This document discusses developing a critical perspective on using AI tools in higher education. It outlines several principles of critical digital pedagogy: (1) knowledge should be co-created between teachers and students, not imposed from experts; (2) digital learning can promote democracy if used carefully; and (3) education and technology are inherently political due to issues of data control, market dominance, and intellectual property. The document cautions that while AI may help provide feedback, education requires trust, belonging, hope, and developing critical thinking in students. An open and critical approach is needed to identify who benefits and who loses from different uses of AI in education.
This document discusses developing a critical perspective on AI tools in higher education. It outlines several principles of critical digital pedagogy, including that knowledge should be co-created by teachers and students, rather than deposited by teachers into students. It also notes that education and technology are inherently political due to issues of data control, market dominance, and intellectual property. Additionally, it states that education should cultivate hope, optimism, and critical thinking in students so they can evaluate arguments and create new knowledge. The conclusion emphasizes that AI will not save or doom education, but that taking a critical approach is important.
The document discusses using an ontology engineering approach to support computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). It describes organizing pedagogical knowledge from different sources into an ontology to formally represent meaningful information. An authoring tool called CHOCOLATO was developed to hide this ontology and allow users like teachers and students to design effective collaborative learning scenarios based on the ontology and learning theories without having to understand the ontology itself. The tool and ontology were then applied in real educational scenarios to propose group formations, design group activities, and analyze interactions and results.
Human-Centered Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education: H...Yannis
Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Learning Analytics (LA) have shown their potential in Education, stakeholders agency seems to be threatened. On the other hand, multiple issues regarding FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics) have been raised when AI or LA-based solutions are designed and implemented. These issues have been especially acute since the emergence of Large Language Models and Generative AI.
This talk discusses the quest for an optimal balance between human and computational agents, when LA tools and services are employed in a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) ecosystem. Through the discussion of relevant conceptual models and examples, it argues for Human-Centered Learning Analytics (HCLA) and Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) approaches, where agency and FATE principles are essential design parameters.
The talk focuses especially on LA/AI solutions that may position teachers as designers of effective interventions and orchestration actions. Selected Human-Centered Design (HCD) principles are discussed and illustrated, and directions for future research and development are formulated to overcome the main obstacles for adoption of human-centered approaches for LA and AI in education.
Presentation (with Eamon Costello) from the Global Smart Education Conference (The 6th International Conference on Smart Learning Environments), Beijing National University, China.
The presentation explores issues in AI driven learning systems and implications of machine learning approaches for inclusion and access to education.
China has made incredible advances in implementing AI and machine learning in education, including using robots in classrooms to monitor student health, uniforms with trackers, and headbands to measure concentration. However, some critics argue that grading systems based on these tools lack transparency and could infringe on student privacy. Overall, AI and IoT have the potential to enhance learning through personalized experiences and data-driven insights, but also risk exacerbating inequality if not implemented carefully with student well-being and equity in mind.
Artificial Intelligence in Education: Ethical FuturesRobert Farrow
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers the possibility of enabling human self-realisation; enhancing human agency; increasing societal capability; and cultivating social cohesion (Floridi et al., 2018). A review of ethical principles in AI (Floridi & Cowls, 2019) suggests that 47 principles proposed by various initiatives can be reduced to four traditional moral principles (beneficence; non-maleficence; autonomy; justice) and one new one (explicability). This webinar will interpret this ethical framework with respect to the potential for AI supported education. It will explore the roles of algorithms, institutional policies and pedagogical innovation in developing learning systems and offer normative reflections on the future role of AI in education.
Floridi, L., & Cowls, J. (2019). A Unified Framework of Five Principles for AI in Society. Harvard Data Science Review, 1(1).
Floridi, L., Cowls, J., Beltrametti, M. et al. (2018). AI4PeopleAn Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations. Minds & Machines 28, 689707.
Artificial Intelligence in E-learning (AI-Ed): Current and future applicationsRoy Clariana
The document discusses current and future applications of artificial intelligence in e-learning (AI-Ed). It provides background on the presenter's university and an overview of key topics in AI and AI-Ed, including definitions of intelligence, examples of AI systems both past and present, and approaches such as expert systems and deep learning. It also examines specific applications of AI in areas like tutoring systems, language processing, and computer vision that are relevant to AI-Ed.
