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Dr. Emmanuel Garcia and Rebekah Chojnacki, M.A. University of
Texas at Arlington
October 21, 2016
Beyond Retention, Helping Build Resilience
 A focus on retention leads to a focus on students in
academic peril
 Students who are in good standing may need
support, but dont get it because its not a high need
 We want to fill in gap
High Achievers and the Storms They Face
 Not having to study much/at all before college
 Little experience with failure/academic obstacles
 Different standardsif a student has never had a B
or C before, it can be traumatizing
 Help students find balancetheres a fine line
between burnout and engagement
 Seen in the US and in other countriesall high
achievers deal with this worldwide
 Sources of pressure
 External (family, peers, etc.)
 Internal (wanting to compete)
Invisible Challengers
 A common challenge  invisible disabilities
 High achievers may have invisible disabilities  e.g.
General Anxiety Disorder, etc.
How Can the Advisor Help?
 Literature is really lacking for advisor rolemostly
student based.
 Help us start the conversation and generate ideas!
 All students need our helpsome just need us to
listen more than anything else.
Setback vs. Failure
 What did you learn from this experience?
 Show that bumps in the road are okay, you can still get
to your destination
 Look at the overall pictureone bad grade will not bar
you from all future opportunities
Sometimes Life Does Not Go as Expected
 Calm down with math  show them they will still
 Show what they have accomplished so far  AP, dual
credit, etc.
 High-achievers like to see a plan written down
 Re-assure plans can change
College is a Whole New World AP/Dual/IB Is Not the Same as
College Level
 AP  to claim or not to claim
 Discuss the cost/benefits of not claiming AP credit to
be more prepared for other classes
 Dealing with stress when realization hits
We instead of You
 Use collaborative language
 Use empathy
 What have you seen when working with high-
Dealing with Family Pressure
 Family Pressure
 Planning to confront parents
 Give major some more effort/mentors/research/tutoring
 Let parents know that youve triedshow them
 Dont jump ship right away
 Send student to career center (strengths quest & career
 Knowing what they are good at vs. passion
 Hobbies vs. career
How to be Supportive
 Be supportive and listen
 What makes it important to the student
 Let the student talk it through to help guide them to a
 Help the student see the bigger picture
 Let them have support to have venting time
 Know when to send them to counseling
 Help students build strategies for success
I want more
 Achievers have internal drive
 Introducing: University College Scholars
 Salanova, M., Schaufeli, W., Mart鱈nez, I., & Bres坦, E. (2010). How obstacles and
facilitators predict academic performance: The mediating role of study
burnout and engagement. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 23(1), 53-70.
 Dickinson, M. J., & Dickinson, D. A. (2014). Practically perfect in every way: can
reframing perfectionism for high-achieving undergraduates impact academic
resilience?. Studies in Higher Education, (ahead-of-print), 1-15.
 Rice, K. G., Leever, B. A., Christopher, J., & Porter, J. D. (2006). Perfectionism,
stress, and social (dis) connection: A short-term study of hopelessness,
depression, and academic adjustment among honors students. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 53(4), 524.
 Siegle, D., Rubenstein, L. D., Pollard, E., & Romey, E. (2009). Exploring the
relationship of college freshmen honors students effort and ability attribution,
interest, and implicit theory of intelligence with perceived ability. Gifted Child
 Neumeister, K. L. S. (2004). Understanding the relationship between
perfectionism and achievement motivation in gifted college students. Gifted
child quarterly, 48(3), 219-231.

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Helping High Achievers Find the Magic Within

  • 1. Dr. Emmanuel Garcia and Rebekah Chojnacki, M.A. University of Texas at Arlington October 21, 2016
  • 2. Beyond Retention, Helping Build Resilience A focus on retention leads to a focus on students in academic peril Students who are in good standing may need support, but dont get it because its not a high need We want to fill in gap
  • 3. High Achievers and the Storms They Face Not having to study much/at all before college Little experience with failure/academic obstacles Different standardsif a student has never had a B or C before, it can be traumatizing
  • 4. Perfectionism Help students find balancetheres a fine line between burnout and engagement Seen in the US and in other countriesall high achievers deal with this worldwide Sources of pressure External (family, peers, etc.) Internal (wanting to compete)
  • 5. Invisible Challengers A common challenge invisible disabilities High achievers may have invisible disabilities e.g. General Anxiety Disorder, etc.
  • 6. How Can the Advisor Help? Literature is really lacking for advisor rolemostly student based. Help us start the conversation and generate ideas! All students need our helpsome just need us to listen more than anything else.
  • 7. Setback vs. Failure What did you learn from this experience? Show that bumps in the road are okay, you can still get to your destination Look at the overall pictureone bad grade will not bar you from all future opportunities
  • 8. Sometimes Life Does Not Go as Expected Calm down with math show them they will still graduate Show what they have accomplished so far AP, dual credit, etc. High-achievers like to see a plan written down Re-assure plans can change
  • 9. College is a Whole New World AP/Dual/IB Is Not the Same as College Level AP to claim or not to claim Discuss the cost/benefits of not claiming AP credit to be more prepared for other classes Dealing with stress when realization hits
  • 10. We instead of You Use collaborative language Use empathy
  • 11. Discussion What have you seen when working with high- achievers? Discuss
  • 12. Dealing with Family Pressure Family Pressure Planning to confront parents Give major some more effort/mentors/research/tutoring Let parents know that youve triedshow them Dont jump ship right away Send student to career center (strengths quest & career planning) Knowing what they are good at vs. passion Hobbies vs. career
  • 13. How to be Supportive Be supportive and listen What makes it important to the student Let the student talk it through to help guide them to a solution Help the student see the bigger picture Let them have support to have venting time Know when to send them to counseling Help students build strategies for success
  • 14. I want more Achievers have internal drive Introducing: University College Scholars
  • 15. References Salanova, M., Schaufeli, W., Mart鱈nez, I., & Bres坦, E. (2010). How obstacles and facilitators predict academic performance: The mediating role of study burnout and engagement. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 23(1), 53-70. Dickinson, M. J., & Dickinson, D. A. (2014). Practically perfect in every way: can reframing perfectionism for high-achieving undergraduates impact academic resilience?. Studies in Higher Education, (ahead-of-print), 1-15. Rice, K. G., Leever, B. A., Christopher, J., & Porter, J. D. (2006). Perfectionism, stress, and social (dis) connection: A short-term study of hopelessness, depression, and academic adjustment among honors students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(4), 524. Siegle, D., Rubenstein, L. D., Pollard, E., & Romey, E. (2009). Exploring the relationship of college freshmen honors students effort and ability attribution, interest, and implicit theory of intelligence with perceived ability. Gifted Child Quarterly. Neumeister, K. L. S. (2004). Understanding the relationship between perfectionism and achievement motivation in gifted college students. Gifted child quarterly, 48(3), 219-231.