The document discusses a musical week held at a school. Students explained the story of Marti and soundtracked key scenes from the story with props like car horns, drills, and frogs. They recreated sounds of animals like woodpeckers and cuckoos in the forest. A storm arrived in the story and students used church bells and maracas to bring the story to life through sound effects.
The document discusses a musical week at school. Students explained the story of Marti and soundtracked scenes from the story with props like car horns, drills, and frogs. They heard animal sounds like woodpeckers and crickets in the forest until a storm arrived accompanied by church bells. The class also constructed some maracas.
The document discusses a musical week at school. Students explained the story of Marti and soundtracked key scenes with props like car horns, drills, and animal sounds. They walked through the forest until a storm arrived and heard church bells in the distance. The class also constructed some maracas.
6. QUINA ESTRUCTURA CREIEU QUE TÉ LA MARXA RADETZKY? ESTRUCTURA: Introducció- A – B – A –pont- C - pont – A – B – A C-D-C-D – C Introducció : fragment massa curt per ser considerat frase,que apareix al principi de la peça i que introdueix la primera frase d’aquesta. Pont : fragment massa curt per ser considerat frase, que apareix en mig de la peça i introdueix la propera frase.
7. METRÒNOM És l’aparell que ens dóna una pulsació regular, la qual nosaltres podem regular segons la rapidesa o lentitud desitjada. En hi ha de dos tipus: 1- Metrònom mecà nic: pèndol 2- Metrònom electrònic: Per practicar a casa, visita: