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Growth Mindset:
Enhancing Teaching and Learning
Presented by
Dr. Rasha Osman
Higher Technology Institute
This presentation is based on
 Dr. Carol Dweck, Ph.D Stanford University
Original work in 2006
 Book entitled, Mindset - the New Psychology of
Success (Ballantine Books, Amazon)
 Work bridges Developmental, Social and Personality
 Based on research on brain plasticity
 Huge Implications for Teaching and Learning,
Parenting, Business, Sports, Music, even Personal
Growth Mindset
Mindset Quiz (5-7 minutes)
 Please place a check in the box that identifies
the extent to which you agree or disagree with
the statement.
 After completing the quiz, circle the number in
the box that matches each of your answers,
then total each column and get a grand total.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz
This quiz will help you evaluate whether you lean towards a growth mindset
(believing in the potential for improvement and learning) or a fixed mindset
(believing abilities are static and unchangeable). Respond to the following
statements by choosing the option that best aligns with your beliefs:
Instructions: Rate each statement on a scale from 1 to 5: 1 - Strongly
Disagree2 - Disagree3 - Neutral4 - Agree5 - Strongly Agree
Quiz Statements
Section 1: Attitudes Towards Challenges
1. I enjoy taking on tasks that challenge my current abilities.
2. If I fail at something, I see it as an opportunity to learn.
3. I avoid difficult tasks because I dont want to fail.
4. Challenges make me anxious, so I prefer to stick to what I know.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz
Section 2: Beliefs About Effort
5. Hard work and effort are the keys to improving any skill.
6. I feel discouraged when I have to put in a lot of effort.
7. Talent alone is enough to achieve success; effort is secondary.
8. Putting in extra time and energy will always lead to improvement.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz
Section 3: Response to Criticism
9. I value feedback and use it to improve myself.
10. Criticism feels like a personal attack on my abilities.
11. I get defensive when others point out my mistakes.
12. Constructive criticism is essential for growth.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz
Section 4: Perception of Others' Success
13. When I see someone succeed, I feel inspired to do better.
14. Other peoples success makes me feel like a failure.
15. Success depends on natural ability, not effort.
16. I believe I can learn from the successes of others.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz
Section 5: Beliefs About Intelligence and Talent
17. Intelligence is something that can be developed over time.
18. You are born with a certain level of intelligence, and it doesnt change.
19. Natural talent is more important than hard work.
20. Skills and abilities can always be improved with dedication.
Scoring the Quiz
Step 1: Reverse score the following fixed-mindset statements:
Statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19
(For these items, 1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3, 4 = 2, 5 = 1)
Step 2: Add your scores for:
Growth Mindset Statements: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20
Fixed Mindset Statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19
Step 3: Interpret your results:
Growth Mindset (Higher Scores): If your score for the growth mindset section is
significantly higher, you tend to embrace challenges, value effort, and believe in
personal development.
Fixed Mindset (Higher Scores): If your score for the fixed mindset section is higher,
you may prefer comfort zones, resist feedback, and believe abilities are static.
Mindset Quiz Results
45  60 Points = Strong Growth Minds
34  44 Points = Growth Mindset with
some Fixed ideas
21  33 Points = Fixed Mindset with
some Growth ideas
0  20 Points = Strong Fixed Mindset
Think, Pair, Share
Impacts of the Classroom
 Now that you have seen the questions, which mindset do you think
you are? (Strong Growth, Growth with some Fixed, Fixed with some
growth, or Strong Fixed)
 Journal #2: Now that you have scored it, do you think this is
accurate? Where in your life can you recognize fixed mindsets?
Where are you growth-minded?
 What effect does teacher expectation have on student learning? (Marzano)
 How do our own beliefs (fixed vs. growth mindset) affect how we teach our students?
 If we taught all students to have a growth mindset, what impact would it have on how
students approach their own individual learning?
 How can a growth mindset increase rigor?
How Can a Growth Mindset
Increase Rigor?
Video #1
Carol Dweck:
How to Help Every Child
Fulfill Their Potential
Dweck and her colleagues offered four-year-olds a choice:
They could either redo an easy jigsaw puzzle, or try a harder
Even these young children conformed to the characteristics of
one of the two mindsets  those with fixed mentality
stayed on the safe side, choosing the easier puzzles that
would affirm their existing ability, articulating to the
researchers their belief that smart kids dont make mistakes;
those with the growth mindset thought it an odd choice to
begin with, perplexed why anyone would want to do the same
puzzle over and over if they arent learning anything new.
In other words, the fixed-mindset kids wanted to make sure
they succeeded in order to seem smart, whereas the growth-
mindset ones wanted to stretch themselves, for their
definition of success was about becoming smarter.
