Access to legal work: the experiential dimensioOsgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityThe document discusses research into legal education in Scotland. It finds that students' perceptions of legal education and the legal profession are influenced by their school subjects and backgrounds. Many students see law as requiring high grades, being stressful and court-focused based on American TV. There is also a perception that lawyers must be very intelligent, articulate, and able to think on their feet. The image of lawyers remains dominated by white, privately educated men. The document then describes a personal injury negotiation simulation project used to give students experiential learning about the legal profession. Students provided feedback on what they learned from the project and how they would approach it differently.
Social Innovations in Online Learning: Sharing Individual Progress Plans, Lea...EDEN Digital Learning EuropeThe document summarizes information about NKI Distance Education, one of Europe's largest providers of online distance education. Some key details:
- NKI has over 110,000 enrolments in online courses since 1987 across a broad range of subjects.
- They have over 10,000 online students in about 40 countries, with about 70% being women.
- NKI celebrates reaching over 10,000 users on their learning management system and highlights innovations in their online education offerings.
- Student profiles and a global student catalogue allow current students to share information and connect with potential learning partners.
Social Innovations in Online Learning at NKIMorten Flate PaulsenThe document summarizes information about NKI, one of Europe's largest providers of online distance education. Some key details:
- NKI has over 110,000 course enrollments since 1987 across a broad range of subjects from secondary to master's level.
- The organization has around 10,000 online students in about 40 countries, with 70% being women. Revenue in 2007 was 14 million Euros, of which 9.5 million came from online education.
- NKI utilizes individual progress plans, learning partners, and a global student catalogue to support its philosophy of facilitating individual freedom and cooperative learning within an online community.
- Features like automatic tracking of response times and individual progress reports help NKI
Teaching interoperability to public servants in GreeceDr. Fotios FitsilisPresentation at the Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation co-creation workshop
19 September 2021
Zp104 Orientation Power PointThe College of Law Australia and New ZealandThe document provides an orientation for a Professional Legal Skills Course (PLSCO). It outlines the programme, aims, content and assessments of the course. The course is delivered online and through onsite sessions over 18 weeks. It covers core practice areas like commercial law and civil litigation, as well as electives. Students are provided orientation materials and access to online resources through the College Learning Portal. Attendance is mandatory for the onsite sessions, and students must manage their work/study balance.
Sample course handout for research methodologysamiullapresentationThis document outlines the course syllabus for the Methods: Legal Analysis, Research and Writing course. It provides details on the course description, learning objectives, assignments, grading criteria, and timeline. The course aims to develop students' legal research, writing and analytical skills through lectures, skills training, and assignments. Students will analyze academic papers, complete a research proposal, and write a final paper applying legal research methodology to analyze two cases regarding asbestos regulations. The syllabus outlines five assignments, grading scales, and expectations for student performance and feedback.
Enhancing and promoting students' skills: pro bono and CV developmentUK Centre for Legal Educationݺߣs for the presentation by Lydia Bleasdale-Hill and Paul Wragg (University of Leeds) at the Learning in Law Annual Conference 2011.
"Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation: Shaping the Future of Education and I...RamayaRamVinayaka Mission’s Law School (VMLS) has been established by Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation – Deemed to be University (VMRF-DU) to impart legal education and legal skills relevant to the evolving needs of the local, national and global communities.
