Philip Chan presented on using curtain wall systems in Revit Architecture for non-traditional applications. He discussed how curtain walls can be used for theater seating, parking spaces, trellises, casework and metal roofs. Chan explained the components of curtain walls, like curtain panels and mullions, and how to model different behaviors and connections. He encouraged the audience to think creatively about using curtain walls beyond typical facades. The presentation concluded with a question and answer session.
The document discusses the Guardian Open Platform which provides access to the Guardian's content through an API. The API offers rights-cleared content in three tiers of access and has been successful in increasing developer happiness, productivity, and the internal usage of the API. However, the document notes that more can still be done to improve external data references and reduce the gap between self-service and high-touch support. It promotes further opening of the Guardian's content creation process, rights management, and commercial models.
Revit Architecture Training Topics and Notes of Days-11-20 in Revit Platinum ...Subair Shamsudheen
Dear Friend, a word about these slides.
These slides are...
- Hand written
- Captures of white board writings
- Created on the fly while discussing topics in Revit class
- Contains screen shots and annotations
- Contains rough sketches
- Enjoy! Thank you!
Topics discussed
Offset tool and its weird nature
How offset works in Revit
How to match properties
OTA (Object Tool Action) method
How to lock position of objects
How to dimension walls
'Entire' option for walls
How to edit dimensions
How to end dimensions
Blue boxes on Dimension lines
How blue boxes behave when clicked
Concept of views in Revit
Types of parameters
Dimension: witness line gap to element
Closing views
How to create multiple copies of a view
Types of duplications
Hiding objects in views
Applying visibility settings to many views
Creating view templates
Applying view templates
How are objects categorized
Editing dimensions between wallls
Wall creation methods
Inscribed - Circumscribed - Arc walls
Two types Start - end - radius
Center - ends - arc
How to create rounded corners
Fillet arc
How to create linework
Creating walls with 'pick lines' method
Wall creation method
Flipping walls without changing interior dimensions
Offset: best option for offsetting walls
Offset problem addressed
Offset value treated in Revit
Location to location line
Active view
Reducing project loading time
What is preview
Offsetting walls
Detecting location line used to draft walls
How to trim walls
How are objects categorized
Floor creation
PICK tools
Sketch mode
Big green check mark
Duplicate before creating floors
Editing floors
Splitting elements
Floor creation best practices
Floor behaviour when using pick walls and pick lines tool
Stair creation from pavement to Ground floor
Maximum riser height means
Minimum tread depth means
Stair calculator
Deleting railigns
'Monolithic' means
Removing stringers
Stringer carriage
Height means
Disabling 'End with Riser'
Subtraction: Reveal
Reveal in walls
Sweep: profiles
How to see ref. planes in family Editor
Load into project
How to add information to templates
Hiding objects in Revit
Printing hidden objects
How to detect hidden elements
Detecting elements in temporary hidden mode
Exit from temporary hiding mode
Short keys for temporary hiding and permenant hiding
Base extension for walls
Stacked wall
Parameter types
Top extension for walls
General editing moves
And much more...
Visit to join.
Creating wall type details using parts and assembliesmclark4959
The document discusses how to create wall assembly details in Revit by turning a wall segment into parts that can be manipulated individually, and then grouping the parts into an assembly to generate views, details, and schedules of the wall layers and construction. It also provides examples of using the parts and assemblies tools to model and document different wall construction details.
This presentation tells how CO Architects, Los Angeles ( merged their longstanding QA/QC program with Revit by creating a customized BIM project template. This sharpened our production process across all project teams, and brought built-in uniformity to our construction documents.
IT, Network Admin, Revit Architecture, Nelson Construction, Foam-FAB, Sandstrom Architecture Orem Utah 2012- Present
Specialized in K-12 schools and details and Revit Model Automation with Consultant Model Coordination. Managed
Central files for 15+ end users. Used advance Network file optimization & IT Troubleshooting techniques in-line with Revit
Central File Efficiency recommendations to keep projects file moving the fastest. BIM / DYNAMO Programmer.
This document discusses how to create an API that developers love. It emphasizes the importance of solving developer pain points, using common standards like REST and JSON, providing thorough documentation with code samples in multiple languages, and reliable long-term support. Well-designed APIs at companies like Netflix, Twitter, Foursquare, Stripe and Twilio are used as positive examples. The document encourages aligning business goals with developers' needs, committing to API maintenance, and being available to help developers whenever needed.
This document is a presentation about New York City's use of APIs and open data. It discusses how NYC has opened up access to city data and services through APIs to foster civic innovation. It notes that NYC now has over 750 public datasets available via API. The presentation encourages other cities to follow NYC's example in unlocking their data and services through APIs to engage citizens and developers.
