Family support Dr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThis document discusses the importance of family support for hearing impaired children and outlines the main parts of family/parent support provided by an institute in Hungary. The key aspects of support include: 1) Increasing parental competence through education and skills training; 2) Providing mental health support through parent groups and counseling; 3) Helping strengthen the connection between children and parents such as through sign language courses; 4) Improving families' financial situations through various programs; and 5) Offering audiological advice. Challenges to support include scheduling issues and lack of motivation from some parents. The conclusion emphasizes that family support is crucial for child development and enhances the effectiveness of the institute's work.
Román partner előadása.Dr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document discusses the importance of family involvement in the rehabilitation and education of hearing impaired children. It notes that families represent a child's first environment and their support is critical. Parents of hearing impaired children often experience feelings of guilt and fear due to lack of information. Providing parents with information about their child's impairment and involving them in support activities helps them better accept the impairment. The document outlines various family support services and activities at one institution including counseling, information sessions, recreational activities, and ensuring partnership between families and schools.
Szülők csoportja megbeszéléseDr. Török Béla Általános Iskola1. This document outlines the agenda for the second meeting of the Hearing Impairment Children, Family Support group in Budapest, Hungary.
2. The meeting will focus on creating the second part of a common guide about family support and will include debates among parents on the topic of family support.
3. The debates will be led by a French psychologist and recorded, with two professionals acting as secretaries. Parents and professionals will be asked questions about defining family support, its aims and expectations, who should receive it, advantages and disadvantages of support at home, important professionals to provide support, challenges families face, and whether there should be an end to family support.
Korai dalmaDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThis document provides a case history for S. Sz. Dalma, a 23 month old girl diagnosed with profound hearing loss at 14 months. Dalma received her first hearing aids at 14 months and began therapy to learn how to hear, listen, and talk. The initial goals of therapy were to teach Dalma and her family about using the hearing aids and how hearing works, as well as starting language learning through talking, singing, and playing together. Dalma has made progress in her hearing, listening, and vocabulary skills, and can now communicate using around 150 words through listening alone without needing lip reading or visual cues.
Zágrábi programDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document contains meeting minutes from a January 2015 meeting in Zagreb, Croatia of the Hearing Impaired Children, Family Support project. Key topics discussed included: introducing new participants; reviewing and validating previous meeting minutes; presentations on family support practices from various countries; deciding on a logo and format for a brochure on family support for parents of hearing impaired children; and beginning work on the brochure content. Participants worked in workshops on the brochure, a final report, and analyses of parent surveys and testimonies. Plans were made to continue revising the brochure and present case studies at the next meeting in Romania.
History of DominikaDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThis document summarizes the story of Dominika, a woman from Hungary who has a deaf daughter. It describes her journey from receiving her daughter's diagnosis of deafness at 7 months old, to using hearing aids, acupuncture, and educational programs. It discusses Dominika attending college to become a special education teacher and working as a traveling teacher to help other parents of deaf children. Dominika's daughter received a cochlear implant at age 7. The document outlines the importance of mentor families, parent clubs, and the partnership between parents and special education teachers in supporting deaf children. It emphasizes that special educators should help boost parents' self-confidence in raising their deaf child.
Questionnaires results - ElőadásDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document summarizes data from surveys of families with hearing impaired children. Key findings include:
- The majority of families use spoken language to communicate with their hearing impaired child.
- About half of parents feel their child understands "almost everything" they say, while slightly less feel they understand "almost" what their child says.
- The most common difficulties families face are financial issues and issues with social acceptance of their hearing impaired child.
- Parents want more support services from schools and organizations, including more sports programs at school and more informational programs about hearing impairment from other organizations.
Kolozsvári program angol magyarDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document provides the agenda for the HIPEN Hearing Impairment Professional Network's meeting number 4 in Cluj, Romania in May 2015. The 4 day agenda includes introductory sessions, workshops on experiences and practices related to supporting hearing impaired children and families, presentations on qualitative analyses and innovative programs, preparation for a dissemination conference, and conclusion of the overall project. Participants will discuss results from family surveys, presentations from parents, and selection of materials for an outcomes leaflet.
