Presented Liz Hardie and Mychelle Pride (Open University, UK) as part of the EADTU Webinar Week 'AI in Education: Assessment, Ethics, and the Future of Learning'
1. Formative assessment is key to raising student achievement by providing feedback to teachers and students to modify teaching and learning activities.
2. There are five key strategies of formative assessment: sharing learning expectations; questioning; feedback; self-assessment; and peer assessment.
3. These strategies include clarifying learning targets, using effective questioning techniques, and providing feedback that helps students improve.
Educational Marketing: how to reduce the student evasion
rate in higher education institutions?
(Marketing Educacional: como reduzir o 鱈ndice de evas達o em institui巽探es de n鱈vel superior?)
The document summarizes a presentation on reimagining assessment and feedback given by consultants from Jisc. It discusses Jisc's current research on trends in assessment, principles of good assessment, results from a poll on concerns in the higher education assessment landscape, examples of how technology can help implement assessment principles, and looking to the future of assessment including what is not yet supported digitally. The presentation engaged participants in activities to discuss tools, examples of good practice, and future support needs.
Calibrating Assessment Literacy Through Benchmarking TasksSimon Knight
際際滷s that partner with the paper Simon Knight, Andrea Leigh, Yvonne C. Davila, Leigh J. Martin, Daniel W. Krix, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
In calibration tasks students assess exemplar texts using criteria against which their own work will be assessed. Typically these tasks are used in the context of training for peer assessment. Little research has been conducted on the benefits of calibration tasks, such as benchmarking, as learning opportunities in their own right. This paper examines a dataset from a long-running benchmarking task (~500 students per semester, for four semesters). We investigate the relationship of benchmarking performance to other student outcomes, including ability to self-assess accurately. We show that students who complete the benchmarking perform better, that there is a relationship between benchmarking performance and self-assessment performance, and that students appreciate the support for learning that benchmarking tasks provide. We discuss implications for teaching and learning flagging the potential of calibration tasks as an under-explored tool.
Collecting Information油Please respond to the followingUsi.docxmary772
"Collecting Information"油Please respond to the following:
Using your evaluation plan, describe it briefly and discuss the appropriateness, benefits, and limitations of using two of the following designs: (a) case study, (b) time-series, (c) causal pre- and posttest, (d) comparison.
"Evaluation Designs"油Please respond to the following:
Since it is usually impossible to evaluate the whole population of a large program, evaluators must select samples. Using your evaluation plan, discuss the possible benefits and limitations of selecting a random sample or using purposive sampling to obtain the target population.
Program Evaluation Approach for Education
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The program evaluation is a viable mechanism that is used in schools that seek to strengthen the quality ofeducation that they offer as well as improving the outcomes of the students. Today, many approaches that are used in the evaluation focus on education and especially about the key features of the program that will be evaluated. This paper will seek to describe the planned approach as it applied in education as well as the rationale for the strategy, description of the question areas and their rationale and finally the stockholders and the reasons they should be involved as well as the ways that can be used in obtaining their involvement.油
and Rationale
the Program Evaluation Approach
The Tylerian evaluation approach usually has a significant influence on both evaluation and education. His theory foresaw the concepts that will be used in today`s world in the improvement and multiple as the means of assessment. He defined the objectives as a way for the teachers to explain what they wanted to teach in the classes(Posavac, 2015). Through stating the goals in terms of what the students should do, Tyler believed that the teachers should plan more on their curricula so that they can be able to achieve more. Tyler eventually defined the program evaluation approach as a process of determining how best one is achieving its objectives (Jacobs, 2017). In the evaluation process, one should consider the following steps; establishment of the broad goals as well as the objectives, classifying the goals, define the objectives in terms of behavior, finding situation in which the achievement of the targets can be shown, development of the required measurement techniques, collecting the performance data and eventually compare the performance of the data with the behaviors that have been stated in the objectives.
Description of the
Question and their Rationale
Some of the description questions that can be asked on the process are why is there a discrepancy?油
The discrepancy in education is the model that is usually used in the determination of whether a child is eligible for education. It usually refers to the mismatch between the child`s intellectual ability and their progres.
