The document describes the project, which is a randomized controlled trial evaluating a complex intervention to improve uptake of the school-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for adolescents. The trial is being conducted by researchers from several Australian universities and hospitals. The primary aim is to increase HPV vaccination uptake, while secondary aims are to improve vaccination-related psychosocial outcomes and logistical program outcomes. The project is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
This document provides an overview of a project aimed at developing guidance for youth services on effectively using technology to engage young people and promote access to mental health services. The project sought to understand how technology is currently used by young people and services, identify best practices, and provide recommendations. It involved workshops with end users, research from existing literature and examples, and input from a reference group. The resulting guide covers topics like engaging youth, communication technologies, online therapy, research methods, safety, and youth perspectives. It provides evidence from studies on tools like SMS and case studies of current programs. The guide was published as an online wiki and printed resource to help services improve technology-based outreach.
Plant breeding in Australia aims to develop new crop varieties that are adapted to specific environments, resistant to diseases, increase yields, and suitable for domestic and export markets. This is done through analyzing major crops, targeting quality traits, and considering gaps and effects of climate change over 8-12 years. Australia exports wheat, barley, canola, and pulses to various global markets. Resources are allocated to improve traits driven by end users. Climate change may reduce grain protein, micronutrients, and bread quality through elevated CO2 levels. Developing strategies and new varieties that ensure ongoing food and nutrition security considering acceleration of lifestyle diseases is needed.
School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
Presentation given at "Health Literacy Network: Crossing Disciplines, Bridging Gaps", November 26, 2013. The University of Sydney.
Copy and Paste URL for a free MLM recruiting training webinar.
MLM prospecting is just like what the miners use to do in the gold rush days. They would sort and sift through tons of rocks and then finer pieces of dirt to eventually find the gold. That is exactly what prospecting is all about, finding the perfect prospect by the act of MLM prospecting.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai beberapa negara di Amerika Latin seperti Meksiko, Argentina, Brasil, dan Peru. Informasi kunci yang disajikan meliputi lokasi, ciri geografis, sejarah, ekonomi, budaya masyarakat, dan fakta menarik tentang kota-kota besar seperti Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, dan Sao Paulo.
This document describes a proposed mobile application called "Everything Student Life" aimed at connecting students looking for accommodation or to buy and sell items with landlords and other students.
The application would have two main types of users - students searching for accommodation or items (buyers) and landlords and students listing accommodation or items for sale (sellers). It was designed as an iPhone app to be easily accessible to students.
User research in the form of questionnaires and interviews with students informed the design and features of the prototype, which allows buyers to search and view listings and sellers to post advertisements. A user-centered design approach was used and prototypes were tested iteratively based on user feedback to refine the interface.
This document discusses DUS Architects' design and 3D printing of the world's first 3D printed canal house in Amsterdam. Key points include that the architects used 3D printing to test architectural designs through building small 1:1 scale models, and that their goal with the canal house was to demonstrate how 3D printing could be used to print entire buildings on demand in the future in a more personalized and sustainable way. The 3D printed canal house was intended to be an exhibit opening soon in Amsterdam.
Biologic Pathways and Health- From Environmental Exposures to Chronic DiseaseColumbiaPublicHealth
Bruce McEwen, PhD
Alfred E. Mirsky Professor
Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology
The Rockefeller University
Joseph Graziano, PhD
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences
Professor of Pharmacology
Mailman School of Public Health
Dean's Chronic Disease Seminars:
The document summarizes Carissa Bonner's PhD research on using online and mobile cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculators to improve prevention. The research includes 3 studies: 1) a think-aloud study of online calculators, 2) an experiment testing components of online calculators, and 3) an experiment testing components of a mobile app calculator. The goal is to develop and evaluate risk communication strategies that are better understood by patients and clinicians compared to absolute risk scores alone.
El microprocesador es un circuito integrado que contiene los elementos de una unidad central de procesamiento (CPU). Est叩 compuesto de una unidad aritm辿tico-l坦gica, registros de almacenamiento y una unidad de control. Los microprocesadores modernos integran millones de transistores en una c叩psula cuyo tama単o var鱈a seg炭n las aplicaciones.
nPower - IEEE GOLD Volunteer Information Evening Nov 2013IEEE SCV YP
On Nov 4, 2013 the IEEE SCV Graduates of the Last Decade held their Volunteer Information Evening at LinkedIn which brings in a number of organizations from the local San Francisco Bay Area to talk about their organizations. Each organization is given 5 minutes to present, and after the event they set up a booth in which the attendees can gather more information on, and volunteer with their organizations. These are the slides for nPower.
- A randomized controlled trial was conducted to test whether delivering personalized social norms feedback via Facebook could reduce problematic alcohol use among university students.
- Students who screened positive for hazardous drinking were randomly assigned to a control group or intervention group that received messages with norms data and their own drinking behaviors.
- Results found the intervention group significantly reduced their monthly alcohol consumption and frequency at one and three month follow-ups compared to baseline and the control group.
- Perceptions of drinking norms also became significantly more accurate for the intervention group after receiving feedback.