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Román partner előadása.Dr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document discusses the importance of family involvement in the rehabilitation and education of hearing impaired children. It notes that families represent a child's first environment and their support is critical. Parents of hearing impaired children often experience feelings of guilt and fear due to lack of information. Providing parents with information about their child's impairment and involving them in support activities helps them better accept the impairment. The document outlines various family support services and activities at one institution including counseling, information sessions, recreational activities, and ensuring partnership between families and schools.
Szülők csoportja megbeszéléseDr. Török Béla Általános Iskola1. This document outlines the agenda for the second meeting of the Hearing Impairment Children, Family Support group in Budapest, Hungary.
2. The meeting will focus on creating the second part of a common guide about family support and will include debates among parents on the topic of family support.
3. The debates will be led by a French psychologist and recorded, with two professionals acting as secretaries. Parents and professionals will be asked questions about defining family support, its aims and expectations, who should receive it, advantages and disadvantages of support at home, important professionals to provide support, challenges families face, and whether there should be an end to family support.
Korai dalmaDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThis document provides a case history for S. Sz. Dalma, a 23 month old girl diagnosed with profound hearing loss at 14 months. Dalma received her first hearing aids at 14 months and began therapy to learn how to hear, listen, and talk. The initial goals of therapy were to teach Dalma and her family about using the hearing aids and how hearing works, as well as starting language learning through talking, singing, and playing together. Dalma has made progress in her hearing, listening, and vocabulary skills, and can now communicate using around 150 words through listening alone without needing lip reading or visual cues.
Zágrábi programDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document contains meeting minutes from a January 2015 meeting in Zagreb, Croatia of the Hearing Impaired Children, Family Support project. Key topics discussed included: introducing new participants; reviewing and validating previous meeting minutes; presentations on family support practices from various countries; deciding on a logo and format for a brochure on family support for parents of hearing impaired children; and beginning work on the brochure content. Participants worked in workshops on the brochure, a final report, and analyses of parent surveys and testimonies. Plans were made to continue revising the brochure and present case studies at the next meeting in Romania.
History of DominikaDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThis document summarizes the story of Dominika, a woman from Hungary who has a deaf daughter. It describes her journey from receiving her daughter's diagnosis of deafness at 7 months old, to using hearing aids, acupuncture, and educational programs. It discusses Dominika attending college to become a special education teacher and working as a traveling teacher to help other parents of deaf children. Dominika's daughter received a cochlear implant at age 7. The document outlines the importance of mentor families, parent clubs, and the partnership between parents and special education teachers in supporting deaf children. It emphasizes that special educators should help boost parents' self-confidence in raising their deaf child.
Questionnaires results - ElőadásDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document summarizes data from surveys of families with hearing impaired children. Key findings include:
- The majority of families use spoken language to communicate with their hearing impaired child.
- About half of parents feel their child understands "almost everything" they say, while slightly less feel they understand "almost" what their child says.
- The most common difficulties families face are financial issues and issues with social acceptance of their hearing impaired child.
- Parents want more support services from schools and organizations, including more sports programs at school and more informational programs about hearing impairment from other organizations.
Kolozsvári program angol magyarDr. Török Béla Általános IskolaThe document provides the agenda for the HIPEN Hearing Impairment Professional Network's meeting number 4 in Cluj, Romania in May 2015. The 4 day agenda includes introductory sessions, workshops on experiences and practices related to supporting hearing impaired children and families, presentations on qualitative analyses and innovative programs, preparation for a dissemination conference, and conclusion of the overall project. Participants will discuss results from family surveys, presentations from parents, and selection of materials for an outcomes leaflet.
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Sound Foundation for Babies
Author: Cheryl L. Dickson, M.Ed.,
Auditory Verbal Consultant
Editor: Andrew Kendrick MSpEd,
Cochlear Global
Rehabilitation Manager