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The University of Texas at Arlington
How to Make
Advising Work for
A Short Film for Incoming First Year Students
RebekahKarthChojnacki,Dr.Emmanuel Garciaand the UniversityAdvisingCenter
SCENE: Outside Ransom Hall STUDENT is standing outside with a backpack looking up
at the sign. STUDENT walks in the door.
Welcome to University College! How can I help you today?
I would like to talk to an advisor. Can I see one now?
Were accepting walk-ins today, but youll need to wait until we have someone available. Ill
need your name and your student ID number please. Please take a number and then have a seat
until someone comes out to get you.
Okay, thank you. (STUDENT gets number and sits down).
Hi, Manny, thanks for coming to our office today! Come on back with me to my office.
and STUDENT are sitting across from each other at a table.
Welcome to UTA! How can I help you today?
Ill be starting at UTA this fall, and I would like to major in Communication. What can I do to
prepare for getting my degree quickly? I dont want to take more than four years to graduate.
Im going to give you an idea of what your degree plan will look like, but just know that four
years is a long time, and youll likely have several adjustments along the way. Lets check your
account and make sure that all college work that you are transferring in has posted, along with
test scores. Ive printed off whats showing upis there anything missing?
My AP and IB scores are on here, but Im not seeing anything from the dual credit classes I took
over this past summer at TCC, just the ones from the year before.
Did you request to have an updated transcript sent over?
No. How do I do that?
Ill email you the link with the instructions for how to do that. Every time you take classes at
another institution, you need to get an updated transcript from them sent over. Will you be
working while youre going to college? If so, how many hours a week?
I was thinking of getting a campus job and working a bit during the weekdo you know how I
can get a campus job?
Ill send you the link to our Career Development site, where we have something called Hire a
Maverick and Snap Jobs where you can apply to jobs that are just for UTA students. I would
recommend that you dont work more than 15-20 hours per week if you are going to be attending
school full-time.
Okay, if I have any questions, do I just come back to see you?
Youll be starting with the University Advising Center for advising during your first year, but
after that, advising will be in the college of your major. In your case, that will be in the
Communication Department. Do you know what you want to concentrate in?
I think Id like to have my concentration be in Broadcast Journalism. Id like to work for a TV
Great! One thing that you can do to be prepared is to come up with a plan for both academic and
co-curricular success. There are several different student organizations that would be relevant for
you, as well as campus jobs, such as The Shorthorn newspaper, UTA Radio, and UTA News.
How can I find out what groups are available to join?
We have a site called MavOrgs that lists all 300 of our active student organizations. Why dont
you look up which ones seem interesting to you, and next time you come back we can discuss it
if you like. You can talk with our director, who has a background in radio, if you likewere all
here as a resource for you!
Okay, thanks! Is there a way I can talk with students in organizations in person?
Yes, we have organizational fairs during orientation, where different groups come out to recruit
for new members.
Cool! How many classes do I need to take a semester to graduate on time?
We usually start full-time students out at UTA with about 15 hours for their first semester, which
adds up to around 5 classes. Based on what you have already taken and what you want to study,
heres some suggested classes for this next semester. I have a 3 semester plan for you here from
the Communication Department, showing what classes you will need to take for the next 3
semesters going forward.
Ive already taken some introductory courses; will that get me done sooner?
It can certainly help. Just remember that there may be opportunities that come up that you
werent planning on that might take some time, but would be worth changing your schedule for,
such as a study abroad trip, an internship, or an undergraduate research opportunity. I know I
really benefitted from having some wiggle room in my schedule that allowed me to have an
internship and an undergraduate research experience.
Why do I have to take so many classes that arent related to my major? When can I start studying
what I want to?
Part of a college education is taking courses from a variety of areas to help make you a better
rounded person. However, the class that you take in that area will be different from other majors.
An engineering student will have to take calculus as a math requirement, and communication
majors need to take statistics, so they are both taking a general course, but I will help you match
up the general courses that you take with your major.
I guess that makes sense. When can I start going to my department instead of the University
Advising Center?
At the UAC, we have some basic transition requirements for a student before they go to their
major department, such as maintaining a good GPA and making progress on their degree. Based
on what you have already done, it wont take you very long, and Ill be here to guide you through
the process.
