1. The GO FAR project monitored participants through surveys distributed after mobility experiences and preparatory courses to gather feedback. This feedback informed improvements to the project.
2. Teachers appreciated aspects of the teaching method introduced by Professor Zacharias, such as starting with concrete examples and discovery learning. They also valued networking with other teachers.
3. The project sowed ideas for continuing development, such as deepening the empirical teaching approach, creating teacher networks, and organizing interdisciplinary activities between schools. Participants expressed interest in future exchanges.
Maths CDs provide active help for pupils learning math through modeling problems, translating them into mathematical language like terms, equations, and functions, then solving them using tools like computers and calculators. The CDs help guide students through the cycle of solving problems by modeling, translating, solving, and interpreting results.
The document summarizes a professional development event for teachers held in Bologna, Italy on October 21, 2011. The event focused on using eTwinning and mathematics projects to challenge students and support teacher professional development. The agenda included presentations from teachers and experts on using history and technology in math lessons as well as showcasing award-winning eTwinning projects involving mathematics from schools across Europe. The goal of the event was to encourage more teachers to use eTwinning to collaborate internationally on student projects and for their own continuous learning.
The document summarizes the history and operations of Ipsia A. Ferrari, a vocational school in Modena, Italy. It was originally founded in 1965 by Enzo Ferrari to train Ferrari staff. It maintains strong ties with Ferrari and other automotive companies through work placements, donations, and research facilities. The school also conducts research into renewable energy vehicles. It has participated in international projects and exchanges since the 1990s. The school provides support for students with disabilities or learning disorders through specialized software, tutoring, and mixed school/work programs.
Raffaele Iosa provides an overview of Italy's model for integrating and including students with disabilities in regular schools. Some key points:
1) Italy has pursued integration policies for over 30 years, beginning with laws in the 1970s-1990s mandating inclusion of students with disabilities.
2) Results of inclusion have been extremely positive, including higher IQs for students with Down syndrome, lower costs than special schools, and over 60% of students with disabilities completing upper secondary school.
3) Factors promoting inclusion are smaller class sizes, support teachers, personalized education plans, technology use, and local cooperation between schools and services.
This document summarizes activities from a Comenius Regio project between the Kreis Pinneberg region in Germany and the Emilia Romagna region in Italy. The project aimed to promote European dimensions in education through small but important steps. Activities included making schools more inclusive for students with special needs or immigration backgrounds, improving math and science instruction, and sharing school concepts between the partner regions. Teachers from both countries participated in mobility exchanges and worked together on topics like inclusion, assessing student learning, and developing good math exercises. The document outlines the history and milestones of the project from the German perspective.
This document discusses a partnership project between the Emilia Romagna region of Italy and the Kreis Pinneberg region of Germany. The project aimed to promote inclusion and address challenges in schools like lack of resources and unsatisfactory test results. Initial challenges included different conditions between partners and lack of interest in Germany. Despite this, mobility activities and exchanges between teachers and staff helped motivate participants through curiosity about each other's school systems and culture. Key activities focused on inclusion, welcoming immigrant students, special needs students, and promoting math and science instruction through sharing of projects and practices between the regions.
Learning stations are an innovative teaching tool that allow students to work through different activities focused on a single topic. The document outlines how learning stations are set up, with 4-6 stations each offering different opportunities to learn. Students can work individually, in pairs, or small groups to rotate between stations within a set time period. An example math problem is provided to illustrate how learning stations can be used. The benefits highlighted are that students remain actively engaged, communication and confidence are encouraged, and the teacher is free to provide individual assistance.
The document describes a game that a teacher has created to help students get to know her better. It includes multiple choice questions about her favorite foods, TV shows, sports, animals, activities, and how she expresses happiness and discomfort. The teacher hopes the game will help the students feel closer to her and see her as a friend.
This document describes an arithmetic learning environment called "Father Woodland" that uses a fairy tale context to teach early mathematical concepts to young children. The environment introduces pictorial representations of animals (mouse, cat, goose, dog) along with letters and icons. Definitions are provided that relate the animals quantitatively, such as "two mice are as strong as one cat". This allows children to develop an intuitive understanding of concepts like equality, operations, and early number sense. The document discusses how this environment was adapted for use in Italian schools under the name "Uncle Toby's Old Farm" and provides examples of student work produced using this approach.
Different educational organizations met together where teachers from different school levels worked together and shared experiences, materials, and tools. The document discusses challenges in education and the importance of teamwork, respect, friendship, curiosity, and inclusion. It also lists the top ten skills needed for 2020, including communication, problem solving, critical thinking, and cultural awareness.
002 interculturae as opportunity, no limitgofarusr
1. The document outlines the procedures for welcoming and integrating foreign students in Italian schools.
2. It describes the roles and responsibilities of various parties, including school staff, in registering new students and allocating them to appropriate classes based on their age, education background, and language skills.
3. The goal is to facilitate the students' entry into the school and social systems through language support, collaboration with local authorities, and promoting intercultural understanding.
Raffaele Iosa provides an overview of Italy's model for integrating and including students with disabilities in regular schools. Some key points:
1) Italy has pursued integration policies for over 30 years, beginning with laws in the 1970s-1990s mandating inclusion of students with disabilities.
2) Results of inclusion have been extremely positive, including higher IQs for students with Down syndrome, lower costs than special schools, and over 60% of students with disabilities completing upper secondary school.
3) Factors promoting inclusion are smaller class sizes, support teachers, personalized education plans, technology use, and local cooperation between schools and services.
