En acabar el curs, a l¡¯¨²ltima classe de mates, vaig demanar als nens i nenes de 6¨¨ que escrivissin en un petit tros de paper qu¨¨ eren per a ells les matem¨¤tiques, quan justament acabaven la Prim¨¤ria.
Al llegir les seves definicions vaig veure que eren diferents, imaginatives, po¨¨tiques i sobretot, personals. Eren les seves maneres d¡¯expressar-les i de valorar-les.
Ara, al rellegir-les, m¡¯adono que sovint contenen idees complexes relacionades amb les matem¨¤tiques, que ells i elles expressen de forma clara i refrescant
The document discusses the features and future of the Plone content management system (CMS). Plone is built using Python and Zope, and provides scalability, usability, and security. Upcoming improvements include better collections, HTML5 support, and Diazo theming. Long term plans include a unified rendering model using "tiles" and a page-centric content type called "Deco".
Presenting topLingo, an Orange County, California web design and development firm providing website development, web application development, e-commerce and database design.
Este documento describe las actividades realizadas por estudiantes de primaria en una escuela en Nicaragua para celebrar el D¨ªa de la Madre, incluyendo la elaboraci¨®n de manualidades, tarjetas y un mural, as¨ª como un acto c¨ªvico con bailes y poemas en homenaje a las madres nicarag¨¹enses.
1) Nokumanu was a sculptor who lived in the village of Djinitu and made sculptures of the head priest Gihando. Tensions were rising between Djinitu and the neighboring village of Dinkit over land.
2) A messenger came to inform Gihando that there would be war if the land dispute was not resolved. Gihando was killed before the planned battle. A note left for Nokumanu named him the new king.
3) When Nokumanu arrived at the battlefield, he found everyone already dead. Saddened, he demolished the wall between the villages to help unite the people. He made one last statue of Gihando in his
The document contains 34 comic strips from the website www.bahiaespirita.com.br created by cartoonist Jorge Lyrio. Each comic strip addresses a different topic and poses a question to "The Disabled", who provides a thought-provoking response in 1-2 sentences advocating concepts like peace, love, forgiveness, and spiritual/moral evolution. The comic strips aim to use art to spread positive messages and reveal the presence of God.
The document is the December 2008 issue of the TOSA Tribune, a newsletter for educators. It contains the following information:
- Nixa schools met all 14 performance standards on their annual report, demonstrating excellence.
- It provides reminders about administering benchmark assessments correctly and using the data to guide instruction.
- It announces various professional development opportunities in December on topics like using Google tools, teaching respect, writing testable questions, using reading assessments to differentiate instruction, and boosting writing.
The document contains a poem about snow written by Floria Kelderhouse. The poem describes the beauty of snow through imagery, comparing it to being soft and white like a feather. It depicts scenes of children sledding, birds awakening to snow on their beds, and tree limbs covered in shimmering white snow. The poem uses rhyme, similes, symbolism and imagery to create vivid pictures and convey the author's wonder and love of the winter season and snow.
An ant works hard every day without supervision. A lion in charge notices this and thinks the ant could produce even more with oversight. He hires a cockroach supervisor who implements extensive paperwork and meetings, taking up the ant's time. More managers are brought on, growing the bureaucracy. Production decreases but the managers justify their roles. An audit finds the department overstaffed but the ant is fired for a poor attitude.
Psyche of Facilitation - The New Language of Facilitating ConversationsThinkInnovation
Not every participant in an interaction will respond in the same way to the facilitator.
Some language of facilitation may attract the participants to the conversation. Others may cause them to stay away.
So, by combining the sciences presented and described in this slideshare, I have created a framework that provides a guide on how the language could be better fine-tuned to enrich the collective learning and wisdom of the group.
1) Once there was a great kingdom in Mohenjo-Daro ruled by King Ekanga who had everything until a man named Rajendra arrived with a warning.
2) Rajendra warned the king that the aquarium he loved would lead to his downfall and that enemies would use it against him, though the king had no known enemies.
3) Despite Rajendra's further warnings, the king eliminated all those he saw as threats to his kingdom, ultimately poisoning the water and destroying the entire kingdom, with Rajendra revealing he was the true enemy who manipulated the king's paranoia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan tujuan penelitian pasar (market research), tahapannya, jenis-jenisnya (kuantitatif dan kualitatif), cara pengumpulan datanya seperti kuisioner dan sampling, serta pengolahan datanya. Market research bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasar dengan melakukan penelitian guna mendapatkan informasi tentang preferensi konsumen, produksi, konsumsi, dan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap
This document lists various amusement park rides including roller coasters like Texas Giant and Kingda Ka, other rides such as Ferris Wheel, Log Flume, Swings, and Octopus, as well as specific roller coasters including Largest Wooden Coaster, Lock Ness Monster, Space Mountain, and Dark Knight.
Novo manuel d¡¯activite?s d¡¯e?ducation pour l¡¯enfanceArlete Laenzlinger
NOVO Manuel d'activit¨¦s d?¨¦ducation pour l'enfance- Unit¨¦ 1: Dieu, CEE-Cei, www.cee-cei.blogspot.com
Upshot has released its fifth annual trends report spotlighting technological, demographic and cultural shifts that will shape the landscape for marketers and brands in 2014.
