This document lists various leadership tools and resources for an organization called Texas State Organization LOSP including tools for polling, note taking, clipping web content, linking to social media, document sharing, bookmarking, and creating presentations. It provides details on tools like Poll Everywhere, Evernote, Penultimate, Skitch, Clearly, Zoho Docs, Dropbox, Google Docs, Bamboo, Twitter, and recommends how to use Twitter for an event by creating accounts, following hashtags, sharing additional information through link shorteners, and hosting a book study. Prezi, Animoto, and Xtranormal are also listed as options for creating presentations.
We specialize in all types of products including carpet, wood, laminate, tile, floor sanding, carpet cleanings and window treatments.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a de pr叩ctica cl鱈nica sobre el lupus eritematoso sist辿mico (LES). El documento describe el diagn坦stico y manejo del LES, incluyendo el seguimiento de pacientes, evaluaci坦n de la enfermedad, tratamiento de manifestaciones generales y espec鱈ficas, y abordaje de comorbilidades. El objetivo es proporcionar recomendaciones basadas en evidencia para mejorar el cuidado de pacientes con esta enfermedad autoinmune.
This document provides information about four horror film trailers that will be researched and analyzed: Paranormal Activity 4, Silent Hill: Revelation, Sinister, and The Ward. It then discusses planning research into the target audience and drafting a text. Key details include analyzing the visual codes, audio codes, technical codes, action codes, and narrative codes of each trailer. The document serves as an outline to guide research on the trailers and audience before drafting a written analysis.
Este documento modifica el decreto 1072 de 2015 para extender el plazo para la implementaci坦n del Sistema de Gesti坦n de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) hasta el 31 de enero de 2017. Se hizo necesario extender los plazos debido a que un alto porcentaje de empleadores se encuentra en un nivel incipiente en la implementaci坦n del SG-SST. Las Administradoras de Riesgos Laborales continuar叩n brindando asesor鱈a y asistencia t辿cnica a los empleadores y reportando su progreso.
Tagxedo allows users to input text and displays it in a customizable shape on the page. Pinterest is a site where users can organize content into boards by topic and pin images, videos and other media from around the web. It is useful for both personal and school/work purposes such as planning events. Users can install a Pin It button to easily pin content from other sites to their Pinterest boards.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common nosocomial infection that occurs in patients on mechanical ventilation. It can develop within the first 5 days of intubation or later after the 10th day. Risk factors include prolonged mechanical ventilation, comorbidities, and improper infection control practices. Common causative organisms include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus for early-onset VAP and Pseudomonas, MRSA, and drug-resistant Gram-negative rods for late-onset VAP. Diagnosis is based on clinical, microbiological, and radiological criteria though there is no gold standard. Treatment involves administering appropriate