The document discusses education in the 4.0 era, which refers to the fusion of advanced technologies into the education process. It states that as the industrial revolution has transformed industries, a similar revolution is needed in education to take advantage of new opportunities. Key aspects of education 4.0 include personalized learning tailored to each student's needs, flexible learning that can take place anywhere and anytime, and evaluating students through projects rather than examinations. Overall, education must adapt to prepare students for the technological changes of the future.
This document discusses pedagogy, retention, attainment, and the use of new technologies in education. It provides examples of how some colleges in Scotland are innovating with blended learning, MOOCs, learning tools, and digital skills development for staff and students. It suggests colleges could make better use of online resources and tools to enhance teaching and learning. The document also discusses the importance of authentic assessment, staff development, analytics, and embracing informal learning opportunities.
This document discusses the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in 21st century teaching and learning. It outlines that ICT tools have become powerful resources for educational change and reform. It describes characteristics of 21st century learners and pedagogy, emphasizing skills like problem solving, collaboration, and digital literacy. The document also lists various online tools, resources and platforms that can be used to enhance teaching and support lifelong learning.
What Works and What Doesnt in Online/Hybrid TeachingPhil Hill
Hill slides lms 20160531
This workshop will present an overview of online/hybrid best practices that can promote successful learning experiences, including planning and management, teaching techniques, and assessing and evaluating students.
The document discusses 10 emerging trends in education that are being driven by new technologies and innovations. It provides explanations of each trend, examples of innovations driving the trends, current impacts on teaching and learning, and potential implications for the future of education. Some of the trends discussed include the internet of things, cloud computing, personalized and adaptive learning, open educational resources, and developing skills like computational thinking and digital literacy.
Edu642 fish, heather twitcast iste standardsHeather Fish
The document discusses ISTE student standard 5 on computational thinking and ISTE coach standard 5 on digital citizenship. For student standard 5, it defines computational thinking, explains why it is valuable for students to develop these skills, and provides examples of research showing improved learning outcomes when students engage in computational thinking activities. For coach standard 5 on digital citizenship, it defines the standard, explains why it is important for coaches to model and promote digital citizenship, and provides an example of how a coach could create a website to help implement the standard for students, teachers and parents.
Speak Up Survey Insights for Private School Leaders
The Speak Up national findings have been helping private schools define education technology policies for 12 years. Each year, the views of private school stakeholders are captured to identify key trends and help plan for 21st century education. Join us to discover:
What technology solutions administrators want most
Where schools are prioritizing technology investments
Which technologies students and parents want at school
How students learn to write digitally and manage their digital footprint
#ForOurFuture18 UL System Conference Presentation: Online Learning - Current ...Luke Dowden
Two veterans of online learning will share their thoughts on the current state and the future of online learning. Chief online
learning officers face ongoing challenges growing, sustaining, and innovating online programs. Now that online learning
has entered the mainstream, what is its future? What fads will fade? What trends will be sustained? The audience will be
engaged throughout the presentation with opportunities to discuss the impact online learning has on technological
infrastructure, faculty support, course design, quality assurance / quality control, organizational structures, funding and
grants, and research. By sharing their experiences and insights into the current challenges and future state of online
learning, the presenters will discuss strategic and operational approaches to navigate current and future realities of online
learning. Credit to Dr. Darlene Williams for content on Future Opportunities and Context.
How EdTech can help overcome the challenges to Initial Teacher TrainingIRIS Connect
In this webinar we bring together ITT experts and education professionals to share their challenges and solutions to providing better support to trainee teachers through the use of effective education technology.
This document discusses using social media, particularly Facebook, in the classroom. It notes that today's students expect technology to be integrated into their education. Data shows high percentages of high school and college students feel technology is important for schoolwork and communication. A survey found many first-year community college students used social media multiple times per month to connect with classmates and faculty on assignments. The document advocates using social media to promote networking, online discussion, and connecting with more reserved students. It proposes an experiment at the community college to train faculty on integrating social media into their teaching over the next year.
The presentation provides an overview of integrating technology applications and game-based learning in teaching and learning. It discusses using digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to join professional learning communities. Examples of apps that can be used for different subjects like Virtual Tee for life sciences, Space 4D for social sciences, and Kahoot for quizzes are presented. The objectives are to help teachers upgrade their skills and use technology tools to produce employable graduates with 21st century skills. Challenges of using technology in schools and recommendations for teachers to improve are also highlighted.