Video #2
Carol Dweck:
A Study on Praise and
The effects of praise on growth mindset/effort
vs. intelligence and ability
Two Mindsets
Ramifications for Learning
 Success of Others
Effects of Growth Mindset in the Classroom
 Beliefs effect learning outcomes (learning is viewed as the
path to mastery)
 Effort (not yet)
 Thinking (metacognition)
 Less fear of negative consequences
Conclusion: Growth Mindset
 20 years of research indicates that the view that you adopt for
yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life
 Believing that your basic qualities (and those of others) are carved
in stone (the fixed mindset) creates an urgency to prove yourself
over and over
 Growth Mindset moves us from the belief in fixed attributes and in
recognizing and praising intelligence toward a growth mindset
that recognizes the importance of:
*Strategies *Effort
*Focus *Persistence (not yet)
 Growth Mindset changes how we perceive failure
 Cultivated by deliberate practice and specific vocabulary
Implications for the Classroom
 Performance Goals vs. Learning Goals
Performance Goals = About measuring ability
(students may condemn themselves)
Learning Goals = About mastering new things
Performance goals contribute to Entity Theory
Growth goals  Students see both themselves
and learning in a different way!
(This changes how we plan, teach and assess.)
Even Greater Implications
 Growth Mindset creates an enjoyment around learning
 Fixed Mindset  Can foster dishonesty (40% of smart
kids were dishonest about their scores because we
told them they were smart)
 Implications for relationships  myths about true
love, living happily ever after, (the ideal vs. growth
mindset  improving communication and avoiding
assigning blame)
 Growth mindset can create a voracious appetite for
Basic Components  Developing Growth
Mindsets in the Classroom
by Mike Gershon (2016)
 Getting the Language right
 Changing how students perceive mistakes
 Targeting student effort
 Giving great feedback
 Thinking about thinking (metacognition)
 Creating a challenging culture
 Focusing on process
 Engaging parents with growth mindset
Impacts of Teaching and Learning
 Shifts in thinking in how to meet the needs of all students (differentiation) in
the classroom
 Shifts in programs such as GATE (from a small subgroup to how we better serve
all students)
 Differentiation is critical but there are many myths around differentiation such
#1 Differentiation means I have to plan something different for every student
#2 I differentiate by grouping students by reading ability and giving them leveled
#3 I can differentiate effectively using one data point.
#4 Differentiation is easy, just give the high students more and the low students
#5 I dont need to change anything about my instructional practices to effectively
Thank you! Enjoy your day.
Resources for this presentation:
 Carol Dweck: Mindset: the New Psychology of Success
(2006, Random House)
 Mike Gershon: How to Develop Growth Mindsets in
the Classroom (2016)  60 strategies
 Mary Cay Ricci: Mindsets in the Classroom, Building a
Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools
(2013, Prufrock Press)

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Celine George

Growth Mindset in education final copy.pptx

  • 1. Growth Mindset: Enhancing Teaching and Learning Presented by Dr. Rasha Osman Higher Technology Institute
  • 2. This presentation is based on Dr. Carol Dweck, Ph.D Stanford University Original work in 2006 Book entitled, Mindset - the New Psychology of Success (Ballantine Books, Amazon) Work bridges Developmental, Social and Personality Psychology Based on research on brain plasticity Huge Implications for Teaching and Learning, Parenting, Business, Sports, Music, even Personal Relationships!
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Mindset Quiz (5-7 minutes) Please place a check in the box that identifies the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement. After completing the quiz, circle the number in the box that matches each of your answers, then total each column and get a grand total.
  • 6. Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz This quiz will help you evaluate whether you lean towards a growth mindset (believing in the potential for improvement and learning) or a fixed mindset (believing abilities are static and unchangeable). Respond to the following statements by choosing the option that best aligns with your beliefs: Instructions: Rate each statement on a scale from 1 to 5: 1 - Strongly Disagree2 - Disagree3 - Neutral4 - Agree5 - Strongly Agree Quiz Statements Section 1: Attitudes Towards Challenges 1. I enjoy taking on tasks that challenge my current abilities. 2. If I fail at something, I see it as an opportunity to learn. 3. I avoid difficult tasks because I dont want to fail. 4. Challenges make me anxious, so I prefer to stick to what I know.
  • 7. Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz Section 2: Beliefs About Effort 5. Hard work and effort are the keys to improving any skill. 6. I feel discouraged when I have to put in a lot of effort. 7. Talent alone is enough to achieve success; effort is secondary. 8. Putting in extra time and energy will always lead to improvement.
  • 8. Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz Section 3: Response to Criticism 9. I value feedback and use it to improve myself. 10. Criticism feels like a personal attack on my abilities. 11. I get defensive when others point out my mistakes. 12. Constructive criticism is essential for growth.
  • 9. Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz Section 4: Perception of Others' Success 13. When I see someone succeed, I feel inspired to do better. 14. Other peoples success makes me feel like a failure. 15. Success depends on natural ability, not effort. 16. I believe I can learn from the successes of others.
  • 10. Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Quiz Section 5: Beliefs About Intelligence and Talent 17. Intelligence is something that can be developed over time. 18. You are born with a certain level of intelligence, and it doesnt change. 19. Natural talent is more important than hard work. 20. Skills and abilities can always be improved with dedication.