Show & TEL Ethics & Technology-Enhanced Learning Robert Farrow
This presentation reviews the state of the art with respect to the use of artificial intelligence in education, reflecting on the ethical aspects and implications with particular reference to distance education.
Renaissance of a master storyteller cynthia calongneCynthia Calongne
The document discusses Cynthia Calongne's vision for reinventing online education through digital storytelling, innovative technologies, and stimulating the imagination. It presents her approach of blending constructivism, where students create their own knowledge, with futurism, exploring emerging technologies. This includes students designing their own educational games and virtual learning spaces. The document also outlines trends in mobile learning, augmented reality, and games from the NMC Horizon reports that Calongne sees shaping the future of education.
A learning scientist approach to modeling human cognition in individual and c...Margarida Romero
A learning scientist approach to modeling human cognition in individual and collaborative problem solving tasks. 12 f辿vrier 2021. Mini-cours. NeuroMod Institute. Universit辿 C担te d'Azur.
Presentation namin to sa III chapter1.pptxlittlenorman12
This document outlines a study that aims to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the academic performance of grade 12 learners. It discusses how AI can think and perform tasks like humans. The study will survey grade 12 learners about their knowledge of and experience with various AI-educational tools. It will examine relationships between learner profiles, AI tool usage, and academic performance. The goal is to understand how AI affects learning and propose ways to enhance learner skills and awareness of AI tools. The scope is limited to grade 12 students at one school and focuses on short-term outcomes.
Keynote taking about the importance of emotional and social learning, and digital competence as key comptences in the future where AI among other emerging technologies might shape our skills' set.
The document discusses theories of learning and the evolution of e-learning and learning spaces. It covers behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism and connectivism as the 5 main learning theories. It then discusses how learning spaces have evolved from traditional classrooms to online and hybrid environments. It notes how emerging technologies are merging real and virtual worlds and influencing new learning environments.
Keynote presentation of Yannis Dimitriadis at Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2022: Human-Centered Learning Analytics: Designing for balanced human and computational agency
Transforming Vocational Education - AI in theory and practiceGraham Attwell
George Bekiaridis and Graham Attwell have made a keynote presentation to the Second Conference on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and Vocational Education and Training油to be held on 24 and 25 October 2024 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg,油France. The event was be dedicated to discussing the chapters of the new publication on the Council of Europes Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) and VET.
In the presentation, Transforming Vocational Training - AI in theory and practice, they introduced ongoing research on using Activity Theory to analyse the impact of AI learning as a result of tool-mediated interactions, showcasing how conceptual frameworks, technologies, practical actions, individuals, and social institutions mutually shape each other in the learning process. They drew attention to the UNESCO Framework for competences in AI for students. which emphasises the importance of competences for citizenship, similar to the European Council;sd work on Democractic Culture.
Classrooms of the Future: How to Add Mixed Reality and Robotics to a Schools ...Bond University
This presentation builds upon the work of The Mixed Reality Research Lab (, as well as the work of the Collaborative Research & Engagements Around Technology and Education Lab (, over the last few years, looking specifically at the use of Robotics and Mixed Reality - incorporating 3d printing, augmented reality and mobile BYOD devices - to enhance Skills Development & Education. Using the applications produced by these two labs as case studies, the talk was presented at the Australian Independent Schools Digital Collaboration Networks - ICT Managers Forum on the 26th May 2017 and provided participants with knowledge of the basics of how mixed reality is used, as well as how robotics is implemented through the NAO robot; together with insight into how pedagogy and technology can be weaved into the STEAM infrastructure to implement a mixed reality, mobile device, and/or robotics solution into a STEAM classroom for a specific discipline.
"The future is human, and the future of learning is immersive": discuss debbieholley1
The future is human, and the future of learning is immersive. In the future, learning will take the shape of a story, a play, a game; involving multiple platforms and players; driven by dialogue and augmented with technology, an interplay of immersive experiences, data, and highly social virtual worlds
State of XR and Immersive Learning Outlook Report (2021)
What promises can technology offer us and those we educate? In this session we will focus on the metaverse a science fiction hypothetical iteration from the book Snow Crash (Stephenson 1992) set in a near future where the global political structure has collapsed (!), a tiny number of super-corporations control most aspects of life, and the rich spend their time in the metaverse.