New responsibilities of university and teachers for sustainable developmentNatalia
The document discusses several key changes in education due to the rise of information technology and open/distance learning models:
1. Students now have excellent basic IT skills and can find information on their own, so teachers serve more as guides rather than sole sources of knowledge.
2. Educational environments are becoming more flexible, responsive, and engaging by using technology to deliver knowledge in new ways and accommodate diverse learners' needs and prerequisites.
3. New approaches and skills are required to manage the challenges of an information-driven society where knowledge becomes a primary commodity and source of competitive advantage.
Julie Evans of Project Tomorrow discussed developing stakeholder responsive vision statements for new digital environments. She examined research from the Speak Up survey showing parents want schools to teach skills for college and careers but have concerns about too much screen time. Evans presented a case study approach to craft vision statements that address these inconsistencies by focusing on parents. Participants worked in pairs to develop 35-word statements appreciating parent views while explaining digital vision values. Evans recommended messaging emphasizing skill development, personalized learning, and extended learning beyond textbooks.
San Diego 21st Century Learning aug school district summer 2011Toni Theisen
This document summarizes a presentation on 21st century tools to teach, learn and collaborate. It discusses how learning and teaching have changed with new technologies. It introduces tools like Twitter, Wallwisher, Voicethread, Google Voice, Wordle, Toondoo, Glogster and Animoto that can be used for collaboration, communication and content creation. Guidelines are provided for integrating technology into instruction in a meaningful way. The presentation emphasizes that technology should enhance learning and engage students in creating content rather than just consuming it.
Instructional immediacy in the classroom fapsc presentationPatrick Ray
This presentation discusses using technology to increase instructional immediacy and bridge the gap between faculty and students. It defines instructional immediacy as behaviors that increase psychological closeness between teachers and students, such as humor, addressing students by name, and sharing personal examples. Research shows that instructional immediacy improves student participation, motivation, and learning outcomes. The presentation then provides examples of online tools that can be used to increase immediacy, such as presentation, video, and mind mapping tools to facilitate interaction and active learning. It emphasizes creating a sense of community through tools like surveys, polls, and online publishing platforms.
This document discusses blended learning and the characteristics of a 21st century teacher. It defines blended learning as a formal education program where students learn through both online and in-person means. The document outlines several models of blended learning and lists benefits such as increased personalization, engagement, and access to resources. It also discusses advantages like improved learning outcomes, technology skills, and interactions. Finally, it identifies ten characteristics of a 21st century teacher, such as using a learner-centered approach, having students produce digital content, learning new technologies, and collaborating globally.
Social media is basically a structure that combines individuals, communities, companies or organizations that can share their interests, attitudes, values, lifestyles, visions and friendships. In the field of eLearning this structure can be used in many ways and through different web tools. It can provide educators with an opportunity to engage learners in the online classroom, as well as to support development of learner skills and competencies.
This article argues that it is necessary to move blended learning beyond learning management systems and engage students in an active use of the web as a resource for their self-regulated study, for problem solving and collaborative activities. The case study explored in this paper explains the role of social media in promoting cognitive and meta-cognitive learners development while using a constructivist teaching and learning approach. This paper presents the findings from a specific case study, as well as general guidance to instructors for incorporating social media in a blended learning environment, including the Traditional Classroom. It is also suggested a limitation of the use of learning management systems to cover the development of social competences and it is argued that self-regulated students are supported by personal web tools and engaged in different kinds of social networks.
Designing On-Line, Blended and Personalized Learning Courses-What Does All Th...Derrick Mears
The document discusses various terms and concepts related to online, blended, and personalized learning in K-12 education. It provides statistics on the growth of online learning and explains key terms like blended learning, flipped learning, and personalized learning. It also explores reasons why students choose online options and considerations for designing effective online instruction, including reducing cognitive load and supporting social-emotional skills.
The document discusses redesigning lessons to incorporate 21st century skills. It encourages teachers to evaluate existing lessons by asking questions about objectives, deep learning goals, and where 21st century tools could be inserted. It provides examples of Web 2.0 tools and resources teachers can draw from to enhance lessons. Teachers are then instructed to practice redesigning a lesson themselves by selecting one, making decisions about substitution points and tools, and being prepared to share their work.
As teachers and students in NZ begin their 2022 school year the presence of Omicron threatens to disrupt their plans. To be best prepared, schools must consider a plan for hybrid learning - which could have much longer lasting benefits than simply addressing the immediate concerns.
