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Revision techniques for KS3's tests - BVIS Ho Chi Minh citybvisvietnam
The document provides tips for effective revision and exam preparation. It recommends not worrying, focusing revision on unknown topics rather than just reviewing what is already known, and planning revision to cover all necessary material by the exam date. It suggests using cues like color, smell, and taste to help remember information. Various revision techniques are outlined, including flashcards, flow charts, mind maps, rhyming, highlighting notes, using post-it notes, reading aloud, and discussing topics with friends. The key is finding the methods that work best for each individual student.
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The document provides information about studying the Cambridge International A Level qualification at BVIS and the benefits it provides. It discusses how A Levels prepare students well for university by developing critical thinking, research, and comprehension skills similar to top universities. It also notes that BVIS graduates have been accepted into top universities worldwide and often secure excellent placements. The document encourages seeking official sources of information when researching universities and applications rather than relying solely on education agents/consultants.
KHTDSS tai lieu ve mon khoa hoc trai dat va su song.pptxduygaoc
Issue 4
1. 1
From Mr Michael Deveney - Principal
Th担ng i畛p t畛 th畉y Michael Deveney - Hi畛u tr動畛ng tr動畛ng BVIS
It was a pleasure to see so many children
participating in extra-curricular activities
this week. Although clubs are optional
they are strongly encouraged because
we see a double opportunity in such an
enrichment programme. Not only is there
a range of skills and experiences on offer,
but we can also be sure that each activity,
by presenting an extension to the day,
will contribute to English language practice and acquisition.
some students were allocated their second choice. Next term
those students will get priority when the clubs change. Primary
clubs begin next week and will offer a similar range of activities.
A letter went home yesterday inviting parents to a Coffee
Morning at 09.00 on Wednesday 28 September in the Main
Hall. At the meeting you will be able to find out how our parent
group can contribute to the school communitys development.
If you could return the replyslip it will help us make the
necessary arrangements.
T担i r畉t vui khi th畉y h畉u h畉t h畛c sinh h叩o h畛c tham gia c叩c c但u
l畉c b畛 ngo畉i kh坦a di畛n ra trong tu畉n qua. M畉c d湛 但y l nh畛ng
c但u l畉c b畛 t湛y ch畛n nh動ng nh畛ng ho畉t 畛ng ngo畉i kh坦a ny
lu担n khuy畉n kh鱈ch h畛c sinh tham gia v狸 hi畛u qu畉 to l畛n t畛 s畛
phong ph炭 c畛a ch動董ng tr狸nh. C叩c c但u l畉c b畛 ny em 畉n l畛i
鱈ch trong vi畛c r竪n luy畛n k畛 nng v c畉 v畛 m畉t th畛c hnh ng担n
ng畛 Ti畉ng Anh th担ng qua nh畛ng ch動董ng tr狸nh h畛c a d畉ng v
h畛u 鱈ch. 畛i v畛i nh畛ng h畛c sinh l畛a ch畛n c但u l畉c b畛 y棚u th鱈ch
nh畉t (l畛a chon 1) nh動ng 達 h畉t ch畛, c叩c em c坦 th畛 tham gia c但u
l畉c b畛 kh叩c (l畛a ch畛n 2) v vo h畛c k狸 sau, nh tr動畛ng s畉 c畛 g畉ng
dnh 動u ti棚n cho nh畛ng h畛c sinh ny. C但u l畉c b畛 ngo畉i kh坦a
kh畛i Ti畛u h畛c v畛i nh畛ng ho畉t 畛ng t動董ng t畛 s畉 動董c b畉t 畉u
vo tu畉n t畛i.
