Gyan Darshan is an Indian satellite-based educational TV channel that was launched in 2000. It broadcasts educational programs from organizations like UGC, NCERT, and IITs. Gyan Darshan operates through the INSAT satellite system and has multiple channels - Gyan Darshan-I airs round-the-clock education programs, Gyan Darshan-II provides interactive distance education, Gyan Darshan-III focuses on vocational education, and future channels will cover subjects like science and technology. The key advantages of the educational TV channel are its ability to reach a vast audience simultaneously and bring remote educational resources into classrooms.
It is a satellite -based educational T.V
It was started on 26th January 2000
It carries information's from educational
organisations like
Operating through a C- band transponder
on INSAT 3C as a free -to- air channel has
been upgraded as a completely digital one
with effect from 26th January 2003
Gyan Darshan l
Gyan Darshan - l beams round the
clock programmes acquired from UGC,
Gyan Darshan-ll
Gyan Darshan-ll is a one way video and
two way audio satellite interactive
4. This educational satellite to provide interactive
education using DVB-RCS technology
It offers distance education through virtual
classroom mode and provides access to digital
repository of educational content hosted at
DVB-RCS is an acronym for Digital Video
Broadcasting-Return channel via satellite.It is a
specification for an interactive on demand
multimedia b satellite communication system
5. GyanDarshan-lll
Gyan Darshan -lll is also known as 'Eklavya'.
It offers programs for vocational and technical
GyanDarshan -IV
It is also known as 'vayas.
It serves to the higher education
6. Gyan Darshan-V
Gyan Darshan-V planned planned to
be launched soon
The channel will be dedicated
exclusively to the programme on
science , technology and sustainable.
7. Advantages
Television can bring the whole world
into the classroom and makes the past
Television combines both sou and
pictures,moving and still,gets the
attention of viewers and has great
motivation power.
8. It is a mass medium and can reach
vast number of viewers simultaneously
and at distant places .It van bring
distant places,objects,people ,events
and processes to the classroom.
It can magnify even Small objects
which can be seen by several students
at a time and it can also show events
in slow and fast motions.