Do I have to take 8:00 AM classes? I really hate waking up early, and I honestly dont think Id
show up to them.
Its good to have an idea of what will work for you. Lots of people feel the same way. The best
way to avoid classes at times that you dont want is to take care of advising and registration
early. If you want a particular schedule or professor, plan accordingly. Heres what we call our
Schedule Planner, you can use it to block out times that you dont want to take classes, as well
as when you are working, so you can get the best schedule for you.
Dont some class times fill up quickly? Is there any way to guarantee getting the class that I
You can move up in priority registration by joining the Honors College, and register for classes
on the first day they are available.
Wont that be really hard? Is that like taking all AP courses?
No, its not so much that there is more content, but the courses are smaller and can go more in-
depth. Its great for students who are motivated and really love to learn. Based on what I already
know about you, I think you would make a great fit!
Wont that make me too busy to do other things on campus? It seems like something just for
STEM majors.
While there are a lot of STEM majors, there are majors from all across the university, and many
also hold leadership positions on campus and in the community, and they often do volunteer
work together as a group. Its also a great way to make friends.
Okay, how do I get in? Do I need to apply?
Yes, there is an application process. You need an SAT score of combined Reading and Math of
1200, an ACT score of 27, or be in the upper 10% of your high school graduating class if you are
entering right away as a freshmen. For students who are already enrolled at UTA, you need to
have a 3.35 and can get in that way if you do not meet the entering freshmen requirements. There
is also an essay and a resume that you need to submit. If youd like to learn more, you can talk to
the Honors advisors right next door and they will also be at orientation.
Okay, that sounds good. I heard that theres a freshman class that meets once a week. Do I really
need to take that? Whats the point since Ive already taken dual credit classes?
Even though you have taken a college class before, being a college student full-time is different.
Im really excited that you are getting to take this class, because I wish that this was available
when I was a freshman. Its a way to get you used to the culture and expectations of college.
Youll discuss study skills, hear guest speakers from departments on campus like the Career
Development Center, go on field trips on campus, and attend games and events on campus. Im
one of the instructors for the class, and its a highlight of my week! Youll also meet other
students in a smaller class setting, which can make it easier to find friends. Its an easy way to
learn about the campus and what it means to be a Maverick!
Okay, that sounds good. Do I need to live on campus?
You are not required to, but if you do decide to live on campus, youll have a lot of great
opportunities to meet people, have an easier time getting to class, and make some great
Okay, can you help me with finding a room?
Thats not something that I do in this office, but I can give you the information that you need so
that you can talk with the staff in the Apartment and Residence Life office. They are very
helpful, and do their best to match you with a roommate that you will have a lot in common with.
Okay, that sounds fine. How easy is it to get across campus? Will I be able to get between classes
on time?
The campus is pretty compact, it only takes about 10 minutes at the most to get between classes.
You can also use a bike; we have lots of bike racks for that. There is also the campus shuttle that
runs about every 15 minutes if you are going a bit farther.
That sounds good. How about the gym and places to eat? Are those easy to get into?
Yes, we have the Maverick Activities Center, which is available for all studentsthere are lots of
machines, courts, and sports clubs to keep you busy, along with our indoor and outdoor pools.
You can take a shower there as well if you want, so youll be all set for your next activity. The
University Center has a dining hall, and a food court plaza with different restaurants. We also
have coffee shops and restaurants at other spots on campusthere are lots of places to eat!
Okay, that sounds good.
Do you have any other questions? If you do, I can help you find out where to get the answer. Our
office is here as a resource for you.
I dont have any more questions right now, but I really appreciate your helpI feel like I have a
much better idea of what to expect. Thank you, I really feel more prepared!
My pleasure! Were all here to help you. Welcome to Maverick country!