Th動 m畛i tham d畛 Bu畛i Caf辿 S叩ng th但n m畉t vo l炭c 9:00 Th畛
T動 ngy 28 th叩ng 9, 畛 H畛i tr動畛ng ch鱈nh tr動畛ng BVIS 達 動畛c
g畛i v畛 nh cho Qu鱈 Ph畛 huynh vo ngy h担m qua. 但y s畉 l
d畛p 畛 Qu鱈 v畛 t狸m hi畛u v畛 vai tr嘆 c畛a H畛i Ph畛 huynh. S畛 nhi畛t
t狸nh 畛ng h畛 c畛a H畛i Ph畛 huynh lu担n l h畛 tr畛 r畉t l畛n cho nh
tr動畛ng trong t畉t c畉 c叩c ho畉t 畛ng v s畛 ki畛n s畉p t畛i. Nh畉m gi炭p
nh tr動畛ng chu畉n b畛 chu 叩o, Qu鱈 v畛 vui l嘆ng g畛i Phi畉u tr畉 l畛i
cho Gi叩o vi棚n Ch畛 nhi畛m c畛a c叩c em.
From Mr Michael Deveney 1
From Ms Rosy Clark 2-3
From Ms Jacqueline Britton 3-5
From Co Thuy 5
Ian Billings c坦 m畉t 畛 BVIS 6-7
2. 2
F1 Coffee Morning for Parents
On Friday 16th September we had
an excellent turnout for our first
BVIS coffee morning for parents.
A talk was given by Co Tuee about
the settling in period for our very
youngest children followed by a
practical workshop led by Co Tara
and Co Vi about Sensory Learning in an Early Years
setting.As you can see from the photographs, our F1
parents were encouraged to have a go themselves and
explore the textures and materials available. These types
of activities are avery good way of helping children to
develop their language and understanding of theworld
around them.
Caf辿 S叩ng dnh cho Ph畛 huynh l畛p M畉m Non F1
Vo Th畛 S叩u ngy 16 th叩ng 9 v畛a qua, nh tr動畛ng 達 t畛
ch畛c bu畛i Caf辿 S叩ng 畉u ti棚n dnh cho Qu鱈 Ph畛 huynh.
Bu畛i g畉p m畉t m畛 畉u b畉ng bi n坦i chuy畛n c畛a c担 Tu畛 v畛
vi畛c r竪n luy畛n th坦i quen i h畛c 畛i v畛i c叩c b辿 l畛a tu畛i M畉m
Non F1; sau 坦 l ph畉n thuy畉t tr狸nh v畛 Ph動董ng ph叩p tr畛c
quan dnh cho c叩c b辿 nh畛. Nh動 Qu鱈 v畛 c坦 th畛 th畉y b畉ng
h狸nh 畉nh, ph畛 huynh c叩c b辿 F1 動畛c khuy畉n kh鱈ch c湛ng
tham gia v畛i c叩c b辿 畛 t狸m hi畛u v畛 v畉i d畛t v v畉t li畛u k竪m
theo. 但y l nh畛ng ho畉t 畛ng nh畉m gi炭p c叩c em ph叩t tri畛n
kh畉 nng ng担n ng畛 v quan s叩t th畉 gi畛i xung quanh.
From Ms Rosy Clark - Head of Primary School
Th担ng i畛p t畛 C担 Rosy Clark - Ph坦 Hi畛u Tr動畛ng Kh畛i Ti畛u H畛c
House Captains
I would like to congratulate our Primary House Captains
on their appointment to this important role in school.
The children are all members of Class 6B and I hope they
will take their new responsibilities seriously, as well as feel
proud of their position in school. One of their weekly tasks
is to collect the House Points that children throughout the
Primary School have earned for their behaviour, attitude
or learning. We then discover which house has won the
House Cup for the most House Points in our weekly
assembly on Friday mornings. Can your child tell you if
Dalat (green), Hanoi (red), Hue (yellow) or Saigon (blue)
won this week?
畛i tr動畛ng
Ch炭c m畛ng c叩c em h畛c sinh kh畛i Ti畛u h畛c 達 動畛c ch畛n
畛 tr畛 thnh 畛i tr動畛ng. 但y l nh畛ng h畛c sinh c畛a l畛p
6B v t担i hi v畛ng c叩c em t畛 ho v畛 ch畛c v畛 ny v lu担n
nghi棚m t炭c hon thnh t畛t vai tr嘆 c畛a m狸nh. M畛t trong
nh畛ng c担ng vi畛c hng tu畉n c畛a c叩c 畛i tr動畛ng l t畛ng k畉t
nh畛ng i畛m th動畛ng c畛a 畛i m c叩c h畛c sinh c畛a kh畛i
Ti畛u h畛c 畉t 動畛c v狸 c叩ch hnh x畛 ho畉c th叩i 畛 h畛c t畉p
t畛t. Sau 坦, nh tr動畛ng s畉 trao c炭p cho 畛i 動畛c nhi畛u
i畛m th動畛ng nh畉t ngay trong Bu畛i Th畉o Lu畉n hng tu畉n
vo s叩ng th畛 S叩u. Li畛u c叩c em c坦 th畛 o叩n 動畛c 畛i
L畉t (xanh l叩), H N畛i (畛), Hu畉 (vng) hay Si G嘆n (xanh
bi畛n) o畉t c炭p trong tu畉n ny kh担ng?
3. 3
End of school
A 10 week programme of Extra Curricular Activities for
Primary children at BVIS begins on
Monday 26th September. Children are looking forward
to developing their skills in clubs ranging from animated
story club to i-robot. A reminder that school finishes at
14:35 unless your child is participating in a club. If you
have made an arrangement with the class teachers, your
childs older sibling may take responsibility for him/her in
the library after school until you are able to collect them.
However, unaccompanied Primary children must wait in
room 013B on the ground floor. Please remember that
the children have had a busy, challenging day at school
learning intwo languages so collecting them on time is
very important.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Speeches were the focus of this weeks PSHE lessons with
the goal of being elected onto the first ever BVIS Student
Council. I was really impressed by how well prepared the
students were. There were many interesting points made
as to what ideas the candidate had should they be voted
as Form Class Representative.Congratulations to those
students who were elected.I will introduce you to each
student in next weeks newsletter.
Tr畛ng t但m c畛a bu畛i Gi叩o D畛c C担ng D但n tu畉n ny l
nh畛ng bi ph叩t bi畛u c畛a c叩c em h畛c sinh nh畉m m畛c ti棚u
ph畉n 畉u 畛 動畛c ch畛n vo H畛i H畛c sinh c畛a tr動畛ng. T担i
r畉t hoan ngh棚nh v畛 s畛 chu畉n b畛 chu 叩o c畛a c叩c em. C叩c
em 達 動a ra nh畛ng l箪 l畉 r畉t th炭 v畛 v畛 vi畛c t畉i sao c叩c em tr畛
thnh ng動畛i 畉i di畛n c畛a l畛p. Xin ch炭c m畛ng nh畛ng h畛c
sinh 達 動畛c b畉u ch畛n v t担i s畉 gi畛i thi畛u v畛 t畛ng h畛c sinh
trong Th動 Th担ng B叩o tu畉n sau.
Gi畛 ra v畛
10 tu畉n dnh cho ch動董ng tr狸nh ngo畉i kh坦a c畛a kh畛i Ti畛u
h畛c s畉 b畉t 畉u vo th畛 Hai, ngy 26 th叩ng 9 nm 2011.
C叩c em h畛c sinh ang ch畛 畛i tham gia c叩c l畛p ny nh畉m
ph叩t tri畛n k畛 nng th担ng qua nh畛ng ho畉t 畛ng phong ph炭
t畛 c但u l畉c b畛 truy畛n tranh sinh 畛ng 畉n ch畉 t畉o robot.
