinsland presented on how he manages 28 self-paced online courses while working in the North Sea and raising three kids. He focuses on family, work and studies by leaving out leisure activities. He gets a dedicated desk and PC to avoid conflicts and agrees on a weekly schedule with his family. He also gets his employer's support. He plans his coursework regularly towards exam dates, gets ahead of schedule, and never skips exams. He uses NKI's online tools like forums and workbooks to connect with teachers and learning partners.
Campus NooA ble etablert og fikk offentlig godkjenning som nettskole i 2012.
NooAs m奪l er 奪 bli et internasjonalt senter for nettkurs og en attraktiv partner for mennesker og virksomheter som vil lage, selge og gjennomf淡re fleksible og kostnadseffektive nettkurs med h淡y kvalitet.
NooA har 750 brukere og 50 kurs p奪 norsk, svensk, dansk eller engelsk. Man kan starte n奪r man vil og gjennomf淡re i sitt eget tempo. Kursene gjennomf淡res p奪 den mangespr奪klige l脱ringsplattformen Moodle. Kursene er rene nettkurs basert p奪 teorien om kooperativ frihet og transparens i nettbasert utdanning.
Presentasjonen fokuserer p奪 erfaringene med 奪 bygge opp Campus NooA som en ny, privat, nordisk nettskole basert p奪 l脱ringsplattformen Moodle og teorien om kooperativ frihet og transparens i nettbasert utdanning. Det tar ogs奪 for seg viktigheten av 奪 ha: en l脱ringsfilosofi, en effektiv og smidig organisasjon, en hensiktsmessig l脱ringsplattform, effektiv kursutvikling og n淡dvendig markedsf淡ring.
Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet ved Universitetet i Troms淡 har en egen formidlingsavdeling. Seksjon for formidlingstjenester har det overordnete ansvaret for intern og ekstern kommunikasjon ved fakultetet. Ta en titt p奪 denne presentasjonen for 奪 bli bedre kjent med oss!
Denne artikkelen presenterer og diskuterer de forel淡pige erfaringene med NKIs globale personlige presentasjoner som er tilgjengelige for alle p奪 internett. Artikkelen baserer seg p奪 tilgjengelig systemstatistikk, syste-matisk gjennomgang av 100 vilk奪rlige globale presentasjoner, samt for-fatternes refleksjoner basert p奪 observasjoner av et stort antall passord-beskyttede studentpresentasjoner og over tusen globale studentpresen-tasjoner.
Kort presentasjon om standardisering av l脱ringsteknologi.
Presentsjonen ble holdt p奪 et m淡te tema m淡te om MOOCS i standardiseringssekretariatet til DIFI
An ICDE introduction to my chronicle of personal anecdotes, experiences and reflections on people, events, technology and pedagogy that influenced four decades of my online education work.
This document summarizes Morten Flate Paulsen's experiences with online education in Portugal over several decades, including conferences and projects with the University of Braga (UAb). It describes 16 anecdotes from 1985 onward related to the establishment of EDEN, online education evaluations and recommendations, Web-edu and other projects in Portugal, the growth of social media use at EDEN conferences from 2008-2012, and the challenges and benefits of transparent online courses. The anecdotes reflect on individuals, pedagogy, technology and Paulsen's growing passion for Portugal through his work in online and distance education.
It was an honour to be among the ICDE Board of Trustees and Executive Committee members who shared these short video greetings to celebrate the new ICDE offices in Oslo. The videos were shared with delegates at the Inspiration webinar April 26, 2017. See the video at
The presentation focuses on the opportunities and challenges Campus NooA油( has experienced by using Moodle to develop a Nordic open online油Academy based on the theory of cooperative freedom and transparency in online education.
How the Nordic open online Academy (NooA) uses Moodle for Cooperative Freedom and Transparency in Online Education.
A 45-minute presentation at the Online Educa in Berlin 03.12.14
Abstract: The European Megatrends project has analysed 26 major e-learning successes and ten conspicuous e-learning initiatives which did not reach targeted goals. There is much to learn from the many successful European e-learning initiatives, but this article focuses on what we can learn from the ten discontinued initiatives that spent about 150M before they were closed down after an average of four years in operation. The article presents the ten discontinued initiatives comprising four consortia, two institutional initiatives and four governmental and political initiatives. It includes a discussion on why they failed and concludes with seven recommendations that are drawn from the analyses of the ten initiatives.