Cut to shots of STUDENT across campus

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How to Make Advising Work for You

  • 1. The University of Texas at Arlington How to Make Advising Work for You A Short Film for Incoming First Year Students RebekahKarthChojnacki,Dr.Emmanuel Garciaand the UniversityAdvisingCenter 3/18/2016
  • 2. 1 SCENE: Outside Ransom Hall STUDENT is standing outside with a backpack looking up at the sign. STUDENT walks in the door. RECEPTIONIST Welcome to University College! How can I help you today? STUDENT I would like to talk to an advisor. Can I see one now? RECEPIONIST Were accepting walk-ins today, but youll need to wait until we have someone available. Ill need your name and your student ID number please. Please take a number and then have a seat until someone comes out to get you. STUDENT Okay, thank you. (STUDENT gets number and sits down). ADVISOR Hi, Manny, thanks for coming to our office today! Come on back with me to my office. SCENE: In ADVISORs office. ADVISOR and STUDENT are sitting across from each other at a table. ADVISOR Welcome to UTA! How can I help you today? STUDENT Ill be starting at UTA this fall, and I would like to major in Communication. What can I do to prepare for getting my degree quickly? I dont want to take more than four years to graduate. ADVISOR Im going to give you an idea of what your degree plan will look like, but just know that four years is a long time, and youll likely have several adjustments along the way. Lets check your account and make sure that all college work that you are transferring in has posted, along with test scores. Ive printed off whats showing upis there anything missing? STUDENT My AP and IB scores are on here, but Im not seeing anything from the dual credit classes I took over this past summer at TCC, just the ones from the year before. ADVISOR Did you request to have an updated transcript sent over? STUDENT
  • 3. 2 No. How do I do that? ADVISOR Ill email you the link with the instructions for how to do that. Every time you take classes at another institution, you need to get an updated transcript from them sent over. Will you be working while youre going to college? If so, how many hours a week? STUDENT I was thinking of getting a campus job and working a bit during the weekdo you know how I can get a campus job? ADVISOR Ill send you the link to our Career Development site, where we have something called Hire a Maverick and Snap Jobs where you can apply to jobs that are just for UTA students. I would recommend that you dont work more than 15-20 hours per week if you are going to be attending school full-time. STUDENT Okay, if I have any questions, do I just come back to see you? ADVISOR Youll be starting with the University Advising Center for advising during your first year, but after that, advising will be in the college of your major. In your case, that will be in the Communication Department. Do you know what you want to concentrate in? STUDENT I think Id like to have my concentration be in Broadcast Journalism. Id like to work for a TV network. ADVISOR Great! One thing that you can do to be prepared is to come up with a plan for both academic and co-curricular success. There are several different student organizations that would be relevant for you, as well as campus jobs, such as The Shorthorn newspaper, UTA Radio, and UTA News. STUDENT How can I find out what groups are available to join? ADVISOR We have a site called MavOrgs that lists all 300 of our active student organizations. Why dont you look up which ones seem interesting to you, and next time you come back we can discuss it if you like. You can talk with our director, who has a background in radio, if you likewere all here as a resource for you! STUDENT Okay, thanks! Is there a way I can talk with students in organizations in person?
  • 4. 3 ADVISOR Yes, we have organizational fairs during orientation, where different groups come out to recruit for new members. STUDENT Cool! How many classes do I need to take a semester to graduate on time? ADVISOR We usually start full-time students out at UTA with about 15 hours for their first semester, which adds up to around 5 classes. Based on what you have already taken and what you want to study, heres some suggested classes for this next semester. I have a 3 semester plan for you here from the Communication Department, showing what classes you will need to take for the next 3 semesters going forward. STUDENT Ive already taken some introductory courses; will that get me done sooner? ADVISOR It can certainly help. Just remember that there may be opportunities that come up that you werent planning on that might take some time, but would be worth changing your schedule for, such as a study abroad trip, an internship, or an undergraduate research opportunity. I know I really benefitted from having some wiggle room in my schedule that allowed me to have an internship and an undergraduate research experience. STUDENT Why do I have to take so many classes that arent related to my major? When can I start studying what I want to? ADVISOR Part of a college education is taking courses from a variety of areas to help make you a better rounded person. However, the class that you take in that area will be different from other majors. An engineering student will have to take calculus as a math requirement, and communication majors need to take statistics, so they are both taking a general course, but I will help you match up the general courses that you take with your major. STUDENT I guess that makes sense. When can I start going to my department instead of the University Advising Center? ADVISOR At the UAC, we have some basic transition requirements for a student before they go to their major department, such as maintaining a good GPA and making progress on their degree. Based on what you have already done, it wont take you very long, and Ill be here to guide you through the process. STUDENT
