This document provides tips for successful grant writing. It outlines preparing to write a grant by knowing your organization, customers, and audience. This includes understanding your organization's mission, programs, staff, as well as the demographics and needs of those served. It also suggests researching the grant funding source by understanding their goals and past funding. The document provides a checklist of essential grant elements like a summary, problem statement, objectives, methods, evaluation, and budget. It concludes with tips for following up after applying for a grant.
This document provides information about conjugating the verb "to be" in the past tense. It discusses using "was" and "were" for positive and negative statements as well as questions in the past tense. Examples are given to illustrate using "was" and "were" with different subjects in simple past statements, negative statements, questions, and short answers.
This document provides information on forming comparatives and superlatives in English. It discusses how to form comparatives using -er or more for short adjectives and adverbs, and more + adjective/adverb + than for long adjectives and adverbs. It also covers using less + adjective/adverb and as + adjective/adverb + as in comparatives. For superlatives, it explains using -est for short adjectives and the most + adjective for long adjectives, as well as using in/of and ever in superlative constructions. Examples are provided to illustrate each comparative and superlative pattern.
The document provides examples of using too, too much, too many, enough, and very when describing quantities. It explains that too is used with adjectives, too much is used with uncountable nouns, too many is used with plural countable nouns. Enough is used with nouns and adjectives. Very is used to modify adjectives. It then provides practice examples applying these rules.
This document discusses personal pronouns in Spanish including I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. It provides examples of using the verb "to be" with each pronoun such as "I am Mary" and "We are friends." Common nouns that can follow each personal pronoun are also listed such as names for he/she and objects/animals for it. The document concludes with examples to practice using pronouns and verbs.
This document summarizes countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers that can be used with each, and expressions using too, too many, too much, enough. It explains:
- Countable nouns have both singular and plural forms and can be counted, while uncountable nouns only have a singular form and require quantifiers like "some" or "a bit of" to indicate quantity.
- Quantifiers like "many", "much", "a lot of", "a little", and "a few" are used with countable and uncountable nouns depending on whether they refer to something that can be counted or not.
- Expressions like "too + adjective/ad
Presentation about several how to use IaaS with Java and then severalPaaS like Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, CloudBees, Google App Engine and Cloud Foundry for Java.
Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencercodebits
Qtractor is an open source, multi-track audio and MIDI sequencer software for Linux. It uses JACK and ALSA for audio and MIDI functionality. Qtractor provides a traditional multi-track recorder interface and supports unlimited tracks, clips, and plugins. It is developed and maintained by Rui Nuno Capela as a hobby project to enable music creation. Qtractor is still in alpha but fully functional for basic use. Future plans include additional features like automation and effects.
Contribución de la Comunicación Digital a la Estrategia GlobalBursonMarsteller
Intervención de Stephanie Bonnet durante la mesa redonda "Digital PR: retos y soliciones para la comunicación de la empresa en el entorno 2.0", organizada por Burson-Marsteller.
BlasterBands are ankle resistance bands that connect to an ankle cuff and hook under shoelaces. They are designed to strengthen muscles and burn more calories during exercise like running or cycling. A study showed an 11% increase in calories burned while walking with the bands compared to without. The document proposes licensing the BlasterBands product to companies, saying it will be an exciting innovation that enhances existing product lines and brings in additional revenue.
La DefensorÃa del Pueblo ofrece una página web que brinda información sobre derechos humanos y permite presentar quejas. El programa Visión digitaliza quejas, consultas y actuaciones de las seccionales para establecer estadÃsticas sobre grupos vulnerados y derechos humanos. Se recomienda mejorar la comunicación en lÃnea en la seccional Huila, por ejemplo con NetMeeting o un webquest sobre el proceso de quejas.
This document discusses the future of physician payments and accountable care models. It provides an overview of recent observations in healthcare such as the growth of accountable care organizations and transition away from fee-for-service payments. It also summarizes emerging opportunities like meaningful use incentives and accountable care organization initiatives from Medicare and private payers. Key trends in payment reform like the transition to risk-based payments and the role of consumers are also predicted.
Leading open source development team on large scale cloud based systemsJanis Janovskis
The document discusses leading open source development teams on large scale cloud-based systems. It provides examples of cloud architecture and leadership approaches from companies like Save the Children and Wunderkraut. The author emphasizes building trust with teams, assigning roles and boundaries, and using an agile approach. The conclusion outlines a leadership checklist and acknowledges those who have helped with over 1000 publications.
El campesino decidió dejar a su burro en el pozo seco ya que no valÃa la pena sacarlo. Invitó a sus vecinos a tapar el pozo con paladas de tierra, pero el burro usó la tierra para sacudÃrsela, dar pasos hacia arriba y finalmente salir del pozo por su cuenta, demostrando que los problemas pueden usarse como escalones para progresar en lugar de rendirse.
This document provides information about conjugating the verb "to be" in the past tense. It discusses using "was" and "were" for positive and negative statements as well as questions in the past tense. Examples are given to illustrate using "was" and "were" with different subjects in simple past statements, negative statements, questions, and short answers.
