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Ignite Karaoke
   by Bryce Murry

   August 3rd, 2011
    Las Vegas, NV
Tony H.
Rick D.

  Yeah, they left us out standing
  on the side of the road.
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Eliana F.

Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
People eat about 250,000,000 tonnes of meat
                annually worldwide and each
               human consumes on average
                             40 kilograms of
                              meat annually.
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Crystal C.
Jia T.

    Dry land is not just our destination, it is our destiny!
Quantum Antiferromagnets
  and High Temperature
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
A whale-
ship was my
Yale College
     and my
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
Bryce Murry: Ignite Karaoke
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