This document discusses how emerging web technologies have integrated with pedagogy and increased student academic performance and moral philosophy. It examines how the transition to online teaching programs has fostered a more advanced learning environment, resulting in higher grades. Students have become dependent on software programs and mobile devices to complete coursework. While traditional teaching methods relied on textbooks, students now rely heavily on internet sources. The integration of technology has allowed for more accessible and efficient learning. However, some traditional instructors were reluctant to adopt new technologies. Overall, the increased use of web-based tools appears to have positively impacted student learning and grades.
The document discusses Mark Boatman's goals and plans for using technology in his future classroom. It outlines how he intends to utilize various technologies like word processing, telecommunications, spreadsheets, and presentation software. Some specific examples mentioned include having students create newsletters and budgets using Word, setting up a class website for communication, and using PowerPoint for delivering lessons and student group projects.
This document summarizes a workshop on supporting blended learners' development of social and connected skills through digital pedagogy. The workshop covered how digital skills are needed to support blended learners, including exploration, connection, curation, collaboration and openness. It discussed assessing technology needs, determining resources, piloting projects, and evaluating outcomes. The goal was to help participants develop plans to support blended learning on their own campuses through strategic use of technology and digital skills.
Too Much Screen Time: Fake News or Real Parental Concern?Julie Evans
Education leaders are perplexed by parents views on technology use: parents worry about too much screen time but say digital learning is important. This session will unpack current research on parents views and provide K-12 leaders with insights to address screen time concerns with effective messaging and real data.
There is a need for teachers to learn how to effectively integrate technology into classroom instruction. The document outlines several online resources that provide support for teachers in applying technology. 4Teachers offers success stories and ideas for assessing students with technology. LiveBinders allows teachers to create virtual binders of resources. Edutopia provides tips for technology integration and shares stories of teachers successfully using technology to develop 21st century skills in students.
Speak Up Survey Insights for Private School Leaders
The Speak Up national findings have been helping private schools define education technology policies for 12 years. Each year, the views of private school stakeholders are captured to identify key trends and help plan for 21st century education. Join us to discover:
What technology solutions administrators want most
Where schools are prioritizing technology investments
Which technologies students and parents want at school
How students learn to write digitally and manage their digital footprint
#ForOurFuture18 UL System Conference Presentation: Online Learning - Current ...Luke Dowden
Two veterans of online learning will share their thoughts on the current state and the future of online learning. Chief online
learning officers face ongoing challenges growing, sustaining, and innovating online programs. Now that online learning
has entered the mainstream, what is its future? What fads will fade? What trends will be sustained? The audience will be
engaged throughout the presentation with opportunities to discuss the impact online learning has on technological
infrastructure, faculty support, course design, quality assurance / quality control, organizational structures, funding and
grants, and research. By sharing their experiences and insights into the current challenges and future state of online
learning, the presenters will discuss strategic and operational approaches to navigate current and future realities of online
learning. Credit to Dr. Darlene Williams for content on Future Opportunities and Context.
How EdTech can help overcome the challenges to Initial Teacher TrainingIRIS Connect
In this webinar we bring together ITT experts and education professionals to share their challenges and solutions to providing better support to trainee teachers through the use of effective education technology.
This document discusses using social media, particularly Facebook, in the classroom. It notes that today's students expect technology to be integrated into their education. Data shows high percentages of high school and college students feel technology is important for schoolwork and communication. A survey found many first-year community college students used social media multiple times per month to connect with classmates and faculty on assignments. The document advocates using social media to promote networking, online discussion, and connecting with more reserved students. It proposes an experiment at the community college to train faculty on integrating social media into their teaching over the next year.
The presentation provides an overview of integrating technology applications and game-based learning in teaching and learning. It discusses using digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to join professional learning communities. Examples of apps that can be used for different subjects like Virtual Tee for life sciences, Space 4D for social sciences, and Kahoot for quizzes are presented. The objectives are to help teachers upgrade their skills and use technology tools to produce employable graduates with 21st century skills. Challenges of using technology in schools and recommendations for teachers to improve are also highlighted.
New responsibilities of university and teachers for sustainable developmentNatalia
The document discusses several key changes in education due to the rise of information technology and open/distance learning models:
1. Students now have excellent basic IT skills and can find information on their own, so teachers serve more as guides rather than sole sources of knowledge.
2. Educational environments are becoming more flexible, responsive, and engaging by using technology to deliver knowledge in new ways and accommodate diverse learners' needs and prerequisites.
3. New approaches and skills are required to manage the challenges of an information-driven society where knowledge becomes a primary commodity and source of competitive advantage.