Today the metaverse is the Facebook owned platform Meta, which Mark Zuckerberg explains as an embodied internet where youre in the experience, not just looking at it. Rather than our current 2D, screen-based internet, the metaverse will be a 3D virtual space, accessed by either a VR headset or AR (augmented reality) glasses, which superimpose a layer of digital information on top of the visible world. What impact might this have on our teaching practices, knowledge and beliefs?
Lee, M.J., Georgieva, M., Alexander, B., Craig, E. and Richter, J., 2021. State of XR & immersive learning outlook report 2021. Walnut, CA: Immersive Learning Research Network.
Metaverse: [accessed 16.03.2023]
Stephenson, N., 2003. Snow crash: A novel. Spectra.
Revolutionizing Education How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Lea...ijtsrd
This research investigates the potential benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of Artificial Intelligence AI in the education sector. Through a qualitative content analysis of scholarly articles and educational policy documents, this study explores perceptions of AIs transformative role in education, ethical considerations, and recommendations for managing risks and challenges. Findings suggest that while AI offers numerous advantages such as personalized learning, immediate feedback, and improved administrative efficiency, it also raises concerns related to data privacy, educational inequity, dehumanization, and the need for teacher training. Ethical issues concerning data privacy and security, fairness and bias, transparency, and accountability were also identified. The study concludes by underscoring the need for comprehensive policy guidance and further research to ensure that AI is implemented responsibly and equitably in education. Suman Roy | Sujit Kumar Paul "Revolutionizing Education: How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Learning Landscape" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-4, August 2023, URL: Paper Url:
UNESCO-Teaching and Learning with GenAI.pdfLirio Flores
This document discusses UNESCO's work on AI and education, including:
1. Setting global standards on the ethics of AI and guidelines for its use in education.
2. Supporting over 80 countries' digital education policies through publications, projects, and conferences on topics like open educational resources and AI competency frameworks.
3. Addressing controversies around generative AI, such as its potential to spread misinformation, lack of understanding of the real world, and ability to generate deepfakes without consent.
Exploring Critical Questions at the Intersection of AI and Learning in Higher...Bert De Coutere
Presentation for the LatinCALL 2024 online conference in November 2024.
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) reaches the 'peak of inflated expectations' on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Higher Education, educators are engaging with it through a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism. In this session, we will explore some of the pressing questions surrounding AIs role in higher education. Through concrete examples, we will examine the following critical issues:
Should institutions prioritize efforts to prevent cheating through AI tools like ChatGPT or focus on leveraging these technologies for academic development??
How viable are the promises of AI tutors and teaching assistants?
What are the immediate and practical applications of AI in higher education today, and where do they fall short?
Can AI realistically replace or augment language teachers?
What ethical and legal considerations should educators be mindful of when integrating AI into language learning programs?
This session aims to provide an informed discussion on the evolving relationship between AI and higher education, helping educators navigate both the opportunities and challenges AI presents.
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...Jari Laru
The油13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference,油INTED2019,IValencia (Spain). 11th-13th of March, 2019. Special Learning Technology Accelerator (Lea) Horizon 2020 project session: Innovation procurement to steer user-driven innovations for digital learning.
Show & TEL Ethics & Technology-Enhanced Learning Robert Farrow
This presentation reviews the state of the art with respect to the use of artificial intelligence in education, reflecting on the ethical aspects and implications with particular reference to distance education.
Renaissance of a master storyteller cynthia calongneCynthia Calongne
The document discusses Cynthia Calongne's vision for reinventing online education through digital storytelling, innovative technologies, and stimulating the imagination. It presents her approach of blending constructivism, where students create their own knowledge, with futurism, exploring emerging technologies. This includes students designing their own educational games and virtual learning spaces. The document also outlines trends in mobile learning, augmented reality, and games from the NMC Horizon reports that Calongne sees shaping the future of education.