Vinayaka Mission began in 1981 with the establishment of the Thirumuruga Kirupananda Variyar Thavathiru Sundara Swamigal (TKVTSS) Medical Educational and Charitable Trust, to achieve excellence in education and bring about social change. Thereafter, in 1982, the Founder-Chairman, Dr. A Shanmugasundaram instituted the Vinayaka Mission’s College of Pharmacy in Salem, the pioneer institution of Vinayaka Mission. In 2003, “Deemed to be University” status was conferred on Vinayaka Mission by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. VMLS for 3 Year LLB amp 5 Year Law Programs (1).pdfRamayaRamThe Law Programme is designed with the overarching objective of cultivating competent legal professionals equipped to navigate the diverse facets of the legal profession and associated career pathways. Upon successful completion, our graduates will possess a comprehensive skill set encompassing effective verbal and written communication, critical thinking, analytical prowess, logical reasoning, and adept problem-solving abilities. They will have acquired a robust foundation across all studied courses, demonstrating proficiency in conducting high-quality legal research and the preparation, examination, evaluation, and execution of legal documents. Furthermore, graduates will exhibit a profound
Visualizing Student Profiles through NKI's Online Catalogue and Student NetworkMorten Flate PaulsenA 45-minutes keynote presentation, 23.09.2009The Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning
Dual legal education: a case study on teaching and learning in law with Frenc...UK Centre for Legal EducationThis document discusses a case study of a dual legal education program between Ireland and France that allows students to obtain both an Irish law degree and a French law degree. It addresses some of the curriculum design challenges in teaching both legal systems and ensuring students gain a comparative perspective. While there were many benefits for both students and lecturers, there were also questions around sustainability and recruiting students with a high level of French. The conclusion is that studying another legal culture has academic value in itself and intersects with debates around the nature of legal education and European law's development through diversity versus harmonization.
A study of indonesia's current condition to increase number of published papersThomhert SiadariThis is my final presentation for the class "Science and Technology Innovation Policy". I learnt many things from this class.
Transforming legal education: learning and teaching the law in the early twen...Osgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityThis document provides an overview of a book about transforming legal education through the use of simulations. It discusses several key themes:
1. Using simulations to provide experiential learning opportunities for students that mimic real-world legal transactions and practice.
2. Developing students' professional skills and identities through simulated learning experiences.
3. Outlining various legal simulation projects, including ones focused on personal injury negotiation and private client work, that provide transactional learning.
4. Describing the development of a "SIMPLE" platform to facilitate the design and implementation of online legal simulations across multiple institutions.
Hanna Lamberg - Study Advisor - Lecture on Student IssuesEarly ArtisThis document provides information for students in the Degree Programme in Social Services (DSS) at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. It outlines the study advisors and their contact information, details of the 210 ECTS Bachelor of Social Services qualification, requirements regarding personal study plans and recognition of prior learning. Regulations related to registering for classes, duration of study rights, practical training and assessment of studies are also summarized. Key points include qualifications earned, required structure of studies, importance of consulting advisors, and deadlines for assignments.
Country report on semi-structured interviews with temporary migrants - the Ne...EURA-NET projectThis document summarizes semi-structured interviews conducted with 82 migrants in the Netherlands from various countries of origin. It finds that 17 migrants had lived in the Netherlands longer than their current residence permits allow. Many cited family/friends, education quality, and financial reasons for choosing the Netherlands. While technologies help them stay connected abroad, migration negatively impacts family relationships. The document also examines the migrants' employment status, language learning challenges, experiences with discrimination, and perspectives on Dutch culture. It concludes with recommendations to improve migration policies such as helping spouses of skilled workers find jobs and encouraging circular migration.
Effective development and management of joint programmesPhDSofiaUniversityThis document provides an overview of effective development and management of joint programmes. It begins with defining key terms like joint programmes, double degrees, and multiple degrees. It then discusses the history and state of joint programmes, highlighting growing trends over time. The document also outlines the legal framework, common rationales for developing joint programmes, and alternative models. Data from surveys on joint programmes is presented, showing statistics on topics like perceived impacts, challenges, and student motivations. Throughout, the workshop content is structured in phases of the joint programme lifecycle from development to evaluation.
Kobe, Session 1, Transactional Learning, Theory & PracticeOsgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityTransactional learning involves using simulations to allow students to practice legal transactions in a safe environment. Simulations facilitate active, collaborative, and authentic learning. They can be used to develop skills like negotiation, documentation, research, and teamwork. The SIMPLE project has developed software and resources to design online simulations for various legal and other disciplines. Evaluations show simulations provide valuable learning experiences for students by allowing them to take on professional roles and receive relevant feedback. Ongoing work aims to improve simulations and further research their educational impact.
