Management de l'innovation par karim bouassemKarim1980
Il est indéniable que, dans un contexte de mondialisation, la compétition économique repose de plus en plus sur la capacité à innover.
Le travail que je présente, a pour objectif d’étudier la pratique de l’innovation au sein de l’entreprise marocaine.
"Location" icon by parkjisun, in CC-BY 3.0
"Graph" icon by Simple Icons, in CC-BY 3.0
"Businessperson" icon by Matthew Mitchell-Camp, in CC-BY 3.0
"Wheel chair" icon by AnsteyDesign, in CC-BY 3.0
"Tag" icon by PeiYing Tang, in CC-BY 3.0
"Native" icon by Luis Prado, in CC-BY 3.0
"Wheelchair" icon by Jens T?rning, in CC-BY 3.0
"Walking Aid" icon by Marie Ringeard, in CC-BY 3.0
"Alzheimer's Disease" icon by Luis Prado, in CC-BY 3.0
"Love" icon by Gregor ?re?nar, in CC-BY 3.0
"Integration" icon by Gregor ?re?nar, in CC-BY 3.0
"Tooth" icon by Lloyd Humphreys, in CC-BY 3.0
"Hospital" icon by David, in CC-BY 3.0
"Stethoscope" icon by Castor & Pollux, in CC-BY 3.0
"Prevented File" icon by arejoenah, in CC-BY 3.0
"Questions" icon by Gregor ?re?nar, in CC-BY 3.0
"House" icon by iconoci, in CC-BY 3.0
"Heart Signboard" icon by Vectors Market, in CC-BY 3.0
"Wave" icon by Sewon Park, in CC-BY 3.0
"Bag" icon by Brennan Novak, in CC-BY 3.0
"Coin" icon by Christian Mohr, in CC-BY 3.0
"Doctor" icon by parkjisun, in CC-BY 3.0
"Cook" icon by Luis Prado, in CC-BY 3.0
"bus" icon by Korawan.M, in CC-BY 3.0
"Taiwan" icon by Ju Chun Ko, in CC-BY 3.0
Management de l'innovation par karim bouassemKarim1980
Il est indéniable que, dans un contexte de mondialisation, la compétition économique repose de plus en plus sur la capacité à innover.
Le travail que je présente, a pour objectif d’étudier la pratique de l’innovation au sein de l’entreprise marocaine.
"Location" icon by parkjisun, in CC-BY 3.0
"Graph" icon by Simple Icons, in CC-BY 3.0
"Businessperson" icon by Matthew Mitchell-Camp, in CC-BY 3.0
"Wheel chair" icon by AnsteyDesign, in CC-BY 3.0
"Tag" icon by PeiYing Tang, in CC-BY 3.0
"Native" icon by Luis Prado, in CC-BY 3.0
"Wheelchair" icon by Jens T?rning, in CC-BY 3.0
"Walking Aid" icon by Marie Ringeard, in CC-BY 3.0
"Alzheimer's Disease" icon by Luis Prado, in CC-BY 3.0
"Love" icon by Gregor ?re?nar, in CC-BY 3.0
"Integration" icon by Gregor ?re?nar, in CC-BY 3.0
"Tooth" icon by Lloyd Humphreys, in CC-BY 3.0
"Hospital" icon by David, in CC-BY 3.0
"Stethoscope" icon by Castor & Pollux, in CC-BY 3.0
"Prevented File" icon by arejoenah, in CC-BY 3.0
"Questions" icon by Gregor ?re?nar, in CC-BY 3.0
"House" icon by iconoci, in CC-BY 3.0
"Heart Signboard" icon by Vectors Market, in CC-BY 3.0
"Wave" icon by Sewon Park, in CC-BY 3.0
"Bag" icon by Brennan Novak, in CC-BY 3.0
"Coin" icon by Christian Mohr, in CC-BY 3.0
"Doctor" icon by parkjisun, in CC-BY 3.0
"Cook" icon by Luis Prado, in CC-BY 3.0
"bus" icon by Korawan.M, in CC-BY 3.0
"Taiwan" icon by Ju Chun Ko, in CC-BY 3.0
This document discusses business models and how reinventing them can lead to success. It defines a business model as having four interlocking elements: customer value proposition, profit formula, key resources and processes, and examples of each. The iPod and iTunes succeeded because they created a new customer value and profit formula compared to previous music players. Gillette uses a "razor and blades" model to continually generate revenue. Reinventing the business model, like Tata Motors did for its inexpensive Nano car, can make companies profitable through strategies like reducing costs and selling high volumes.
COO PLUS高階經理人班產品規劃 COO PLUS Executive Program Product PlanningPaul (士杰) Dai (戴)
這是一份針對顧問公司內部提出的產品規劃,雖然因為種種因素並未執行,但仍然具備參考價值。隨著資訊透明、網路科技以及人與人的連結日益密切,企業轉型已經無法像過去可能要10年才會遇到一次的重大議題。如何透過營運長的職務來作為企業轉型總指揮,需要專業的職能訓練與培養。This is a product plan proposed internally for a consulting company. Although it has not been executed due to various factors, it still holds reference value. With increasing information transparency, advancements in network technology, and closer human connections, corporate transformation is no longer a major issue that might occur once every decade. How to leverage the role of the Chief Operating Officer as the leader of corporate transformation requires specialized professional training and development.
This document contains a series of numbers, symbols, and punctuation that do not form coherent words, sentences, or convey clear meaning on their own. It is impossible to determine what the high level ideas or essential information from the document might be based on the unintelligible grouping of characters provided.
3. Apple 透過商業模式的創新取得成功
年代 1998 2000 2004
公司 Diamond Best Data APPLE
產品名 Rio Cabo 64 iPod+iTune
4. Apple business model
?真正的創新在於 讓數位音樂下載變便利
Ex.刀片+刮鬍刀 (Gillette 利潤在於專用刀片)