Julie Evans of Project Tomorrow discussed developing stakeholder responsive vision statements for new digital environments. She examined research from the Speak Up survey showing parents want schools to teach skills for college and careers but have concerns about too much screen time. Evans presented a case study approach to craft vision statements that address these inconsistencies by focusing on parents. Participants worked in pairs to develop 35-word statements appreciating parent views while explaining digital vision values. Evans recommended messaging emphasizing skill development, personalized learning, and extended learning beyond textbooks.
San Diego 21st Century Learning aug school district summer 2011Toni Theisen
This document summarizes a presentation on 21st century tools to teach, learn and collaborate. It discusses how learning and teaching have changed with new technologies. It introduces tools like Twitter, Wallwisher, Voicethread, Google Voice, Wordle, Toondoo, Glogster and Animoto that can be used for collaboration, communication and content creation. Guidelines are provided for integrating technology into instruction in a meaningful way. The presentation emphasizes that technology should enhance learning and engage students in creating content rather than just consuming it.
Instructional immediacy in the classroom fapsc presentationPatrick Ray
This presentation discusses using technology to increase instructional immediacy and bridge the gap between faculty and students. It defines instructional immediacy as behaviors that increase psychological closeness between teachers and students, such as humor, addressing students by name, and sharing personal examples. Research shows that instructional immediacy improves student participation, motivation, and learning outcomes. The presentation then provides examples of online tools that can be used to increase immediacy, such as presentation, video, and mind mapping tools to facilitate interaction and active learning. It emphasizes creating a sense of community through tools like surveys, polls, and online publishing platforms.
This document discusses blended learning and the characteristics of a 21st century teacher. It defines blended learning as a formal education program where students learn through both online and in-person means. The document outlines several models of blended learning and lists benefits such as increased personalization, engagement, and access to resources. It also discusses advantages like improved learning outcomes, technology skills, and interactions. Finally, it identifies ten characteristics of a 21st century teacher, such as using a learner-centered approach, having students produce digital content, learning new technologies, and collaborating globally.
Social media is basically a structure that combines individuals, communities, companies or organizations that can share their interests, attitudes, values, lifestyles, visions and friendships. In the field of eLearning this structure can be used in many ways and through different web tools. It can provide educators with an opportunity to engage learners in the online classroom, as well as to support development of learner skills and competencies.
This article argues that it is necessary to move blended learning beyond learning management systems and engage students in an active use of the web as a resource for their self-regulated study, for problem solving and collaborative activities. The case study explored in this paper explains the role of social media in promoting cognitive and meta-cognitive learners development while using a constructivist teaching and learning approach. This paper presents the findings from a specific case study, as well as general guidance to instructors for incorporating social media in a blended learning environment, including the Traditional Classroom. It is also suggested a limitation of the use of learning management systems to cover the development of social competences and it is argued that self-regulated students are supported by personal web tools and engaged in different kinds of social networks.
Designing On-Line, Blended and Personalized Learning Courses-What Does All Th...Derrick Mears
The document discusses various terms and concepts related to online, blended, and personalized learning in K-12 education. It provides statistics on the growth of online learning and explains key terms like blended learning, flipped learning, and personalized learning. It also explores reasons why students choose online options and considerations for designing effective online instruction, including reducing cognitive load and supporting social-emotional skills.
The document discusses redesigning lessons to incorporate 21st century skills. It encourages teachers to evaluate existing lessons by asking questions about objectives, deep learning goals, and where 21st century tools could be inserted. It provides examples of Web 2.0 tools and resources teachers can draw from to enhance lessons. Teachers are then instructed to practice redesigning a lesson themselves by selecting one, making decisions about substitution points and tools, and being prepared to share their work.
As teachers and students in NZ begin their 2022 school year the presence of Omicron threatens to disrupt their plans. To be best prepared, schools must consider a plan for hybrid learning - which could have much longer lasting benefits than simply addressing the immediate concerns.
This document discusses how emerging web technologies have integrated with pedagogy and increased student academic performance and moral philosophy. It examines how the transition to online teaching programs has fostered a more advanced learning environment, resulting in higher grades. Students have become dependent on software programs and mobile devices to complete coursework. While traditional teaching methods relied on textbooks, students now rely heavily on internet sources. The integration of technology has allowed for more accessible and efficient learning. However, some traditional instructors were reluctant to adopt new technologies. Overall, the increased use of web-based tools appears to have positively impacted student learning and grades.
The document discusses Mark Boatman's goals and plans for using technology in his future classroom. It outlines how he intends to utilize various technologies like word processing, telecommunications, spreadsheets, and presentation software. Some specific examples mentioned include having students create newsletters and budgets using Word, setting up a class website for communication, and using PowerPoint for delivering lessons and student group projects.