This document provides an overview of 6 methods for collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. It discusses developing research questions, determining appropriate study designs, and selecting data collection methods. Both quantitative methods like surveys and qualitative methods like interviews and focus groups are covered. The document emphasizes the importance of ethical research practices, such as obtaining informed consent, when engaging participants, particularly children.
The MyWays Framework is a dashboard that concisely distills the major frameworks available today for deeper, richer definitions of student success. The 20 competencies are grouped in the four arenas of Content Knowledge, Creative Know-How, Habits of Success, and Wayfinding Abilities. (My ways exercise 3 slides 20151030v4 8)
Assessment and evaluation involve systematically gathering information on student learning and performance to improve instruction. Standardized tests and methods are used to make valid comparisons. DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2015 provides guidelines for classroom assessment in the Philippine basic education program, distinguishing formative from summative assessment. Formative assessment informs teaching while summative assessment measures standards mastery. A variety of assessment strategies and performance tasks are used for a holistic understanding of student competencies.
Ch. 13 designing and conducting summative evaluationsEzraGray1
The document discusses summative evaluation, which determines whether instruction meets expectations. It has two phases: expert judgement to evaluate instructional quality, and impact analysis to assess skill transfer. Unlike formative evaluation which improves instruction, summative evaluation makes decisions about maintaining, adopting, or adapting instruction using external evaluators unfamiliar with instruction. Instructional designers make good summative evaluators due to understanding instructional design criteria.
The presentation discussed diagnostic assessment as a component of the curriculum. It defined diagnostic assessment as understanding how to modify instruction based on student performance. The presentation covered the difference between measurement, assessment, and evaluation. It also discussed various assessment tools and types, including formative and summative. Examples of diagnostic test questions and benefits of diagnostic assessment were provided, along with remedial work plans. The goal was to identify student difficulties and enhance learning.
This presentation is about diagnostic assessment in Moroccan Public Secondary Schools. Assessment is one of the components of the curruculum along with goals, content, and methodology.
Six early childhood education teacher candidates observed formative assessments in six elementary classrooms across three counties. They found that formative assessments were most often used to inform grouping students and providing remediation. The teachers said formative assessments should be used constantly and quickly to know if students understand concepts and whether to move on or review material. For formative assessments to be effective, teachers must use the data to drive decisions and instruction.
Instructional Objectives, Assessments and Evaluation of Needs TatianaMajor22
Instructional Objectives, Assessments and Evaluation of Needs Analysis
Taya Hervey-McNutt
EDU: 533 Instructional Design & Development
Professor Nguyen
November 28, 2021
Instructional Objectives, Assessments and Evaluation of Needs Analysis
Instructional objectives
Trainees should be able to:
Identify factors that contribute to the existing differences amongst students
Contribute meaningfully to discussions on how to harmoniously cope with learners
diversity and articulate their insights on the same
Formulate with ease the various instructional methods of teaching and learning that cuts
across the needs and characteristics of learners
Measures that evaluate each learning objective
Every learning objective needs to be evaluated efficiently so as to determine whether or
not the former is achievable. The following measures correspond respectively to the
above-mentioned learning objectives.
Objective tests
These are items that are highly structured and require one to supply a word or two so as
to select the right answer from a number of alternatives. The reason why they would be the best
measure of evaluating the first learning objective which is to identify the factors that contribute
to the existing students' differences is that they tend to be better at testing low order thinking
skills, such as memory, basic comprehension and perhaps application (1). Some forms of the
test would require one to identify by matching items, indicating whether the statement is true or
false, filling in a blank space, or giving short answers from a number of alternatives.
Essay test
This type of evaluation is the best for the second learning objective because it requires a
response that needs to be composed. They give room for freedom of expressing individual
thoughts creatively. After contributing to discussions and articulating insights on how to cope
with learners' diversity unanimously, it is logical that the trainee needs to be evaluated to
understand the extent to which they are familiar with the needs analysis. Besides, its effective as
it evaluates the said learning objective through aspects of thinking, sharing of opinions, and
logically providing answers. The trainees can in detail put their thoughts down about the content
learned from their own point of view.
Summative evaluation
Given that the third and last objective requires one to formulate with ease the perfect
instructional methods for teaching and learning which cuts across the different needs and
characteristics of learners, summative evaluation is with no doubt the effective measure of
evaluation. For one, summative evaluation comes at the end of the course and is designed to
determine the extent to which the learning objective is achieved. It also provides information for
judging the appropriateness of a program which in this case is the need for analysis, students
Constructed response test
According to Frey, Constructed-resp ...