T担i c滴ng xin nh畉c Qu鱈 v畛 v畛 gi畛 ra v畛 c畛a kh畛i Ti畛u h畛c l
14:35 tr畛 khi c叩c em tham gia c但u l畉c b畛 ngo畉i kh坦a. N畉u
Qu鱈 v畛 達 th担ng b叩o v畛i Gi叩o vi棚n Ch畛 nhi畛m v畛 vi畛c 畉n
坦n tr畛, anh trai ho畉c ch畛 g叩i c畛a c叩c b辿 c坦 th畛 tr担ng coi
em c畛a m狸nh t畉i ph嘆ng th動 vi棚n cho 畉n khi Qu鱈 v畛 t畛i
坦n. Tuy nhi棚n, 畛i v畛i nh畛ng b辿 kh担ng c坦 s畛 gi叩m s叩t
c畛a anh ho畉c ch畛, c叩c b辿 ph畉i 畛i t畉i ph嘆ng 013B t畉ng tr畛t
c畛a tr動畛ng. Qu鱈 Ph畛 huynh vui l嘆ng 坦n c叩c b辿 炭ng gi畛
v狸 但y l vi畛c r畉t quan tr畛ng 畛i v畛i c叩c em sau khi k畉t th炭c
m畛t ngy h畛c t畉p b畉n r畛n 畛 tr動畛ng.
C畉m 董n s畛 h畛p t叩c c畛a Qu鱈 Ph畛 huynh!
From Ms Rosy Clark - Head of Primary School
Th担ng i畛p t畛 C担 Rosy Clark - Ph坦 Hi畛u Tr動畛ng Kh畛i Ti畛u H畛c
From Ms Jacqueline Britton - KS3 Coordinator
Th担ng i畛p t畛 Jacqueline Britton - Kh畛i Tr動畛ng Kh畛i Trung H畛c
4. 4
If music be the food of love, play on William Shakespeare.
Miss Witton amazed us by singing the song Big Yellow
Taxi to the whole school in assembly this week. She wanted
to introduce BVIS Secondary School Choir Practices
to be held every Wednesday at lunch time in the Music
Room. All students are encouraged to come along.
畛i H畛p x動畛ng
N畉u 但m nh畉c l m坦n n c畛a t狸nh y棚u, h達y t畉n d畛ng n坦
William Shakespeare. Trong Bu畛i Th畉o Lu畉n tu畉n qua,
c担 Witton 達 lm m畛i ng動畛i ng畉c nhi棚n th鱈ch th炭 khi c畉t
gi畛ng h叩t bi Big Yellow Taxi. C担 Witton 達 gi畛i thi畛u v畛
l畛ch luy畛n t畉p c畛a 畛i H畛p x動畛ng Kh畛i Trung h畛c vo m畛i
gi畛 tr動a th畛 T動 hng tu畉n, t畉i ph嘆ng m Nh畉c. T畉t c畉 h畛c
snh 畛u 動畛c khuy畉n kh鱈ch tham gia.
Extra Mile Board
The Extra Mile Board this week has been filled by work
completed by a group of students in 8B. They were
working on a Maths project which was dedicated to Maths
Terminology. Well done to them, 5 House Points each.
B畉ng Th担ng Tin
B畉ng Th担ng Tin tu畉n ny s畉 th畛 hi畛n nh畛ng t叩c ph畉m 動畛c
th畛c hi畛n b畛i nh坦m h畛c sinh l畛p 8B. 但y l 畛 叩n v畛 nh畛ng
thu畉t ng畛 To叩n c畛a b畛 m担n To叩n h畛c. Hoan ngh棚nh c叩c em!
M畛i em s畉 動畛c 5 i畛m th動畛ng v畛 cho 畛i c畛a m狸nh.
From Left to Right: Le Vy, Thanh Huy, Harry, Viet Duy,
Emily, Helen, Le Anh
Clean Up The World BVIS Caring for the Environment
This is a community based environmental campaign that
inspires and empowers communities from
every corner of the globe to clean up, fix up and conserve
their environment. Now in its 19th year, Clean Up the
World, mobilises an estimated 35 million volunteers
from 130 countries annually, making it one of the largest
communitybased environmental campaigns in the world.