Heino TiinaUniversity of HelsinkiICT Driving Licence at the University of Helsinki: Power
from Synergy and Cooperation
Full text paper
10th EAHIL Conference, Cluj, Romania
11 - 16 September 2006
Parallel Session Ic (Education and learning) 13.9.2006
Developing a Good Practice Guide for Student Complaints - Rob BehrensAssociation of University AdministratorsThis document discusses developing a good practice framework for handling student complaints in higher education. It summarizes trends seen in increasing complaint volumes received by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) and explores strategic approaches to address high volumes, including continuous learning, adjusting mission and vision, developing business processes, providing feedback and publishing decisions. Specific initiatives discussed include incentivizing early internal resolution, identifying common reasons complaints arise, and developing a framework for good complaints handling practice across institutions. VMLS for 3 Year LLB amp 5 Year Law Programs (2).pptxRamayaRamVinayaka Mission’s Law School (VMLS) has been established by Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation – Deemed to be University (VMRF-DU) to impart legal education and legal skills relevant to the evolving needs of the local, national and global communities.
Vinayaka Mission began in 1981 with the establishment of the Thirumuruga Kiru
OEROUNLcplpThe document describes an experiment by the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) called OpenER, which aimed to increase access to higher education through open educational resources (OER). OpenER made 16 online courses freely available and tracked user engagement and outcomes. Over 650,000 users accessed the courses, but only 80 pursued formal examinations. The experiment provided lessons for OUNL on producing high-quality OER and engaging learners without formal support. Going forward, OUNL aims to further develop OER and advocate for their role in lifelong learning.
Online and blended learningMorten Flate PaulsenThe document summarizes Morten Flate Paulsen's presentation on cooperative online and blended learning environments. It provides an overview of his background and experience in online education, as well as the Eden organization. It then discusses NKI Distance Education in Norway, highlighting their philosophy of individual freedom within a learning community. Examples of NKI's innovations in online education and tools that support cooperation are also summarized.
Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL) in Europe: Learning fr...Bertelsmann StiftungThis document summarizes a presentation on validation of non-formal and informal learning in Europe. It discusses validation systems in several countries, including:
- France, which has a longstanding legal framework for validation des acquis de l'experience (VAE) that establishes individual rights to validation across all education levels.
- Denmark, where validation procedures are standardized and quality assured, though awareness could still be improved. Validation results can lead to shortening education tracks or replacing exams.
- Switzerland, where validation is extensively publicly financed to be equal to the formal system, and responsibilities are established across entrance, assessment, and quality assurance.
- The United Kingdom, which takes a minimal regulatory approach but incorporates recognition across qualifications frameworks,
Assessment Workshop, Plenary 2.pptxOsgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityProfessor Paul Maharg presented on assessment in legal education at a workshop of the Law Society of Ireland. The presentation included:
1. A taxonomy of task analysis for assessments in simulations, ranging from discrete tasks to assessments involving an entire case file and performative skills.
2. Results from a study on using simulated clients for interviewing assessments, which found it to be more reliable and valid than traditional assessment methods.
3. Ways that problem-based learning can be designed to ensure both breadth and depth of learning, and forms of assessment that align with problem-based learning methods like exams involving analysis of new or previously seen case studies.
leidenuniversiteit_bais-introduction-guide_20068_28aug20_150dpilr.pdfssuser283d51The document provides an overview and guide for students in the BA International Studies program at Leiden University, outlining the curriculum, opportunities for study abroad, internships, and minors; it also provides information on support services, university policies and procedures, life in The Hague, and practical matters including insurance, healthcare, and transportation.
Owd 2010 - 2 - Online acculturatie van buitenlandse studenten, wat werkt wel?...SURF EventsThis document summarizes research on online acculturation courses for international students in the Netherlands. It finds that non-Western students have lower academic integration, social integration, and study success than Western students. Academic adjustment is key to study success. Online acculturation courses that include developmental education, social interaction, and social support can enhance academic adjustment. Qualitative research found that acculturation courses increased confidence and prepared students for the Dutch study culture, and social support from buddies and teachers helped integration.
Ib task force report for studentsjokintxuThe document provides an overview of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program including its core components, subject groups, assessment procedures, and recognition by universities worldwide. It compares the IB Diploma score to Spain's Selectividad exam scores and outlines sample course offerings at American schools in Madrid, Barcelona, and Bilbao. Student comments praise how the IB prepared them for university and life.
