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Accessible e-learning

     in the Cloud
    The Spatial Extent of Knowledge  World-Wide-Learning

Darko Grabar, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Technucation  ICT in Science in Society Activities, Porto, 2012

    Background info
      About me

      Why this topic

    e-Learning today

    What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

    E-learning and the cloud
      Case study

      Advantages of the e-Learning Cloud


    Practical examples
Background info: About me

 Darko Grabar
    Working at University of Zagreb, Faculty of
     Organization and Informatics
    Head of Software Development Center
     and E-learning Support Center
    Softer developer with strong relation to
     Open source and e-learning

    Involved in e-learning projects since 2005

    Participated in development of several
     e-learning strategies at institutional and
     country wide level
    Part of several Croatian working bodies that deals with Open
     Source / Open Access and e-learning
Background info: Why this topic

 This is what I do
    Trying to be one step ahead of teachers by predicting future
     usage of ICT in learning

 E-learning is at its turn point
    New Web 2.0 technologies
    LMS crisis
    Bigger gap between rich and poor

 Cloud technologies are ready
    To be used by masses
    To provide cheep, reliable and powerful services
E-learning today

  E-learning is a process of education
      (learning and teaching process)
  conducted using the Information and
    Communication Technology which
   improves the quality of the process
     itself and the quality of its result
E-learning today

       Web today
E-learning today

                   E-learning today
E-learning today

Future of e-learning


External tools                   ePortfolios
and Apps

                   External content
E-learning today

         Why the future is not here?
          What are the problems?

Software is available
Hardware can support it
Network is ready
There are people that know how to use new
Students/children are demanding it
E-learning today


 Ifthere would be enough resources:
  Schools would hire more teachers
  They would have experts in ICT and e-learning
  They would have appropriate ICT equipment
  Teachers would have time to produce
   quality e-learning materials
  ICT staff would have time to provide top-of
   the line environment for e-learning
  Students/pupils would be able to use it
  And the list goes on
E-learning today
E-learning today

 So whats wrong with e-learning today?

    Outdated technology
    Closed systems
    Slow innovation
    Lack of resources
       ICT resources
    Available only to privileged
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?


    End user

What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

 Cloud computing is the use of computing
   resources (hardware and software) that
     are delivered as a service over a
        network (typically the Internet)

 Cloud computing entrusts remote services
      with a user's data, software and

What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

  It is a mechanism for delivering scalable
      business services that execute on a
          decentralized computing fabric
     composed of commodity software and
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

   It is a pay-per-use model for enabling
         available, convenient, on-demand
      network access to a shared pool of
       configurable computing resources
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

                 Not a new idea
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

           Relies on Virtualization
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

   Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
   Software as a service (SaaS)
   Platform as a service (PaaS)
   Storage as a service (STaaS)
   Desktop virtualization
   Data as a service (DaaS)
   Database as a service (DBaaS)
   Test environment as a service (TEaaS)
   API as a service (APIaaS)
   Security as a service (SECaaS)
   Backend as a service (BaaS)
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?


 How many of you build your house?
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?


 Are you renting/owning apartment?
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?


Cost Effective
Unlimited resources
Speed & Scales
Fast innovation
Backup and Recovery
Automatic software integration
Easy Access
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?


Change in thinking
Security in the Cloud
Technical Issues
What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?

              Is it only for large
E-learning and the cloud

           How to make e-learning
          accessible and affordable
E-learning and the cloud

Case: teaching ICT
  To provide advanced education in the field of ICT (programming
  and multimedia) to students in schools in the form of blended e-
  learning course.
We want to teach two courses
    Big Data Processing
    3D Modeling
 Learning Management System for delivering courses
 E-Portofilo system for student collaboration
 High computing power needed for large files
  manipulation and 3D modeling
 Large data storage
 High speed network
E-learning and the cloud

Case: teaching ICT
Lets do it traditional way
We will need:
 Install LMS, e-portfolio, databases, ...
 High speed network connection
 Computer classroom
       Screen projector
       20 computers (workstation class): fast processor, 8GB of RAM (min), 500GB
        disk, fast graphic card
       Windows and Linux OS
       Install all required software on each computer
       Fast local LAN connected to high speed broadband connection
   What about when working from home?
E-learning and the cloud