Examples of projects undertaken include:
Recycling and resource recovery
Tree planting
Education campaigns
Water reuse and conservation
Fix up projects
Our students were encouraged to make a difference, no
matter how small, to cleaning up the world.
Th畉 gi畛i s畉ch BVIS b畉o v畛 m担i tr動畛ng
Cu畛i tu畉n tr動畛c l ngy ch鱈nh th畛c c畛a ch動董ng tr狸nh Lm
s畉ch m担i tr動畛ng. 但y l chi畉n d畛ch c畛ng 畛ng nh畉m khuy畉n
From Ms Jacqueline Britton - KS3 Coordinator
Th担ng i畛p t畛 Jacqueline Britton - Kh畛i Tr動畛ng Kh畛i Trung H畛c
5. 5
Startingwiththe themeFamily,Year 8Vietnamesestudents
are studying a journal called C畛ng Tr動畛ng M畛 Ra, written
by L箪 Lan. The students are exploring the literary features
of journal and letter writing text types. This week they were
learning and practising words, phrases and sentences to do
with description and emotion. They have been having fun
with language games and we are looking forward to reading
their creative writing in this genre.
kh鱈ch m畛i ng動畛i 畛 kh畉p n董i tr棚n Tr叩i 畉t thu d畛n, c畉i t畉o v
gi畛 g狸n m担i tr動畛ng s畉ch. 但y l nm th畛 19 c畛a chi畉n d畛ch
ny. Hng nm, ho畉t 畛ng 達 huy 畛ng kho畉ng 35 tri畛u t狸nh
nguy畛n vi棚n 畉n t畛 130 qu畛c gia, 動a chi畉n d畛ch ny tr畛
thnh m畛t trong nh畛ng ch動董ng tr狸nh c畛ng 畛ng l畛n nh畉t
th畉 gi畛i. Nh畛ng k畉 ho畉ch i畛n h狸nh m chi畉n d畛ch cam k畉t
th畛c hi畛n:
Tr畛ng c但y
Chi畉n d畛ch gi叩o d畛c
T叩i s畛 d畛ng n動畛c v b畉o t畛n thi棚n nhi棚n
Thi ua
Tri畛n l達m
i畛u ch畛nh d畛 叩n
H畛c sinh tr動畛ng BVIS lu担n 動畛c khuy畉n kh鱈ch 坦ng g坦p
vo chi畉n d畛ch ny, d湛 ch畛 b畉ng nh畛ng hnh 畛ng nh畛, 畛
gi畛 g狸n v b畉o v畛 m担i tr動畛ng.
B畉t 畉u v畛i ch畛 畛 Gia 狸nh, c叩c em h畛c sinh l畛p 8 ang
t狸m hi畛u v畛 bi vi畉t c畛a L箪 Lan C畛ng Tr動畛ng M畛 Ra. C叩c
em th鱈ch th炭 kh叩m ph叩 c叩ch hnh vn c畛a b叩o ch鱈 v th動 t畛.
Tu畉n ny, h畛c sinh 達 動畛c h畛c v th畛c hnh c叩ch d湛ng t畛
ng畛, c炭 ph叩p c但u v di畛n t畉 thnh o畉n vn v畛i vi畛c mi棚u t畉
xen l畉n v畛i th畛 hi畛n c畉m x炭c c畛a ng動畛i vi畉t. C叩c em 達 tr畉i
qua kho畉ng th畛i gian th炭 v畛 khi ch董i nh畛ng tr嘆 ch董i ng担n
ng畛 v ch炭ng t担i mong 畛i s畉縦動畛c xem nh畛ng bi vi畉t s叩ng
t畉o c畛a c叩c em trong tu畉n t畛i.
From Co Thuy - Vietnamese Teacher
Th担ng i畛p t畛 C担 Th湛y Gi叩o vi棚n m担n Ti畉ng Vi畛t
From Ms Jacqueline Britton - KS3 Coordinator
Th担ng i畛p t畛 Jacqueline Britton - Kh畛i Tr動畛ng Kh畛i Trung H畛c