King Anurag of Mohenjo-Daro has been struggling to find a wife for three years since taking the throne at age 16. One day, his friend Nandan introduces him to a new village woman, Rupali, at the public bath. Anurag and Rupali hit it off and begin spending more and more time together. After several weeks of dining together frequently, Anurag decides to propose. He asks Rupali at the bath and she joyfully accepts. They have a traditional Mohenjo-Daro wedding attended by the whole village. The once hopeless King Anurag has finally found his match in Rupali.
Stop & continue game for human beings the child of god 1st cycleArlete Laenzlinger
Stop & continue game for human beings the child of god 1st cycle
see more: http://cee-cei.blogspot.com/2015/09/human-beings-children-of-god-for-first.html
A informa??o constante da presente lista diz respeito ao crit¨¦rio de sele??o ¨C GRADUA??O PROFISSIONAL ¨C tendo os dados agora publicitados sido exportados diretamente da plataforma digital da DGAE;
Grupo de Recrutamento: 510 - F¨ªsica e Qu¨ªmica N? Horas:13 Data final da candidatura: 2016-01-29 N? Hor¨¢rio: 29 Ficheiro gerado em: 01/02/2016 Ficheiro publicitado em: 01/02/2016
1) Nokumanu was a sculptor who lived in the village of Djinitu and made sculptures of the head priest Gihando. Tensions were rising between Djinitu and the neighboring village of Dinkit over land.
2) A messenger came to inform Gihando that there would be war if the land dispute was not resolved. Gihando was killed before the planned battle. A note left for Nokumanu named him the new king.
3) When Nokumanu arrived at the battlefield, he found everyone already dead. Saddened, he demolished the wall between the villages to help unite the people. He made one last statue of Gihando in his
The document contains 34 comic strips from the website www.bahiaespirita.com.br created by cartoonist Jorge Lyrio. Each comic strip addresses a different topic and poses a question to "The Disabled", who provides a thought-provoking response in 1-2 sentences advocating concepts like peace, love, forgiveness, and spiritual/moral evolution. The comic strips aim to use art to spread positive messages and reveal the presence of God.
The document is the December 2008 issue of the TOSA Tribune, a newsletter for educators. It contains the following information:
- Nixa schools met all 14 performance standards on their annual report, demonstrating excellence.
- It provides reminders about administering benchmark assessments correctly and using the data to guide instruction.
- It announces various professional development opportunities in December on topics like using Google tools, teaching respect, writing testable questions, using reading assessments to differentiate instruction, and boosting writing.
The document contains a poem about snow written by Floria Kelderhouse. The poem describes the beauty of snow through imagery, comparing it to being soft and white like a feather. It depicts scenes of children sledding, birds awakening to snow on their beds, and tree limbs covered in shimmering white snow. The poem uses rhyme, similes, symbolism and imagery to create vivid pictures and convey the author's wonder and love of the winter season and snow.
An ant works hard every day without supervision. A lion in charge notices this and thinks the ant could produce even more with oversight. He hires a cockroach supervisor who implements extensive paperwork and meetings, taking up the ant's time. More managers are brought on, growing the bureaucracy. Production decreases but the managers justify their roles. An audit finds the department overstaffed but the ant is fired for a poor attitude.
Psyche of Facilitation - The New Language of Facilitating ConversationsThinkInnovation
Not every participant in an interaction will respond in the same way to the facilitator.
Some language of facilitation may attract the participants to the conversation. Others may cause them to stay away.
So, by combining the sciences presented and described in this slideshare, I have created a framework that provides a guide on how the language could be better fine-tuned to enrich the collective learning and wisdom of the group.
1) Once there was a great kingdom in Mohenjo-Daro ruled by King Ekanga who had everything until a man named Rajendra arrived with a warning.
2) Rajendra warned the king that the aquarium he loved would lead to his downfall and that enemies would use it against him, though the king had no known enemies.
3) Despite Rajendra's further warnings, the king eliminated all those he saw as threats to his kingdom, ultimately poisoning the water and destroying the entire kingdom, with Rajendra revealing he was the true enemy who manipulated the king's paranoia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan tujuan penelitian pasar (market research), tahapannya, jenis-jenisnya (kuantitatif dan kualitatif), cara pengumpulan datanya seperti kuisioner dan sampling, serta pengolahan datanya. Market research bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasar dengan melakukan penelitian guna mendapatkan informasi tentang preferensi konsumen, produksi, konsumsi, dan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap
This document lists various amusement park rides including roller coasters like Texas Giant and Kingda Ka, other rides such as Ferris Wheel, Log Flume, Swings, and Octopus, as well as specific roller coasters including Largest Wooden Coaster, Lock Ness Monster, Space Mountain, and Dark Knight.
Novo manuel d¡¯activite?s d¡¯e?ducation pour l¡¯enfanceArlete Laenzlinger
NOVO Manuel d'activit¨¦s d?¨¦ducation pour l'enfance- Unit¨¦ 1: Dieu, CEE-Cei, www.cee-cei.blogspot.com
Upshot has released its fifth annual trends report spotlighting technological, demographic and cultural shifts that will shape the landscape for marketers and brands in 2014.