A learning scientist approach to modeling human cognition in individual and c...Margarida Romero
A learning scientist approach to modeling human cognition in individual and collaborative problem solving tasks. 12 f辿vrier 2021. Mini-cours. NeuroMod Institute. Universit辿 C担te d'Azur.
Presentation namin to sa III chapter1.pptxlittlenorman12
This document outlines a study that aims to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the academic performance of grade 12 learners. It discusses how AI can think and perform tasks like humans. The study will survey grade 12 learners about their knowledge of and experience with various AI-educational tools. It will examine relationships between learner profiles, AI tool usage, and academic performance. The goal is to understand how AI affects learning and propose ways to enhance learner skills and awareness of AI tools. The scope is limited to grade 12 students at one school and focuses on short-term outcomes.
Keynote taking about the importance of emotional and social learning, and digital competence as key comptences in the future where AI among other emerging technologies might shape our skills' set.
The document discusses theories of learning and the evolution of e-learning and learning spaces. It covers behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism and connectivism as the 5 main learning theories. It then discusses how learning spaces have evolved from traditional classrooms to online and hybrid environments. It notes how emerging technologies are merging real and virtual worlds and influencing new learning environments.
Keynote presentation of Yannis Dimitriadis at Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2022: Human-Centered Learning Analytics: Designing for balanced human and computational agency
Transforming Vocational Education - AI in theory and practiceGraham Attwell
George Bekiaridis and Graham Attwell have made a keynote presentation to the Second Conference on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and Vocational Education and Training油to be held on 24 and 25 October 2024 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg,油France. The event was be dedicated to discussing the chapters of the new publication on the Council of Europes Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) and VET.
In the presentation, Transforming Vocational Training - AI in theory and practice, they introduced ongoing research on using Activity Theory to analyse the impact of AI learning as a result of tool-mediated interactions, showcasing how conceptual frameworks, technologies, practical actions, individuals, and social institutions mutually shape each other in the learning process. They drew attention to the UNESCO Framework for competences in AI for students. which emphasises the importance of competences for citizenship, similar to the European Council;sd work on Democractic Culture.
Classrooms of the Future: How to Add Mixed Reality and Robotics to a Schools ...Bond University
This presentation builds upon the work of The Mixed Reality Research Lab (, as well as the work of the Collaborative Research & Engagements Around Technology and Education Lab (, over the last few years, looking specifically at the use of Robotics and Mixed Reality - incorporating 3d printing, augmented reality and mobile BYOD devices - to enhance Skills Development & Education. Using the applications produced by these two labs as case studies, the talk was presented at the Australian Independent Schools Digital Collaboration Networks - ICT Managers Forum on the 26th May 2017 and provided participants with knowledge of the basics of how mixed reality is used, as well as how robotics is implemented through the NAO robot; together with insight into how pedagogy and technology can be weaved into the STEAM infrastructure to implement a mixed reality, mobile device, and/or robotics solution into a STEAM classroom for a specific discipline.
"The future is human, and the future of learning is immersive": discuss debbieholley1
The future is human, and the future of learning is immersive. In the future, learning will take the shape of a story, a play, a game; involving multiple platforms and players; driven by dialogue and augmented with technology, an interplay of immersive experiences, data, and highly social virtual worlds
State of XR and Immersive Learning Outlook Report (2021)
What promises can technology offer us and those we educate? In this session we will focus on the metaverse a science fiction hypothetical iteration from the book Snow Crash (Stephenson 1992) set in a near future where the global political structure has collapsed (!), a tiny number of super-corporations control most aspects of life, and the rich spend their time in the metaverse.
Today the metaverse is the Facebook owned platform Meta, which Mark Zuckerberg explains as an embodied internet where youre in the experience, not just looking at it. Rather than our current 2D, screen-based internet, the metaverse will be a 3D virtual space, accessed by either a VR headset or AR (augmented reality) glasses, which superimpose a layer of digital information on top of the visible world. What impact might this have on our teaching practices, knowledge and beliefs?
Lee, M.J., Georgieva, M., Alexander, B., Craig, E. and Richter, J., 2021. State of XR & immersive learning outlook report 2021. Walnut, CA: Immersive Learning Research Network.