Recognising the Success of all students - Jill Gribble (Open University)EADTUEADTU Webinar Week on Retention and Student Services in Online and Distance Education
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Similar to How Study Workshops Enhance Retention in Law Education - André Biederbeck (FernUniversität in Hagen) (20) VMLS for 3 Year LLB amp 5 Year Law Programs (1).pdfRamayaRamThe Law Programme is designed with the overarching objective of cultivating competent legal professionals equipped to navigate the diverse facets of the legal profession and associated career pathways. Upon successful completion, our graduates will possess a comprehensive skill set encompassing effective verbal and written communication, critical thinking, analytical prowess, logical reasoning, and adept problem-solving abilities. They will have acquired a robust foundation across all studied courses, demonstrating proficiency in conducting high-quality legal research and the preparation, examination, evaluation, and execution of legal documents. Furthermore, graduates will exhibit a profound
Visualizing Student Profiles through NKI's Online Catalogue and Student NetworkMorten Flate PaulsenA 45-minutes keynote presentation, 23.09.2009The Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning
Dual legal education: a case study on teaching and learning in law with Frenc...UK Centre for Legal EducationThis document discusses a case study of a dual legal education program between Ireland and France that allows students to obtain both an Irish law degree and a French law degree. It addresses some of the curriculum design challenges in teaching both legal systems and ensuring students gain a comparative perspective. While there were many benefits for both students and lecturers, there were also questions around sustainability and recruiting students with a high level of French. The conclusion is that studying another legal culture has academic value in itself and intersects with debates around the nature of legal education and European law's development through diversity versus harmonization.
A study of indonesia's current condition to increase number of published papersThomhert SiadariThis is my final presentation for the class "Science and Technology Innovation Policy". I learnt many things from this class.
Transforming legal education: learning and teaching the law in the early twen...Osgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityThis document provides an overview of a book about transforming legal education through the use of simulations. It discusses several key themes:
1. Using simulations to provide experiential learning opportunities for students that mimic real-world legal transactions and practice.
2. Developing students' professional skills and identities through simulated learning experiences.
3. Outlining various legal simulation projects, including ones focused on personal injury negotiation and private client work, that provide transactional learning.
4. Describing the development of a "SIMPLE" platform to facilitate the design and implementation of online legal simulations across multiple institutions.
Hanna Lamberg - Study Advisor - Lecture on Student IssuesEarly ArtisThis document provides information for students in the Degree Programme in Social Services (DSS) at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. It outlines the study advisors and their contact information, details of the 210 ECTS Bachelor of Social Services qualification, requirements regarding personal study plans and recognition of prior learning. Regulations related to registering for classes, duration of study rights, practical training and assessment of studies are also summarized. Key points include qualifications earned, required structure of studies, importance of consulting advisors, and deadlines for assignments.
Country report on semi-structured interviews with temporary migrants - the Ne...EURA-NET projectThis document summarizes semi-structured interviews conducted with 82 migrants in the Netherlands from various countries of origin. It finds that 17 migrants had lived in the Netherlands longer than their current residence permits allow. Many cited family/friends, education quality, and financial reasons for choosing the Netherlands. While technologies help them stay connected abroad, migration negatively impacts family relationships. The document also examines the migrants' employment status, language learning challenges, experiences with discrimination, and perspectives on Dutch culture. It concludes with recommendations to improve migration policies such as helping spouses of skilled workers find jobs and encouraging circular migration.
Effective development and management of joint programmesPhDSofiaUniversityThis document provides an overview of effective development and management of joint programmes. It begins with defining key terms like joint programmes, double degrees, and multiple degrees. It then discusses the history and state of joint programmes, highlighting growing trends over time. The document also outlines the legal framework, common rationales for developing joint programmes, and alternative models. Data from surveys on joint programmes is presented, showing statistics on topics like perceived impacts, challenges, and student motivations. Throughout, the workshop content is structured in phases of the joint programme lifecycle from development to evaluation.
Kobe, Session 1, Transactional Learning, Theory & PracticeOsgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityTransactional learning involves using simulations to allow students to practice legal transactions in a safe environment. Simulations facilitate active, collaborative, and authentic learning. They can be used to develop skills like negotiation, documentation, research, and teamwork. The SIMPLE project has developed software and resources to design online simulations for various legal and other disciplines. Evaluations show simulations provide valuable learning experiences for students by allowing them to take on professional roles and receive relevant feedback. Ongoing work aims to improve simulations and further research their educational impact.