This document summarizes the findings of a global study on how companies transfer learning from training programs into workplace behaviors. Some key findings include: 1) While most companies assess learning needs through performance reviews, 8% conduct no assessment; 2) The Kirkpatrick model is commonly used to assess learning effectiveness but 18% use no measures; 3) Only 53% believe individuals recognize the importance of applying learning, showing room for improvement in developing a learning culture. The study provides insights to help organizations better support learning transfer into on-the-job performance.
This document discusses the findings of a global study conducted by TMI on how organizations transfer learning into workplace behaviors. Some key findings include: 1) The Kirkpatrick model is commonly used to assess learning effectiveness, 2) Line manager support for learning transfer needs improvement, and 3) Recognition for applying learning is lacking in many organizations. The study aimed to understand organizational perspectives and develop a model to help organizations better support learning transfer.
Understanding learning gain and why this might matter to you Jisc
The document discusses learning gain and why measuring it is important. It outlines the session which will clarify what learning gain means, consider drivers for interest in measuring it like the Teaching Excellence Framework, introduce types of learning gain measures, and discuss how learning technologies could provide data. Challenges of developing robust learning gain measures are also examined. Examples of UK universities measuring skills, engagement, and attributes are provided.
This document discusses key considerations for conducting program evaluations, including:
1) Evaluations must fit the specific context and involve multiple stakeholders to understand differing perspectives.
2) Evaluators should facilitate negotiations between stakeholders to develop shared understanding of the evaluation's purpose and questions.
3) Evaluations should have a clear purpose such as formative, summative, or knowledge generation.
4) Evaluation questions should help focus the evaluation and be tied to the program's goals, objectives, and theory of change. A variety of social science methods can be used to rigorously answer the questions.
This document provides guidance on effective assessment strategies for teachers. It emphasizes the importance of clear learning objectives and involving students in the assessment process. Formative assessment should be ongoing to monitor student understanding and allow teachers to adjust instruction as needed. Feedback should focus on the task, be specific and actionable, and avoid comparisons between students. Both formative and summative assessments are important, and teachers need a plan for assessing, collecting data, and reporting results.
Recruitment and Selection in Canada 7th Edition Catano Solutions ManualLancere
Full download : Recruitment and Selection in Canada 7th Edition Catano Solutions Manual
This document discusses different types of assessment and strategies to promote effective assessment. It describes three main types of assessment: assessment for learning, which informs teaching; assessment as learning, which involves student self-assessment; and assessment of learning, which evaluates student learning. Several strategies are outlined, including setting clear learning intentions, establishing assessment criteria, using questions to check understanding, providing descriptive feedback, and involving students in peer and self-assessment. The goal is to use assessment to actively engage students in learning and help teachers improve their instruction.
The document discusses the convergence of gifted education and response to intervention (RtI) models. It outlines key elements of RtI including universal screening, established protocols for tiered interventions, a problem-solving approach, collaborative structures, and fluidity and flexibility to meet student needs. The document argues that RtI provides an opportunity to identify and support the needs of gifted students through differentiation and allowing students to progress through tiers of enrichment and acceleration based on abilities rather than struggling in the general education setting. Successful implementation of RtI for gifted students requires professional development on evidence-based practices for differentiation.
Human Capital Growth Webinar: 2018 HCG talent development benchmark studyHuman Capital Growth
Learn the results of our 2018 HCG Talent Development Benchmark Survey.
Methods Of Program Evaluation. Evaluation Research Is OfferedJennifer Wood
This document discusses different approaches to evaluation research and program evaluation. It provides examples of different types of evaluation research, such as problem analysis, evidence-based policy, and evidence generation. It also discusses publication bias in medical informatics evaluation research and evaluates the training evaluation process for a dinner event. Key aspects of performance evaluations and the challenges associated with the performance evaluation process are outlined as well. Different participant-oriented approaches to evaluation like participatory evaluation, developmental evaluation, and empowerment evaluation are also presented.