Metaverse: [accessed 16.03.2023]
Stephenson, N., 2003. Snow crash: A novel. Spectra.
Revolutionizing Education How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Lea...ijtsrd
This research investigates the potential benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of Artificial Intelligence AI in the education sector. Through a qualitative content analysis of scholarly articles and educational policy documents, this study explores perceptions of AIs transformative role in education, ethical considerations, and recommendations for managing risks and challenges. Findings suggest that while AI offers numerous advantages such as personalized learning, immediate feedback, and improved administrative efficiency, it also raises concerns related to data privacy, educational inequity, dehumanization, and the need for teacher training. Ethical issues concerning data privacy and security, fairness and bias, transparency, and accountability were also identified. The study concludes by underscoring the need for comprehensive policy guidance and further research to ensure that AI is implemented responsibly and equitably in education. Suman Roy | Sujit Kumar Paul "Revolutionizing Education: How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Learning Landscape" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-4, August 2023, URL: Paper Url:
UNESCO-Teaching and Learning with GenAI.pdfLirio Flores
This document discusses UNESCO's work on AI and education, including:
1. Setting global standards on the ethics of AI and guidelines for its use in education.
2. Supporting over 80 countries' digital education policies through publications, projects, and conferences on topics like open educational resources and AI competency frameworks.
3. Addressing controversies around generative AI, such as its potential to spread misinformation, lack of understanding of the real world, and ability to generate deepfakes without consent.
Exploring Critical Questions at the Intersection of AI and Learning in Higher...Bert De Coutere
Presentation for the LatinCALL 2024 online conference in November 2024.
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) reaches the 'peak of inflated expectations' on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Higher Education, educators are engaging with it through a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism. In this session, we will explore some of the pressing questions surrounding AIs role in higher education. Through concrete examples, we will examine the following critical issues:
Should institutions prioritize efforts to prevent cheating through AI tools like ChatGPT or focus on leveraging these technologies for academic development??
How viable are the promises of AI tutors and teaching assistants?
What are the immediate and practical applications of AI in higher education today, and where do they fall short?
Can AI realistically replace or augment language teachers?
What ethical and legal considerations should educators be mindful of when integrating AI into language learning programs?
This session aims to provide an informed discussion on the evolving relationship between AI and higher education, helping educators navigate both the opportunities and challenges AI presents.
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...Jari Laru
The油13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference,油INTED2019,IValencia (Spain). 11th-13th of March, 2019. Special Learning Technology Accelerator (Lea) Horizon 2020 project session: Innovation procurement to steer user-driven innovations for digital learning.
How to ensure robust assessment in the light of Generative AI developmentsEADTU
Presented Liz Hardie and Mychelle Pride (Open University, UK) as part of the EADTU Webinar Week 'AI in Education: Assessment, Ethics, and the Future of Learning'
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
The Transformative impact of AI on education, from an ethical perspective.pdf
1. The transformative impact of
AI on Education, from an
ethical perspective
Roland Klemke
Empower Webinar Week
AI in Education: Assessment, Ethics, and the Future of Learning
03 December 2024
7. Pedagogic change no longer comes from just
educational research; it comes from insights in
cognitive science and, increasingly, through
technological innovation
Donald Clark, 2023
8. The learning brain
Social Learning
Life emerges on earth
Institutionalised Learning
Learning with Technology
Technology that Learns
~4 bn yrs ~500 mn yrs ~200.000 yrs ~4.000 yrs ~100 yrs now
11. Final objective: Intelligent Tutors
The vision is to create
intelligent tutoring systems
which fully understand the user
and can maximise objectives such as:
- learning gains
- collaboration
- skill mastery
- knowledge acquisition
- behavioral change .
Hey, Im Clippy! In the past
I was not that smart and helpful. But with AI
I can become much more intelligent!
12. but Learning is a complex process!
Bloom, B.S. et al (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain.
Bandura, A. (1971). Social learning theory. New York: General Learning Press.