The Long and the Short of It- Telomeres, Aging and Chronic DiseaseColumbiaPublicHealth
Abraham Aviv, MD
Director the Center of Human Development and Aging
Professor of Pediatrics
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Pam Factor-Litvak, PhD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Mailman School of Public Health
Dean's Chronic Disease Seminars:
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai beberapa negara di Amerika Latin seperti Meksiko, Argentina, Brasil, dan Peru. Informasi kunci yang disajikan meliputi lokasi, ciri geografis, sejarah, ekonomi, budaya masyarakat, dan fakta menarik tentang kota-kota besar seperti Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, dan Sao Paulo.
This document describes a proposed mobile application called "Everything Student Life" aimed at connecting students looking for accommodation or to buy and sell items with landlords and other students.
The application would have two main types of users - students searching for accommodation or items (buyers) and landlords and students listing accommodation or items for sale (sellers). It was designed as an iPhone app to be easily accessible to students.
User research in the form of questionnaires and interviews with students informed the design and features of the prototype, which allows buyers to search and view listings and sellers to post advertisements. A user-centered design approach was used and prototypes were tested iteratively based on user feedback to refine the interface.
This document discusses DUS Architects' design and 3D printing of the world's first 3D printed canal house in Amsterdam. Key points include that the architects used 3D printing to test architectural designs through building small 1:1 scale models, and that their goal with the canal house was to demonstrate how 3D printing could be used to print entire buildings on demand in the future in a more personalized and sustainable way. The 3D printed canal house was intended to be an exhibit opening soon in Amsterdam.
Biologic Pathways and Health- From Environmental Exposures to Chronic DiseaseColumbiaPublicHealth
Bruce McEwen, PhD
Alfred E. Mirsky Professor
Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology
The Rockefeller University
Joseph Graziano, PhD
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences
Professor of Pharmacology
Mailman School of Public Health
Dean's Chronic Disease Seminars:
The document summarizes Carissa Bonner's PhD research on using online and mobile cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculators to improve prevention. The research includes 3 studies: 1) a think-aloud study of online calculators, 2) an experiment testing components of online calculators, and 3) an experiment testing components of a mobile app calculator. The goal is to develop and evaluate risk communication strategies that are better understood by patients and clinicians compared to absolute risk scores alone.
El microprocesador es un circuito integrado que contiene los elementos de una unidad central de procesamiento (CPU). Est叩 compuesto de una unidad aritm辿tico-l坦gica, registros de almacenamiento y una unidad de control. Los microprocesadores modernos integran millones de transistores en una c叩psula cuyo tama単o var鱈a seg炭n las aplicaciones.
nPower - IEEE GOLD Volunteer Information Evening Nov 2013IEEE SCV YP
On Nov 4, 2013 the IEEE SCV Graduates of the Last Decade held their Volunteer Information Evening at LinkedIn which brings in a number of organizations from the local San Francisco Bay Area to talk about their organizations. Each organization is given 5 minutes to present, and after the event they set up a booth in which the attendees can gather more information on, and volunteer with their organizations. These are the slides for nPower.
- A randomized controlled trial was conducted to test whether delivering personalized social norms feedback via Facebook could reduce problematic alcohol use among university students.
- Students who screened positive for hazardous drinking were randomly assigned to a control group or intervention group that received messages with norms data and their own drinking behaviors.
- Results found the intervention group significantly reduced their monthly alcohol consumption and frequency at one and three month follow-ups compared to baseline and the control group.
- Perceptions of drinking norms also became significantly more accurate for the intervention group after receiving feedback.
The Long and the Short of It- Telomeres, Aging and Chronic DiseaseColumbiaPublicHealth
Abraham Aviv, MD
Director the Center of Human Development and Aging
Professor of Pediatrics
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Pam Factor-Litvak, PhD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Mailman School of Public Health
Dean's Chronic Disease Seminars:
Basic knowledge and skills about sharestsluvsandorj
This document provides basic information about shares and how to invest in them. It defines what shares are and explains that they are an important way to build wealth by investing in companies rather than just selling your labor. It outlines how to make money from shares through capital growth and dividends. It also describes share markets and how to buy and sell shares, either through a stockbroker firm by opening an account and placing orders, or online brokerages for international trading. The key message is that taking the first step of opening a share trading account is necessary to start investing and seeing results.
Basic knowledge and skills about sharestsluvsandorj
Improving quality teaching and learning in higher education (eu recommendations)
JUNE 2013
Highlighted and compiled by Ts. Luvsandorj
Department of Didactics, University of Education
It has been acknowledged that the slides in this presentation were inserted from the above-mentioned
report with the didactic purpose of informing teaching and learning communities and facilitating them to
keep improving quality of teaching and learning in higher education institutions in Mongolia.
High Level Group on the modernisation of higher Education, REPORT TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION ON
Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europes higher education institutions JUNE 2013, Retrieved from
It has been acknowledged that the slides in this presentation were inserted from the above-mentioned report with the
purpose of informing teaching and learning communities and facilitating them to keep improving quality of teaching and
learning in higher education institutions in Mongolia.
際際滷s compiled by Luvsandorj, Department of Didactics, University of Education, Mongolia