Heino TiinaUniversity of HelsinkiICT Driving Licence at the University of Helsinki: Power
from Synergy and Cooperation
Full text paper
10th EAHIL Conference, Cluj, Romania
11 - 16 September 2006
Parallel Session Ic (Education and learning) 13.9.2006
Developing a Good Practice Guide for Student Complaints - Rob BehrensAssociation of University AdministratorsThis document discusses developing a good practice framework for handling student complaints in higher education. It summarizes trends seen in increasing complaint volumes received by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) and explores strategic approaches to address high volumes, including continuous learning, adjusting mission and vision, developing business processes, providing feedback and publishing decisions. Specific initiatives discussed include incentivizing early internal resolution, identifying common reasons complaints arise, and developing a framework for good complaints handling practice across institutions. VMLS for 3 Year LLB amp 5 Year Law Programs (2).pptxRamayaRamVinayaka Mission’s Law School (VMLS) has been established by Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation – Deemed to be University (VMRF-DU) to impart legal education and legal skills relevant to the evolving needs of the local, national and global communities.
Vinayaka Mission began in 1981 with the establishment of the Thirumuruga Kiru
OEROUNLcplpThe document describes an experiment by the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) called OpenER, which aimed to increase access to higher education through open educational resources (OER). OpenER made 16 online courses freely available and tracked user engagement and outcomes. Over 650,000 users accessed the courses, but only 80 pursued formal examinations. The experiment provided lessons for OUNL on producing high-quality OER and engaging learners without formal support. Going forward, OUNL aims to further develop OER and advocate for their role in lifelong learning.
Online and blended learningMorten Flate PaulsenThe document summarizes Morten Flate Paulsen's presentation on cooperative online and blended learning environments. It provides an overview of his background and experience in online education, as well as the Eden organization. It then discusses NKI Distance Education in Norway, highlighting their philosophy of individual freedom within a learning community. Examples of NKI's innovations in online education and tools that support cooperation are also summarized.
Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL) in Europe: Learning fr...Bertelsmann StiftungThis document summarizes a presentation on validation of non-formal and informal learning in Europe. It discusses validation systems in several countries, including:
- France, which has a longstanding legal framework for validation des acquis de l'experience (VAE) that establishes individual rights to validation across all education levels.
- Denmark, where validation procedures are standardized and quality assured, though awareness could still be improved. Validation results can lead to shortening education tracks or replacing exams.
- Switzerland, where validation is extensively publicly financed to be equal to the formal system, and responsibilities are established across entrance, assessment, and quality assurance.
- The United Kingdom, which takes a minimal regulatory approach but incorporates recognition across qualifications frameworks,
Assessment Workshop, Plenary 2.pptxOsgoode Professional Development, Osgoode Hall Law School, York UniversityProfessor Paul Maharg presented on assessment in legal education at a workshop of the Law Society of Ireland. The presentation included:
1. A taxonomy of task analysis for assessments in simulations, ranging from discrete tasks to assessments involving an entire case file and performative skills.
2. Results from a study on using simulated clients for interviewing assessments, which found it to be more reliable and valid than traditional assessment methods.
3. Ways that problem-based learning can be designed to ensure both breadth and depth of learning, and forms of assessment that align with problem-based learning methods like exams involving analysis of new or previously seen case studies.
leidenuniversiteit_bais-introduction-guide_20068_28aug20_150dpilr.pdfssuser283d51The document provides an overview and guide for students in the BA International Studies program at Leiden University, outlining the curriculum, opportunities for study abroad, internships, and minors; it also provides information on support services, university policies and procedures, life in The Hague, and practical matters including insurance, healthcare, and transportation.
Owd 2010 - 2 - Online acculturatie van buitenlandse studenten, wat werkt wel?...SURF EventsThis document summarizes research on online acculturation courses for international students in the Netherlands. It finds that non-Western students have lower academic integration, social integration, and study success than Western students. Academic adjustment is key to study success. Online acculturation courses that include developmental education, social interaction, and social support can enhance academic adjustment. Qualitative research found that acculturation courses increased confidence and prepared students for the Dutch study culture, and social support from buddies and teachers helped integration.