Case: teaching ICT
Lets do it traditional way
We will need:

 Install LMS, e-portfolio, databases, ...
        Ad van
 High speed network connection
 Computer classroom
       Screen projector
        20 computers (workstation class): fast processor, 8GB of RAM (min), 500GB

        disk, fast graphic card
        Windows and Linux OS
        Install all required software on each computer
       Fast local LAN connected to high speed broadband connection
   What about when working from home?
E-learning and the cloud

Case: teaching ICT
Lets do it Cloud way
We will need:
 Cloud environment with configured applications
 Computer classroom
       Screen projector
       20 low end computers: enough processing power to run OS and browser
       Any OS capable of running standard browser or Cloud native client
       Network connection (2-3 > Mbps)
   What about when working from home?
       You can, from any computer (even smart phone or tablet)
E-learning and the cloud
  Real servers

                              Virtual server


                             LMS + ePortfolio
     Software preinstalled
                                                Case: teaching ICT
                                                Lets do it Cloud way

         Thin clients
E-learning and the cloud

Case: teaching ICT
Lets do it Cloud way
We will need:
 Cloud environment with configured applications
 Computer classroom
                     tag es?
       Ad van
        Screen projector
        20 low end computers: enough processing power to run OS and browser
       Any OS capable of running standard browser or Coud native client
       Network connection (2-3 > Mbps)
    What about when working from home?
        You can, from any computer (oven smart phone or tablet)
Practical examples

Ulteo Virtual Desktop   Key features
                         Open Source
                         Seamless Application
                            Windows applications
                            Linux applications
                         Windows 7 or Linux like
                          remote desktop access
                         Universal access
                            Native client (win, linux, iOS,
                         Local desktop interaction
                         Advanced security
Practical examples


Test users: test2, . test15

 Are you using e-learning technologies?
    What technologies (LMS, e-Portfolio, other?...)
    Typical examples

 Would you use cloud services if available?
    In what context
    If no, why not?

 What functionality would
  you like to see in the
  E-learning in the cloud

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Darko Grabar Accessible e-learning in the cloud