This document provides information on forming comparatives and superlatives in English. It discusses how to form comparatives using -er or more for short adjectives and adverbs, and more + adjective/adverb + than for long adjectives and adverbs. It also covers using less + adjective/adverb and as + adjective/adverb + as in comparatives. For superlatives, it explains using -est for short adjectives and the most + adjective for long adjectives, as well as using in/of and ever in superlative constructions. Examples are provided to illustrate each comparative and superlative pattern.
The document provides examples of using too, too much, too many, enough, and very when describing quantities. It explains that too is used with adjectives, too much is used with uncountable nouns, too many is used with plural countable nouns. Enough is used with nouns and adjectives. Very is used to modify adjectives. It then provides practice examples applying these rules.
This document discusses personal pronouns in Spanish including I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. It provides examples of using the verb "to be" with each pronoun such as "I am Mary" and "We are friends." Common nouns that can follow each personal pronoun are also listed such as names for he/she and objects/animals for it. The document concludes with examples to practice using pronouns and verbs.
This document summarizes countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers that can be used with each, and expressions using too, too many, too much, enough. It explains:
- Countable nouns have both singular and plural forms and can be counted, while uncountable nouns only have a singular form and require quantifiers like "some" or "a bit of" to indicate quantity.
- Quantifiers like "many", "much", "a lot of", "a little", and "a few" are used with countable and uncountable nouns depending on whether they refer to something that can be counted or not.
- Expressions like "too + adjective/ad
Presentation about several how to use IaaS with Java and then severalPaaS like Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, CloudBees, Google App Engine and Cloud Foundry for Java.
Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencercodebits
Qtractor is an open source, multi-track audio and MIDI sequencer software for Linux. It uses JACK and ALSA for audio and MIDI functionality. Qtractor provides a traditional multi-track recorder interface and supports unlimited tracks, clips, and plugins. It is developed and maintained by Rui Nuno Capela as a hobby project to enable music creation. Qtractor is still in alpha but fully functional for basic use. Future plans include additional features like automation and effects.
Contribución de la Comunicación Digital a la Estrategia GlobalBursonMarsteller
Intervención de Stephanie Bonnet durante la mesa redonda "Digital PR: retos y soliciones para la comunicación de la empresa en el entorno 2.0", organizada por Burson-Marsteller.
BlasterBands are ankle resistance bands that connect to an ankle cuff and hook under shoelaces. They are designed to strengthen muscles and burn more calories during exercise like running or cycling. A study showed an 11% increase in calories burned while walking with the bands compared to without. The document proposes licensing the BlasterBands product to companies, saying it will be an exciting innovation that enhances existing product lines and brings in additional revenue.
La DefensorÃa del Pueblo ofrece una página web que brinda información sobre derechos humanos y permite presentar quejas. El programa Visión digitaliza quejas, consultas y actuaciones de las seccionales para establecer estadÃsticas sobre grupos vulnerados y derechos humanos. Se recomienda mejorar la comunicación en lÃnea en la seccional Huila, por ejemplo con NetMeeting o un webquest sobre el proceso de quejas.
This document discusses the future of physician payments and accountable care models. It provides an overview of recent observations in healthcare such as the growth of accountable care organizations and transition away from fee-for-service payments. It also summarizes emerging opportunities like meaningful use incentives and accountable care organization initiatives from Medicare and private payers. Key trends in payment reform like the transition to risk-based payments and the role of consumers are also predicted.
Leading open source development team on large scale cloud based systemsJanis Janovskis
The document discusses leading open source development teams on large scale cloud-based systems. It provides examples of cloud architecture and leadership approaches from companies like Save the Children and Wunderkraut. The author emphasizes building trust with teams, assigning roles and boundaries, and using an agile approach. The conclusion outlines a leadership checklist and acknowledges those who have helped with over 1000 publications.
El campesino decidió dejar a su burro en el pozo seco ya que no valÃa la pena sacarlo. Invitó a sus vecinos a tapar el pozo con paladas de tierra, pero el burro usó la tierra para sacudÃrsela, dar pasos hacia arriba y finalmente salir del pozo por su cuenta, demostrando que los problemas pueden usarse como escalones para progresar en lugar de rendirse.
The document discusses a musical week held at a school. Students explained the story of Marti and soundtracked key scenes from the story with props like car horns, drills, and frogs. They recreated sounds of animals like woodpeckers and cuckoos in the forest. A storm arrived in the story and students used church bells and maracas to bring the story to life through sound effects.
The document discusses a musical week at school. Students explained the story of Marti and soundtracked scenes from the story with props like car horns, drills, and frogs. They heard animal sounds like woodpeckers and crickets in the forest until a storm arrived accompanied by church bells. The class also constructed some maracas.
The document discusses a musical week at school. Students explained the story of Marti and soundtracked key scenes with props like car horns, drills, and animal sounds. They walked through the forest until a storm arrived and heard church bells in the distance. The class also constructed some maracas.