Campus NooA was established and accredited as a Norwegian online school by the Ministry of Education and Research in 2012. NooAs aim is to become an international centre for online courses and programs. So far, NooA offers 50 online courses in Norwegian, English, Swedish and Danish. The courses are offered through the multilingual, open source, learning platform Moodle. All courses are completely online and based on the Theory of Cooperative Freedom and Transparency in Online Education.
The presentation focuses on how Campus NooA implements the theory and on the entrepreneurial experiences from the development of a private, Nordic open online Academy.
Campus NooA har til n奪 utviklet ca 30 nettkurs innen f淡lgende kategorier:
Forfatterskole med skrivekurs p奪 norsk og engelsk
NooA Videreg奪ende skole
Kurs for l脱rere og kursutviklere
Kurs for bedrifter og organisasjoner
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. The document recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to gain these benefits.
The document discusses the benefits of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation practice can calm the mind and help prevent worrying thoughts. Meditation lowers stress levels in the body by inducing a relaxation response that counters the fight-or-flight response to stressors.
The presentation focuses on the opportunities to provide online education that combines individual freedom with meaningful cooperation. Online students often seek individual flexibility and freedom. At the same time, many need or prefer cooperation and social unity . These aims are difficult to combine, so the presentation discusses online education tools and services that support both individual freedom and cooperation. The presentation also elucidates the opportunities and challenges with transparency in online learning environments and provides examples and experiences from Universidade Aberta in Portugal and NKI Nettstudier in Norway.
The president's report summarized the activities of EDEN over the past year in 12 sections: 1) the executive committee strengthened leadership and international relations, 2) membership remained stable around 1,186 institutions, 3) the 20th anniversary was celebrated through conferences and website renewal, 4) the EDEN Fellows group was established, 5) young scholars were increasingly involved, 6) the NAP steering committee was elected, 7) management and secretariat services were improved, 8) conferences were well-attended despite economic challenges, 9) EuroDL increased its academic impact, 10) many EU projects were undertaken, 11) challenges from last year's report remained, and 12) continued efforts are needed to maintain EDEN's position
1. EDEN, NKI og Globalskolen Noen erfaringer og personlige refleksjoner Morten Flate Paulsen Et 60-minutters foredrag p奪 Globalskolens l脱rersamling 11. august 2011
2. About me Thought my first online, distance education course in 1987 Director of Development and Innovation at NKI Nettstudier Professor of Online Education President of EDEN Doctor of Education from the Pennsylvania State University, working for the American Center for the Study of Distance Education Has been Adjunct Professor, at the Athabasca University in Canada and professor associado at Universidade Aberta in Portugal
3. Mine observasjoner av Globalskolen Globalskolen: A Global Primary School Globalskolen: Norsk grunnskole med tusen elever i 90 land Global Primary Schools Gode nettl脱rere fortjener et godt st淡tteapparat
4. Samarbeidsmuligheter? NKI Nettstudier 12000 studenter 400 kurs p奪 h淡gskole, fagskole, vgs 130 l脱rere 60 adm Minst 40 land Fri oppstart og progresjon Lite synkron dialog Eget AS, studentfinansiert Globalskolen 1200 elever 30 kurs p奪 barne og ungdomskole 20 l脱rere 6 adm 100 land Fast oppstart og progresjon Mye synkron dialog Eget AS, offentlig finansiert
6. SESAMs unike tjenester for l脱rere Arbeidslisten Administrasjon av innsendinger, tilbakemeldinger og karakterer Utregning, utbetaling og l淡pende informasjon om opptjent l淡nn Responstidsm奪linger Individuell oppf淡lging av forsinkede l脱rere Kvalitetsbarometer Ferie/frav脱rssytem
7. 1. Arbeidslisten: Oversikt over innkomne besvarelser fra Studentene Forsinket student Studenter som har planlagt Responstidsm奪ling Studentenes mapper med innsendingen(e)
8. EDEN medlemmer fra 400 institusjoner i 56 land: 20 奪rs jubileum 200 institusjonsmedlemmer 2000 potensielle medlemmer i NAP - Network of Academics and Professionals Norske medlemmer NKI Nettstudier NKS Online Studies Norway Opening Universities Norwegian Association for Distance and Flexible Education - NADE Norwegian Institute for Adult Learning - VOX Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norwegian Networked University University of Nordland Folkeuniversitetet Nettstudier LIllehammer University College Sogn og Fjordane University College
20. Transparency promotes cooperation Dalsgaard, C. and Paulsen, M.F. (2009) Transparency in Cooperative Online Education. IRRODL, Vol 10, No 3.
21. Sp淡rsm奪l? I care, so I share: