Denk aan een delier bij snelle cognitieve achteruitgang (vooral bij bekende dementie), er is altijd een somatische oorzaak, delier heeft een slechte prognose.
Smoking is not only a bad habit, it is harmful and addictive. You can quit it. Remember that every smoker was a nonsmoker once. You could be a nonsmoker again.
Encourage your students to commit random acts of kindness and you'll end up with a calmer classroom, kinder students, better learning environment and a happier school.
This document outlines the health benefits of quitting smoking, noting that benefits begin within 20 minutes of quitting as blood pressure and pulse return to normal. Within 8 hours, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels are halved and oxygen levels return to normal. After 24 hours, carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start clearing out tar buildup. Various health benefits continue improving over time, with risks of heart attack and lung cancer halved within 1 and 10 years respectively.
The document provides information on how to quit smoking and the health benefits of doing so. It states that within 20 minutes of quitting, heart rate drops and carbon monoxide levels return to normal. Various health risks are reduced over time, with stroke risk decreasing to that of a non-smoker within 5-15 years. It also outlines 5 steps to quitting smoking: getting ready, getting support, learning new skills, using medication if recommended, and avoiding relapse. Managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings is important, as is getting support and being prepared to make lifestyle changes. Quitting smoking significantly improves long term health and life expectancy.
Smoking is not only a bad habit, it is harmful and addictive. You can quit it. Remember that every smoker was a nonsmoker once. You could be a nonsmoker again.
Encourage your students to commit random acts of kindness and you'll end up with a calmer classroom, kinder students, better learning environment and a happier school.
This document outlines the health benefits of quitting smoking, noting that benefits begin within 20 minutes of quitting as blood pressure and pulse return to normal. Within 8 hours, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels are halved and oxygen levels return to normal. After 24 hours, carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start clearing out tar buildup. Various health benefits continue improving over time, with risks of heart attack and lung cancer halved within 1 and 10 years respectively.
The document provides information on how to quit smoking and the health benefits of doing so. It states that within 20 minutes of quitting, heart rate drops and carbon monoxide levels return to normal. Various health risks are reduced over time, with stroke risk decreasing to that of a non-smoker within 5-15 years. It also outlines 5 steps to quitting smoking: getting ready, getting support, learning new skills, using medication if recommended, and avoiding relapse. Managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings is important, as is getting support and being prepared to make lifestyle changes. Quitting smoking significantly improves long term health and life expectancy.
De zoektocht naar hulp bij eetstoornissen is als het zoeken van een speld in een hooiberg. Deze ppt geeft meer uitleg over hulpverlening, hulp bij eetstoornissen, verschillende soorten behandeling enz. Wie meer informatie wil kan contact opnemen met de zelfhulpgroep AN-BN: en
1. ‘Angstklachten bij
cliënten in de wijk’
Inge Roes
Verpleegkundig Specialist palliatieve zorg
Lezing Verpleegkundig Vizier 18-06-2015
2. VS palliatieve zorg [PZ]
• Kwaliteit van leven verbeteren
• Door voorkomen en verlichten lijden
• Levensbedreigende ziekte
• Palliatieve fase vs. terminale fase
3. Waar gaan we het over hebben?
Angst, spanning, onrust, schrik, vrezen,
bangheid, beklemdheid, ongerustheid,
benauwdheid, bezorgdheid, nervositeit…..
11. Functioneel
• ADL niet zelfstandig
• Kan huishouden niet organiseren
• Woont sinds enkele maanden in verzorgings-
huis in Nijmegen
12. Maatschappelijk
• Trekt zich terug op haar kamer, snel
• Weduwe, zoon woont in buitenland
• Nicht woont in het westen van Nederland
• Zegt zich eenzaam te voelen
15. Diagnostiek (landelijke richtlijn angst IKNL (2009)
• Gedachten en gevoelens t.a.v. ziekte en
vooruitzichten inventariseren
• Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS)
• Lastmeter
16. Diagnostiek
Exploreer de mogelijke oorzaken van angst
(gebrek aan informatie, (ir)reële verwachtingen
en cognities, organische oorzaken)
17. P/ Risico op angst
E/ hartfalen, COPD, cognitieve problemen,
hyperventilatie, milde depressie in VG
S/ * zegt last te hebben van slijm, hoesten,
dyspnoe kokhalzen, versnelde ademhaling
* cliënt zegt zich angstig te voelen
* verhoogde HADS
22. Interventies mw. Jansen
1. Stappenplan gemaakt i.o.m. cliënt, huisarts,
FT en collega’s
2. Instructie naasten en collega’s (t.a.v. klacht
maar ook alarmsignalen ziekte)
23. Interventies mw. Jansen
3. Inzet FT t.a.v. conditie en ademhaling- en
4. Start vernevelen NACL 2x daags
5. Notitie huisartsenpost