  • 5. 4 Do I have to take 8:00 AM classes? I really hate waking up early, and I honestly dont think Id show up to them. ADVISOR Its good to have an idea of what will work for you. Lots of people feel the same way. The best way to avoid classes at times that you dont want is to take care of advising and registration early. If you want a particular schedule or professor, plan accordingly. Heres what we call our Schedule Planner, you can use it to block out times that you dont want to take classes, as well as when you are working, so you can get the best schedule for you. STUDENT Dont some class times fill up quickly? Is there any way to guarantee getting the class that I want? ADVISOR You can move up in priority registration by joining the Honors College, and register for classes on the first day they are available. STUDENT Wont that be really hard? Is that like taking all AP courses? ADVISOR No, its not so much that there is more content, but the courses are smaller and can go more in- depth. Its great for students who are motivated and really love to learn. Based on what I already know about you, I think you would make a great fit! STUDENT Wont that make me too busy to do other things on campus? It seems like something just for STEM majors. ADVISOR While there are a lot of STEM majors, there are majors from all across the university, and many also hold leadership positions on campus and in the community, and they often do volunteer work together as a group. Its also a great way to make friends. STUDENT Okay, how do I get in? Do I need to apply? ADVISOR Yes, there is an application process. You need an SAT score of combined Reading and Math of 1200, an ACT score of 27, or be in the upper 10% of your high school graduating class if you are entering right away as a freshmen. For students who are already enrolled at UTA, you need to have a 3.35 and can get in that way if you do not meet the entering freshmen requirements. There is also an essay and a resume that you need to submit. If youd like to learn more, you can talk to the Honors advisors right next door and they will also be at orientation. STUDENT
  • 6. 5 Okay, that sounds good. I heard that theres a freshman class that meets once a week. Do I really need to take that? Whats the point since Ive already taken dual credit classes? ADVISOR Even though you have taken a college class before, being a college student full-time is different. Im really excited that you are getting to take this class, because I wish that this was available when I was a freshman. Its a way to get you used to the culture and expectations of college. Youll discuss study skills, hear guest speakers from departments on campus like the Career Development Center, go on field trips on campus, and attend games and events on campus. Im one of the instructors for the class, and its a highlight of my week! Youll also meet other students in a smaller class setting, which can make it easier to find friends. Its an easy way to learn about the campus and what it means to be a Maverick! STUDENT Okay, that sounds good. Do I need to live on campus? ADVISOR You are not required to, but if you do decide to live on campus, youll have a lot of great opportunities to meet people, have an easier time getting to class, and make some great memories. STUDENT Okay, can you help me with finding a room? ADVISOR Thats not something that I do in this office, but I can give you the information that you need so that you can talk with the staff in the Apartment and Residence Life office. They are very helpful, and do their best to match you with a roommate that you will have a lot in common with. STUDENT Okay, that sounds fine. How easy is it to get across campus? Will I be able to get between classes on time? ADVISOR The campus is pretty compact, it only takes about 10 minutes at the most to get between classes. You can also use a bike; we have lots of bike racks for that. There is also the campus shuttle that runs about every 15 minutes if you are going a bit farther. STUDENT That sounds good. How about the gym and places to eat? Are those easy to get into? ADVISOR Yes, we have the Maverick Activities Center, which is available for all studentsthere are lots of machines, courts, and sports clubs to keep you busy, along with our indoor and outdoor pools. You can take a shower there as well if you want, so youll be all set for your next activity. The University Center has a dining hall, and a food court plaza with different restaurants. We also
  • 7. 6 have coffee shops and restaurants at other spots on campusthere are lots of places to eat! STUDENT Okay, that sounds good. ADVISOR Do you have any other questions? If you do, I can help you find out where to get the answer. Our office is here as a resource for you. STUDENT I dont have any more questions right now, but I really appreciate your helpI feel like I have a much better idea of what to expect. Thank you, I really feel more prepared! ADVISOR My pleasure! Were all here to help you. Welcome to Maverick country! Cut to shots of STUDENT across campus