  • 1. Accessible e-learning in the Cloud The Spatial Extent of Knowledge World-Wide-Learning Darko Grabar, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics Technucation ICT in Science in Society Activities, Porto, 2012
  • 2. Outline Background info About me Why this topic e-Learning today What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? E-learning and the cloud Case study Advantages of the e-Learning Cloud Problems Practical examples
  • 3. Background info: About me Darko Grabar Working at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics Head of Software Development Center and E-learning Support Center Softer developer with strong relation to Open source and e-learning Involved in e-learning projects since 2005 Participated in development of several e-learning strategies at institutional and country wide level Part of several Croatian working bodies that deals with Open Source / Open Access and e-learning
  • 4. Background info: Why this topic This is what I do Trying to be one step ahead of teachers by predicting future usage of ICT in learning E-learning is at its turn point New Web 2.0 technologies LMS crisis Bigger gap between rich and poor Cloud technologies are ready To be used by masses To provide cheep, reliable and powerful services
  • 5. E-learning today E-learning is a process of education (learning and teaching process) conducted using the Information and Communication Technology which improves the quality of the process itself and the quality of its result
  • 6. E-learning today Web today
  • 7. E-learning today E-learning today
  • 8. E-learning today Future of e-learning LMS External tools ePortfolios and Apps External content
  • 9. E-learning today Why the future is not here? What are the problems? Software is available Hardware can support it Network is ready There are people that know how to use new technologies Students/children are demanding it
  • 10. E-learning today Resources! Ifthere would be enough resources: Schools would hire more teachers They would have experts in ICT and e-learning They would have appropriate ICT equipment Teachers would have time to produce quality e-learning materials ICT staff would have time to provide top-of the line environment for e-learning Students/pupils would be able to use it And the list goes on
  • 12. E-learning today So whats wrong with e-learning today? Outdated technology Closed systems Slow innovation Lack of resources Money ICT resources People Available only to privileged
  • 13. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?
  • 14. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? E-learning professional End user ICT support
  • 15. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet) Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and computation Wikipedia
  • 16. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? It is a mechanism for delivering scalable business services that execute on a decentralized computing fabric composed of commodity software and hardware
  • 17. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? It is a pay-per-use model for enabling available, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
  • 18. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Not a new idea
  • 19. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Relies on Virtualization
  • 20. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸?
  • 21. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Software as a service (SaaS) Platform as a service (PaaS) Storage as a service (STaaS) Desktop virtualization Data as a service (DaaS) Database as a service (DBaaS) Test environment as a service (TEaaS) API as a service (APIaaS) Security as a service (SECaaS) Backend as a service (BaaS)
  • 22. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Analogy How many of you build your house?
  • 23. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Analogy Are you renting/owning apartment?
  • 24. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Advantages Cost Effective Unlimited resources Speed & Scales Fast innovation Backup and Recovery Automatic software integration Easy Access
  • 25. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Disadvantages Change in thinking Security in the Cloud Technical Issues Inflexibility Cost
  • 26. What is The 遺鉛看顎糸? Is it only for large Corporations?
  • 27. E-learning and the cloud How to make e-learning accessible and affordable
  • 28. E-learning and the cloud Case: teaching ICT Goal: To provide advanced education in the field of ICT (programming and multimedia) to students in schools in the form of blended e- learning course. We want to teach two courses Big Data Processing 3D Modeling Requirements: Learning Management System for delivering courses E-Portofilo system for student collaboration High computing power needed for large files manipulation and 3D modeling Large data storage High speed network
  • 29. E-learning and the cloud Case: teaching ICT Lets do it traditional way We will need: Server Install LMS, e-portfolio, databases, ... High speed network connection Computer classroom Screen projector 20 computers (workstation class): fast processor, 8GB of RAM (min), 500GB disk, fast graphic card Windows and Linux OS Install all required software on each computer Fast local LAN connected to high speed broadband connection What about when working from home?
  • 30. E-learning and the cloud Case: teaching ICT Lets do it traditional way We will need: es? Server tag Install LMS, e-portfolio, databases, ... Ad van High speed network connection Computer classroom Screen projector Disadv 20 computers (workstation class): fast processor, 8GB of RAM (min), 500GB antage disk, fast graphic card s Windows and Linux OS ? Install all required software on each computer Fast local LAN connected to high speed broadband connection What about when working from home?
  • 31. E-learning and the cloud Case: teaching ICT Lets do it Cloud way We will need: Cloud environment with configured applications Computer classroom Screen projector 20 low end computers: enough processing power to run OS and browser Any OS capable of running standard browser or Cloud native client Network connection (2-3 > Mbps) What about when working from home? You can, from any computer (even smart phone or tablet)
  • 32. E-learning and the cloud Real servers Virtual server Virtual desktops LMS + ePortfolio Software preinstalled Case: teaching ICT Lets do it Cloud way Thin clients
  • 33. E-learning and the cloud Case: teaching ICT Lets do it Cloud way We will need: Cloud environment with configured applications Computer classroom tag es? Ad van Screen projector 20 low end computers: enough processing power to run OS and browser Any OS capable of running standard browser or Coud native client Network connection (2-3 > Mbps) Disadv What about when working from home? antage You can, from any computer (oven smart phone or tablet) s?
  • 34. Practical examples Ulteo Virtual Desktop Key features http://www.ulteo.com Open Source Seamless Application delivery Windows applications Linux applications Windows 7 or Linux like remote desktop access Universal access Browser Native client (win, linux, iOS, Android) Local desktop interaction Advanced security
  • 36. Discussion Are you using e-learning technologies? What technologies (LMS, e-Portfolio, other?...) Typical examples Would you use cloud services if available? In what context If no, why not? What functionality would you like to see in the E-learning in the cloud environment?