Three domains of learning (Bloom) Social learning theory (Bandura)
14. AI-based
Learning Analytics
Di Mitri D, Schneider J, Specht M, Drachsler H. From signals to knowledge: A conceptual model for multimodal learning analytics. J Comput
Assist Learn. 2018;34:338349.
Body +
15. Modelling psychomotor
Adam G. Kirk, James F. O'Brien, and David A. Forsyth. "Skeletal Parameter Estimation from Optical Motion
Capture Data". In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2005, pages 782788, June
Biomechanical movements are finite and
take place in 3D space
Body and mind are highly inter-
connected! Psychological and physical
factors cannot be separated
16. Modelling affect (emotions)
Arroyo, I., Cooper, D. G., Burleson, W., Woolf, B. P., Muldner, K., & Christopherson, R. (2009, July). Emotion
Sensors Go To School. In AIED (Vol. 200, pp. 17-24)
AFFECTIVE COMPUTING = the study and development of systems
and devices that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate
human emotions.
17. Modelling social interactions
Martinez Maldonado, Roberto, et al. "Orchestrating a multi-tabletop classroom: from activity design to
enactment and reflection." Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and
surfaces. ACM, 2012.
19. Behaviorist Learning with AI
Learning as a response to
environmental stimuli posits
that behaviors can be shaped
through reinforcement and
MILKI-PSY dance tutor (Mat Sanusi et al., 2024)
Immediate feedback
Reinforcement learning
Continuous practice
Psychomotor tasks
20. (Limbu, Schneider, et al., 2018; Limbu et al., 2019)
AI-based Feedback provision
in the Calligraphy Tutor
21. Constructivist learning with AI
Learners actively construct their
own understanding and
knowledge of the world
MILKI-PSY human robot interaction (Keller, Majonica, et al., 2024)
Intelligent tutoring systems
Prior Knowledge activation
Student models
Learning analytics
22. Social constructivist learning with AI
Learning happens within social contexts
and is profoundly influenced by cultural
beliefs and attitudes
AR Tutor (Iren, 2024)
Collaborative learning
Project-based learning
Conversation theory
Learning occurs through conversation
23. Online class
Non-verbal cues
Action Units
(head movements)
Feedback to the teacher
(Shingjergji et al., 2022; Iren, Shingjergji, et al., 2023; Bottger et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2021; Iren, Yildirim, et al., 2023)
Teacher Support with Affective Computing
In online learning, teachers are more
disconnected from their learners. AI-based
affective computing can inform the teacher
about struggling learners
27. Reported ML biases, failures, and issues
Gender bias in automated
translation (here turkish english)
Turning the neutral pronoun into a
"he" when in the same sentence as
"doctor" or "hard working," and a
"she" for "lazy" and "nurse.
Google Allo suggested man in
turban emoji as response to a gun
Amazon Echo starts playing
random music without owner at
IBM Watson for oncology cancelled
after unsafe treatment
Microsoft Chatbot trained with
hate speech
Apples face ID beaten by mask
Uber self-driving vehicle killing a
Amazons recruitment AI is
28. Reasons for these problems
Training data already biased
ML algorithms are bad at generalising
Algorithms can contain bias (models, observation space, feedback
functions, rewards, learning rates )
Structure and knowledge is hard to pre-encode in ML algorithms
ML badly represents uncertainty and does not handle it well
ML does not explain ist decision (black-box)
Small changes in input data can destroy ML results
Applying ML depends largely on expert knowledge
29. Image: Milad Fakurian on Unsplash
Training data
Source code
Quality control
31. (Agarwal et al., 2024, in review; Liesenfeld et al., 2023)
Ethics of AI in Education
32. How do we take control?
Openness is a key
Open Source
Open Model
Open Data
Independent control is another
Training Data
Quality control processes
Image: Duy Pham auf Unsplash
This requires collaboration of individuals, institutions, and politics!
33. Conclusion
Education faces challenges: population, life-time, global challenges
Traditional education fails to scale enough
Technology is needed to drive the change
Open challenges are in precision, consistency, ethics
Effort is required to ensure ethical and useful use of AI in education
34. Thank you!
Your Prompts?
Roland Klemke
Empower Webinar Week
AI in Education: Assessment, Ethics, and the
Future of Learning
03 December 2024