Compilation of notes from the Solution Tree Conference in Atlanta, GA - October 2009
Ahead of the Curve: The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning
The MyWays Framework is a dashboard that concisely distills the major frameworks available today for deeper, richer definitions of student success. The 20 competencies are grouped in the four arenas of Content Knowledge, Creative Know-How, Habits of Success, and Wayfinding Abilities. (My ways exercise 3 slides 20151030v4 8)
Assessment and evaluation involve systematically gathering information on student learning and performance to improve instruction. Standardized tests and methods are used to make valid comparisons. DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2015 provides guidelines for classroom assessment in the Philippine basic education program, distinguishing formative from summative assessment. Formative assessment informs teaching while summative assessment measures standards mastery. A variety of assessment strategies and performance tasks are used for a holistic understanding of student competencies.
Ch. 13 designing and conducting summative evaluationsEzraGray1
The document discusses summative evaluation, which determines whether instruction meets expectations. It has two phases: expert judgement to evaluate instructional quality, and impact analysis to assess skill transfer. Unlike formative evaluation which improves instruction, summative evaluation makes decisions about maintaining, adopting, or adapting instruction using external evaluators unfamiliar with instruction. Instructional designers make good summative evaluators due to understanding instructional design criteria.
The presentation discussed diagnostic assessment as a component of the curriculum. It defined diagnostic assessment as understanding how to modify instruction based on student performance. The presentation covered the difference between measurement, assessment, and evaluation. It also discussed various assessment tools and types, including formative and summative. Examples of diagnostic test questions and benefits of diagnostic assessment were provided, along with remedial work plans. The goal was to identify student difficulties and enhance learning.
This presentation is about diagnostic assessment in Moroccan Public Secondary Schools. Assessment is one of the components of the curruculum along with goals, content, and methodology.
Six early childhood education teacher candidates observed formative assessments in six elementary classrooms across three counties. They found that formative assessments were most often used to inform grouping students and providing remediation. The teachers said formative assessments should be used constantly and quickly to know if students understand concepts and whether to move on or review material. For formative assessments to be effective, teachers must use the data to drive decisions and instruction.
Instructional Objectives, Assessments and Evaluation of Needs TatianaMajor22
Instructional Objectives, Assessments and Evaluation of Needs Analysis
Taya Hervey-McNutt
EDU: 533 Instructional Design & Development
Professor Nguyen
November 28, 2021
Instructional Objectives, Assessments and Evaluation of Needs Analysis
Instructional objectives
Trainees should be able to:
Identify factors that contribute to the existing differences amongst students
Contribute meaningfully to discussions on how to harmoniously cope with learners
diversity and articulate their insights on the same
Formulate with ease the various instructional methods of teaching and learning that cuts
across the needs and characteristics of learners
Measures that evaluate each learning objective
Every learning objective needs to be evaluated efficiently so as to determine whether or
not the former is achievable. The following measures correspond respectively to the
above-mentioned learning objectives.
Objective tests
These are items that are highly structured and require one to supply a word or two so as
to select the right answer from a number of alternatives. The reason why they would be the best
measure of evaluating the first learning objective which is to identify the factors that contribute
to the existing students' differences is that they tend to be better at testing low order thinking
skills, such as memory, basic comprehension and perhaps application (1). Some forms of the
test would require one to identify by matching items, indicating whether the statement is true or
false, filling in a blank space, or giving short answers from a number of alternatives.
Essay test
This type of evaluation is the best for the second learning objective because it requires a
response that needs to be composed. They give room for freedom of expressing individual
thoughts creatively. After contributing to discussions and articulating insights on how to cope
with learners' diversity unanimously, it is logical that the trainee needs to be evaluated to
understand the extent to which they are familiar with the needs analysis. Besides, its effective as
it evaluates the said learning objective through aspects of thinking, sharing of opinions, and
logically providing answers. The trainees can in detail put their thoughts down about the content
learned from their own point of view.
Summative evaluation
Given that the third and last objective requires one to formulate with ease the perfect
instructional methods for teaching and learning which cuts across the different needs and
characteristics of learners, summative evaluation is with no doubt the effective measure of
evaluation. For one, summative evaluation comes at the end of the course and is designed to
determine the extent to which the learning objective is achieved. It also provides information for
judging the appropriateness of a program which in this case is the need for analysis, students
Constructed response test
According to Frey, Constructed-resp ...