- The document discusses using nested profile families in Revit to create more robust and parametric families.
- It provides three exercises demonstrating how to use nested profiles to control rotation, void visibility, and exposed structural beams in families.
- Nested profiles allow families to be driven by linked parameters, reducing the need for constraints and enabling more complex geometries.
This document discusses using the curtain wall tool in Autodesk Revit in creative ways beyond its typical uses. It begins by explaining the basic anatomy of a curtain wall system, including curtain grids, mullions, and panels. It then provides several examples of using curtain wall elements unconventionally, such as for tilt-up concrete wall panels, precast concrete panels, corrugated metal panels, custom millwork, wood slat screening, and snow/snowflakes. The document concludes with best practices for these alternative uses, such as setting "Disallow Join" and ensuring profile lines form continuous boundaries. Overall, the document explores thinking "outside the box" to utilize Revit's curtain wall tool for innovative design
This document discusses using the curtain wall tool in Autodesk Revit in creative ways beyond its typical uses. It will cover how to create custom curtain wall families to generate quantity schedules and showcase real-world examples. Attendees will learn how to use curtain walls as an alternative solution, understand nested families, and create their own design elements with the tool. The presenter is the BIM manager at Lake|Flato Architects and will provide best practices for using curtain walls.
The document includes floor plans and diagrams for several different building projects:
- A mixed-use development with residential and commercial space over multiple levels.
- A 10-story student housing building with tunnelform concrete structure and amenities.
- Parking garage plans and schedules for a 4,200 space garage over 10 levels for a town center development.
- Floor plans for prototype army lodging and a 19-story high-rise condo building in tunnelform concrete.
This document provides a summary of projects in Philip Chan's portfolio, including a 19-story high rise condo, a parking garage with skybridge, a 10-story student housing building, a townhome project, custom designs for bathrooms, curtain walls, canopies, chute systems, curtain panels, and Revit families.
Houston Area Revit User Group January Presentationpchan925
This document summarizes a presentation about creating custom families in Revit. It discusses the pros and cons of using free downloaded families versus creating customized families. The presentation provides rules for building effective families and examines case studies of complex family types like exterior shading devices and vertical trash chute systems. The speaker is a Revit specialist who provides their contact information and recommends additional learning resources for working with families in Revit.
- The document discusses using nested profile families in Revit to create more robust and parametric families.
- It provides three exercises demonstrating how to use nested profiles to control rotation, void visibility, and exposed structural beams in families.
- Nested profiles allow families to be driven by linked parameters, reducing the need for constraints and enabling more complex geometries.
This document discusses using the curtain wall tool in Autodesk Revit in creative ways beyond its typical uses. It begins by explaining the basic anatomy of a curtain wall system, including curtain grids, mullions, and panels. It then provides several examples of using curtain wall elements unconventionally, such as for tilt-up concrete wall panels, precast concrete panels, corrugated metal panels, custom millwork, wood slat screening, and snow/snowflakes. The document concludes with best practices for these alternative uses, such as setting "Disallow Join" and ensuring profile lines form continuous boundaries. Overall, the document explores thinking "outside the box" to utilize Revit's curtain wall tool for innovative design
This document discusses using the curtain wall tool in Autodesk Revit in creative ways beyond its typical uses. It will cover how to create custom curtain wall families to generate quantity schedules and showcase real-world examples. Attendees will learn how to use curtain walls as an alternative solution, understand nested families, and create their own design elements with the tool. The presenter is the BIM manager at Lake|Flato Architects and will provide best practices for using curtain walls.
The document includes floor plans and diagrams for several different building projects:
- A mixed-use development with residential and commercial space over multiple levels.
- A 10-story student housing building with tunnelform concrete structure and amenities.
- Parking garage plans and schedules for a 4,200 space garage over 10 levels for a town center development.
- Floor plans for prototype army lodging and a 19-story high-rise condo building in tunnelform concrete.
This document provides a summary of projects in Philip Chan's portfolio, including a 19-story high rise condo, a parking garage with skybridge, a 10-story student housing building, a townhome project, custom designs for bathrooms, curtain walls, canopies, chute systems, curtain panels, and Revit families.
Houston Area Revit User Group January Presentationpchan925
This document summarizes a presentation about creating custom families in Revit. It discusses the pros and cons of using free downloaded families versus creating customized families. The presentation provides rules for building effective families and examines case studies of complex family types like exterior shading devices and vertical trash chute systems. The speaker is a Revit specialist who provides their contact information and recommends additional learning resources for working with families in Revit.
19. Snow SceneHoliday greeting cardUsing Curtain Panel with Reporting Parameters to manipulate the radius of SnowHOUSTON REVIT USER GROUP PRESENTATION JANUARY 2011