This document summarizes a workshop on supporting blended learners' development of social and connected skills through digital pedagogy. The workshop covered how digital skills are needed to support blended learners, including exploration, connection, curation, collaboration and openness. It discussed assessing technology needs, determining resources, piloting projects, and evaluating outcomes. The goal was to help participants develop plans to support blended learning on their own campuses through strategic use of technology and digital skills.
Too Much Screen Time: Fake News or Real Parental Concern?Julie Evans
Education leaders are perplexed by parents views on technology use: parents worry about too much screen time but say digital learning is important. This session will unpack current research on parents views and provide K-12 leaders with insights to address screen time concerns with effective messaging and real data.
There is a need for teachers to learn how to effectively integrate technology into classroom instruction. The document outlines several online resources that provide support for teachers in applying technology. 4Teachers offers success stories and ideas for assessing students with technology. LiveBinders allows teachers to create virtual binders of resources. Edutopia provides tips for technology integration and shares stories of teachers successfully using technology to develop 21st century skills in students.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
3. Educational Institutions Thoughts
Educational institutions were optimistic that
education will improve after the pandemic due to
the new set of skills teachers and students gained
after having been driven into the virtual
instruction over 18 months. Educators at all
levels have acknowledged a paradigmatic shift in
pedagogy that entails positive change to
instructional modes.
4. Post-pandemic Experience Variation
Unfortunately, the post-pandemic experience
varies from one school/university to another and
from one instructor/university staff to another.
Some returned to the old status quo, some took
up new techniques without adequate training and
some forgot about the students fears,
weaknesses, and dilemmas related to the post-
pandemic era.
5. Educational Institutions Paradigmatic Shift
Educational institutions were optimistic that
education will improve after the pandemic due to
the new set of skills teachers and students gained
after having been driven into the virtual
instruction over 18 months. Educators at all
levels have acknowledged a paradigmatic shift in
pedagogy that entails positive change to
instructional modes.
6. Hybridity is Key
Educators believe that education in a post-pandemic
world must combine the advantages of online
instruction with relevant educational objectives
associated with in-person teaching. Dana Goldstein in
her article published in New York Times in May 2021
confirms that some students and parents are striving
for hybrid education for its financial benefits
including saving money of transportation and
accommodation as well its personalized methods of
students improvement.
7. Hybridity Revelance
Hybrid instruction has promptly become a 21st
century imperative. In-person teaching provides
prospects for deep learning and prepares students
for work via social interaction. Still, it must be
enhanced and supplemented with on-line
instruction. Online instruction creates
personalized experiences, entails flexibility, and
improves students digital literacy.
8. Is it a Must?
Whether in academia or in the workforce, graduates
need the tech and interpersonal skills they have
developed these past few years. Practicing remote
relationship-building, coordinating with teams across
time zones, and effectively combining independent
learning at home with traditional classroom-style
learning, will be critical to success in future careers.
Students and faculty alike are now prepared for swift
adaptation when the next crisis arrives, whatever it
may be.
10. Tools to Help Teachers Post-Pandemic
Platforms with courses and assessment.
Platforms with free downloadable worksheets and
Sites with online exercises and quizzes.
Quiz creator tools.
Surveys/polls creators.
Tools that can be adapted according to the
teachers design of the curriculium.
11. Platforms with free downloadable
worksheets and quizzes
24. Helpful Websites with material, exercises and
quizzes to be adapted
60. Tools that can be adapted for different Uses
Any e-tool can be adapted for assessment
purposes. It depends on the teachers design
and idea in mind.
Facebook can used for assessment.
62. Google Apps
Google docs: For assessing Writing.
Google groups: for writing, holding forums,
negotiation skills.
Google Hangout: assessing writing and
Google forms: writing, polls, and MCQ exams.
63. Google forms/Microsoft Forms
Creating Quizzes
Writing Exercises.
Complete Exam online.
Forms lasts forever. They can be duplicated or
used by more than one user via collaboration
66. 1. U.S. Department of Education, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning A Meta-
Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, 2010.
2. The rise of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic | World Economic Forum. (2020).
Retrieved January 8, 2021, from
3. The rise of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic | World Economic Forum. (2020).
Retrieved January 8, 2021, from
4. Goal 4 (SDG4) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by India in 2015 -seeks
to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for
all by 2030.
5. National Education Policy 2020 Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India.
Editor's Notes
#9: An e-learning solution is built by three basic components: platform, contents and communication tools.