This document summarizes the findings of a global study on how companies transfer learning from training programs into workplace behaviors. Some key findings include: 1) While most companies assess learning needs through performance reviews, 8% conduct no assessment; 2) The Kirkpatrick model is commonly used to assess learning effectiveness but 18% use no measures; 3) Only 53% believe individuals recognize the importance of applying learning, showing room for improvement in developing a learning culture. The study provides insights to help organizations better support learning transfer into on-the-job performance.
This document discusses the findings of a global study conducted by TMI on how organizations transfer learning into workplace behaviors. Some key findings include: 1) The Kirkpatrick model is commonly used to assess learning effectiveness, 2) Line manager support for learning transfer needs improvement, and 3) Recognition for applying learning is lacking in many organizations. The study aimed to understand organizational perspectives and develop a model to help organizations better support learning transfer.
Understanding learning gain and why this might matter to you Jisc
The document discusses learning gain and why measuring it is important. It outlines the session which will clarify what learning gain means, consider drivers for interest in measuring it like the Teaching Excellence Framework, introduce types of learning gain measures, and discuss how learning technologies could provide data. Challenges of developing robust learning gain measures are also examined. Examples of UK universities measuring skills, engagement, and attributes are provided.
This document discusses key considerations for conducting program evaluations, including:
1) Evaluations must fit the specific context and involve multiple stakeholders to understand differing perspectives.
2) Evaluators should facilitate negotiations between stakeholders to develop shared understanding of the evaluation's purpose and questions.
3) Evaluations should have a clear purpose such as formative, summative, or knowledge generation.
4) Evaluation questions should help focus the evaluation and be tied to the program's goals, objectives, and theory of change. A variety of social science methods can be used to rigorously answer the questions.
This document provides guidance on effective assessment strategies for teachers. It emphasizes the importance of clear learning objectives and involving students in the assessment process. Formative assessment should be ongoing to monitor student understanding and allow teachers to adjust instruction as needed. Feedback should focus on the task, be specific and actionable, and avoid comparisons between students. Both formative and summative assessments are important, and teachers need a plan for assessing, collecting data, and reporting results.
Recruitment and Selection in Canada 7th Edition Catano Solutions ManualLancere
Full download : Recruitment and Selection in Canada 7th Edition Catano Solutions Manual
This document discusses different types of assessment and strategies to promote effective assessment. It describes three main types of assessment: assessment for learning, which informs teaching; assessment as learning, which involves student self-assessment; and assessment of learning, which evaluates student learning. Several strategies are outlined, including setting clear learning intentions, establishing assessment criteria, using questions to check understanding, providing descriptive feedback, and involving students in peer and self-assessment. The goal is to use assessment to actively engage students in learning and help teachers improve their instruction.
The document discusses the convergence of gifted education and response to intervention (RtI) models. It outlines key elements of RtI including universal screening, established protocols for tiered interventions, a problem-solving approach, collaborative structures, and fluidity and flexibility to meet student needs. The document argues that RtI provides an opportunity to identify and support the needs of gifted students through differentiation and allowing students to progress through tiers of enrichment and acceleration based on abilities rather than struggling in the general education setting. Successful implementation of RtI for gifted students requires professional development on evidence-based practices for differentiation.
Human Capital Growth Webinar: 2018 HCG talent development benchmark studyHuman Capital Growth
Learn the results of our 2018 HCG Talent Development Benchmark Survey.
Methods Of Program Evaluation. Evaluation Research Is OfferedJennifer Wood
This document discusses different approaches to evaluation research and program evaluation. It provides examples of different types of evaluation research, such as problem analysis, evidence-based policy, and evidence generation. It also discusses publication bias in medical informatics evaluation research and evaluates the training evaluation process for a dinner event. Key aspects of performance evaluations and the challenges associated with the performance evaluation process are outlined as well. Different participant-oriented approaches to evaluation like participatory evaluation, developmental evaluation, and empowerment evaluation are also presented.
