Final report Transition from VET TO WORK in Latvia (available above) reflects a short summary of each issue raised during the discussions, proposals and recommendations, and illustrates a number of good practices which also arouse inspiration for further cooperation and development.
This document provides information to help differentiate between various causes of tonsillitis. It discusses infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, Plaut-Vincent angina, herpangina, influenza, acute pharyngitis, and other viral respiratory infections as potential causes. For each condition, it outlines the causative organism, symptoms, and sometimes images to illustrate clinical presentations. References are provided at the end.
1) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, multi-system inflammatory autoimmune disease.
2) It most often affects women of childbearing age but can occur in people of any age or sex.
3) SLE results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors that lead to the production of autoantibodies that attack the body's own tissues, especially the skin, joints, and kidneys.
This document provides information to help differentiate between various causes of tonsillitis. It discusses infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, Plaut-Vincent angina, herpangina, influenza, acute pharyngitis, and other viral respiratory infections as potential causes. For each condition, it outlines the causative organism, symptoms, and sometimes images to illustrate clinical presentations. References are provided at the end.
1) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, multi-system inflammatory autoimmune disease.
2) It most often affects women of childbearing age but can occur in people of any age or sex.
3) SLE results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors that lead to the production of autoantibodies that attack the body's own tissues, especially the skin, joints, and kidneys.
15. Zint cloni un to novrst
超irur庁iska iejauk邸ans likvidjot
Aknu transplantcija
netiek veikta augst recid朝va riska d勅
saslim邸ana atkrtojas
labki rezultti, ja pirms tam veikta 跳朝mijterapija
Endoskopisk terapija
#4: Lesion - bojjums
The Bismuth classification of hilar cholangiocarcinoma into type I to IV stages is illustrated. Yellow areas represent tumor and brown areas normal bile duct.
#5: Cholangiocarcinomas are classified according to their anatomic location as intrahepatic and extrahepatic
Hilar cancers that arise from extrahepatic large duct epithelium at the hilum can extend into the liver, and have been misclassified as intrahepatic in some schema and in epidemiological and clinical reports. Further subclassification on the basis of macroscopic or microscopic characteristics can provide additional distinction that might correlate with clinical outcomes. Cancers that arise from the gall bladder or the ampulla of Vater are biliary tract cancers with unique clinical presentations, natural history, etiology and patterns of growth or spread and are considered separately from cholangiocarcinoma.
#7: A, Cholangiocarcinoma within a cirrhotic liver; B, cross-section of tumor; C, histological imaging showing tumor cells surrounding normal hepatocytes.
#11: Asinsaina hematokr朝ts, tromboc朝tu,
CT (kompjutertomogrfija abdominla) , Comparison of radiographic images showing cholangiocarcinoma; A, computed tomography (CT) image; B, cholangiogram (ERCP) image.油 Arrows designate the tumor.
#12: MRI magntisk rezonanse
Endoskopija - esophagus, stomach and beginning of the lower intestine without surgery.
#13: You will be lightly sedated and your doctor will insert an endoscope through the mouth, down the esophagus, and into the stomach and small bowel. 油A smaller tube or catheter is passed through the endoscope and into the bile ducts. 油Dye is injected into the ducts, and the doctor takes X-rays that can show whether a tumor is present in the bile ducts.
Aizliegta 邸ana un perorlu medikamentu lieto邸ana vismaz 6 stundas, dzer邸ana - 2 stundas pirms endoskopijas.Dien pirms izmekl邸anas: vieglas vakarias ne vlk k 20.00, pc tam dzert tikai 笛deni bez gzes.
P.S. Aug邸js endoskopijas laik bez specilas iepriek邸jas pacienta sagatavo邸anas vajadz朝bas gad朝jum ir iespjams veikt da転das diagnostiskas un油 terapeitiskas manipulcijas k biopsijas, asio邸anas aptur邸anu, polipa izgrie邸anu, sve邸跳ermeu izem邸anu un tml.
#15: In this procedure, a thin needle is inserted through the skin and into the bile ducts. A dye is injected through the needle so that a contrast image will show up on X-rays. By looking at the X-rays, the doctor may be able to see whether there is a tumor in the bile ducts.
#16: 超朝mijterapija pc audzja izgrie邸anas
Endoskopisk terapija stenta ievieto邸ana mazina blokdes 転ultsvad, mazina dzelti, tajs situcijs, kad audzju nevar likvidt