This document summarizes activities from a Comenius Regio project between the Kreis Pinneberg region in Germany and the Emilia Romagna region in Italy. The project aimed to promote European dimensions in education through small but important steps. Activities included making schools more inclusive for students with special needs or immigration backgrounds, improving math and science instruction, and sharing school concepts between the partner regions. Teachers from both countries participated in mobility exchanges and worked together on topics like inclusion, assessing student learning, and developing good math exercises. The document outlines the history and milestones of the project from the German perspective.
This document discusses a partnership project between the Emilia Romagna region of Italy and the Kreis Pinneberg region of Germany. The project aimed to promote inclusion and address challenges in schools like lack of resources and unsatisfactory test results. Initial challenges included different conditions between partners and lack of interest in Germany. Despite this, mobility activities and exchanges between teachers and staff helped motivate participants through curiosity about each other's school systems and culture. Key activities focused on inclusion, welcoming immigrant students, special needs students, and promoting math and science instruction through sharing of projects and practices between the regions.
Learning stations are an innovative teaching tool that allow students to work through different activities focused on a single topic. The document outlines how learning stations are set up, with 4-6 stations each offering different opportunities to learn. Students can work individually, in pairs, or small groups to rotate between stations within a set time period. An example math problem is provided to illustrate how learning stations can be used. The benefits highlighted are that students remain actively engaged, communication and confidence are encouraged, and the teacher is free to provide individual assistance.
The document describes a game that a teacher has created to help students get to know her better. It includes multiple choice questions about her favorite foods, TV shows, sports, animals, activities, and how she expresses happiness and discomfort. The teacher hopes the game will help the students feel closer to her and see her as a friend.
This document describes an arithmetic learning environment called "Father Woodland" that uses a fairy tale context to teach early mathematical concepts to young children. The environment introduces pictorial representations of animals (mouse, cat, goose, dog) along with letters and icons. Definitions are provided that relate the animals quantitatively, such as "two mice are as strong as one cat". This allows children to develop an intuitive understanding of concepts like equality, operations, and early number sense. The document discusses how this environment was adapted for use in Italian schools under the name "Uncle Toby's Old Farm" and provides examples of student work produced using this approach.
Different educational organizations met together where teachers from different school levels worked together and shared experiences, materials, and tools. The document discusses challenges in education and the importance of teamwork, respect, friendship, curiosity, and inclusion. It also lists the top ten skills needed for 2020, including communication, problem solving, critical thinking, and cultural awareness.
002 interculturae as opportunity, no limitgofarusr
1. The document outlines the procedures for welcoming and integrating foreign students in Italian schools.
2. It describes the roles and responsibilities of various parties, including school staff, in registering new students and allocating them to appropriate classes based on their age, education background, and language skills.
3. The goal is to facilitate the students' entry into the school and social systems through language support, collaboration with local authorities, and promoting intercultural understanding.
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Italy – University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
Across two MOOW events, UNINA students created a wide range of social-impact-focused digital projects. Common themes included mental health, inclusive education, and innovative learning tools:
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La nascita del Sacro Romano Impero di Carlo MagnoGiorgio Guzzetta
Il colore del mare ok
1. IC Ferrari Parma
Scuola Primaria Anna Frank
Classe 4^ B
17 maggio 2012
Docenti: Bacchi Laura, Franco Pasqualina
2. Il colore del mare
Un amico ci ha detto che per riprodurre il colore del mare, dobbiamo mescolare tra loro
quattro diversi colori e ci ha consigliato le rispettive quantità , che sono riportate nella
tabella qui sotto.
Purtroppo abbiamo a disposizione una quantità diversa del primo colore.
Riesci a determinare le quantità degli altri colori, in modo che il colore finale non cambi?
Verde scuro 60 ml 20 ml
Azzurro cielo 90 ml
Giallo chiaro 36 ml
Bianco 45 ml
3. Si ipotizza la soluzione, si calcola e … si prova
4. Si misura e si prepara il colore richiesto … con la quantitÃ
indicata e …
Su 4 gruppi:
• 2 gruppi hanno trovato la soluzione brillantemente ed
in breve tempo;
• 1 gruppo ha impiegato maggior tempo ma è arrivato
alla soluzione corretta
• 1 gruppo non è arrivato alla soluzione.
Le spiegazioni dei percorsi corretti hanno aiutato a capire
anche chi era «uscito di strada».
L’azione concreta ha stimolato i bambini a mettersi alla
prova con entusiasmo.
13. Riflessioni
• Per prima cosa abbiamo ragionato sul testo;
• Abbiamo guardato le misure e abbiamo visto che c’era 60 e
c’era 20;
• Abbiamo pensato che poteva essere 1/3;
• Abbiamo provato a fare 1/3 delle altre misure e ci risultava.
Poteva essere giusto.
• Abbiamo visto la quantità già fatta e abbiamo notato che
20x3 risulta 60;
• Abbiamo diviso (operazione contraria) tutti gli altri numeri
per 3;
• Abbiamo pensato che poteva essere la soluzione.
14. Errori
• Abbiamo sommato i 4 colori;
• Abbiamo sottratto dal totale 20;
• Abbiamo diviso per 3;
• Ci siamo accorti che qualcosa non funzionava, ma
non sapevamo più che passaggi dovevamo fare …
• Ascoltando gli altri e riguardando la tabella abbiamo
notato che non dovevamo partire dalla somma, il
totale ci ha confuso.
• Abbiamo capito il procedimento corretto.