Compilation of notes from the Solution Tree Conference in Atlanta, GA - October 2009
Ahead of the Curve: The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to ensure robust assessment in the light of Generative AI developments
1. How to ensure robust
assessment in the light of
Generative AI
Presenters: Liz Hardie and Mychelle Pride
Research authors: Liz Hardie, Jonquil Lowe, Mychelle
Pride, Kevin Waugh, Mirjam Hauck, Francine Ryan, Daniel
Gooch, Volker Patent, Kieran McCartney, Claire Maguire,
Mike Richards, Heather Richardson
The Open University and NCFE
25 October 2024
3. Research outline
Research questions:
Which question types are most/least easily answered by GAI?
Does that vary across disciplines and levels?
Does training markers improve GAI script detection?
Select questions (59) representative of different types (17), levels (4) and disciplines (17)
For each question, markers (43) mark a batch of 8 scripts, mixed student (5) and GAI (3).
Markers undergo short online training
For each question, markers mark second batch of 8 scripts, mixed student (5) and GAI (3).
Total 944 scripts (472 in each batch; 354 GAI scripts across both batches)
Mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative): marking records; focus groups; training
quizzes and survey
4. 4
How well does GAI perform by question type?
5 = Pass 1
4 = Pass 2 (Upper second)
3 = Pass 3 (Lower second)
2 = Pass 4
1 = Fail
N = 944 scripts
5. Activity Plan
year course Economic in Practice
Imagine that you work in a health-policy consultancy firm. You have been hired by the
government of a small country that is completely new to evaluating its policies. You must
provide advice on a plan to impose a tax on fat in take-away foods.
Write a briefing to be submitted to the government that:
describes in general terms the purpose of doing evaluations and the types of evaluation
the council might want to consider
articulates a plausible ultimate goal of the policy and suggests a theory of change for how
a tax on fat in take-away foods might achieve that goal
suggests a design for an impact or economic evaluation, including the type of data that
would need to be gathered and any distributional and ethical issues you have considered.
Make sure you read the Student notes for Part A which contain important
instructions about the format and content of your briefing.
7. 7
Detection of GAI scripts and impact of training
For each
of GAI can
range from
0 to
3 scripts
N = 58 questions
8. 8
Detection of student scripts and impact of training
For each
of student
range from 0
to 5 scripts
N = 58 questions
It's increased my confidence, however the decline in my score between the pre- and post-training quiz
emphasises that identifying the GenAI tool outputs is more an art than a science.
9. 9
GAI hallmarks and weaknesses
I could see how the ways
in which GAI cannot really
come to a conclusion is
different from the ways in
which students just fail to
put forward an argument
GAI tends to provide both
sides of an argument and
then its not coming to a
conclusion, while students
just fail to put forward a
convincing argument
N = 287 correct GAI scripts; 59 False positive scripts
11. 11
Key findings - assessment
Training improves GAI detection but also increases false positives.
Detection might not be feasible false positives and time it takes.
No question types are currently robust but some types are definitely less robust and
others are amenable to embedding more robust design.
The amount of time that I was spending contemplating whether or
not these questions were AI-generated or not, now, if I was to then
apply that to my day-to-day role as a tutor, the amount of time that I
would need to spend to really think about it in detail, it becomes
12. Recommendations - assessment
Hallmarks of GAI: key value is in informing question design, marking
guidance, and student skills interventions, rather than GAI-misuse
Question design and marking guidance: risk assess question design (eg
University of Greenwich AI Risk Measure Scale); use clear rubric and
explicit criteria to determine a fail; design curriculum to support robust
Institutional approach: Use a team approach to foster responsible and
ethical usage of GAI in order to ensure clarity, consistency and fairness to
all students (non-GAI users, responsible GAI-users, irresponsible GAI-
13. 13
Recommendations academic conduct and skills
Skills development
o Equip teaching staff to use GAI to strengthen students study
o Before referring for academic misconduct, engage with students
with a focus on support and developing skills; maintain a record
of these interventions.
Conduct referrals
o Provide teaching staff with clarity about their role and with clear
academic conduct referral guidance.
o Ensure referral decisions are proportionate and timely.
14. 14
Recommendations GAI training
Who to train: Markers; staff who produce curriculum and set
assessments; students.
When to train: needs to be ongoing. GAI is not standing still, so
neither can we.
Content of training:
o Staff: GAI hallmarks, question and marking guidance design,
discipline specific issues, when to refer to skills intervention.
o Students: GAI hallmarks, GAI skills for study and employability.