Munkhbat Jamiyan-CVUnuruu DearMunkhbat Jamiyan is the current Secretary General of the Mongolian People's Party. He has held several positions within the Mongolian government and for the Mongolian People's Party since 2002, including assistant roles in the Office of the Speaker of Parliament and the President's office. Jamiyan has also served as President of the Mongolian Youth Development Association and Chief Editor of the "Mongolyn Unen" daily newspaper. He has been the Secretary General of the Mongolian People's Party since 2013.
Munkhbat Jamiyan-CVUnuruu DearMunkhbat Jamiyan is the current Secretary General of the Mongolian People's Party. He has held several positions within the Mongolian government and for the Mongolian People's Party since 2002, including assistant roles in the Office of the Speaker of Parliament and the President's office. Jamiyan has also served as President of the Mongolian Youth Development Association and Chief Editor of the "Mongolyn Unen" daily newspaper. He has been the Secretary General of the Mongolian People's Party since 2013.
Know The Law: What Should You Do If Your Car Is Stopped By The Police?Jason NathuAfter a week of tragic events in the United States, including allegations of police brutality, racially motivated killings and the slaying of five police officers, we thought that we’d ask the question: “What should you do if your car is stopped by the police in Trinidad and Tobago?”
It goes without saying that you should generally be polite and compliant, but there are a few things to keep in mind. These issues are addressed in our third #KnowTheLaw information guide.
The Hugh Wooding Law School Human Rights Law Clinic aims to assist the average citizen to understand how the law works and how it can protect you.
Some of the content in this guide was adapted from the Street Law Handbook produced by our friends at Street Law South Africa.
This information is provided for information purposes only. Of course, if you require legal advice, please contact an attorney-at-law.
B&i2013 donderdag 14.15_zaal_c_the freedom of form and materialBouwmaterialen_InnovatieThe document discusses various structural concepts and designs by Arno Pronk, including inflatable structures, tensile structures, glass structures, and tensegrity structures. It provides details on Pronk's pavilion design for NIMK with Michiel Kluiters, which used inflatable modular elements. It also describes Pronk's work with adjustable mouldings, structural optimization techniques, and his proposal to build a pavilion for the 2015 IASS conference using innovative structural concepts.
Profile-Assisted Crowdfunding - A SurveyAnna FörsterA survey how social profiles of fund-givers can be used to optimise their experience and crowd funding in general. These are only the slides of the presentation. The report with all references can be found under Arxiv with the same title.
Agron 342 mc cleary pwrpntbmcclearyisuThis document discusses genetically modified (GM) crops and some of the key issues surrounding their use. It begins by defining GM crops as organisms that have been genetically altered using biotechnology. It then examines several social, political, environmental, economic, and ethical issues related to GM crops. Socially, some studies have found health issues in people exposed to certain GM crops. Politically, the US does not require GM food labeling while Europe does. Environmentally, there are concerns GM crops could become weeds or invade natural habitats. Economically, a case study found Bt cotton in India increased yields while maintaining similar costs to traditional cotton. Ethically, there are debates around consumer and environmental risks versus benefits.
3.3 australia agenda damien field 20082015 v2Charles Perkins Centre, University of SydneyThe document discusses ensuring soil security to meet increasing global food demand in a sustainable way. Soil security involves maintaining and improving soils to produce food and fiber while protecting ecosystems. It has five dimensions: capability, condition, capital, connectivity, and codification. Assessing capability can help determine suitable land for expanded food production while managing condition sustains productivity without degradation. The dimensions framework focuses thinking on soil and food security challenges and threats.
eResources for open drug discovery, Dr Matthew ToddCharles Perkins Centre, University of SydneyThis document discusses open source efforts to develop new antimalarial drugs. It outlines four series of compounds that have shown potential against malaria but require further optimization. These series are not fully explored and others can utilize the open source infrastructure to investigate them further. The document also describes tools and resources available through the open source malaria initiative, including online lab books, project management, data management, and publishing. It notes student cohorts and collaborations are part of the effort to synthesize new antimalarial compounds.
Pedagogical uses of translationlizethaguirrecastilloThis document discusses the pedagogical uses of translation in language learning. It presents arguments both for and against using translation in language classes. Arguments against translation include interference between the native and target languages and activation of both languages simultaneously. Arguments for translation are that it increases learner confidence and motivation, promotes explicit knowledge of language structures, and helps develop communicative competence. The document also examines current issues in translation such as its role in intercultural communication, the translation process, corpus studies of translation, and the relationship between translation and globalization.
Improving quality teching and learning in higher education (eu reccommendatio...tsluvsandorjHighlights on the report in teaching and learning in higher education are likely to facilitate reviewing and skimming it.
Basic knowledge and skills about sharestsluvsandorjThis document provides basic information about shares and how to invest in them. It defines what shares are and explains that they are an important way to build wealth by investing in companies rather than just selling your labor. It outlines how to make money from shares through capital growth and dividends. It also describes share markets and how to buy and sell shares, either through a stockbroker firm by opening an account and placing orders, or online brokerages for international trading. The key message is that taking the first step of opening a share trading account is necessary to start investing and seeing results.
Плажиаризм (рlagiarism-бусдыг санааг хулгайлах, хууран мэхлэж ашиглах )-аас
(Жич: “Судалгаа хийх гэдэг хулгай, луйвар хийнэ” гэсэн үг биш)
Академик соёл, ёс зүйг баримтлан бүх л бичвэрт ишлэл зүүлтийг тогтсон
стандартын дагуу хийх
Харвардын дүрмийн дагуу хийсэн ишлэл зүүлтийн жишээ
‘ ..Teaching might be regarded as a public service in terms of general educational policy. It is because firstly, it is identified as a profession which
has social functions embedded in a society (Kreber 2002)
“… fair distribution of good and service; equal access for opportunity, opportunity for participation and cost effectiveness (Skovsmose 1994, p.28)…”
Ном зүйн хэсэгт орсон лавлах материалыг тогтсон стандартын дагуу хийх
Halliman, T, M 2005, The normative Culture of a school and student socialization in Hedges,V& Schneider, B (ed.) The school Organization
of schooling, Russell Sage Foundation, New York