  • 11. Scoring the Quiz Step 1: Reverse score the following fixed-mindset statements: Statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19 (For these items, 1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3, 4 = 2, 5 = 1) Step 2: Add your scores for: Growth Mindset Statements: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20 Fixed Mindset Statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19 Step 3: Interpret your results: Growth Mindset (Higher Scores): If your score for the growth mindset section is significantly higher, you tend to embrace challenges, value effort, and believe in personal development. Fixed Mindset (Higher Scores): If your score for the fixed mindset section is higher, you may prefer comfort zones, resist feedback, and believe abilities are static.
  • 12. Mindset Quiz Results 45 60 Points = Strong Growth Minds 34 44 Points = Growth Mindset with some Fixed ideas 21 33 Points = Fixed Mindset with some Growth ideas 0 20 Points = Strong Fixed Mindset
  • 13. Think, Pair, Share Impacts of the Classroom Now that you have seen the questions, which mindset do you think you are? (Strong Growth, Growth with some Fixed, Fixed with some growth, or Strong Fixed) Journal #2: Now that you have scored it, do you think this is accurate? Where in your life can you recognize fixed mindsets? Where are you growth-minded? What effect does teacher expectation have on student learning? (Marzano) How do our own beliefs (fixed vs. growth mindset) affect how we teach our students? If we taught all students to have a growth mindset, what impact would it have on how students approach their own individual learning? How can a growth mindset increase rigor?
  • 14. How Can a Growth Mindset Increase Rigor? 14
  • 15. Video #1 Carol Dweck: How to Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential https:// youtu.be/PVhUdhZxbGI?si =Vdx2nZT3C6BHMCml
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Dweck and her colleagues offered four-year-olds a choice: They could either redo an easy jigsaw puzzle, or try a harder one. Even these young children conformed to the characteristics of one of the two mindsets those with fixed mentality stayed on the safe side, choosing the easier puzzles that would affirm their existing ability, articulating to the researchers their belief that smart kids dont make mistakes; those with the growth mindset thought it an odd choice to begin with, perplexed why anyone would want to do the same puzzle over and over if they arent learning anything new. In other words, the fixed-mindset kids wanted to make sure they succeeded in order to seem smart, whereas the growth- mindset ones wanted to stretch themselves, for their definition of success was about becoming smarter.
  • 18. Video #2 Carol Dweck: A Study on Praise and Mindset The effects of praise on growth mindset/effort vs. intelligence and ability https:// youtu.be/hiiEeMN7vbQ?si=x9JQdAbcv50G-pFF
  • 19. Two Mindsets Ramifications for Learning Challenges Obstacles Effort Criticism Success of Others https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7u6UwtmGyE
  • 20. Effects of Growth Mindset in the Classroom Beliefs effect learning outcomes (learning is viewed as the path to mastery) Effort (not yet) Questioning Feedback Mistakes Feedback Thinking (metacognition) Persistence Less fear of negative consequences
  • 21. Conclusion: Growth Mindset 20 years of research indicates that the view that you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life Believing that your basic qualities (and those of others) are carved in stone (the fixed mindset) creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over Growth Mindset moves us from the belief in fixed attributes and in recognizing and praising intelligence toward a growth mindset that recognizes the importance of: *Strategies *Effort *Focus *Persistence (not yet) Growth Mindset changes how we perceive failure Cultivated by deliberate practice and specific vocabulary
  • 22. Implications for the Classroom Performance Goals vs. Learning Goals Performance Goals = About measuring ability (students may condemn themselves) Learning Goals = About mastering new things Performance goals contribute to Entity Theory Growth goals Students see both themselves and learning in a different way! (This changes how we plan, teach and assess.)
  • 23. Even Greater Implications Growth Mindset creates an enjoyment around learning Fixed Mindset Can foster dishonesty (40% of smart kids were dishonest about their scores because we told them they were smart) Implications for relationships myths about true love, living happily ever after, (the ideal vs. growth mindset improving communication and avoiding assigning blame) Growth mindset can create a voracious appetite for learning!!!
  • 24. Basic Components Developing Growth Mindsets in the Classroom by Mike Gershon (2016) Getting the Language right Changing how students perceive mistakes Targeting student effort Giving great feedback Thinking about thinking (metacognition) Creating a challenging culture Focusing on process Engaging parents with growth mindset
  • 25. Impacts of Teaching and Learning Shifts in thinking in how to meet the needs of all students (differentiation) in the classroom Shifts in programs such as GATE (from a small subgroup to how we better serve all students) Differentiation is critical but there are many myths around differentiation such as: #1 Differentiation means I have to plan something different for every student #2 I differentiate by grouping students by reading ability and giving them leveled readings. #3 I can differentiate effectively using one data point. #4 Differentiation is easy, just give the high students more and the low students less. #5 I dont need to change anything about my instructional practices to effectively differentiate.
  • 26. Thank you! Enjoy your day. Resources for this presentation: Carol Dweck: Mindset: the New Psychology of Success (2006, Random House) Mike Gershon: How to Develop Growth Mindsets in the Classroom (2016) 60 strategies Mary Cay Ricci: Mindsets in the Classroom, Building a Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools (2013, Prufrock Press)

Editor's Notes