Ib task force report for studentsjokintxuThe document provides an overview of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program including its core components, subject groups, assessment procedures, and recognition by universities worldwide. It compares the IB Diploma score to Spain's Selectividad exam scores and outlines sample course offerings at American schools in Madrid, Barcelona, and Bilbao. Student comments praise how the IB prepared them for university and life.
Recognising the Success of all students - Jill Gribble (Open University)EADTUEADTU Webinar Week on Retention and Student Services in Online and Distance Education
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Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline GeorgeThis slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline GeorgeThis slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
RRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper (MMV Exam MCQ)SONU HEETSONRRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper. MMV MCQ PDF Free Download for Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Exam.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde📢 Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
🔬 Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
📌 What You’ll Learn in This Presentation
✅ History & Evolution of Antibiotics
✅ Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
✅ Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
✅ Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
✅ Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
✅ Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
✅ Clinical Applications & Challenges.
🚀 Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
👉 Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
🔔 Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz HussainThe intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots—systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI—that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
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How Study Workshops Enhance Retention in Law Education - André Biederbeck (FernUniversität in Hagen)
1. ݺߣ
How Study Workshops Enhance Retention
in Law Education
EADTU Webinar Series on Retention and Student Services
2. ݺߣ
Initial situation
• Bachelor of Laws with about 1.500 new enrolments each semester
• significant number of students who barely pass or even fail the examinations in the first modules – Civil Law
and a Foundation course.
16.12.2024 Centre for Learning and Innovation
Foundation Course
(10 CP)
Civil Law
(10 CP)
First Semester (part-time)
Constitutional Law
(10 CP)
Law of Obligations
(10 CP)
Second Semester (part-time)
Criminal Law
(10 CP)
European Law I + II
(10 CP)
Third Semester (part-time)
3. ݺߣ
• general a lack of knowledge of how to self-organise and learn
• an incomplete understanding of foundational legal techniques
• not knowing how to write a legal expert report
• academic enculturation is challenging due to the high number of students and their
diverse backgrounds (for instance: education levels or previous training in subjects
other than law)
16.12.2024 Centre for Learning and Innovation
4. ݺߣ
The in iure workshops
Target group: 2nd semester of 1st year – after first exam
Highly Recommended, but not compulsory
Application process
No. of participants – ca. 1.000; about 140 each semester
Conducted by Dr. Christina Gelinski
Asynchronous + synchronous
16.12.2024 Centre for Learning and Innovation
5. ݺߣ
Asynchronous - Moodle
16.12.2024 Centre for Learning and Innovation
Psychosocial wellbeing
Academic orientation for legal studies
Self-organisation skills
Media competence
6. ݺߣ
Synchronous - Zoom
Crash courses: 20 – 50 participants
Case studies: 4 – 10 participants
16.12.2024 Centre for Learning and Innovation
Presentation of legal
Writing legal expert report/ opinion/ brief
Dealing with legal issues and
sketching solutions
Working with the law
Online research, typical errors in legal texts
7. ݺߣ
Student feedback on study workshops
Online research, databanks; n = 184
Group work; n = 196 Enculturation; n = 213
Winter semester 19/20 – Summer semester 2022
V. positive
8. ݺߣ
Assignments - passing a prerequisite for exam attendance
0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00 70,00 80,00
Class average
Pass mark
Winter semester 2019/2020 – Summer semester 2022
Civil Law I
(n =18)
Civil Law II
(n = 37)
Civil Law III
(n =197)
Civil Law IV
(n = 332)
course I (n = 89)
course II (n = 308)
Attended workshops
Did not attend
9. ݺߣ
Final exam marks
0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00 70,00
1. Klausur 55100
2. Klausur 55100 (n=40)
1. Klausur 55101
2. Klausur 55101 (n=41)
Class average
Pass mark
Attended workshops
Did not attend
Foundation course
Foundation course
Civil Law
Civil Law
10. ݺߣ
Dr André Biederbeck:
Dr Christina Gelinski: