The document discusses different types of clauses including independent clauses, dependent clauses, and noun clauses. It provides examples of noun clauses introduced by question words like who, what, when, where, why and whether/if. It also discusses reported speech and how verb forms change in noun clauses reporting what someone said. Finally, it covers using the subjunctive verb form in that-clauses and the use of -ever words to indicate "any".
The document summarizes the key elements of magazine design conventions that were researched, such as the masthead, selling line, photo, and color scheme. It then discusses how the research was used to design a mock magazine cover for a film that challenges conventions by having a simple design inspired by the Little White Lies magazine. The cover design is then compared to the Empire magazine cover, showing how it follows conventions like prominent images and headings while putting its own spin.
The document discusses different types of clauses including independent clauses, dependent clauses, and noun clauses. It provides examples of noun clauses introduced by question words like who, what, when, where, why and whether/if. It also discusses reported speech and how verb forms change in noun clauses reporting what someone said. Finally, it covers using the subjunctive verb form in that-clauses and the use of -ever words to indicate "any".
The document summarizes the key elements of magazine design conventions that were researched, such as the masthead, selling line, photo, and color scheme. It then discusses how the research was used to design a mock magazine cover for a film that challenges conventions by having a simple design inspired by the Little White Lies magazine. The cover design is then compared to the Empire magazine cover, showing how it follows conventions like prominent images and headings while putting its own spin.
#Q6 what have you learnt about technologies from thejonahdsh
I have not actually constructed any products or learned about technologies. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I do not have direct experiences to summarize.
The document discusses aging and gaining wisdom over time. It says the years have brought more beauty and wisdom, and the marks on one's face from life experiences are something to be proud of.
The modal auxiliaries express the speaker's attitudes and can convey whether something is necessary, advisable, permissible, possible, or probable. Common modals include can, could, may, might, must, should, will, and would. Modals like must, have to, and have got to express necessity or obligation. Should, ought to, and could express advisability. Be supposed to expresses expectations, both scheduled events and expected behavior. Polite requests can be made using may, might, could I, would you, will you, or could you. Let's, why don't, shall I, and we can also be used to make suggestions.
An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun in an independent clause. It uses pronouns like who, whom, whose, which, that to connect the dependent clause to the independent clause. Common pronoun patterns in adjective clauses include using "who" for people as subjects, "whom" or "that/which" for people as objects, and "whose" to modify possession. Adjective clauses add descriptive information about a person, place, or thing.
This document discusses being kind and enjoying life. It notes that while life can be difficult, God created everything to enjoy and take care of. It also quotes Gabriel Garcia Marquez saying a man only has the right to look down on another when helping them up. The document asks how to be a nice person.
Qatar Construction Opportunities q2-2011shubhamrut
The document summarizes a Qatar Construction Opportunities Report for Q2 2011. It outlines Qatar's plans to spend $100 billion+ on infrastructure projects through 2022 to prepare for hosting the FIFA World Cup, including expanding transportation networks and building new stadiums, hotels, and other hospitality projects. The report provides statistics and analysis on current and future construction trends in Qatar, profiles major projects, and lists important construction companies in the country.
The document analyzes several film posters and how they use and challenge conventions of real film posters. It summarizes key conventions the posters employ, such as large eye-catching titles, intriguing images, and placement of text. It then examines how the document creator's media product poster draws influence from the analyzed posters in its use of a bold central image, font choices, and studio logos. Some conventions, like persuasive language or character names, are purposefully not included to simplify the design. The poster challenges conventions by centering the title and using an ambiguous layered image instead of a single focal point.
The document provides guidance on writing effective introductory paragraphs. It discusses that an introductory paragraph should be short, get straight to the point like a greeting, and not delve into the body of the essay. It also notes that an intro should introduce the topic, state your position, and provide 3 reasons to support your stance. The document offers examples of different types of introductory paragraphs, including general statements, questions, and quotes. It concludes by reminding writers to be concise and hit the key elements of topic, position, and reasons.
The document discusses various verb tenses in English including: simple present, past, and future tenses; progressive tenses; perfect tenses; perfect progressive tenses; rules for forming the -ing and -ed verb forms; stative verbs; verbs that can and cannot be used in progressive tenses; pronunciation of -ed endings; troublesome verbs; and the use of tense sequences like past perfect and simple past.
This document defines and provides examples for several words: acquire means to learn and gain knowledge or skills, especially like how children learn language; sector refers to a subgroup within a larger group, such as parts of a community opposed to a development plan; channel means a narrow water passage connecting two bodies of water; access is the right or opportunity to use something beneficial like healthcare; and individual refers to a single person or thing considered separately from others, such as individual cast members contributing to a show's success.
This document discusses unreal conditional sentences, which describe imaginary or unlikely situations using a combination of past tense and present conditional forms. It provides examples of conditional sentences and explains that they use the past tense after "if" but refer to the future, not the past. The document provides practice forming different types of unreal conditional sentences and encourages imagining what one would do in different hypothetical scenarios.
Grammar 3 gerunds and infinitives- i co-2011.mrzeledonb
Gerunds are verb forms ending in "-ing" that can function as nouns, verbs, or adjectives. Infinitives are the base form of verbs preceded by "to". Gerunds are used after certain verbs and prepositions, while infinitives are used after other verbs to describe future events or purposes. Some verbs can take either a gerund or infinitive with no difference in meaning, while others have different meanings depending on which form is used.