King Anurag of Mohenjo-Daro has been struggling to find a wife for three years since taking the throne at age 16. One day, his friend Nandan introduces him to a new village woman, Rupali, at the public bath. Anurag and Rupali hit it off and begin spending more and more time together. After several weeks of dining together frequently, Anurag decides to propose. He asks Rupali at the bath and she joyfully accepts. They have a traditional Mohenjo-Daro wedding attended by the whole village. The once hopeless King Anurag has finally found his match in Rupali.
Stop & continue game for human beings the child of god 1st cycleArlete Laenzlinger
Stop & continue game for human beings the child of god 1st cycle
see more: http://cee-cei.blogspot.com/2015/09/human-beings-children-of-god-for-first.html
A informa??o constante da presente lista diz respeito ao crit¨¦rio de sele??o ¨C GRADUA??O PROFISSIONAL ¨C tendo os dados agora publicitados sido exportados diretamente da plataforma digital da DGAE;
Grupo de Recrutamento: 510 - F¨ªsica e Qu¨ªmica N? Horas:13 Data final da candidatura: 2016-01-29 N? Hor¨¢rio: 29 Ficheiro gerado em: 01/02/2016 Ficheiro publicitado em: 01/02/2016
La formaci¨® d'espectadors sensibles ¨¦s una tasca que s'ha de dur a terme entre molts col¡¤lectius: en 1r lloc els els professors que en l'ensenyament de l'art han de donar m¨¦s import¨¤ncia als aspectes emocionals que cognitius; en 2n lloc que actors que han de buscar un di¨¤leg amb el m¨®n educatiu en el camp de la innovaci¨® i l'avantguarda com punt de trobada; en 3r lloc els pares o familiar que han de basar el seu desig d'alfabetitzaci¨® cultural en la recerca dels vertaders interessos dels seus fills com a persones (descobrir quien ¨¦s el seu "element" i desenvolupar-lo); en 4t lloc i no per aix¨° menys important, els gestors culturals que hauran d'aprendre a fer servir les eines de la Web 2.0 per fer arribar els missatges i interactuar amb els usuaris de la cultura.
1. MARC TE?RIC GRUP NING ESPURN@ I N T E L . L I G ? N C I E S C O M P E T ? N C I E S N¨²ria Alart, Neus Lorenzo i M? del Mar Lluelles 27 de febrer de 2010
2. ¡¡± Quan no era l¡¯¨²ltim de la classe, ¨¦s que n¡¯era el pen¨²ltim¡ Obt¨²s per a l¡¯aritm¨¨tica ¡. Profundament negat per a l¡¯ortografia, incapa? de memoritzar les dates i de localitzar els llocs geogr¨¤fics, ¡ mandr¨®s ¡ Jo no entenia res¡ P R O F E S S O R ESCRIPTOR
3. El cervell hum¨¤ ¨¦s com una casa heretada amb nou finestres diferents . Cadascuna d¡¯elles t¨¦ un moment especial per a obrir-se . ?s un gran moment per l¡¯aprenentatge. El tancament d¡¯una finestra representa una dificultat per aprendre.
4. FRONTAL TEMPORAL PARIETAL OCCIPITAL C?RTEX CEREBRAL- INTEL¡¤LIG?NCIES M?LTIPLES- SITUACI? Ling¨¹¨ªstica: l.temporal esquerra i frontal A:Broca y Wernicke Logicomatem¨¤tica : l. frontal esquerre i parietal dret Musical: l.temporal dret Cinest¨¨sicacorporal: cerebel, ganglis basals escor?a motriu Naturalista : l.parietal esquerra Intrapersonal: l.frontal, parietals i sistema l¨ªmbic Interpersonal : l.frontals, temporals (hemisferi dret) i sistema l¨ªmbic Visualespacial : regions posteriors de l¡¯hemisferi dret Existencial: l.temporal Font: T. Armstrong CEREBEL
5. Les necessitem totes Totes s¨®n igual d¡¯importants Es combinen de forma ¨²nica Les tenim totes en diferents graus de desenvolupament
6. NOU INTEL¡¤LIG?NCIES MUSICAL CINEST?SICACORPORAL INTRAPERSONAL INTERPERSONAL NATURALISTA VISUALESPACIAL LOGICOMATEM?TICA LING??STICA EXISTENCIAL Capacitat de produir i apreciar ritmes, tons, timbres¡ Sensibilitat als patrons l¨°gics o num¨¨rics. Sensibilitat especial pel llenguatge parlat i escrit Capacitat de recon¨¨ixer i manipular espais. Capacitat d¡¯autoestima i automotivaci¨®. Capacitat de controlar els moviments corporals i de manipular objectes amb habilitat. Capacitat de percebre i comprendre als altres Capacitat d¡¯identificaci¨® del llenguatge natural. Capacitat de situar-se un mateix en relaci¨® caracter¨ªstiques existencials Dibuixos: GRAIM